Fuzzy Sets & Its Applications PDF

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MSc. DEGREE EXAMINATION - MATHEMATICS FOURTH SEMESTER - NOVEMBER 2016 és LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI - 600 034 eS MT 4817 - FUZZY SETS AND ITS APPLICATIONS Date: 16-11-2016 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks Time: 01:00-04:00 Answer all the questions L.a)1) Define ordinary subset nearest to a fuzzy subset. OR 2)2) Define generalized relative hamming distance and Relative Euclidean distance. Give examples. @) b)1) Draw for B= (x23) and M= (0, sp . the Boolean Lattice of ordinary sets and the vector lattice for fuzzy subsets 4)2) Prove : Let P, m,, ny €R*i=1,2,3,... then (2 sm, +,,1=1,2,..4k) > a Bs Sn? + SS 2 (849) oR GU) EE a= g(x). b= fg), ¢ =Ho(a) 5 verify whether associativity is true for algebraic sum and distributivity is true for product and algebraic sum. ©) Given Xi Pe PG PG [Ss [Xs PG Alo 03/07} 1 0 [O2]06 find AZBAC (8+9) BlO3]1 [os]as]1 josfos eee eli 0.5/05/02}0 [02,09 TL a)l) Explain normal projectioa with an example, OR a)2) Define support of a fuzzy relation and give an example. @) b)1) Explain in detail fuzzy subset induced by a mapping b)2) Consider £, and Ras given below. Verify with the given exemple that Ryo R= R > Ry oR,= RK where o represents max-min composition. ao+7) Rl! [2 [elm [% Ela] ]=]= HON tees De fe [Ose yi [oato [o3/o4 [03 [o5[o [02|1 x fos [eo [i [oa [os =} a ¥3 [osto [o7]1 ¥, [04 [02 [03 oR ¥s[o [i fo [oe o)1) Using a suitable example explain the concept of conditional fuzzy subsets ©)2) Checking out all the calculations, verify whether the given relation is transitive or not? g[A [B [¢ [D A fo2 [i [oa oa Blo [o6fo3[o clo 1 [o3|o Dio fi i O41 IL.a)1) If & is a preorder relation then prove that OR )2) Define fuzzy ordinal relation and give an example byl) Let 2 be a resemblance relation. Then, with the usual notations, prove that & ¢ 'b)2) Define the following and give examples @ Similitude Gi) dissimilitude &. Gii) resemblance and (iv) dissemblance relations (5+12) OR OD) Let RCEXE be a similitude relation. Let x, y,z be the elements of E. Put = fg (X.Y) = Mg VX). b= My(V.Z) = My (ZV): C= My (2.x) = My (XZ): then prove that c2a=6 or azb=e or bze ©)2) What do these notations represent: is afuzzy relation. (11+6) IV) _a)1) Explain sensing problem in pattern recognition OR )2) Briefly describe the two basie methods of fuzzy clustering @ b)1) Give a detailed demonstration of fuzzy c-means clustering method. 'b)2) Suppose a serial theft is taking place in a repeated manner at a locality. Is it possible to study the case with fuzzy tools and which of the available fuzzy tools will you apply? Explain why? (10+7) OR ©)1) Give a detailed description of fuzzy syntactic method. 2) Explain with an example fuzzy membership-roster method. (+9) V.a)I) Write a short note on the possibilities for application of fuzzy eoneepts in the field of engineering. OR Vhat are the compulsions in “Economics” that requires analysis based on fuzzy concepts. a2) @ Explain in detail with suitable example the place for fuzzy logic applications in the field of medicine, OR Explain in detail the possibilities for fuzzy logic applications in the field of Industry where more and more of automated machines replace human skills, an

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