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Introduction to IPA         Name:_____________________________ 

IPA: An Alphabet for Singers! 
IPA (or, the International Phonetic Alphabet) is a handy tool for singers. IPA allows you to learn the proper sounds for 
diction (how we pronounce words) in every language around the world! We will learn how to write in IPA and use it as 
we study music from many di erent cultures.  
First, let’s take a look inside our instrument! Singers use released, 
steady, and low breath support to send air through their voice box 
(larynx). Inside, the vocal cords stretch and relax to change pitch as we 
sing, creating vibrations as air passes through these membranes! When 
this vibration reaches the mouth (oral cavity), we can shape these 
sounds using our articulators. 
Can you find and list your articulators?  
(tongue, lips, jaw, soft palate) 
Can you decode this passage written in IPA? 
(Make your best guess!) 

[h ɛı  lo   frɛnd]  ________________________________________ 
[aɪ   æm   ɛk ı saɪtәd   tu   lɚn   aɪ   pi   eɪ   wɪð   ju]  ________________________________________ 
Let’s write your name in IPA!  
[ ] In English: _______________________________   
Using your articulators,  
produce vowels that are:  
Open  Closed  
Basic Rules for IPA 
1. Always use brackets to let people know you are writing the sounds of words, [ and ]  
2. No capital letters, double letters, silent letters, or punctuation 
3. Use accent markings, as in [h ɛı  lo] , so people know where to find the stressed syllables in each word 
4. Take time to write as neatly as you can so that others can read your work 
Syllables and Stress 
Syllables are the tiny parts of words that can be clapped as you speak. Think:  
Pep    ­   per    ­   o   ­   ni       piz    ­   za    ! 
♪          ♪      ♪     ♪              
Stress gives rhythm and flow to the way we speak. A stressed syllable will be a little louder and longer. Stressed 
syllables are given a stress mark, or ı . 
louder [ ı loʊdɚ]  longer   [ı  lɔŋɡɚ] 
Clap the words below as you say them out loud. Can you give stress marks to correct syllables? 
1. va ı ca tion (example) 
2. coun try 
3. pro duce 
4. moun tain 
5. car ry 
6. su per 
7. sci en tist 
8. no thing 
9. be low 
10. spa ghet ti  

11. (write your own word) ______________________ 


12. (write your own word) ______________________ 


13. (write your own word) ______________________ 


14. (write your own word) ______________________ 


15. (write your own word) ______________________ 


16. Your name: ___________________________ 

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