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ema Lh tt Ys —————— ee Eres ee sma ed | ci cc Marie McLisky PUBLIC RELATIONS in Higher Education Studies ea Marie McLisky English for PUBLIC RELATIONS in Higher Education Studies Course Book Series editor: Terry Phillips e52p) ae Pcksted by Game Pablshing txt Souham Cout Soa Suet Feecing AGT 405, UK wow garneteducation com Copyright © 2011 Garnet Publishing ltd “The right of Mare Mclisky to be identified as the author ofthis work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988, All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in 2 retvieval system, or wansmitted in any form os by any means, ‘lectonic, mechanical, photocopying recording or ‘otherwise, without the prior permission ofthe Publisher. ‘Any person who does any unauthorized actin relation to ‘this publication may be lable to criminal prosecution and civil aims for damages First published 2011 ISBN 978 1.85964 532 1 Bris Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book s available from the British Library Production Series editor: Terr Philips Project management: Claire Forsyth Editorial team: Penny Analyts, Louse kins, Clare Forsyth, Amand lie, Karen KinnaitPugh Academic review: Sally Chalmers Design Chista Helen Barnet, Nei Colle, Mike Hinks, Bob House sustrations: Doug Nash Photography: gettyimages cam, clipart com,,istack com ‘Audio recorded at Motivation Sound Stusios produced by EFS Televison Production Ld. ‘The author and publisher would tke to thank the following ‘or permission to reproduce copyright material Definitions from the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dicionary on page 15 reproduced with kind persion of Cambridge Unvetsy ress; resuit stings on page 35 with kind permission of Google; ‘eter logo on page 39 from wun sheteorg uk; CARE logo on ‘page 39 reproduced with kind permission of CARE Internationa ‘CARE is aninteratonal hmantaran orgniaton fighting lob poverty, with a sped focus on working with women and Gil tobxing lasting charge intel commurits; UNICEF aga an age 39 reproduced with kind permission of UNICEF, Amnesty Intemational loge on page 39 from ‘ww amnestyintemational com; Soke Poverty logo rom wr solrepoverycom; case study on page 49 reproduced with kind permission of Ino Pac aelman, text on page 51 reproduced with kind permisson of Jonathan Bernstein; Lonion School of P, Jakarta logo on page 55 fr vn Spe ‘raphs on page 58 reproduced with kind permssion of indo Pacfic Edelman; data for table on page 74 and graph on page 75, ‘rom wan. cr; mage on page 4 fom -np/leeen wordpress. conv2008/11/263; text on page 95 frm spy cir couse éefaulflesSoca 6 20Media% 206 ines pef January 2008) repos on pages 98-99 reproduced ‘wth kind permisson of indo Pace Edelman, graphs on page 99 reproduced with kind permsion of Ino Pace Edelman, very effet has been made to race copyright holders and we apologize in advance for any unintetona’ isin. We wl be hapey to inser the appropiate acknowledgements in any subsequent editors. Printed and bound in Lebanon by International Press:

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