The Middle Class Grows The Economy, Not The Rich

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• Middle Class

• A class of people in the middle of a social hierarchy

• A group of people that do not belong to the other socio-economic classes of
• upperclass or the ones that control the wealth of a society
• lowerclass or the ones that need help from the society to survive
• working class or those that live from their own work to survive day to day
but would not survive without the work.

“The middle class grows the economy, not the rich"

• They have disposable income and are able to buy the latest gadgets and
trends unlike the working class which can only purchase necessities.
• A strong middle class is a prerequisite for entrepreneurship and innovation,
a source of trust that can make business transactions more efficient.
• Middle class is influential to a country’s economic growth and investment
such as when middle-class families can no longer afford to buy goods and
services that’s businesses offer, it drags down the entire economy from top
to bottom.
• People who belong to the middle class invest more in education.
Middle Class around the world
• There are differences across middle classes around the world and middle-
class dynamics in low- and middle-income countries are quite diverse and
also exhibit very different features.
The Middle Class and Environmental Challenges
• Those who belong to the middle class are the ones with disposable income,
hence, the ability to do something with their time.
• The role of middle class in environmental protection is large. Due to the
attainment of a higher degree of education, they are more knowledgeable
of the environmental issues that our world is experiencing and may even
pose some solutions to the recurring problem.
The Middle Class and Democracy
• The most important way a strong middle class boosts economic growth is
by creating better governance.
• Midland (2011) stated that the middle class promotes efficient and honest
delivery of government services as a well as forward looking public
investments such as education and infrastructure. Such governance sets
the stage for economic growth.
• There is also a negative impact when the middle class is weak, the
government tends to operate poorly as the wealthy use their power and
influence to secure special favors.
• The middle class depend more on public services than the rich so they have
a stronger interest in promoting foresighted policies and making
government work.

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