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TLED 430

TPACK Template Mobile Applications Assignment

Mobile Application for Creating Mobile Application for Collaborating

Subject Science

Grade Level Fifth Grade Fifth Grade

Learning Objective The student will investigate and understand how
The student will investigate and understand how Earth’s surface is constantly changing.
Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Key concepts include
Key concepts include b) the rock cycle and how

a) identification of rock types; transformations between rocks


Complete the My students are using the Stick Around mobile My students are using the Voice Thread
sentences to the right. application on their cell phone or tablet to create a mobile application on their individual cell phones
puzzle identifying the three different types of rocks or tablets to collaborate with their peers and to
(igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic). create a presentation on the rock cycle.
Pedagogy Planning
TLED 430

Activity The goal for this lesson is to introduce and identify The goal for this lesson is to introduce students to
the three types of rocks. The teacher will introduce the rock cycle and students will be using Voice
the topic with a brief overview before diving into Thread to create a presentation about the rock
the activity. The students will be creating a cycle. They will be commenting on each others
“puzzle” on the Stick Around app of the three types presentations to give their peers feedback. The
of rock formations. The teacher will show the teacher will show the students how to log in to the
students using an iPad how to get to the Stick Voice Thread app and create a new presentation.
Around app and use it. For this assignment the Students will create their presentation on the rock
students should include the 3 types of rocks and cycle through PowerPoint before uploading to
how they are formed. The teacher can give an Voice Thread. The power point should include the
example of what is expected by showing students rock cycle, transformations and pictures. Once
an example. Once in the app students will click logged into voice thread students should hit the
“projects” tab and then the “add project” button. create button. Then add media>my computer> and
The students will click “create new project” and upload their project. Once the project is uploaded
they can choose template. Once they choose their to Voice Thread click the pencil icon on each slide
template they can begin editing. To replace the text and record your voice. Continue until each slide is
in the text box, click “background” and begin complete. When the presentation is complete copy
typing. To add more text boxes, click the “stickers” and paste the url onto the class webpage so that
tab and drag and drop the new text box where you your peers can access the voice thread to leave
want it. Repeat this step as needed. Once they are comments. To leave a comment click the icon on
done adding the information go to the “answer the right side to either type or record a comment.
key” tab and color coded answer key regions will
appear. Bind stickers to the correct region by
moving it with in the region. You will know its
bound when the region jumps. Repeat for each
sticker. Once they have added information if they
have time they can go to the stickers tab to add
pictures. When the puzzle is complete go to the
“play” tab to test out the puzzle. Finally go to the
info and add title to the puzzle. Go to the upper left

to save your puzzle before going to the icon that

looks like a square with an arrow to export your
puzzle so that other people can play it.
TLED 430

Technology Name of the Mobile Stick Around Voice Thread


App Store Where Apple App Store Apple App Store

Mobile Application is
Available (e.g. Apple
App Store, Google Play

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