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Kensey Edwards Methods March 14, 2019

Title: Designing a Website with HTML coding Accommodations/ Modifications

Time: 20 minutes
Materials Needed: Laptop or Desktop and access to internet to  If the student has lost internet privileges then they will
use Mozilla Thimble code their homework or notes on Microsoft Word or
Note Pad and print them off to hand in to grade. The
Lesson Objective(s): Code the Heading and paragraphs with Student will also create the website using Word and
unordered list then have the codes turned into me through Word.

Standards Addressed: DPGA DC 1  If a student does not have access to internet at home
then I will be available before school and after school
Before the Lesson: several times a week for them to come in early or stay
after to work on their project.
Show the example of the website they will be creating

During the Lesson (Procedure): Modifications

 Students who may not have access to internet at home
Instructional Input:
and cannot come in before or after school to work on
As a teacher, I will walk them through the coding step by step their project could be allowed more time in random
and explain what each code means and does. rough draft check ins if they have worked during class
Model: and used free time wisely.
The model I will use is the finished product that I have finished
prior to class. I will also be putting the code on the projector for
them to view as we work through it in class together.
Check for Understanding:
As we work through it together I will have them publish the
website throughout the assignment to make sure that the
assignment is looking like mine and have them check with each
other if there are issues or something is not looking correct.
Guided Practice:
The coding is a step by step guided practice that will allow
students to ask questions as the class moves forward.
Independent Practice:
For independent practice the students will create a new project
and design a very basic beginning of a website to something of
their interest that they will continuously work on as they learn
new codes and how to create a stylesheet. Their final website will
be a project that they will turn in at the end of the semester for a

After the Lesson:

Closure (summary):
After the lesson students will then research topics for their big
project. If they have already chosen a topic then they will
research information to put into their website.

Follow-up Activities (may be done as

For homework the students are expected to come to class
tomorrow with a topic for their final website.

The website that they are creating individually will be homework

that they will work on throughout the semester. The final product
is due at the end of the semester but there will be rough draft
check ins randomly throughout the semester.

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