Update Meeting1

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SeAL: Meeting 1 Update

Regional Coordinators:
A state by state approach to locating and securing future coordinators

This week, we began looking at expansion opportunities for SeAL by finding

new avenues for regional coordinator acquisition. By disaggregating each
state into its constituent regions, we found potential areas for future SeAL
competitions, along with each area’s associated contact. We will try to
streamline this process in the coming weeks to make reaching out to
potential coordinators as seamless and enticing as possible.

We began exploring ten states in close-proximity to Pennsylvania (dark blue), which have potential to host
future Sea, Air, and Land challenges. In each of these states, we observed the general structure of the public-
school system by region and by administration. For each state, we located the optimal area for SeAL expansion
as well as each area’s potential coordinator and his or her contact information

We also investigated future states’

viability for SeAL and outlined four
“waves” of expansion, indicated by
lightening shades of blue. We chose
these states first by location, then by
potential for extracurricular STEM
engagement. The states in red are so
indicated because of their current lack
of STEM aptitude and encouragement.
These states could either be considered
last or given special consideration
within the appropriate wave.

Before our next meeting, we will delve further into the feasibility for each considered region to host a
challenge, while also developing a simpler and more easily repeatable process for onboarding potential
regional coordinators. After determining definite areas for expansion, we can reach out to future coordinators
using the updated strategy to gain their support in their regions. In the more distant future, we will begin
looking into Wave two through four states and outlining strategies for approaching each individually.

Tyler Dolan Nittany Consulting Group 2019

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