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Speaker 0: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

Speaker 1: On one verification you also come across the HMI SCADA system.

Speaker 2: Yes, we also come across to HMI ? HMI of course is very broad concept,
it can be applied to many things but i can give you the example of my formal
company manufacturing pretty printing machine we are proposing a new machine to
the market and basically one of the strength of this machine was the HMI? because
we ? to make ?quite often.

Speaker 1: Okay, and when we go over some of the market trends. Would you be
able aggregate any HMI SCADA because i understand the trend that are little bit
different ?

Speaker 2:yeah, i would put the ?

Speaker 1: okay

Speaker 2: i think it''s not the same ? understanding, ? it's very broad concept ? server,
software, application . ? improve the way , manufacturing resources manged ? to put
a ? to put a logo hold? layer ? and intelligent and server machine? equipment? factory ?
in order to ? to get manage and to ? manufacturing management. so, it's a quite global
concept where server ? interpretation and ? which is high level ? due to this ? HMI in
the other hand, is a little global significance it's much more something ? which is
local .for example, in a specific ? workshop you need to , for example , to handle and
to manage machine so to control , to monitor,to give orders, to get information , at
a local device. so, specific machine ? as a specific process to implement and there is
a HMI on this machine , which is basically a digital screen read information ,read data,
which give you feedback on the wide ? and on the other hand you can ? inputs some
commands ,some controlling data and ? on keyboard in order to give your orders to
machine so that's much HMI you can ?to make it user friendly .? HMI is a user
friendly ? easy to manage , easy to use, easy to understand with too much training ?
give promo experience .it might be easy and trade forward so, it's user
friendliness ,which is keep ? HMI .just first invitation .

Speaker 0: This audio is used for the transcriber test at Gotranscript.

Nthey thought he used for the frame scriber tears and gold

0.0 - 5.76

5.76 - 8.76
[COUGH] had incubation ~~~~~~~ you [UM] painted the own
8.76 - 16.55
[UH] here [UH] you know we know come across it might be why'd you may have

16.55 - 21.71
this is a very goal is a very bold with the connect it can you cry many anything but i can give you the

21.71 - 30.3
but i'm all my former complaining either treaty drinking the company in many for pretty squinting machines

30.3 - 37.78
we were composing the new machine to the market and you one of the strength of this machine was or atomized because

37.78 - 44.48
with the apes we have them provide to create a car ceos or should i

44.48 - 50.34
because we thought it was important tool to make a great corn the markets are really fun thing which we she'd quite often

50.34 - 58.56

58.56 - 61.57
and then equal that can of the market

61.57 - 65.5
when you may leaving thank ~~~~~~~ have

65.5 - 70.06
the whole thing i've got having to them trying to you have been good from [COUGH] that face

70.06 - 76.28
well i would there with three i would put the two things at two different levels [SMACK] stone ~~~~~~~ i think it

76.28 - 86.98
~~~~~~~ fame would pay

86.98 - 90.63
the same was overlook and the funding any

90.63 - 94.83
he's a very broad object and compassion

94.83 - 101.51
and he was to have to wear application and the other to please

101.51 - 106.56
who called the way you good many factoring

106.56 - 110.71
crystals those are managed and to put a they're also to say to good to another whole layer of software and encourage and

110.71 - 120.35
all they take on

120.35 - 126.88
then the three and several machines her on oil industry equipment

126.88 - 132.87
the whole a tree in order to two main edge

132.87 - 137.38
and i took my the manufacturing management

137.38 - 140.34
why it was quite a global

140.34 - 143.35
[SMACK] level of evil

143.35 - 146.72
very of implementation and it when something which
146.72 - 150.32
these are quite high level products if you want to that you through these walls actually my on the other hand to be

150.32 - 159.62
global ethic music a much more can seeing which

159.62 - 162.76
local quite simple inspiration

162.76 - 167.32
because we are the work you need to you need for example tune in to manage

167.32 - 173.95
[UH] urine machine with to control mini would be orders to getting commission

173.95 - 180.7
i could have to shoot machines as a species process to increment and village in that to my village in actually my

180.7 - 191.07
the machine which is basically digital queen we in

191.07 - 197.99
~~~~~~~ that we give you a feedback and the way with the local process he's working

197.99 - 205.34
and and on the other hand you can think would come and from controlling the trillion

205.34 - 216.39
you know on on the you know there to get your

216.39 - 221.76
all those to the machines are the better man who many and you can all

221.76 - 225.98
a trial humanity

225.98 - 228.74
they're options to to do to make it to make it uses the to pig

228.74 - 235.54
when my is use off when the next ~~~~~~~ the key quickly your

235.54 - 241.33
the trend in my is hate something which is every called matter to easy to use is you can do found without tool much training

241.33 - 249.68
without being homer experience it might be easy and try to all its use friend in teenage which is look it the called you mind to the indications

249.68 - 265.45

265.45 - 268.77
this thought he used for patients cry would karat gold

268.77 - 273.0

they thought he used for the frame describe what is and gold

0.0 - 5.76

5.76 - 8.76
[COUGH] in the game you all to come up and they take my own

8.76 - 16.55
~~~~~~~ come across it might be my may have cars

16.55 - 21.71
this is a very gold is a very cold with the it can you have crime anything but can give you us

21.71 - 30.3
but i'm all my home or complaining that pretty drinking the company many for cream pretty squinting machines

30.3 - 37.78
we were composing the new machine to the market and basically one of the strength of this machine was there that atomized because

37.78 - 44.48
with could we have them provide to a descartes or you die

44.48 - 50.34
because we thought was important tool to make a great corn the markets only something in which we she'd quite often

50.34 - 58.56

58.56 - 61.57
and then the equal to the market

61.57 - 65.5
and when you may leaving frankly ~~~~~~~

65.5 - 70.06
and the internet coming but i had a dedicated you have been and is is that these

70.06 - 76.28
well i would ~~~~~~~ i would put the two things to the front pleasure [SMACK] so to sewing year i think it

76.28 - 86.98
and time i would pay

86.98 - 90.63
the thing was overlook and earth for many years

90.63 - 94.83
he's a very rolled object and compassion

94.83 - 101.51
and said was to have to wear application and the other to please

101.51 - 106.56
who in called the way you good manufacturing

106.56 - 110.71
crystals is all managed and to put a year so to say to good to know go whole layer of square and encourage and

110.71 - 120.35
all they time on

120.35 - 126.88
that the trillion several machines are so really destroyed equipment

126.88 - 132.87
the whole tree in order to bet i'm engine

132.87 - 137.38
and i took my to the manufacturing management

137.38 - 140.34
and we didn't have quite a global

140.34 - 143.35
[SMACK] with a whole range of [SMACK]

143.35 - 146.72
very have determination and it can something which

146.72 - 150.32
these are quite high level product if you want to use to these was actually my on the other hand we could

150.32 - 159.62
global significance he much more can sing which

159.62 - 162.76
look quite is in this picture

162.76 - 167.32
we color of the world you need to you need for example tune in to manage

167.32 - 173.95
[UH] or the she had to control when he got with your orders to getting commission

173.95 - 180.7
i could have a special machines as a species lee process to increment and village in that remind i was in nature my

180.7 - 191.07
machine which is basically digital screen we live in

191.07 - 197.99
~~~~~~~ that give you a feedback and the way the with the local process she's working

197.99 - 205.34
and and on the other hand you can show in could come and from controlling the to the

205.34 - 216.39
you were on had the gold over to give your

216.39 - 221.76
all those to the machines for the better much too many and you can have all

221.76 - 225.98
a human nature

225.98 - 228.74
they're options true to two to make it to make it uses and we get a pig

228.74 - 235.54
when my is use off when the next [SMACK] but the key quickly or your

235.54 - 241.33
the planned in these were something which is every called mothers and easy to use it winter from without tool much training

241.33 - 249.68
without being homer experience it might be easy and treat over its use friend they went in his which is the key to the quality mind the first

249.68 - 265.45

265.45 - 268.77
the authority used for the transcribed karat gold

268.77 - 273.0

Another source

Speaker 0:
This saw do you use for the transcriber test had go transfer.
Speaker 0:
Cation you all just come across the S. ten minus Canada.

Speaker 2:
System here is your assistance we also come across the to my P. or to my of course is very ruled

Speaker 2:
Is a very bro the concept it it can be applied to many things but they can give you the example
of my former company needs a treaty printing the company money for treating pretty printing machines.

Speaker 2:
We well proposing a new machine to the market and basically one of the strength of this machine
was that you might because with the put we have emphasized to the let's say the quote he T. of that
you might because we thought it was important.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2:
To make a great crew on the market so it's it's from seeing which we see quite quite often.

Speaker 0:
Okay and then when we go over some of the market trends.

Speaker 0:
When you.

Speaker 0:
Thank you.

Speaker 0:
And me and send it to my skater because I understand the trains are a little bit different in that

Speaker 1:
Well I.

Speaker 2:

Speaker 2:
This would put the two scenes at two different levels so to say again I think it's it's not the

Speaker 2:
I would say it's not the same level of understanding.

Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
I'm yes he is a very.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:
Concept encompassing.

Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
Several soft well cations and heal the to a peak used to improve the way you did manufacturing or
resources are managed and to to let you also to say to put a no go hold it let your of software
and and intelligence.

Speaker 1:
On the.

Speaker 2:
It's a.

Speaker 1:
A number.

Speaker 2:
Of on let's say on several machines hall on several it just recruitment.

Speaker 1:
All all.

Speaker 2:
All all the hold factory.

Speaker 1:
You know the.

Speaker 2:
To to better manage and to optimize the the the manufacturing management so you took quite.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2:
Quite a global concept with several that's a civil where your implementation NET some seeing which
she's quite high lever product if you want to do to this role HM I on the other hand.

Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
As a lead to the global significance see much more from seeing which is local over for example you
know if.

Speaker 0:
You need to.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:
The specific area of the workshop call.

Speaker 0:
You need.

Speaker 2:
To you need for example to handle into manager.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:
So true control money told to give orders to get information at the local numbers to.

Speaker 0:
A specific machine.

Speaker 2:
As a specific process to implement and the reason that's too much there was it was it was much of

Speaker 1:
Speaker 0:
On this machine.

Speaker 2:
Which is basically did you told screen we use losing formations was that's all would you give you
feedback on the way the the the the local process is working.

Speaker 1:
And and on the other hand you can also include some.
Speaker 2:
Commands from controlling that on.

Speaker 1:
On it say on the on the either on the side or on the.

Speaker 2:

Speaker 1:
You know those two.

Speaker 2:
Use your oldest of the machine so that this and that you my you can have Superbowl this a year.

Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
But it's a options to to to to make it to make it user friendly.

Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
Keep a peak for H. and my emails user friendliness so that's that's the key Klay tell you all the
trend in the gym you switch from scene which is easy to manage easy to use easy to understand we
sell to whom much training with with would be good former experience it must be easy and straight
forward so it's user friendly printed S. which is the key to pay for it you might.

Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
Just just to is the first.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 0:
This saw do you use for the transcriber test had go transfer.

Same above

Speaker 1:
Discard you use for the transcriber test go transit.
Speaker 1:
One Distribution you also come across the H. M. I. Skinner assistance.

Speaker 2:

Speaker 2:
Closer to my P. Y. to my articles very ruled the.

Speaker 2:
Zero three Bravo the concept good can you apply to many things but they can give you the example.

Speaker 0:
Of of my formal company.

Speaker 2:
Nineteen or the company Manufacturing pretty printing machines.
Speaker 2:
We will proposing a new machine to the market and basically one of the strength of this machine
was the HMO because with the.

Speaker 2:
Two we have emphasized to the let's say the quote D. T. O. that you might because we thought it
was important.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:
To make a great crew on the market so it's it's from seeing which we see quite quite often.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 1:
Then you go over some of the market trends.

Speaker 1:
Would you.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 1:
Me and send it to my Skeeter because I understand the trans Atlantic defend in that space.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2:

Speaker 2:
Woods the two scenes at two different levels.

Speaker 1:
Say again.

Speaker 2:
I think it's the same.

Speaker 2:
I would say it's not the same level of understanding M. yes is a very.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2:
Concepts encompassing.

Speaker 0:
Speaker 2:
Several Software occasions and heal the took peak use to improve the way you did Manufacturing or
resources are managed.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2:
Today also to say to to Nova Holding let your of software and and intelligence.

Speaker 0:
On the.

Speaker 2:
It say on.

Speaker 0:
A number.

Speaker 2:
Of let's say on several machines Hall on several Industry equipments.

Speaker 0:
All all all all.

Speaker 2:
Hold Factory.

Speaker 0:
You know the.

Speaker 2:
To to better manage and two oh two nine is the the manufacturing management three two quite quite
Global concept with several that say several waited implementation NET some seeing which she's quite
high lever Product if you want to do to these role HM I on the other hand.

Speaker 0:
Speaker 2:
As return the global significance C. much more from seeing which is local right.

Speaker 0:
Price on full units.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2:
In the specific area of the workshop Corp.

Speaker 1:
You need.

Speaker 2:
To unit for example to handle and two manager.

Speaker 0:
A machine.

Speaker 2:
So to control One told to give orders to get information at the local dealers to specific machine
as a specific process to implement.

Speaker 0:
And the reason not to my.

Speaker 2:
The reason the reason H. in my.

Speaker 0:
Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:
Which is basically a digital screen we use losing formations that's all would you give you feedback
from the way the the the the typical process is working.

Speaker 0:
And and on the other hand you can also include some commands from controlling that on on the tray
on the on the.
Speaker 0:
Either on the side or on the.

Speaker 2:

Speaker 0:
You know go to.

Speaker 2:
Use your oldest of the machine so that this image in my you can have Sabol the savior.

Speaker 2:
Let's hear your options to to to to make it to make it user friendly.

Speaker 0:
Speaker 2:
Q. to pick for it to my emails user friendliness so that's that's the key Cloutier y'all the trend
you need to my U. Systems team which is easy to manage easy to use easy to understand Resource two
months training with with B. former experience it must be easy and straightforward so it's user
friendly friendliness which is the key to P. for tomorrow.

Speaker 0:
Speaker 2:
Just just as the first the.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 1:
Discard you use for the transcriber test go transit.

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