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An Overview Of Indian Foundry Industry

S. P. Oudhia

I ndia is the third largest casting

manufacturer in the world; next only
to China & USA. Installed Capacity of
Indian Foundries is 15 Million Metric
Tons/ Annum and Annual production is
utilisation in the Year 2012-13; the
capacity utilisation has dropped to 40 to
45% in 2013-14 and this downwards
movement continues due to slackness in
demand and addition of large capacities
9.3 Million Metric Tons (In 2012-13). by major players like Amtek, Ghatge &
Number of Foundries is 5000 (Approx.) Patil, Menon & Menon and many more.
out of which 85% are Small units; 10% are Financial Health of Foundries:
Medium Size Foundries and Only 5% are Due to under-utilisation of capacities
Large organised units. on account of recession, there is a keen
Bulk Castings Produced in 2012-13 are: competition amongst foundries. This
Grey Cast Iron - 6.25 Million M.T. situation is being exploited by casting
Ductile Iron - 1.00 Million M.T. buyers. Survival & sustenance of
Mr. S.P.Oudhia is a well-known Steel - 1.16 Million M.T. foundries are tough & challenging. Many
foundryman with over 52 years of rich have to suspend operations. Where
Non-Ferrous - 0.90 Million M.T. foundries are able to continue production;
experience in Metal Casting Industry in
(All figures are as per survey of AFS- casting buyers are unable to pay for
India. He has served reputed foundries Modern Castings).
including Meehanite Foundry of The supplies in time. Thus foundries are forced
How authentic and reliable these figures to work for banks rather than their stake
Premier Automobiles Ltd. Mumbai, are is a big question mark. This is because; holders.
CISCO Ltd. ( Voltas Foundry), India has a very large number of micro Steep drop in castings demand due to slow
Mumbai Himmat Steel Ltd, Bhilai & size foundries in un-organised sector. down in Farm equipment sector, steep
SEP Ltd, Kolkata. After meritorious There appears to be a need of carefully increase in the cost of energy and in-puts
service, he retired in1998 & since then planned census of Indian foundries and and cost of finance has made life of
he is serving Foundry Industry as collection of data of installed & utilised foundries miserable. The situation is grim
Technical Consultant. He is credited capacities. and needs careful study and evolution of
with Design & commissioning of two Indian Foundries employ about 5.0 lakh workable solution.
major Ferrous Foundry Units as work force directly & about 15.0 lakh Operating Problems faced by MSME
consultant. Mr. Oudhia is also an active people indirectly. Most foundries are Foundries:
Member of The Institute of Indian labour intensive where operations and 1. Lack of Professional management.
Foundrymen & has organised many handling are manual.
2. Non-availability of quality In-Puts at
conferences of Interest to Foundry Capacity Utilization: affordable cost.
Industry. Against around 60% capacity 3. Ever escalating cost of energy.

22 February 2015

4. Poor Industrial growth in the country friendly policies with minimum suspicion Cohesion amongst Foundries:
due to in-effective policies of State. and maximum trust will accelerate There is urgency for realisation that
5. Cost of Finance. activity in Power Generation, Mining, cohesive and collaborative approach only
6. Productivity and Product Quality. Transportation etc., which in turn will lead can help the situation & save from cut-
to increased demand of castings. throat competition induced by casting
7. Shortage of trained man-power.
Cost of Finance: users.
8. Lack of Cohesion and Consolidation
amongst competing foundries. A lot of capacity in Foundry Sector can In the long run, foundry Clusters have to
be used for exporting castings. Apart from pool their strength to face the challenge.
9. Poor record of SHE (Safety, Health & demand from overseas, if Finance is also There can be careful SWOT analysis of
Environment) Concerns. available at internationally prevailing foundries in the cluster and based on it
There is an urgent need to examine rates, our castings can stand better chance there can be Target of specialisation like:
foregoing issues in detail: in export market. i) Exhaust Manifold Foundry
Professional Management: Productivity & Product Quality: ii) Engine Block Foundry
The entrepreneur has to transform Indian Foundries in all sectors MUST iii) Railway Sleeper Inserts Foundry
himself into a professional manager and adapt to new emerging techniques in
devise ways and means to take rational iv) Ball Mill Liner Foundry
approach to QUALITY FIRST TIME and
business decisions, based on facts, data ALL TIME. Tooling Design and v) Municipal Castings Foundry
and reliable information. There can be no Manufacture, Methoding, Simulation, This approach can lead to specialisation,
room for decisions based on instinct and Use of Software and help of I.T. can lead mass production & cost reduction.
intuition. Such transformation calls for to right Quality, enhanced productivity & SHE:
keeping eyes and ears open, study of reduced cost. To make foundry an attractive
internal and external factors affecting Manpower: proposition and attract talent to this vital
business prospects, on continuous basis profession, we need to address Safety,
and SWOT of self and competitor. The Although foundry business is
expected to grow at a fast pace in the days Health & Environment issues.
policy of state and expectations of stake
holders are to be kept in view and extreme ahead, there is going to be the serious Today, Foundry is considered a risky and
alertness is needed in fast changing shortage of trained man power at all hazardous shop, where safety of work
dynamic environment. levels. The reasons can be summarised as: force is at a risk. This can change by using
a) Inability of Foundry Industry to pay safety gears, creating safety awareness,
Availability of Quality Inputs: curbing emissions and pollutants at the
comparable attractive remuneration to
For smooth operation and quality employees. points of their origin.
production of castings, supply of specified Waste generated in foundry operations
quality of in-puts at affordable price is a b) Inability to provide Safe, Health,
pleasant working environment. like burnt sand, slag etc., pose a problem
MUST. In present scenario, in-put quality of disposal. They can be processed and
leaves much to be desired. Un-segregated c) Inability to appreciate need of training
and Re-Training. converted into usable products. One has to
scrap supply, un-graded foundry sand be innovative to tackle such issues.
supply, sand binder quality, quality of d) Poor Social Security
various consumables; must be ensured by Per capita consumption of Castings in
e) Foundries not preferring employing India is only 25% to that of USA. There
rigid BIS specifications and strict Educated Technocrats. (Leading to exists great scope for growth of Foundry
compliance. Such a situation has a great discontinuation of several courses in business. We MUST address these
potential to stop wastages and improve Technical Institutions) burning Problems and arrive at Solutions.
product quality.
Energy Cost:
Energy is a major consumable in
foundry operation. Energy conservation
can be attained by:
i) Energy Audit.
ii) Monitoring Consumption on major
energy consuming points like MELTING,
iii) B e n c h M a r k i n g o f E n e r g y
Consumption in MELTING.
iv) Awareness Campaign.
Industrial Growth:
In developing economy like ours;
State's policy plays major role in
accelerating industrial growth. Growth

24 February 2015

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