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Directions(1-5): In the following questions, two equations numbered are given in variables
x and y. You have to solve both the equations and find out the relationship between x and y.
Then give answer accordingly:
I. 3x² – 13x – 30 = 0,
II. 3y² + 17y + 20 = 0
A. If x > y
B. If x < y
C. If x ≥ y
D. If x ≤ y
E. If x = y or relation cannot be established

2. I. 3x² – 5x – 28 = 0,
II. 3y² – 32y – 35 = 0
A. If x > y
B. If x < y
C. If x ≥ y
D. If x ≤ y
E. If x = y or relation cannot be established

3. I. 3x² – 10x – 8 = 0,
II. 2y² + 17y + 30 = 0
A. If x > y
B. If x < y
C. If x ≥ y
D. If x ≤ y
E. If x = y or relation cannot be established

4. I. 2x² – x – 28 = 0,
II. 3y² + 4y – 15 = 0
A. If x > y
B. If x < y
C. If x ≥ y
D. If x ≤ y
E. If x = y or relation cannot be established

5. I. 3x²– 22x + 24 = 0,
II. 2y² – 25y + 78 = 0
A. If x > y
B. If x < y
C. If x ≥ y
D. If x ≤ y
E. If x = y or relation cannot be established

6. A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 m. The thief starts running and
the policeman chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km and 11 km
per hour respectively. What is the distance between them after 6 minutes?
A. 100m
B. 200m
C. 300m
D. 400m
E. 500m

7. John travelled from his town to city. John went to city by bicycle at the speed of 25 km/h
and came back at the speed of 4 km/h. If John took 5 hours and 48 min to complete his
journey, what is the distance between town and city ?
A. 20 km
B. 30 km
C. 40 km
D. 50 km
E. 60 km

8. A car takes 6 hours to cover a distance of 540 Km. how much should the speed in Kmph
be maintained to cover the same direction in 3/2th of the previous time?
A. 70 km/hr
B. 75 km/hr
C. 60 km/hr
D. 65 km/hr
E. 70 km/hr

9. An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover the
same distance in 5/3 hours, it must travel at a speed of:
A. 750 km/hr
B. 720 km/hr
C. 730 km/hr
D. 740 km/hr
E. 800 km/hr

10. The distance between two cities A and B is 330 Km. A train starts from A at 8 a.m. and
travel towards B at 60 km/hr. Another train starts from B at 9 a.m and travels towards A at
75 Km/hr. At what time do they meet?
A. 13 A.M
B. 15 A.M
C. 12 A.M
D. 11 A.M
E. 16 A.M

11. Ram walks at a speed of 12 km/h. Today the day was very hot so walked at ⅚ of his
average speed. He arrived his school 10 minutes late. Find the usual time he takes to cover
distance between his school and home ?
A. 40 mins
B. 50 mins
C. 60 mins

D. 70 mins
E. 80 mins

12. A hall is 15 m long and 12 m broad. If the sum of the areas of the floor and the ceiling is
equal to the sum of the areas of four walls, the volume of the hall is:
A. 1300 m³
B. 1400 m³
C. 1500 m³
D. 1600 m³
E. 1200 m³

13. What is the surface area of a cone with radius 4 cm and slant 8 cm?
A. 150. 52 cm²
B. 160. 72 cm²
C. 150.72 cm²
D. 160.72 cm²
E. 180. 50 cm²

14. What is the surface area of a cylinder with radius 7 cm and height 5 cm?
A. 530 cm²
B. 528 cm²
C. 526cm²
D. 536 cm²
E. 540 cm²

15. A right triangle with sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm is rotated the side of 3 cm to form a
cone. The volume of the cone so formed is:
A. 37.68 cm³
B. 37.69 cm³
C. 38. 68 cm³
D. 37.68 cm³
E. 40 cm³

16. If each edge of a cube is increased by 50%, find the percentage increase in Its surface
A. 120%
B. 125%
C. 130%
D. 140%
E. 135

17. A man can row a boat at 15 kmph in still water and the speed of the stream is 8 kmph.
What is the time taken to row a distance of 115 km down the stream ?
A. 4 km/hr
B. 3 km/hr
C. 5 km/hr
D. 6 km/hr
E. 7 km/hr

18. If athul rows 16 km upstream and 24 km down steam taking 4 hours each, then the
speed of the
A. 1 km/hr
B. 2 km/hr
C. 3 km/hr
D. 4 km/hr
E. 5 km/hr

19. A boat can travel with a speed of 16 km/hr in still water. If the rate of stream is 5
km/hr, then find the time taken by the boat to cover distance of 84 km downstream.
A. 3 hours
B. 4 hours
C. 5 hours
D. 6 hours
E. 7 hours

20. A man rows 750 m in 675 seconds against the stream and returns in 7 and half minutes.
His rowing speed in still water is:
A. 6 kmph
B. 7 kmph
C. 8 kmph
D. 9 kmph
E. 5 kmph

21. If a boat goes 7 km upstream in 42 minutes and the speed of the stream is 3 kmph, then
the speed of the boat in still water is:
A. 12 kmph
B. 13 kmph
C. 14 kmph
D. 15 kmph
E. 16 kmph

22. If Rahul rows 15 km upstream in 3 hours and 21 km downstream in 3 hours, then the
speed of the stream is:
A. 1 kmph
B. 2 kmph
C. 3 kmph
D. 4 kmph
E. 5kmph

23. Direction for the question(23-25): Refer to the following Bar-chart and answer the
questions that follow:

23. What is the average value of the contract secured during the years shown in the
A. Rs. 103.48 crore
B. Rs. 105 crore
C. Rs. 100 crore
D. Rs.125.2 crore

24. Compared to the performance in 1985 (i.e. taking it as the base), what can you say
about the performances in the years ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88 respectively, in percentage
A. 150, 100, 211, 216, 97
B. 100, 67, 141, 144, 65
C.150, 100, 200, 215, 100
D. 120, 100, 220, 230, 68

25. Which is the year in which the highest percentage decline is seen in the value of
contract secured compared to the preceding year?
A. 1985
B. 1988
C. 1984
D. 1986

Direction for the questions(26-30): The table below shows the estimated cost (in Rs. Lakh)
of a project of laying a railway line between two places.

26. The total expenditure is required to be kept within Rs. 700 lakh by cutting the
expenditure on administration equally in all the years. What will be the percentage cut for
A. 22.6
B. 32.6
C. 42.5
D. 52.6

27. If the length of line to be laid each year is in proportion to the estimated cost for
material and labour, what fraction of the total length is proposed to be completed by the
third year?
A. 0.9
B. 0.7
C. 0.6
D. 0.3

28. What is the approximate ratio of the total cost of materials for all the years to the total
labour cost?
A. 4 : 1
B. 8 : 1
C. 12:1
D. 16 : 1

29. If the cost of materialsrise by 5% each year from 1990 onwards, by how much will the
estimated cost rise?
A. Rs. 11.4 lakh
B. Rs. 16.4 lakh
C. Rs.21.4 lakh
D. Rs.26.4 lakh

30. It is found at the end of 1990, that the entire amount estimated for the project has been
spent. If for 1991, the actual amount spent was equal to that which was estimated, by what
percent (approximately) has the actual expenditure exceeded the estimated expenditure?
A. 39
B. 29
C. 19
D. 9

31. A and B started a partnership business investing Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 15,000 respectively.
C joined them with Rs. 20,000 After six months. Calculate B's share in total profit of Rs.
25,000 earned at the end of 2 years from the starting of the business?
A. Rs.9000
B. Rs.7500
C. Rs.5000
D. Rs.6500
E. None of these

32. In a business A invested 1/3rd of total investment in 1/3rd of period of investment, B
invested 1/4th of total investment in 1/4th of period of investment and remaining was
invested by C in remaining period. Then the ratio's between their shares is:
A. 25:9:16
B. 9:25:16
C. 16:9:25
D. 25:16:9
E. None of these

33. In a business A invested 3 times that of B and the period of investment of A is 2 times
that of B. Then their profit ratio is:
A. 6:1
B. 1:6
C. 3:2
D. 2:3
E. None of these

34. A and B invested in a business in the ratio 2:3 and the ratio of their period of
investment is 4:5. Then their profit ratio is:
A. 10:12
B. 15:08
C. 8:15
D. 12:10
E. None of these

35. A,B invested Rs.20,000/- and Rs.25,000/- respectively in a business. The 20% of profits
goes to charities. The rest being divided in proportion to their capitals out of a total profit
of Rs.9000/-. The A's share is:
A. Rs.4000/-
B. Rs.5000/-
C. Rs.3200/-
D. Rs.3600/-
E. None of these

Answer With Explantion

1. Answer: C. If x ≥ y
3x² – 13x – 30 = 0
x = -5/3, 6
3y² + 17y + 20 = 0
y = -4, -5/3
Put all values on number line and analyze the relationship
-4…….. -5/3…….6
Therefore x ≥ y.

2. Answer: E. If x = y or relation cannot be established


3x² – 5x – 28 = 0
x = -7/3, 4
3y² – 32y – 35 = 0
y = -7/3, 5
Put all values on number line and analyze the relationship
-7/3…….. 4………5

3. Answer: A. If x > y
3x² – 10x – 8 = 0
x = -2/3, 4
2y² + 17y + 30 = 0
y = -6, -5/2
Put all values on number line and analyze the relationship
-6…….. -5/2…….-2/3……….4
Therefore x > y.

4. Answer: E. If x = y or relation cannot be established

2x² – x – 28 = 0
x = -7/2, 4
3y² + 4y – 15 = 0
y = -3, 5/3
Put all values on number line and analyze the relationship
-7/2…….. -3…….5/3……..4

5. Answer: D. If x ≤ y
3x²– 22x + 24 = 0
x = 4/3, 6
2y² – 25y + 78 = 0
y = 6, 13/2
Put all values on number line and analyze the relationship
4/3…….. 6……….13/2
Therefore x ≥ y.

6. Answer: A. 100 m
Relative speed of the thief and policeman = (11 – 10) km/hr
= 1 km/hr
Distance covered in 6 minutes = (1000/60) * 6
= 100m
Distance between the thief and policeman = (200 – 100) m
= 100 m.

7. Answer: A. 20 km
Average speed of John = 2xy/(x+y)

= (2 × 25 × 4) /( 25 + 4)
= 200/29 km/h
Distance traveled = Speed × Time
= (200/29) × (29/5)
= 40 Km
Distance between city and town = 40/2
= 20 km

8. Answer: C. 60 km/hr
A car takes 6 hours to cover a distance of 540 Km.
3/2th of 6 hours = 6 * 3/2
= 9 Hours
Required speed = 540/9
= 60 Kmph

9. Answer: B. 720 km/hr

Distance = (240 x 5) = 1200 km.
Speed = Distance/Time
Speed = 1200/(5/3)
= 1200 * (3/5)
= 720 km/hr

10. Answer: D. 11 A.M.

Suppose they meet x hrs after 8 a.m
then, [Distance moved by first in x hrs] + [Distance moved by second in (x-1) hrs] = 330.
Therefore, 60x + 75(x-1) = 330
60x + 75x – 75 = 330
135x = 330 + 75
135x = 405
x = 405 / 135
So,they meet at (8+3) i.e, 11a.m.

11. Answer: B. 50 mins

If Ram is walking at ⅚ of his usual speed that means he is taking 6/5 of using time.
6/5 of usual time – usual time = 10 mins
1/5 of usual time = 10 mins
Relative speed in opposite direction= 60 + 40
= 100
Usual time = 50 mins

12. Answer: E. 1200 m³

2(15 + 12) * h = 2 (15 * 12)
27h = 180

h = 180/ 27
h = (20 / 3)m
Volume = lbh
= [15 * 12 * (20 / 3)]m³
= (60 * 20) m³
= 1200m³

13. Answer: A. 150.72 cm²

Surface area = πrs + πr²
= (3.14 * 4 * 8) + (3.14 * 4 * 4)
= 100.48 + 50.24
= 150.72 cm²

14. Answer: B. 528 cm²

Surface area = 2πr² + 2πrh
= 2πr(r + h)
= 2(22 / 7) (7) [7 + 5]
= 44 * 12
= 528 cm²

15. Answer: A. 37.68 cm³

Clearly, we have r = 3cm, h = 4cm
Volume = (1/3) πr²h
= (1 / 3) * (22 / 7) * 3 * 3 * 4
= 37.68 cm³

16. Answer: B. 125%

Let the edge = a cm
So increase by 50 % = a + (a / 2)
= 3a / 2
Total surface Area of original cube = 6a²
TSA of new cube = 6(3a / 2)²
= 6 * (9a² / 4)
= 13.5 a²
Increase in area = 13.5a² – 6a²
= 7.5 a²
Increase % = (7.5 a² / 6a²) * 100
= 125%

17. Answer: C. 5 km/hr

Speed in down stream = 15 +8
= 23
Time taken to cover 115 km down stream = 115/23
= 5 hrs.

18. Answer: A. 1 km/hr
Speed upstream = 16/4
= 4 kmph
Speed down stream = 24/4
= 6 kmph
Speed of stream = (6-4) / 2
= 1 kmph

19. Answer: B. 4 hours

Lets see the question now.
Speed downstream = (16 + 5)
= 21 kmph
Time = distance/speed
= 84/21
= 4 hours

20. Answer: E. 5 kmph

Rate upstream = (750/675)
= 10/9 m/sec
Rate downstream (750/450) m/sec
= 5/3 m/sec
Rate in still water = (1/2)*[(10/9) + (5/3)] m/sec.
= 25/18 m/sec
= (25/18)*(18/5) kmph
= 5 kmph

21. Answer: B. 13 kmph

Rate upstream = (7/42)*60 kmh
= 10 kmph.
Speed of stream = 3 kmph.
Let speed in sttil water is x km/hr
Then, speed upstream = (x -3) km/hr.
x-3 = 10
x = 10 + 3
x = 13 kmph

22. Answer: A. 1 kmph

Rate upstream = (15/3) kmph
Rate downstream = (21/3) kmph
= 7 kmph.
Speed of stream = (1/2)(7 - 5)kmph
= 1 kmph

23. Answer: A. Rs. 103.48 crore
The average value of the contract secured during the years shown in the diagram = (100.5 + 67 +
141 + 143.9 + 65)/5
= 103.48

24. Answer: A. 150, 100, 211, 216, 97

The answer to this question needs to derived from the figure itself.
You should not make any calculations in this question. We can see in the figure that the
performance of year 1988 is the only one that is less than the year 1985.
This means that this will be the only year that will a percentage less than 100 and all others will
be greater than 100.
Also, the difference between 1888 and 1985 is only 2 units and this means that there will not be
huge difference in percentage for the two years.
This helps us select option A. as the correct answer.

23. Answer: A. Rs. 103.48 crore

The average value of the contract secured during the years shown in the diagram = (100.5 + 67 +
141 + 143.9 + 65)/5
= 103.48

24. Answer: A. 150, 100, 211, 216, 97

The answer to this question needs to derived from the figure itself.
You should not make any calculations in this question. We can see in the figure that the
performance of year 1988 is the only one that is less than the year 1985.
This means that this will be the only year that will a percentage less than 100 and all others will
be greater than 100.
Also, the difference between 1888 and 1985 is only 2 units and this means that there will not be
huge difference in percentage for the two years.
This helps us select option A. as the correct answer.

25. Answer: B. 1988

As we can see from the figure above, the he highest percentage decrease over the previous year
is in year 1988.
The performance for 1988 is almost half of that of 1987.
Thus, option B. is the correct answer.
As we can see from the figure above, the he highest percentage decrease over the previous year
is in year 1988.
The performance for 1988 is almost half of that of 1987.
Thus, option B. is the correct answer.
The average value of the contract secured during the years shown in the diagram = (100.5 + 67 +
141 + 143.9 + 65)/5
= 103.48

24. Answer: A. 150, 100, 211, 216, 97
The answer to this question needs to derived from the figure itself.
You should not make any calculations in this question. We can see in the figure that the
performance of year 1988 is the only one that is less than the year 1985.
This means that this will be the only year that will a percentage less than 100 and all others will
be greater than 100.
Also, the difference between 1888 and 1985 is only 2 units and this means that there will not be
huge difference in percentage for the two years.
This helps us select option A. as the correct answer.

25. Answer: B. 1988

As we can see from the figure above, the he highest percentage decrease over the previous year
is in year 1988.
The performance for 1988 is almost half of that of 1987.
Thus, option B. is the correct answer.

26. Answer: C. 42.5

Step-1: To solve this question is to calculate the total expenditure
Total expenditure = 52.1+267.5+196.4+209.5
= 725.5 lakhs.
Now the question states that the expenditure has to be limited to/kept within 700 lakhs.
This means that the total expenditure has tobe reduced by 25.5 lakhs.
Thus, each year, the expenditure has to reduce by = (25.5/4)
= 6.375 lakhs.
Therefore, percentage reduce for administration in 1989 would be = (6.375/15) × 100
= 42.5%.

27. Answer: B. 0.7

Let’s use list down the costs of material and labor( in lakhs) for the individual years:
Cost for 1988 = 2.1
Cost for 1989 = 95+70+15+25+25 = 230
Cost for 1990 = 80+45+12+18+20 = 175
Cost for 1991 = 75+60+16+21+18 = 190
Thus, proportion of these expenditures till 1990 = (2.1 + 230 + 175) / (2.1 + 230 + 175 + 190)
= 0.6817
= 0.7
Remember, this also will be be the fraction of the total length of the line.

28. Answer: B. 8 : 1
The total material cost is (using values from the given table) =
(95+80+75+70+45+60+15+12+16+25+18+21) = 532
The total labour cost is (using values from the given table) = (2.1+25+20+18)
= 65.1

Now, calculating the ration = 532 : 65.1
This is approximately = 8 : 1

29. Answer: B. Rs. 16.4 lakh

The first thing you need to decide in this question is what constitutes the material cost.
The following items are counted as material:Cement, steel, Bricks and Other building materials.
The estimated cost in 1990 = 80 + 45 + 12 + 18 = 155
The estimated cost in 1991 = 75 + 60 + 16 + 21 = 172
Cost of material rises by 5% in each year. This means that the individual cost for the two years,
1990 and 1991
increases by 5% each. This, the increase in cost= 0.05 × (155 + 172)
= Rs.16.35 lakhs.

30. Answer: B. 29
The language of this question is tricky and you need to careful.
The total estimated cost of the project is (till the year 1991)= Rs.725.5 lakhs
Now this amount has already been spent.
The estimated Expenditure for 1991 = 209.5 lakhs.
This is the additional amount that will have to be spent on the project.
Thus, the increase in expenditure will be 209.5 on 725.5 = 28.87%.
= 29

31. Answer: B. Rs.7500/

A : B : C = 20000 * 24 : 15000 * 24 : 20000 * 18
= 20 * 4 : 15 * 4 : 20 * 3
= 4:3:3
B's Share = 25000 * 3/10 = 7500

32. Answer: C. 16:9:25

share's ratio = A : B : C
Time ratio = A : B : C
profit ratio = A : B : C
= 4 *4: 3*3 : 5 *5
= 16 : 9 : 25

33. Answer: A. 6:1

share's ratio = A : B
Time ratio = A : B
Then, profit ratio = A : B

= 3*2 : 1*1

34. Answer: C. 8:15

share's ratio = A : B
Time ratio = A : B
Then, profit ratio = A : B
= 2*4 : 3*5
= 8 : 15

35. Answer: C. Rs.3200/-

A = Rs.20,000/- and B = Rs.25,000/-
A : B = 20 : 25
A: B=4: 5
Total profit = Rs.9000/-
20 % of profit goes to charities = Rs.9000 - Rs.1800
= Rs.7200/-
Remaining amount = Rs.7200/-
Total parts = 9
9 parts = Rs.7200/-
1 part = Rs.800/-
A's share = Rs.800/- * 4 parts
= Rs.3200/




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