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User Management

User Management
1. Can objects of the same Schema reside in different table spaces?

2. Can a Table space hold objects from different Schemas?


3. Is CONNECT a system privilege or a role? If the answer is 'a role', what system privileges are
assigned to this role by default?
It is a role .create session.

4. Where do you get the information of quotas?

Dba_ts_quotas view, user_ts_quotas view.

5. What is the init parameter to make use of profile?


6. While creating user can you assign any role?


7. Can a segment (table) present on more than one tablespace?

No, Possible only when a table if create by using partition feature.

8. Can a segment (table) present on more than one datafiles?

Yes, Datafiles should belong to one tablespace.

9. Can we create the permanent objects in temporary tablespace?


10. Can you drop an object if tablespace is Offline?


11. What privileges u gives normally when you create users?

Create session

12. What is a View?

A view is a virtual table. Every view has a Query attached to it.(The Query is a SELECT statement that
identifies the columns and rows of the table(s) the view uses.)

13. Can a View based on another View?


14. Does a View contain Data?

Views do not contain or store data. Wilshire Software Technologies Rev. Dt: Aug 2013

Hyderabad, Telephone No. 040 – 23757906 / 07
User Management

15. When does a Transaction end?

When it is committed or Roll backed.

16. Define Transaction?

A Transaction is a logical unit of work that comprises one or more SQL statements executed by a single

17. What is default tablespace?

The Tablespace to contain schema objects created without specifying a tablespace name.

18. What is Tablespace Quota?

The collective amount of disk space available to the objects in a schema on a particular tablespace.

19. What is the use of Roles?

REDUCED GRANTING OF PRIVILEGES - Rather than explicitly granting the same set of privileges to
many users a database administrator can grant the privileges for a group of related users granted to a role
and then grant only the role to each member of the group.
DYNAMIC PRIVILEGE MANAGEMENT - When the privileges of a group must change, only the privileges of
the role need to be modified. The security domains of all users granted the group's role automatically reflect
the changes made to the role.
SELECTIVE AVAILABILITY OF PRIVILEGES - The roles granted to a user can be selectively enable
(available for use) or disabled (not available for use). This allows specific control of a user's privileges in any
given situation.
APPLICATION AWARENESS - A database application can be designed to automatically enable and disable
selective roles when a user attempts to use the application.

20. What is a profile?

Each database user is assigned a Profile that specifies limitations on various system resources available to
the user.

21. What are the roles and user accounts created automatically with the database?
20 roles are created, 7 user accounts are created when database is created manually

22. What is user Account in Oracle database?

A user account is not a physical structure in Database but it is having important relationship to the objects in
the database and will be having certain privileges.

23. How do you create a table in another tablespace name?

Create table xyz (a number) tablespace system

24. What are roles? How can we implement roles?

Roles are the easiest way to grant and manage common privileges needed by different groups of database
users. Creating roles and assigning provides to roles. Assign each role to group of users. This will simplify
the job of assigning privileges to individual users.

25. What does ROLLBACK do?

ROLLBACK retracts any of the changes resulting from the SQL statements in the transaction. Wilshire Software Technologies Rev. Dt: Aug 2013

Hyderabad, Telephone No. 040 – 23757906 / 07
User Management

26. What is a deadlock? Explain.

Two processes waiting to update the same rows of a table which are locked by the other process then
deadlock arises. In a database environment this will often happen because of not issuing proper row lock
commands. Poor design of front-end application may cause this situation and the performance of server will
reduce drastically. These locks will be released automatically when a commit/rollback operation performed
or any one of these processes being killed externally

27. How do you get you demo files get created in your user?
$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlsampl.sql, edit and execute this script

28. Can we drop default profile?


29. Can we edit default profile?

Yes Wilshire Software Technologies Rev. Dt: Aug 2013

Hyderabad, Telephone No. 040 – 23757906 / 07

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