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2012 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications

Using VANET to Support Green Vehicle

Communications for Urban Operation Rescue
Rafidah Md Noor∗ , Rashid H. Khokhar † , Reza Jabbarpour‡ , Sajad Khorsandroo§ ,
Norazlina Khamis¶ , and Oche Michael k
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Email:∗, †, ‡ reza,
§, ¶, and k

Abstract—The paper presents a model of operation rescue and tests are presented in Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes
group vehicle approach to support green vehicle communication the paper with possible future directions.
for urban operation rescue. Using vehicular technology could
benefit operation rescue vehicles by enabling each vehicle spreads
the information related before arriving at the incident place. In an II. O PERATION R ESCUE : R ELATED W ORK
effort to understand the operation rescue activities, studies on the
case study are briefly discussed. Green vehicle communications Communication is the most important characteristic for
requirements are presented to show the significance of using rescue group members in rescue operations and natural disaster
vehicular technology. Experiments using NS-2 to measure the conditions. Researchers [19] have proposed the use of multi-
average delay time per trip and average throughput for three
different scenarios are presented.
cast MANETs as a communication media in such environ-
ments. They used simulation tools to explore the efficiency of
I. I NTRODUCTION their approached. MANETs are suitable for rescue operations;
A vehicular network is a kind of wireless networks that because of their characteristics such as self-organizing which
has emerged in wireless technologies and the automotive in- require non-infrastructure network. Visiliou and Economides
dustry. Vehicular network is formed between moving vehicles [19] simulated two realistic scenarios in finding any survivors
equipped with wireless interfaces that could be of homoge- at a mountain and gas pipe explosion. They used Multicast Ad-
neous or heterogeneous technologies. These networks, also hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (MAODV)
known as Vehicle Ad Hoc Network (VANET), are considered and On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol(ODMRP) as
as one of the ad hoc network real-life applications, enabling different multicast protocols. Based on their simulation results,
communications among nearby vehicles as well as between ODMRP has better Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) and lower
vehicles and nearby fixed equipment (roadside equipment). latency in both scenarios. They concluded that MANETs can
VANET a special kind of Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) be used for reliable communication in real rescue operations.
which specialized in vehicular communications. VANET is Plagemann et al. [8] developed the MIDAS Data Space
based on smart cars and base-stations, which share information (MDS) to transparently share information among rescue ap-
via wireless communications. This interchange of data may plications in MANETs. They applied optimistic replication
have a great impact on safety and driving, reducing the number in MDS for getting the acceptable level of reliability and
of accidents and helping to optimize transport. Vehicles can availability for important information. Consistency manage-
be either private, own by individuals or private companies, ment and complexity are the most important problems which
or public transport (e.g., buses, trains, police cars, fire trucks, caused by optimistic replication. They solved these problems
helicopters, etc.) [2], [6]. Fixed equipment can belong to the by using the tailor-made solutions for emergency and rescue
government, private network operators or service providers. applications. Meanwhile, researchers in [12] studied the effi-
The emerging vehicular networks will enable a variety of ciency of some routing and MAC protocols under the Client-
applications for safety which will be applied to reduce ac- Server architecture to explore MANET usage in rescue and
cidents as well as to save lives and reduce injuries, traffic relief applications at emergency situations. Ad hoc networks
efficiency. Improving the traffic flow and reduce congestion (e.g. MANET, VANET) can be organized quickly, and ensure
may help driver in accessing the accurate information and good communications during the rescue operations because of their
communications among the drivers and passengers. adaptive and dynamic MAC and routing protocols. They
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section performed different scenarios to show the impact of both
II discusses the existing related work using mobile and vehic- routing and MAC layer over multiple QoS parameters (delay,
ular ad hoc networks. In Section III, the concept of vehicular throughput, energy, etc.) in small and large scales rescue areas.
technology and its challenges are presented. In Section IV, we Based on their results, AODV and ZPR routing protocols are
presented our novel models which are operation rescue model suitable for small and large scale rescue operations, respec-
and green vehicle communications model. The performance tively.

978-1-4673-3070-1/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 324

In [17], researchers proposed MANET-based Monitoring R ESCUE O PERATIONS USING A D H OC N ETWORKS
of Battlefields or Rescue Operations in Urban Scenarios.
Satellites are used for mobile nodes monitoring with high
Approach Focus
accuracy in open environments such as deserts. However when
Multicast MANETs [19] MAODV and ODMRP are compared as
rescue operations occured in urban environments, satellite- multicast protocol. ODMRP has better PDR
based monitoring was not capable to detect the vehicles at and lower latency
the parking space inside the building. In this situation, adding MDS [8] Optimistic replication is used to transpar-
the camera to the mobile units is one of the solutions for ently information sharing
high precision monitoring in rescue operations and battlefields Routing and MAC [12] MANETs’ Routing and MAC protocols are
which has been proposed in [17]. The captured images and investigated to find out their efficiency in
rescue operations
videos are gathered by using MANETs mechanism. The data Battlefields [17] Adding the cameras to mobile units for
is sent immediately to the headquarter using long range hidden points monitoring
communication or central control office for making a true UAVs [4] Provide architecture for tactical informa-
decision. tion sharing among aerial vehicles. They
Bhargav et al. [4] proposed three types of communica- divided their architecture’s communication
level into three levels: intra-team com-
tion which are an intra-team communication, an inter-team munication, inter-team communication and
communication and a global internetworking for a specific global internetworking
team called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for tactical AUVs [14] AUVs form an ad hoc network with the help
information operations. When the autonomous team flying of autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) for
ocean explorations
close together, it created ad-hoc fashion network to allow Easy Wireless [7] Focus on the ITEA Easy Wireless project
information exchanges. The experiment showed that their and its main goal which is service continuity
network architecture supported the operational functionality for mobile users for better supporting of
for multiple autonomous teams. Meanwhile, Martins et al. rescue operations
[14] conducted the autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)
for ocean searching operation. The underwater vehicles are
communicated through a command and control unit (CCU)
within a limited communication range. In similar scenario, [7] only a rescue operation should not disturb people who leave
proposed the disaster-relief network architecture by using self- nearby, but also it has to be be performed in such a way that
organizing ad hoc networks which enable quicker response to lessens any possible damages to the surrounding environment.
typical communications with high bandwidth. It is importance In addition, due to the delicacy of a rescue operation, it has
for rescue personnel to obtain accurate and consistent infor- to bring into account optimum energy consumption. However,
mation to control and coordination the rescue operations. All any proposed solution has to be implemented in an efficient
the above mentioned approaches are summarized in Table I. way [15] meaning that it requires to guarantee high quality
According to above literature reviews, most of the previous along with acceptable range of communication. IN other
approaches have focused on routing, MAC and multicast words, mechanisms proposed in a successful solution should
protocols in MANET environments for investigation of rescue not interfere with quality of ad hoc communication, or even
operations. Thus, a new model or framework which includes decreases the operative range of it.
all these concepts needs to be developed. Considering that the Green solutions in VANETs have to take two important
major components of rescue operations are vehicles such as issues into consideration: transmission techniques and commu-
ambulances, helicopters and police vehicles, using the VANET nication status. According to [11], two important transmission
as network infrastructure would be a better solution. techniques in ad hoc networks are single-hop and multi-hop
communications. In single-hop model, energy consumption in
III. G REEN VANET relation with longest transmission distance while in the latter
Green ICT (Information Communication Technology) is technique, multi-hop, numbers of mobile nodes in addition to
a newly-emerged area of study which focuses on reducing their distance play an important role. Each technique has its
harmful impacts of computer and communication equipments own pros and cons. In order to benefit from their advantages
on the natural environment and climate [5]. For example, and avoiding from their disadvantages, it can be useful to
ICT industry, the same as aviation industry, produces 2-2.5% benefit from a geographical topology management protocols
of global carbon emission [10]. Besides, ICT equipments such as GAF (Geographical adaptive fidelity)[20]. It helps to
energy consumption accounts for almost 3% of overall energy keep the number of nodes and also their distance in such
consumption in Japan in 2006 [18]. Therefore, to preserve a close to optimum situation in which energy consumption
the natural environment along with reduction in energy con- can be decreased to a considerable extent. Another thing
sumption, it seems inevitable to pursue solutions which result to mention is the communication states. According to [9],
in a more green communication. Rescue operations based on four types of communication status are: sleeping, listening,
VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks) technology, is a field transmitting and receiving. Energy consumption in sleeping
of ICT which is in dire need of green communication. Not mode is much less than the other three modes. Thus, any

energy saving solution in VANET environments should take to using it. Onboard Unit’s provide communication to
advantage of an algorithm or a procedure which puts inactive other cars in the area, without a proper security they are
nodes in a sleeping mode and recover them whenever it is threats to the system.
needed. 6) The IP version 4 (IPv4) is not enough address for every
In a rescue operation which benefits from VANET, com- car. IP version 6 (IPv6) has been proposed for use in
munication channels can be heavily loaded and sometimes vehicular networks. Cars should be able to change their
congested. Therefore, more bandwidth is required to send an IP addresses so that they are not traceable, however it
undistorted video stream over the wireless channels. Clearly, is not clear how this will be achieved.
this is not possible (or very difficult) to provide more band- 7) Technologies like the cell phones are already acting as
width for this goal, especially in the middle of a rescue portable computers in cars, GPS units are being used to
operation. Then, we need to devise some solutions which route alternate directions, and safety systems such as On-
guarantee quality of communication without adding any more Star can notify authorities in the event of an emergency.
resources to the operation. [16],[13] are among those solutions With technology increasing data rate in cellular phones,
which can accelerate emergency video streaming transmission there may not be a need to use cars as nodes on a
over VANET, without any degradation in video quality and network.
also without any in increase in the available bandwidth. IV. U RBAN O PERATION R ESCUE
A. The VANET Challenges An operation rescue is planned activity involving people to
The special behavior and characteristics of VANETs create perform variuos activities to free from danger or confinement.
some challenges for vehicular communications, which can Search and Rescue (SAR) is about searching and provision
greatly impact the future deployment of these networks. A of aid to people who are in distress or imminent danger. The
number of technical challenges need to be resolved in order general field of search and rescue includes many specialty sub-
to deploy vehicular networks and to provide useful services fields, such as mountain rescue, ground search and rescue,
for drivers and passengers in such networks. Below we try to search and rescue dogs, urban search and rescue in cities,
enumerate some of those challenges. combat search and rescue on the battlefield and air-sea rescue
1) The design of the transport protocol for VANETs is over water.
A proposed operation rescue model is presented in Figure 1
rather at its initial phase. There is no transport protocol
where it consists of Operation Rescue Data Center (ORDC),
customized for vehicular networks so far, and it is also
operation rescue teams, and green vehicle communication
very difficult to design new protocols or adapt existing
indicators. The operation rescue team creates a vehicle area
protocols by modifications or enhancement.
network (VAN) for communications. Each rescue unit vehicle
2) Hardware designers for VANETs has no full or enough
will communicate in less than 1000 metres radius. The ORDC
resources and capacity for a full functional mobile ad
monitors and controls the operational rescue that involves
hoc network this poses a serious scalability issue for the
multiple teams. A proposed model in each district or region
hardware designers. For example, a small node density
may provide the efficiency of operation rescue.
situation would involve very few cars to communicate
in which some vehicles may be out of range completely.
As for high density situations, sharing bandwidth may
pose to be a challenge for VANETs
3) VANET is a cooperative technology and potential cus-
tomers may not see the immediate value. This poses a
business challenge for VANET especially in creation of
new market for the technology. Newer cars could all
be equipped with VANET, but would not be able to
communicate with the older vehicles.
4) New protocols and wireless transmission schemes for
VANETs cannot be implemented in large test bed
systems due to complexity and costs. Therefore, sim-
ulation of VANETs is a crucial method to evaluate
new approaches. However, the specific characteristics
of vehicular networks also require specific simulation
models. New road-based mobility models including the
behavior of potential drivers are one example for a
specific simulation model [1].
5) One of the biggest hurdles for any new technology
today is security. VANET promises to provide safety Fig. 1. Operation Rescue Model.
and entertainment to its users, however there are risks

A. Requirements for Green Vehicle Communications PARAMETERS OF IEEE 802.11 P S PECIFICATIONS
The significance of using VANET to support green vehicle
Parameter Values
communications are listed below:
1) Travel Time Index (TTI): Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled Mobility Model Mobility Random Waypoint
Simulation Area 1000 m x 1000 m
by using TTI. The percentage of travel trips accessi-
Mobility Speed 20 m/s
ble by the vehicles (travel time between representative
No. of vehicles 10-20-50
locations) and each rescue unit team perform at one
Traffic Type Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
particular area and shall not travel far from their team.
Packet Size 512 bytes
h i Simulation Time 100 s
TTI = f ree−f low−travel−time × peak − hours ×100 Protocol AODV
Maximum distance 100 m
2) Buffer Time Index (BTI): Impact of Real-Time Rescuer
Information. To analyze the information used in effective
ways. BTI measures the extra buffer time needed to send to allow the changes of vehicle direction. A new approach of
the message to the rescue unit team. group vehicular is proposed to provide green communications.
h i Figure 2 describes the concept of group vehicular approach.
BT I = [95th−percentile−travel]−[travel−rate]
× 100 The operation rescue team consists of one commander vehicle
and multiple follower vehicles. Each vehicle communicates
3) Average Delay per Trip (ADT): Reduce congestion by among themselves through 802.11p standard. The commander
using ADT. Vehicle delays during the time elapsed from vehicle is point of reference for the follower vehicles in the
the notification of an incident until all the team arrived operation rescue. The commander acts as a router to forward
and the incident is removed from the scene. or receive messages from or to the data center. The group
is randomly distributed around the reference location. Each
h i
ADT = [95th−percentile−travel]+[extra−travel−time] vehicla has a speed and direction that derived by randomly
deviating from the commander vehicle.
4) Throughput: Number of vehicles traversing in one par-
ticular areas with given facility section to perform the V. P ERFORMANCE T EST
operation rescue. We used the NS-2 simulator [3] to measure the performance
of the vehicular network. There are three different scenarios
B. Group Vehicular Approach
which consists of 10 vehicles, 20 vehicles and 50 vehicles. The
An operation rescue is a challenging experience in helping context is about simulating the operation rescue team traffic
any incidents involved in urban areas and rural areas. The in urban area. Hence, the speed is considered 20 m/s which
rescue team requires efficient and reliable communications run with configurations of IEEE 802.11p. Table II shows the
for each operational rescue involved. The operation rescue parameters defined in NS-2.
team would be able to share an incident location, share the
incident cases via video or voice streaming, forward a medical A. Experiments and Results
information, etc. Urban traffic has increased dramatically, The experiments are conducted to measure the proposed
making driving more stressful, costly, and unhealthy. For urban model using the two indicators which are Average Delay Time
operation rescue team, it may affect their operation because (ADT) and Throughput. In mobility random waypoint model,
of the high traffic density. Our aim is to use vehicular ad a vehicle moves toward it destination in randomly manner
hoc technology to support urban operation rescue in providing with a defined speed [0, Vmax ] where Vmax is the maximum
green vehicular communications. allowable speed for a vehicle. When the vehicle reached the
destination, it stopped for a duration (”pause time”). The
process repeats until the simulation ends.
Figure 3 shows the results for average delay time per trip
for three different scenarios. We examined the average travel
time per trip for the operation rescue from the coordinate range
(150, 250) to their destination at the coordinate range (890,
990). The operation rescue communicating with each other
via the commander to ensure that they are moving to the same
direction. First, the results are collected and presented for one-
Fig. 2. Group Vehicle Communications Model. way trip of the operation rescue. Then, we presented the results
for two-way trip where the operation rescue is moving towards
A mobility random waypoint is simple and widely use to their start coordinate. With a small number of vehicles, 10, the
evaluate the MANET performance. It consists of pause time average delay per trip is 165.20 ms compared to 181.20 ms

and 224.30 ms for 20 vehicles and 50 vehicles respectively. results. Meanwhile, the average packet throughput is increased
The higher number of vehicles communicating on the road, with higher number of vehicles compared to less number of
increased the delay time per trip. vehicles. In future, we will evaluate the other two indicators,
i.e. TTI and BTI, using real traffic data.
The authors would like to thank Ministry of Higher Educa-
tion (MOHE) Malaysia and University of Malaya that funded
this project under HIR-B000009.
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