Communicable Diseases

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Numerous communicable diseases may affect a school-age population or school staff. Some of these
have a high degree or communicability or are life-threatening in nature. To protect an individual and the
general school population, students may be excluded from attending school based upon the following
1. The risk of transmission to other persons or the degree of communicability of the disease.
2. The likelihood of school attendance being inimical to the health of the infected person or
other persons.
3. The likelihood of school attendance being life-threatening to the infected person or other
4. The potential for the education of an infected person through alternative programs.

Any staff member who knows of a student with a confirmed or suspected communicable, contagious,
and/or infectious disease, or knows a student has been exposed to such a disease, will inform the school
building administrator of the student involved and provide details of the situation. If in the judgment of the
school building administrator there is sufficient cause for exclusion from school based on the above
criteria, the school building administrator will contact the parent and immediately exclude the student from
school and may also require that the student be examined by a physician. The school building
administrator also may require a written statement of health from a physician selected by the School
District in order for the affected student to re-enter school.

If it is determined that the student will not be permitted to attend classes and/or participate in school
activities, arrangements will be made to provide an alternative education program.

Administrative Determination
Initial determinations as to exclusion from and return to school shall be made by the school administration
based upon the above criteria. A partial list of certain communicable diseases is shown below along with
appropriate action to be taken.

Exclude from
Disease Yes No To Return to Classroom
AIDS Individual case consideration mandatory.

Chicken Pox X Seven days after onset of rash or when all

lesions are dry.

Hepatitis X Parents or staff member requested to provide

release statement from M.D.
Hepatitis A- Exclude for one week after onset of
Hepatitis B- No exclusion required.

Impetigo X If under proper treatment. Monitored by public

health nurse. (On oral antibiotics for 24 hours or
receiving soap scrubs and antibiotics three times
a day and lesions are covered until dry.)

Meningitis X Parents or staff member requested to provide

release from M.D.

Mononucleosis, X If under proper treatment.

Mumps X Parents or staff member requested to provide
release statement from M.D. (9 days from onset
of swelling, or less if swelling subsides.)
Pediculosis (Head Lice) X It is the policy of the Lincoln County School
District #2 to cooperate with the Lincoln County
Health Department, school administrators, and
parents in the establishment of guidelines to
address the issue of head lice in the following
three areas:
1. Preventing the transmission of head lice.
2. Proper treatment of an infestation.
3. Notification of an infestation.

Students will be removed from the classroom and

sent home with the parents for treatment when
they are infested with head lice and/or nits.
Students should not be out of school longer than
one day. Students will be readmitted back to
class after successful treatment at home resulting
in the student being lice and nit free.

Rubeola (Measles) X 4 days after appearance of rash.

Rubella X 7 days after onset of rash.

Tuberculosis X Doctor release statement. Monitoring of proper

treatment as verified by public health nurse.

Strep Infections X 24 hours after antibiotic treatment started.

(Strep, Scarlet Fever)

Review Committee
In cases involving life-threatening diseases a Review Committee shall determine exclusion and return to
school dates. The Review Committee shall consist of:
• medical doctor selected by the superintendent, (i.e. County Health Officer),
• the student's physician,
• the public health nurse,
• the school principal,
• the superintendent, and
• the school attorney, where appropriate.

A student's parent/guardian may appeal the decision made by the administration concerning exclusion
from school by submitting a letter to the Review Committee. The letter should indicate reasons for the

A further appeal beyond the Review Committee can be made to the School Board which shall make the
final decision regarding exclusion from school.

At all times the information relating to students with communicable disease will be confidential, with the
number of personnel needing to be aware of the student's condition kept to a minimum.

Note: Legal authority for communicable disease exclusion is granted by the Wyoming State
General Policies Guide.

AMENDED: November 8, 2001

AMENDED: September 12, 1991
ADOPTED: January 12, 1988

Lincoln County School District No. 2, Wyoming

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