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The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Dear Mariana,

I have just answered the question on debt:

As for your question about Vladimir Putin and Secret Societies. Yes, I have recently posted a
censored video on Secret Societies:

Secret Societies are one of the ways that the corruption spreads.

In 2014 Vladimir Putin attended a meeting of the Freemasons. There is more. I will post
some information stating that Vladimir Putin is a crypto-Jew, working for the Rothschilds.
The Black Nobility, responsible for the corruption, is hiding behind the Rothschilds, the
Zionists, and Israel.

The Banking Cartel and Black Nobility like to try to confuse us. This is how the Black
Nobility continues to try to dominate. By this worn-out "divide and conquer" strategy.

Many people see through this dirty "divide and conquer" trick. That is why I called a video
in January about "divide and conquer" Getting Through.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

Name: Mariana
Subject: Individual Debt

Message Body:
Dear Karen,

I would like to know what will happen to all debt and especially to our personal debt after the reset.

I also would like to know more about the group Vladimir Putin is part of and his role in the world. You
mentioned that he is part of a secret society (I forgot which one right now but you mentioned in one of
your videos), but have not been able to find accurate information about it.

I thank you for any input you can provide and also for all you do. I pray for your safety every day.

God bless you.


is controlled opposition:

lists shills like Deborah Tavares, who collects information on TI's while stating truth about mind control.

helps Rothschild hide the Black Nobility

has at least 5 posts that lead people to divide and conquer dead ends.

To: ellen
Subject: RE: in plain sight-Putin and Bush and Chinese leader at Masonic meeting
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 06:36:28 -0400

Thanks, I'll keep this in mind going forward.

From: ellen
Subject: in plain sight-Putin and Bush and Chinese leader at Masonic meeting
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:39:21 -0700

From: Kofi
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:14 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re: Re:

Hello Karen are there any worlds leaders who are actively opposing the new world order
and if there are who are they. I believe you at one time said that the secret service works
for the network of global corporate control. Apart from the secret service, which other
world leaders have security details that work for and are controlled by the network of
global corporate control.

On Jun 8, 2017 10:24 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:

Petrov was in a better situation to judge than I. I am still not in direct contact with the
people at Moscow State University who have the chronologia website:

NEW CHRONOLOGY. A.Fomenko, G.Nosovsky

"New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy is the most significant discovery

in XX century"

The following is from the teleprompter for DCTV's Segment on March 27,

From: Kofi
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2017 12:10 AM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re:

Got it, thanks alot Karen. Listening to major general Konstantin Petrov he said that
Stalin was initially a globalist agent but he later turned against the globalist and began
fighting them. is this accurate?

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 9:25 PM, Karen Hudes wrote:

state capture, and the desire of the Banking Cartel to maintain power and
profit through war. Trump, Putin, Xi do what is good for the Banking Cartel
and not what makes sense for these countries. Have you forgotten that
Churchill, Hitler, Mao
Zedong, and Stalin were all
agents of the Banking

There is absolutely nothing

that the Banking Cartel can
do to change reality, that is
now manifest, where a
critical mass of people are
now living. My first job as
Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility was to tell a critical mass of people about reality so that
truth would be manifest under the 100thmonkey effect. We have been here since
January, but I was waiting to announce this so that more of us could "wake up" and
would realize where we are. We are now, ever so gently, going to tell the rest of us that
we are in the Global Currency Reset.

The Banking Cartel has fiddled with my links, and so the

teleprompter for today's show has to be clicked on twice
before it will scroll to show all the pages.
The Banking Cartel may interfere with the DCTV
broadcast in some way, as it did last week, by moving the
time slot for the livestream broadcast to an hour earlier,
or hacking into the teleprompter, as it did during the
broadcast on 10/17/17.
As I said in today's teleprompter: The Banking Cartel's
censorship and tricks are backfiring.

So this is my response to the two attacks on Facebook that I was telling you about when
I uploaded an unfinished copy of the teleprompter for next week's show:

As for the stories about the holocaust: that is not what
happened. The story about the 6 million Jews being
killed during WWII was a big banking cartel hoax. The
Pharaonic bloodline families were the real Nazis, and
they were the ones who murdered everyone. Constantin
Petrov was murdered to try and bury this truth with
him. The Templars and
the bloodline Pharonic families were also the ones
during the 30 years war between 1618 until 1648 who hired
about 100,000 Swiss mercenaries to commit genocide against the Germans, killing 20
million Germans and their children corresponding to two thirds of the German population.
Whole cities disappeared from the earth. And in Alsace-Lorraine, Gallo-Roman Alsace
Swiss mercenaries killed 95% of the population.

As for my friend Jaba'ad AL Chandra from Thailand, he is NOT

TELLING THE TRUTH. The truth will out. How do we
know Jaba'ad AL Chandra is lying? Because of all the
different times and ways that the Banking Cartel and its
agents tried to steal humanity's assets in the Global Debt
Facility. You will see that there have been other attempts to
deny that the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor
Agreement is valid. It is my job as Overseer Mandate
Trustee to protect the assets for humanity in the Global Debt Facility from the Banking
Cartel and its agents.

During the Global Currency Reset we are all going to find out what really
happened, and we are going to end the corruption in the world's paper
money system by exchanging the Banking Cartel's paper currencies for
currencies out of gold and local currencies issued by villages and towns.
We are going to wind down the insolvent (bankupt) Banking Cartel by
offsetting bogus country debt for the debt that the Banking Cartel owes
under Treaty of Versailles bonds that are now worth 2 quadrillion dollars.

Vladimir Putin comments
3 weeks ago
Putin is a Crypto-Jew, and Medvedev is a Jew, and they're working together with the Rothschilds
and the Rockefellers, while Gazprom is involved in stealing the gas from the Palestinians.
Convince yourself with these articles and videos: Vladimir Putin, Jewish Hero in a Staged Cold
War Russia Ruled by Crypto-Jews Zionist Control Over Russia 1917-2015 Putin & The Rothschild Banking Cartel Putin, Rothschild, and Rockefeller Putin is playing Champion of Freedom in a Charade Putin 100% in the pocket of the Usurers Arrested Oil Tycoon Khodorkovsky
Passed Shares To Jacob Rothschild Putin puts
Holocaust Deniers in Prison Putin won't stop
Israeli Retaliation Againt Iran Wars Are
Carefully Staged "World Order" Productions Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin & The

Read more
TheRapeOfJustice 10 months ago (edited)
Putin & The Rothschild Banking Cartel
Russia Ruled by Crypto-Jews Zionist Control
over Russia 1917-2015 Putin is playing
Champion of Freedom in a Charade
Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin & The Rothschilds Rothschild, Rockefeller and Putin "Understanding modern history could not be
simpler. Some people say, "Follow the money," but it is simpler than even that. The clever folks
who fashion "money" out of nothing rule us all. It is they that also fashion "history" out of
nothing. Modern history and modern money are just two among the other brazen, illusionary
ideas that control us from cradle to grave." - Clifford Shack Henry Makow in 'Illuminati, The
Cult that Hijacked the World', p. 92-93 : "Sabbatai Zvi's successor Jacob Frank (1726-91)
formed an alliance with the Rothschilds, the power behind the Illuminati. They started the
Reform and Conservative schools of Judaism, which posed as "liberation from the confines of
Jewish inner law and ghetto." They encouraged Jews to assimilate, inter-marry, change their
names and even convert to Christianity. They tapped selected followers to advance their Satanic
agenda by subverting Christian civilization from within. Sen. John Kerry's background fits this
profile perfectly. His grandfather was a Frankest Jew "Kohn" who adopted an Irish name and
converted to Catholicism. His father worked for the CIA. His mother was part of the Forbes
family, which made its fortune in the drug trade (opium), like many of America's "first families".
Kerry himself is a member of the Illuminati "Skull and Bones". Clifford Shack: "Through
infiltration, stealth and cunning, this invisible network has come to rule us all. Forty-one years
after Shabbatai Zevi's death, in 1717, they would infiltrate Masonry guilds in England and
establish Freemasonry... [Zevi's successor] Jacob Frank would have a great impact on the inner
core of Freemasonry known as the Illuminati, formed in 1776. Freemasonry would become the
hidden force behind events like the [American, French and Russian] revolutions, the creations of

the U.N. & Israel, both World Wars (including the Holocaust!), and the assassinations of the
Kennedy brothers who, together with their father, tried to thwart the efforts of the network on
American soil." "Sabbatean/Frankists, also referred to as the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye" (look
at your one dollar bill to begin to understand their influence in YOUR life) are political and
religious chameleons. They are everywhere... there is power. They are the good guys A N D the
bad guys. The World War Two era is a prime example. The following leaders were members of
the "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye" (Sabbatean/Frankists): Franklin D. Roosevelt; Winston
Churchill; Adolph Hitler; Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII); Francisco Franco; Benito Mussolini;
Hirohito and Mao Tse-Tung." Henry Makow in 'Illuminati, the Cult that Hijacked the World', p.
90: "If Mr. Shack is correct, historians, educators and journalists collaborate by upholding a false
reality and distracting us from the truth. Our world, our perception of the human experience, are
shaped by an occult secret society. Our culture is an elaborate psy-op." "Obviously, the
Sabbateans and their descendants should consume our attention. Instead, they are hidden from
view. They were decisive in the so-called "Enlightenment", "secularism" and "modernism",
which are but baby steps to their Satanism. "According to Rabbi Marvin Antelman, they believe
sin is holy and should be practised for its own sake. Since the Messiah will come when people
either become righteous or totally corrupt, the Sabbateans opted for debauchery: "Since we
cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners." "
Read more

TheRapeOfJustice 1 year ago
+Benjamin Cabrerainvent Vladimir Putin is a Crypto-Jew, grown up amidst hidden inside
information from Cheka, NKVD, KGB and FSB. To him there's no news in Rabbi Antelman's
"To Eliminate The Opiate", vol. 1 and 2, about the Sabbatean-Frankist Jewish war against the
world. Antelman shows that Bolshevism and National Socialism/Nazism were Frankist Jewish
Eliminate_the_Opiate_vol1.pdf This is also very good on the Sabbatean-Frankists (Rothschilds),
the ruling satanists, and how they were planning in the 19th century Bolshevism, Nazism and the
world wars:
Read more

View all 11 replies

TheRapeOfJustice 7 months ago

+Hppyhppy2 This is my last message to you, before I kick you back to your satanist friends:
Averell Harriman, Dictator of Russia 1942-1944
specb37 7 months ago
+TheRapeOfJustice i dont mean isis or those other puppet groups i mean saudi arabia and similar
countries.this is what ww3 will be too the masses.couldnt the u.s v iran be viewed as christian v
muslim too the narrow minded masses who take very little convincing if cnn tell them or the
bbc?.thats my opinion on how they will rallie the masses too fight this islamic devil that is isis
and in certain other countries it will be this devil america.


TheRapeOfJustice 1 year ago

UNION", AU $11,90 + shipping

TheRapeOfJustice 1 year ago

REALLY)." The Jesuits were founded by Marranos (Los Alumbrados), crypto-Jewish
"Conversos", financed by Spanish and Dutch Jews. The Kabbalist Isaac Luria, creator of the
New Kabbalah, admired Loyola. Can you imagine a fanatic Jew admiring a Gentile? ;-) The
Zohar says, according to the renowned Kabbalah scientist Gershom Scholem, that Gentiles will
be destroyed when the "Holy Jewish Messiah shall set Israel upright"... Research Rabbi Makhir,
King of the Jews in the 8th century, and his descendants, the Guilhemids and their agents the
Knights Templar. You'll find many kings (British, Scottish, etc) who descended from the
Guilhemids in David Livingstone's "Terrorism and the Illuminati". Stalin's family name
Djugashvili means "son of jew" in the Ossetic language. Don't waste your time on Jesuits, as
they're only agents of the Kabbalistic Jews in power.
Read more
· 11

TheRapeOfJustice 1 year ago (edited)

@Arche Nova, the Nazis were Jews too, Frankist Jews. Nazism and Bolshevism were both
Rothschild creations. Research what Averell Harriman and Prescott Bush (both Skull & Bones)
were doing during WW2. Harriman was ambassador in the Soviet Union and during the Nazis'
Operation Barbarossa he once a week met Hitler's right hand Admiral Canaris with Allen
Dulles in Switzerland. Hitler's generals in Russia, Von Manstein and Gehlen, were Jewish.
Search for Dietrich Bronder's "Bevor Hitler Kam" and you will see that the topnazis were even
more than 85% Jews and crypto-Jews. Adolf Hitler was conceived during a Sabbatean-Frankist
orgy, the climax of the celebration of the 262nd birthday of the satanic Jewish messiah Shabbetai
Tzvi. Hitler's father was a wealthy Hungarian Jew. Search for Cliff Shack's articles on Rabbi
Antelman for more on the Sabbatean Jewess Klara Pölzl and her son Adolf. Hitler and Stalin
were both Rothschild marionettes, just like Churchill and FDR. Eustace Mullins on Rothschilds'
wars in 1992: Wars are Carefully Staged "World Order" Productions
Read more

Shellie Tolley 2 weeks ago
They all are working together.this is all a stage show the this so call voting they make you think
your vote counts .how could it when every president has been related but one .America is gone
we have been taken over from within our constitution and Bill of rights there no longer.when
they force you to do things that you think are not good for your family and there beliefs your not
free people just don't want to wake up or there going with the program or there with this satanic

agenda.when animals have more compassion than people we are done and that's realty now
people care more about a lion being shot but there not at all upset that there killing babies and
selling there body parts and putting. them in our food that's satanic. there's no logic. in that what
so ever I am not that smart and I can see that that pic isn't right ,God Bless us all because hell has
just begun this isn't shit to what's coming to us .They absolutely want us all dead
Read more

TheRapeOfJustice 1 year ago
@Sherrie L, stop talking nonsense, the "Star of David" was known as the "Crest of Solomon" for
3000 years, and was used to conjure up demons, like in Dr. John Dee's "Enochian Magic", Dr.
John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon and the Macrobes According to the Illuminati Collins family
member John Todd it is the most evil sign in witchcraft. It means "to Hex", to put a spell on
TheRapeOfJustice 1 year ago
+UnoRaza Backup YouTube doesn't allow me to approve your comments. This happens a lot
recently, especially with videos by Christopher Jon Bjerknes and Texe Marrs. ;-) Possibly the
best way to avoid this kind of problems is commenting through Google+. Acc to
Eustace Mullins Bill Clinton's father was Winthrop Rockefeller: Zionism, Communism,
Nazism, Fascism: all came out of the Rothschild Offices in Frankfurt, Germany

TheRapeOfJustice 1 year ago

@FrancisJoa, maybe that's exactly what'll be Putin's role in the Frankist Jewish plans, a new kind
of Adolf Hitler, controlled opposition. Hitler was a born Jew, conceived during a Sabbatean-
Frankist orgy where his Frankist Jewish mother Klara Pölzl met a wealthy Hungarian Sabbatean
Jew. Vladimir Putin's papa was Epstein and his mama Shalomova. The Rothschilds are making
big money in Putin's Russia with their Royal Dutch SHELL. Putin is exporting several Jewish
football club presidents like Roman Abramovitch from Chelsea London, Merab Jordania from
Vitesse Arnhem, Dmitry Rybolovlev from Monaco, etc. Putin's assistant Dmitry Medvedev is
Jewish too.

Piety Piet duh Pious Poet 1 year ago

+TheRapeOfJustice .. and if that doesn't convince your dutch readers they could go listen to this:
55184-radio_1_de_bergen_achter_sotsji_.mp3 afgelopen zaterdag bij nieuwsshow (Jelle Brandts
Corstius .. Planetary Moon day 5 -- Year of the Yellow Spectral Seed --- resonant sun) over de
grafschending van de na 100 jaar oorlog gedeporteerden

DeWayne Benson 6 months ago (edited)

Zionist bankers sent Lenin and Trotsky to assure the second Russian revolution was financed
successfully, and that Zionist took over key Gov-Offices and created their Marxist Communism.
These murdered vast numbers of Russians. Stalin was not a Jew, strangely his three wives were.
Stalin also in 1935 began the first Jewish State for Jewish only in Russian... about the size of

View all 9 replies

Yuri Neskowich 6 months ago

+DeWayne Benson Promoting feminism and homosexuality is also part of what you said aswell
DeWayne Benson 6 months ago
+Yuri Neskowich Western governments are aware of a problem being called the 'Infertility
Problem', not that people cannot have children, but they abort or choose not to. As a result Birth-
rate is not keeping up with Death-rate. These gov's are involved in encouraging legal and illegal
immigration, in America the ruling elite promising to make the illegal, legal... it appears the
ruling elite always need ample slaves labor.

TheRapeOfJustice 1 year ago

+1BigCREE1Redtail Watch Russia's Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar on his friend Putin, from circa
01:25 in this video: Vladimir Putin told me a personal story in the Kremlin

jo phoenix 6 months ago
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn said this "You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over
Russia; They hated Russian. They hated Christians. driven b y ethic hatred they tortured and
slaughter millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated,
Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all ti me. the fact that most of the world
is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that global media is in the hands of
the perpetrators" Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.

Mihail Viteazu 8 months ago
Satan created the state of Israel,,the jews are Ashkenazi that adopted judaism in 740 black see
kingdom of Khazaria,, The Invention of the Jewish People ,,by Shlomo Sand,,.. 'Facts Are
Facts',,By Benjamin H. Freedman...The Jews of Khazaria,,by Kevin Alan Brook... - The
Thirteenth Tribe,,by Arthur Koestler... Bible,,Revelation 2;9 I know thy works, and tribulation,
and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and
are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Rev 3;9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of
Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and

worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. And the best book on this subject is
..WHO IS ESAU-EDOM--.. by Charles A. Weisman...SCRIBD.
Read more
meanbeats 6 months ago
when ever you enter a synagogue you have to have your head covered weather your gentile jew
or what ever... so the pictures of these leaders with the yamaka doesnt make them jewish

TheRapeOfJustice 6 months ago

Right, but listen carefully to this:
888American 1 week ago (edited)
In America the Chabad Lubavitch Jews control communist Democrats and the Likud Jews
control the Republican party and Zionist Christians...a Talmudic cult..whose end times teachings
are based on the Talmud..not the nothing they teach..can be found in the bible..MANY
BOLSHEVIKS came from USSR in the 1960's and 1970's and have infiltrated our Gov..THe
descendents of the USSR BOLSHEVIKS such as CHERTOFF. who created the DHS which is
also mostly ran by Jews ...RAHM EMANUEL who authored the NAFTA AND GATT
agreements that have all but destroyed US MANUFACTURING....and many others..THE
REVOLUTIONARIES..making war all around the world...enriching their bankSters..and taking
down countries..AMERICA IS THEIR NEXT RODEO..TEXE MARRS is a Christian, a military
man..and a teacher at a prestigious university in Texas..Go to his site..He has some great
READ YOUR BIBLE TO LEARN THE TRUTH..because ..when you do you will LEAVE
Read more
TheRapeOfJustice 1 week ago
+888American The Rothschilds created Monopoly Capitalism with their central bank system,
and they also invented Zionism, Communism, Bolshevism, National Socialism/Nazism and
Fascism. Research the Sabbatean-Frankist Jews, who hate the other Jews, and despise the non-
Jews, and you will understand why the Jews Stalin and Hitler persecuted Jews and made
swimming pools of Christian churches and of synagogues. The Sabbatean-Frankists want war
and for war they need opposing forces. Putin is another Sabbatean-Frankist tool, who brought
them a new Cold War, and possibly also their long awaited WW3.

Orthosword 3 months ago

300 000 priests were killed in the USSR beginning from 1917

David Stanley 7 months ago

USSR was Zionist, the Cuban missile fiasco was an attempt to coerce Kennedy into doing
things differently.
gol gumbaz 9 months ago
Lenin,marx,stalin,trtsky were all jew.....
View all 3 replies

gol gumbaz 9 months ago

so whats the difference between him and other crypto zionist jew who ruled soviet union ?, bdw i
thought of putin as christain ,and i don`t believe in abrahamic ideologies

TheRapeOfJustice 9 months ago

+shiva shankar A Crypto-Jew is a Jew who pretends he isn't Jewish. Putin is trying to hide that
he's working for Rothschild, Rockefeller & Co. Russia's Gazprom is working together with the
state of Israel, stealing the gas from the Palestinians. But thanks to Rothschild's Propaganda
Machine there are nowadays almost as much Putin worshippers as Adolf Hitler fans. Russia
Ruled by Crypto-Jews Zionist Control Over
Russia 1917-2015 Putin & The Rothschild
Banking Cartel Putin, Rothschild, and
Rockefeller Putin is playing Champion of Freedom in
a Charade
Read more

Traitor Hunter 1 year ago

the jews still run Russia, the original axis of evil are the jew states of UK, USA and USSR.

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Up next

 Zionist Control Over Russia 1917-2015 by TheRapeOfJustice 9,403 views


 Zionist Destabilization Program & Oil Manipulation by RaisingKundalini2 2,859 views


  Vladimir Putin, Jewish 'Hero' in a Staged Cold War by TheRapeOfJustice 12,314 views
  The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (2/2) by Sir Daniel
Nonfaultson 225,418 views

 Eustace Mullins - Clinton's Place in the New World Order by TheRapeOfJustice 21,521 views

 The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin by Brother Nathanael 140,687 views

 Vladimir Putin, Jewish "Hero" in Staged Cold War by RaisingKundalini2 6,031 views

  The Rise of Putin and The Fall of The Russian-Jewish Oligarchs (1/2) by Sir Daniel
Nonfaultson 453,284 views

 Victoria Nuland, The Jewish Governor of Ukraine by TheRapeOfJustice 7,161 views

 Eustace Mullins - The New World Order (Full Length) by TruthViews 117,149 views

 Texe Marrs - Stalin and the Jews by TheRapeOfJustice 4,476 views

 Russia Ruled by Crypto-Jews by TheRapeOfJustice 10,533 views

 Jacob Frank, messiah of the Rothschilds, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati by
TheRapeOfJustice 16,289 views

 Vladimir Putin's Christian Faith - in his own words by Marine1063 184,022 views

 Texe Marrs - The Jewish Coup in Ukraine/Khazaria, pt 3of3 by TheRapeOfJustice 4,414

 Putin & The Rothschild Banking Cartel by TheRapeOfJustice 7,147 views

 Christopher Jon Bjerknes - Russia, Israel & the Middle East by TheRapeOfJustice 4,486 views

 Putin Foils The Jews In Syria by Brother Nathanael 105,108 views

 Crypto-Jew Putin & Neo-Nazi-Jew Poroshenko: Zionist Partners in Crime by
TheRapeOfJustice 9,546 views

Subject: RE: in plain sight-Putin and Bush and Chinese leader at Masonic meeting
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 06:36:28 -0400

Thanks, I'll keep this in mind going forward.

Subject: in plain sight-Putin and Bush and Chinese leader at Masonic meeting
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:39:21 -0700

From: Kofi
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:14 PM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re: Re:

Hello Karen are there any worlds leaders who are actively opposing the new world order
and if there are who are they. I believe you at one time said that the secret service works
for the network of global corporate control. Apart from the secret service, which other
world leaders have security details that work for and are controlled by the network of
global corporate control.

On Jun 8, 2017 10:24 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:

Petrov was in a better situation to judge than I. I am still not in direct contact with the
people at Moscow State University who have the chronologia website:

NEW CHRONOLOGY. A.Fomenko, G.Nosovsky

"New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy is the most significant discovery

in XX century"

The following is from the teleprompter for DCTV's Segment on March 27,
2018: From: Kofi
Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2017 12:10 AM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Re:

Got it, thanks alot Karen. Listening to major general Konstantin Petrov he said that
Stalin was initially a globalist agent but he later turned against the globalist and began
fighting them. is this accurate?

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 9:25 PM, Karen Hudes wrote:

state capture, and the desire of the Banking Cartel to maintain power and
profit through war. Trump, Putin, Xi do what is good for the Banking Cartel
and not what makes sense for these countries. Have you forgotten that
Churchill, Hitler, Mao
Zedong, and Stalin were all
agents of the Banking

There is absolutely nothing

that the Banking Cartel can
do to change reality, that is
now manifest, where a
critical mass of people are
now living. My first job as
Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility was to tell a critical mass of people about reality so that
truth would be manifest under the 100thmonkey effect. We have been here since
January, but I was waiting to announce this so that more of us could "wake up" and
would realize where we are. We are now, ever so gently, going to tell the rest of us that
we are in the Global Currency Reset.

The Banking Cartel has fiddled with my links, and so the

teleprompter for today's show has to be clicked on twice
before it will scroll to show all the pages.
The Banking Cartel may interfere with the DCTV
broadcast in some way, as it did last week, by moving the
time slot for the livestream broadcast to an hour earlier,
or hacking into the teleprompter, as it did during the
broadcast on 10/17/17.
As I said in today's teleprompter: The Banking Cartel's
censorship and tricks are backfiring.

So this is my response to the two attacks on Facebook that I was telling you about when
I uploaded an unfinished copy of the teleprompter for next week's show:


As for the stories about the holocaust: that is not what

happened. The story about the 6 million Jews being
killed during WWII was a big banking cartel hoax. The
Pharaonic bloodline families were the real Nazis, and
they were the ones who murdered everyone. Constantin
Petrov was murdered to try and bury this truth with
him. The Templars and
the bloodline Pharonic families were also the ones
during the 30 years war between 1618 until 1648 who hired
about 100,000 Swiss mercenaries to commit genocide against the Germans, killing 20
million Germans and their children corresponding to two thirds of the German population.
Whole cities disappeared from the earth. And in Alsace-Lorraine, Gallo-Roman Alsace
Swiss mercenaries killed 95% of the population.

As for my friend Jaba'ad AL Chandra from Thailand, he is NOT

TELLING THE TRUTH. The truth will out. How do we
know Jaba'ad AL Chandra is lying? Because of all the
different times and ways that the Banking Cartel and its
agents tried to steal humanity's assets in the Global Debt
Facility. You will see that there have been other attempts to
deny that the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor
Agreement is valid. It is my job as Overseer Mandate
Trustee to protect the assets for humanity in the Global Debt Facility from the Banking
Cartel and its agents.

During the Global Currency Reset we are all going to find out what really
happened, and we are going to end the corruption in the world's paper
money system by exchanging the Banking Cartel's paper currencies for
currencies out of gold and local currencies issued by villages and towns.
We are going to wind down the insolvent (bankupt) Banking Cartel by
offsetting bogus country debt for the debt that the Banking Cartel owes
under Treaty of Versailles bonds that are now worth 2 quadrillion dollars.

INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. Welcome to the Series on
the Network of Global Corporate Control. Thanks to DCTV, to Carmen Stanley,
Project Director; Maurice Jackson, Studio Director; and Krushae Starnes, Audio
and Teleprompter. Today's segment is live, and is called, "Getting Through"
Last week's segment was called "Holding On". We are holding onto each other,
and we are holding onto ourselves, and what is more, we are holding onto the
world's wealth.
For our regulars, in a while I am going to update you in comments without using the
teleprompter. You will find in the notes that I put at the end of the teleprompter why
this segment is called "Getting Through"
I upload videos of the DCTV segments in the archives on YouTube. You will probably
need headphones to hear the videos because YouTube has tried to censor me by
lowering the volume on its video player. That is why I publish the teleprompter on
Twitter and Facebook. You can find the link to the teleprompter on YouTube by clicking
on the SHOW MORE button.

I have been answering your questions in the comment section of the YouTube archives
ever since this series began 3 ½ years ago.

This Series is about "The Network of Global Corporate Control". The Network of Global
Corporate Control is a slow learner. They are finally learning that people notice all their efforts
to censor me. For instance, when YouTube lowers the volume to 50% and hides all of my replies
to your comments behind buttons, and erases some of my responses to your
questions, or when Twitter deletes my Tweets, or when the Network of Global Corporate Control
tries to kill me.

One question I sometimes get is why I am not dead. The Banking Cartel is not all-powerful, but
it did try several times to do me in. The short explanation is that I am being protected, and it is
a lot easier to keep one stubborn lady alive than to fight WWIII. If anybody thinks this is an
exaggeration, all you have to do is to look at what happened to me when I went to Canada in
2016 after somebody named George or Julius tried to steal the world's wealth. I tweeted his
voicemail message last week:
22 seconds

Replying to Cheryl: The Banking Cartel tried to kill me when I would not turn
over the world's gold

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: Transparency
To: George

Dear George,
I just listened to your message again,
[ ] and I believe
you were referring to the Monetary Agreement as the contract, and were not proposing a contract. I
apologize for the confusion. As Overseer Mandate Trustee, I need to let people know of a contact that
wants me to have the Euroclear account numbers.

On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 5:44 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:

Dear George,
I received your phonecall late last night after I returned from my live broadcast on DCTV: I am not sure which of the numbers in my cellphone
are yours, as my landline does not keep a record of the phone numbers from the calls I receive. Your
voicemail message was difficult to hear, but I thought I understood that you are asking for a contract? I
have no legal authority to sign a contract. I am advisor to the 188 Ministers of Finance and Development
who would have to authorize the contract. This is a chicken and egg proposition, as I am sure you can
Best, Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 3:18 PM
Subject: per our conversation
To: George
Dear George, As we discussed, you are going to send me the Euroclear account numbers. Here is the
Monetary Agreement:
This describes the aurum:

How did the Banking Cartel try to kill me? After I was zapped with scalar electromagnetic
weapons, I saw everything upside down at first. I returned home in a wheelchair. The doctors
at Johns Hopkins who treated me forgot to tell me that I had an irregular heartbeat. I found this
out later. Now Johns Hopkins is refusing to send me the rest of my medical records. In the
meantime, after a cardioversion, where they shocked my heart, my heartbeat is back to normal.


Two days ago I retweeted:

What happened when the bankrupt US federal government tried to kick me

off the internet on October 21, 2014

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Dear People,

In my DCTV segment on November 6th I announced the

defeat of the Black Nobility.
We have been working together for some time, actually. Who is we? The coalition for the
rule of law that was predicted by the US National War College. This coalition includes the world's
military powers, who are keeping peace while the people of the world end the corruption
that is in the world's money.
To convince you that this is really so, I am showing you a tweet from 2014, telling you how
the US Federal Government (which is corrupt and actually part of the Network of Global
Corporate Control) tried to kick me off the internet, and how I remain active on the internet.

I have learned a couple of things in the last four years. Because we are all working together,
our money and markets are not very likely to crash. When I
say that we are all working together, this means that I have
to be transparent and accountable to everybody.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility,

For our newbies, I am going to begin with a question that I asked in my social media a
couple of days ago:

Are there as many dupes today as there were last year? What do
you think? Are you one of the dupes, too? Are you sensitive to
scalar weaponry mind control? How would you know?

Without the US Constitution of 1789 in force, Trump's inauguration is a fraud:



Today, we are going to rerun the short clip in the Taco Bell commercial about mind control.
We showed it to you on Christmas. It is important that you to see this clip, because it is an
admission that there is mind control. The commercial shows you a control room for a super
computer and a group observing two people who manage to escape from a black and white
world to a world in technicolor. This world is like the Emerald City in the Wizard of Oz.


August 4, 2015 was the first time I told you that the Banking Cartel is conceding its defeat in
the Taco Bell commercial about electromagnetic extremely low frequency mind control

The Banking Cartel is trying to hide the patents for mind control. The link to a list of these
patents is no longer working:

Here is a copy of what was removed from the internet:

YouTube is trying to hide a link to this video on mind control

Here is another good article on mind control:

"The Mind Has No Firewall"

Scalar Mind Weaponry, Corrupt Nursing Home, Fan Mail

The video that I shot two years ago just before the Banking Cartel and the Black Nobility that
directs the Banking Cartel tried to kill me was called "Who Done It". It was a sequel to the
July 19, 2016 segment "Stop the Swiss Nazis" The Banking Cartel hacked into DCTV and
delayed the broadcast of this segment, but on July 19, 2016 DCTV overrode the interference
four minutes before the pre-recorded segment finally aired.

What about those of you who are hypnotized by mind control? A critical
mass of humanity, which includes the world's military forces, are at work. As
John F. Kennedy said, "A rising tide raises all boats"

Last week I told a Twitter Account named that they were controlled
opposition, and a fire storm broke out. In order to keep the thread from overtaking my twitter
account, I had to block people that kept on including me. This was an attempt to interfere with
communication on the Global Currency Reset.

@KarenHudes Jan 11
Replying to @Si_G__ @steve09278255 and 47 others
I think whoever you are, and the 49 others on this conversation
are gumming up the works. Take yourselves and your good
intentions locally. I am clearing you from the world stage by
blocking you.

Our next segment will be devoted to the CIA. A Marine Expeditionary Unit landed on
the CIA's branch office in Langley, Virginia on November 18, 2017

There is no doubt that the corrupt CIA is harpooned .

Extemporaneous comments

We are getting through. Patriots from all the nations of the world are reaching out to the
coalition to end the corrupion. A German colleague of mine in the World Bank's legal
department just contacted me to respond to an email I sent in 2013 . As you know from the
National War College's power transition model, Germany is a very important player. Please stay
tuned as we watch the dominoes keep on falling on the corrupt Network of Global Corporate
Control. Until next week, I am your host, Karen Hudes.

* * *

I am going to give you screenshots with working links to items in my social media listed on the
next page. This is going to help you see our progress.

Please contact me by email at whenever the links do not work or for
other reasons. I will alert people that the Banking Cartel is trying to prevent people from
accessing this information

For brainstorming and for protection from scalar weapons, establish a small working
group. I can't keep track of telephone calls, and much prefer that you establish
contact with me by email, either at, or by using the contact
page on my website at

Whoever the World Bank President is, if they do not implement the Global Currency Reset,
approved by the Board of Governors, that person is going to be fired and bankrupted.

US leadership will continue until the end of this century, with the US minus
the Federal Reserve Bank





The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

UK pays Pope 1,000 marks (£666) annual tribute since 1215

US pays Queen 20% of revenues from Virginia Co. in perpetuity

All federal income taxes go to pay interest on bogus country debt

This is an excerpt from my Tweet two months ago (see page 7):
I would like to explain US history, in order to explain how this corruption has come about.
In October 1781 when the Earl of Cornwallis capitulated to the British East India Co
employee George Washington, the name of the Virginia Co. was renamed. The New Secret

The Terms of the Capitulation was that the SECRET CORPORATION would continue in
existence forever. The arrangement that the King(or Queen) of England would continue to
receive 20 percent of the revenues from the Virginia Co. as per the old Charter of 1607 again


This is an excerpt from the teleprompter for my program in the Series on the Network of
Global Corporate Control on November 13th 2018: (beginning page 8 of the teleprompter

The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002 section 15. The
Virginia Company was transformed into the United States corporation during the Revolutionary
War by Freemasonic Founding Fathers like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John
Hancock, and Benjamin Franklin who were working under the Grand Lodge of England. The
Virginia Company was issued by the British royal family from the City of London Corporation
for North American settlements. Around 1213 King John surrendered the Kingdom of England
to the Holy See under the Golden Bull or Bulla Aurea. In 1215 under direct papal authority King
John issued the Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter) and this officially established the one mile
square block called the City of London Corporation as a sovereign entity from England and
London. The Holy See uses Latin for official documents and the Vatican uses Latin as its official
language. Novus Ordo Seclorum is Latin and translates to New Order of the Ages and is on the
United States Great Seal and United States one dollar bill. Washington DC is located in both
Virginia and Maryland. That is Virgin Mary Land. DC was originally called Rome in 1669

which is stated in the Catholic Encyclopedia. DC is Roman architecture and Capitol Hill is
named after Capitoline Hill in Rome. The ancient Roman fasces symbol is all over federal
buildings and federal seals. This is all fraudulency.
innocent-iii-taking-england-under-his-protection Bull of Innocent III taking England under his
protection From this time onwards, the Pope would be England’s feudal overlord, receiving an
annual tribute of 1000 marks (£666). On 3 October 1213, at St Paul's Cathedral in London, these
arrangements were confirmed by a royal charter bearing a golden seal, and by the King placing
his hands between those of the papal legate as a token of his submission The Magna Carta is one of the earliest
ancestors of the United States Constitution. This is a translation from the Latin. The city of
London shall enjoy all its ancient liberties and free customs Given by our hand in the meadow
that is called Runnymede, between Windsor and Staines, on the fifteenth day of June in the
seventeenth year of our reign (i.e. 1215: the new regnal year began on 28 May). The Virginia Company of
London was a joint-stock company chartered by King James I in 1606 to establish a colony in
North America. (15)“United States” means—
(A)a Federal corporation; Vatican
City Languages: Italian and Latin. The
phrase Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New order of the ages"; English: /ˈnoʊvəs ˈɔːrdoʊ
sɛˈklɔərəm/; Latin pronunciation: [ˈnɔwʊs ˈoːrdoː seːˈkɫoːrũː]) is the second of two mottos that
appear on the reverse (or back side) of the Great Seal of the United States. (The first motto is
Annuit cœptis, literally translated "[He/she/it] has favored our undertakings".) The Great Seal
was first designed in 1782, and has been printed on the back of the United States one-dollar bill
since 1935. As settlements advanced up the
country from lower Maryland, a fair proportion of those who acquired land in what is now the
District were Catholics. In 1669 "a parcell of land. . .called Rome. . .was layd out of Francis
Pope. . .extending to the south of an inlet called Tiber"; this gentleman, "Pope of Rome on the
Tiber", was sheriff of Charles County, and, in all probability, a Catholic. The well-known
families of Carroll, Digges, Queen, and Young were the possessors of extensive landed estates
before the American Revolution. Within thirty years, the
fraternity had spread throughout Europe and the American Colonies. Freemasonry became very
popular in colonial America. George Washington was a Mason, Benjamin Franklin served as the
head of the fraternity in Pennsylvania, as did Paul Revere and Joseph Warren in Massachusetts.
Other well-known Masons involved with the founding of America included John Hancock, John
Sullivan, Lafayette, Baron Fredrick von Stuben, Nathanael Greene, and John Paul Jones.
Another Mason, Chief Justice John Marshall, shaped the Supreme Court into its present form. During the revolutionary
era, masons of note included George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin,
Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, and John Hancock.

Nick Blain
get right down to it by listing something I copied from a website. Here is the link followed by
commentary from the website:
america-1907.pdf Following are excerpts from the attachment CORPORATION TRUST
COMPANY OF AMERICA 1907 11 pgs beginning on page 2; “To provide, to keep, to maintain,
for and in behalf of and as the agent of corporations. (both domestic and foreign) whether
organized under the laws of the state of Delaware or elsewhere, offices, principal or otherwise,
and therein to keep the stock, transfer and other books and documents records and property of

every sort and kind of such operations, for all purposes including the transfer of stock.”………..
“…..To keep and maintain safe deposit vaults and boxes and to take and receive upon deposit for
safe keeping for storage stocks, bonds, securities, papers, books and documentary records and
personal property of every sort or kind, and to let out vaults, safes and other receptacles. To
promote, reorganize or otherwise assist and afford facilition (word unclear on original doc) to
any company or companies organized or to be organized under the laws of the State of Delaware
or elsewhere and desiring to do business in the State of Delaware and elsewhere, and to any as
the agent, trustee or otherwise for and in behalf of such corporations.”…… pg 2 last line cont on
pg 3 …..”To act as the fiscal or transfer agent of any State, municipality, body politic or
corporation; and in such capacity to receive and disperse money, and transfer, register and
countersign certificates of stock, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness..” To act as the trustee
for the holders of or otherwise in relation to any bonds, stocks or debentures issued or to be
issued by any corporation. To act as trustee under any mortgage or bond issued by any
municipality, body politic or corporation, and accept and execute any other municipal or
corporate trust not inconsistent with the laws of this State. Generally to undertake and execute
any trusts, the undertaking thereof may deem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit this
company. To act as the registrar of stocks, bonds and debentures and the transfer agent thereof
for corporations and others. To take, accept and execute any and all such trusts and powers of
whatever nature or description as may be conferred upon or entrusted or committed to it by any
person or persons, or any body politic, corporation or other authority, by grant, assignment,
transfer, devise, bequest, or otherwise, or which may be entrusted or committed or transferred to
it or vested in it; by order of any court of record, and to receive and take and hold any property or
estate, real or personal, which may be the subject of any such trust……….” ( see end page 3)
Please read the attachment VERY CAREFULLY to understand how this corporation is reaching
into your private trusts, mortgages, deeds and anything else the reader may have felt was private
personal and owned outright free and clear. This is the Form N-CSR (SEC) filing for New
Covenant Funds, the Presbyterian Foundation:
Agent for Service: The Corporation Trust Company of Wilmington, Delaware.

Hidden History

I have spoken about the hidden history in the United States -- after the French
Revolution how the Crown Prince of France, Louis Charles Bourbon-Capet was made
manager of the United States Corporation in 1805 until the Payseur family lost control of the
Virginia Company in 1933 when the Company had to file for bankruptcy. When you learn about
a hidden puppeteer, history looks alot different. France of 1789, Britain of 1640, Russia of
1917, Germany and Hungary of 1918-19, and Spain of 1936 share common traits.
Provocateurs aiming to destroy the fabric of society. In the United States patriot
community, the provocateurs are playing both sides against the middle. When the fact
that the US is being ruled by martial law is acknowledged, and that it is possible to
return to the Constitution of 1789 without bloodshed, these provocateurs are unmasked
for what they are. First there was the informer against Schuyler Barbeau, for selling a
short barrel shotgun. Pete Santilli is nothing more than an agitator hijacking what was
marketed as a "peaceful demonstration. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken, who
resentenced Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son Steven, was not presiding over a Court

under Article III of the US Constitution. Under the Global Currency Reset, the 1789
Constitution is going back into effect and martial law is ending.

Justice Antonin Scalia may have been ready to disclose the fact that the United States is
secretly being governed by martial law. At the beginning of February, ten days before
Justice Scalia's sudden death, I called Justice Scalia on the carpet for refusing to tell the
American people that the US is governed by martial law, and "tweeted" his picture.

I also mentioned the corruption in the Supreme Court and posted a picture of Justices
Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas during the DCTV broadcast on December 9, 2015:
On February 10, 2016 I told the American Bar Association that lawyers are too corrupt
to regulate the legal profession any more, and that there probably shouldn't be a legal
profession. This was after the DC Bar refused to answer my question whether the US
was being governed by martial law, and then the following month the DC Bar magazine
talked about the Constitution of 1789 and the Magna Carta as though the Constitution
were in force and effect when this is not the case. In an earlier episode we mentioned
how King John ceded the UK to the Pope on October 3, 1213 and has to pay tribute to
the Vatican.

The US Congress and the legal profession have refused to admit that the US Congress
has been extending a secret state of emergency to justify martial law. This martial law is
no longer secret. The people have not consented to be governed this way. Our
Constitution of 1789 makes it clear that people consent to be governed, and they have
not consented to be governed by martial law. This power grab is not ok. The World
Bank Board of Governors has declared the US to be in interregnum because the

representatives of the US on the Board of the World Bank and IMF have been breaking
the Articles of the World Bank and IMF.
Justice Scalia had this to say about Article V:
"The founders inserted this alternative method of obtaining constitutional
amendments because they knew the Congress would be unwilling to give
attention to many issues the people are concerned with, particularly those
involving restrictions on the federal government's own power. The founders
foresaw that and they provided the convention as a remedy. If the only way to get
that convention is to take this minimal risk, then it is a reasonable one. "

So I asked each of the Governors, the Adjutant Generals who are liaisons to the National
Guard for the Governors, and the Secretaries of State of the 50 states, to deny that there
is secret martial law. The Governors are hard pressed because people know that their
titles to land and cars and other property are being withheld from them under war
powers ever since 1937, and this corruption is not something that the Governors can
continue evade. I told the Governors that I vote the US shares on the Board of
Governors and Boards of Executive Directors of the World Bank and IMF because Jack
Lew, Matthew McGuire, and Mark Sobel had broken the Articles of Agreement and had
no further role to play in the Global Currency Reset.

The Secretaries of the 50 states know full well that the US monetary gold reserves are in
the Global Debt Facility and that the Global Debt Facility has liens against the Fed and
the agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control. It is against the security
interests of the United States to allow the Federal Reserve note to crash, thereby
unilaterally surrendering our military. It is treasonous to punish our heroes Vice
Admiral Tim Giardina and Major General Michael Carey, who refused to nuke
Charleston South Carolina on October 7, 2013, and Captain Heather Cole, who refused
to communicate a first strike command against Russia on March 16, 2015.

Where are we? Is it uncharted territory?

Not exactly. The power transition model is quite accurate. When Germany's and
Japan's and Brazil's Executive Directors asked for me to be admitted to the Spring
Meetings so that the Minutes of the Board of Governors that had been adopted the
previous day for the Global Currency Reset could be presented at the meeting, and I was
nevertheless not admitted, this was a violation of the World Bank's Articles. The Secret
Service tried to "paper over" my being locked out of the meeting by presenting me with a
barring notice. This barring notice was signed by Martin Kraus, who had been fired the
previous day by the Board of Executive Directors. It is not worth the paper it is written
on. Has the Network of Global Corporate Control succeeded in stealing the world's
monetary gold reserves? No. The liens against the Federal Reserve, and the 2
quadrillion in Treaty of Versailles Bonds are still there. The Minutes for the Global
Currency Reset have been adopted, and by their terms they supersede the Minutes that
are currently on the internet. I spoke to a representative of Greece about the fact that
country debt is being offset against the 2 quadrillion in bonds that the One Bank owes
us. I spoke with a delegate from Japan about how the US military is not surrendering
unilaterally through a crash of the Federal Reserve Note, and that I was in regular
contact with the Joint Japan Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement. The US
military does not have to deal directly with the Knights of Malta in the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, they can simply deal with the Joint Japan US Committee under the Status of
Forces Agreement.
At the end of the Spring Meetings, I exchanged cards with an official who works for the
Institute of International Finance, the lobby arm of the Network of Global Corporate
Control. Our conversation was very cordial. We know that this impasse is getting
resolved in the people's favor. The world's wealth is still in the Global Debt Facility and
it is going to be deployed in the Global Currency Reset that was approved by the Board
of Governors of the World Bank and IMF.

Here is where it gets interesting. Some Loose Ends

There are more articles in Russia Today about the location of the Amber Room.

It is the Board of Governors who are authorized to deal with the claims for these
treasures that are owned by the Global Debt Facility, and in between meetings, the 25
Ministers of Finance and Development on the Development Committee. The World
Bank's General Counsel and the Executive Secretary of the Development Committee lost
their jobs during the Spring Meetings when they refused to admit me. This was a breach
of the World Bank's Articles. The General Counsel doesn't know how to read the World
Bank's Articles, necessary to preserve the Gold in the Global Debt Facility.

Then, there's the article in the Independent two days ago (this was taped April 26th)
about the gold in the vaults beneath the Bank of England on Threadneedle Street, which
I pointed out was owned by the Global Debt Facility and not the Bank of England. The
correspondence of the Members of Parliament and George Osborne, the Chancellor of
the Exchequer, which had left things hanging, is there for everyone to read.
Remember when we were talking about the interregnum in the UK because of Queen
Victoria's elder son and first marriage, making for a different regent? That issue isn't
going away any time soon, and Gregg Hallett is presenting a corrected family tree in the
UK in a couple of weeks

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Dear People,

This tweet with a video link appeared in my Twitter account today. Yesterday the video was disabled.
The video is about Zionism. Zionism and the conflict over the Middle East are one of the most
intractable problems that the Bankers and the Black Nobility who are at the center of the Banking
Cartel use to try and kill off all of humanity. Yesterday I showed you a post that mentioned this as just
one of the "divide and conquer" issues that are threatening to land us in WWIII. We are in charge,
and we own the world's wealth, and we (the coalition that includes the world's military powers) are
not going to allow the Bankers to land us in WWIII.

Yesterday I showed you this screenshot:

This is how yesterday the Banking Cartel's controlled opposition posted in my Twitter
account the conflict between the Palestinians and the Jews who founded Israel.
It is important to sequence. We need to show the order that things happen. Zionism is
one of the problems that divide people and lead to conflict. These problems need to be
resolved, and they will be resolved, once the Banking Cartel that has set up these problems
is wound down. That is why it is important to sequence.

It is not my job to resolve the conflict between the Palestinians and the Jews who founded
Israel. The people themselves are going to do this during the Global Currency Reset.
How? First of all, by realizing the sequence in which the problem was set up. We are not
patsies, to be manipulated by the Banking Cartel. We are going to learn just who and what
we are during the Global Currency Reset. We do not enjoy killing off each other. That is
not who we are.
I have posted a lot about how the Banking Cartel set up many of the divide and conquer
problems. I will show a couple of my posts on this topic. I do not have a corner on all of
our past history. Many people realize that we have been lied to about our history in ways
that lead to conflict. In particular, the world's military powers know this. The world's
military powers are refusing to start WWIII, to give us time to end the Banking Cartel and
to clean up the corruption that is leading us into conflict.
This article lays out the problem:

This comment lays out how we are going to find a solution:

Let's start off with something that Barry Chamish wrote:

Subject: jews
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2015 19:21:56 +0300


by Barry Chamish

We begin with a critique of a poem by our great poet, Leonard Cohen.


by Leonard Cohen

I saw some people starving

There was murder, there was rape

Their villages were burning

They were trying to escape

I couldn’t meet their glances

I was staring at my shoes

It was acid, it was tragic

It was almost like the blues

I have to die a little

Between each murderous thought

And when I’m finished thinking

I have to die a lot

There’s torture and there’s killing

There’s all my bad reviews

The war, the children missing

Lord, it’s almost like the blues

I let my heart get frozen

To keep away the rot

My father said I’m chosen

My mother said I’m not

I listened to their story

Of the Gypsies and the Jews

It was good, it wasn’t boring

It was almost like the blues

There is no G-d in heaven

And there is no Hell below

So says the great professor

Of all there is to know

But I’ve had the invitation

That a sinner can’t refuse

And it’s almost like salvation

It’s almost like the blues

Leonard tries to find a reason for our collective heartache, the decimation of our people, the
rapes, murders, the burning of villages, the tortures, the dead children, but he could find no
justification. So seeks help; His father says we are chosen, his mother disagrees. His wise
professor says it doesn't matter because there is no G-d above or Hell below. Cohen concludes
there is no answer or salvation. It's almost like the blues.
My feelings precisely. And the same sense of helplessness pervades all Jews, from the
deluded Left, the deluded Right, the deluded Religious, the deluded Secular. No matter how we
try to explain our history, nothing works. There is only one way out of the morass and it hurts
an awful lot. It's facing the truth. It has to be done for our mental health and it's starting to get
I have more than a passing interest in Cohen. He inspired my MA thesis:

In 1979, I received my MA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. My thesis title

was; Us Against Them: A Comparative Study Of Leonard Cohen's, The Favourite
Game and Mordechai Richler's, The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz. Both were
outstanding works of literature created by two Montreal Jews in the late 1950s.

Cohen handled his sadness and confusion by drifting into clinical depression. Yet here he is,
alive and vibrant, singing his heart out in his 80s.

Leonard Cohen - Almost Like the Blues (Audio) - YouTube

I saw a much younger Cohen perform in Jerusalem. He was overwhelmed to be there and
told his audience, "I'm so happy to be here." And he was. And we were glad that as a
people we were watching OUR poet and loving him. And we should have been.
But he didn't know that there is a war between the establishment of Israel and the
opposition Religious/Right. The best of their writers are retaliating with disturbing research,
some of which, I will present after a brief commercial plug. Mr. Cohen, I follow your thoughts,
please do a tit for tat with me. Grant me that small privilege. Read and respect another side of
your people and with courage your blues will disappear; once you accept that without Israel
there would not have been an unexplainable Holocaust.


I have a paid news group. It costs what you can afford and you get not news I necessarily
advocate but the angles we should be aware of. Write me and become a member. Barry

Hear my radio show: /

The novel BANISHED by Aliza Basmenachem, the story of Jews removed from Gaza, in English or
Hebrew, along with the accompanying DVD, The Secret War Against The Settlers, by me, is
yours for your fair price by writing me at:
Read my book Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust
Essential contributions, if you want me to continue, at Paypal:
or by writing:
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080


Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons

P.O.B. 1775, Kiryat Arba

90100, Israel

tel and fax: 02-9961252 (within Israel),

972 2 9961252 (from outside Israel)



In an article in the English edition of "Mishpacha" in January 2005 appeared the following:

"The Left is still loyal to the State of Israel in varying levels of faithfulness, but it hates Eretz
Yisrael. The difference between these two is clear: Eretz Yisrael is a reminder of the Left's
Jewish past, which it wishes to forget. ... The Left's disconnection from the Jewish nation has
reached the point where they are prepared for settlers to be killed during the evacuation
effort [Gaza area and North Shomron]. Spokesmen of the Left have already announced that
this will not be a war of brother against brother since 'the settlers are not our brothers'." (1)

Unfortunately this is not a new phenomenon. It has always been an integral part of the
secular Zionist agenda. They wanted a Jewish State (according to some of them, even if it
were to be in Uganda or Argentina) but it had to be administered according to their
programme and perception for the "New Jew."



Eretz Yisrael was Divinely given to the Jewish people (2) and every Jew has an equal right to
live there. However as we shall see, the secular Zionists thought otherwise.

At the eighteenth Zionist Congress held in Prague in August 1933, Ben-Gurion said

"Eretz Yisrael today needs not ordinary immigrants, but pioneers. The difference between
them is simple -- an immigrant comes to take from the land, whereas a pioneer comes to give
to the land. Therefore we demand priority for Aliyah to pioneers."(3) (emphasis in original)

The question here is how would Ben-Gurion define an "ordinary immigrant" and how a
"pioneer"? From his speech, it is obvious that a person working the land on a kibbutz is a
pioneer. However, it would almost certainly appear that an old person coming to spend his
last years in the Holy Land or even a Yeshiva student would be classed as a mere "ordinary

A few months later in mid-October 1933 a meeting took place between, amongst others, the
High Commissioner for Palestine, David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Shertok (Sharett). The
Minutes of the meeting were written up by Shertok.

During the course of this meeting Ben-Gurion spoke about the three million Jews then living
in Poland and stated that "Palestine offered no solution for all Polish Jews. Immigration into
Palestine was necessarily limited, therefore it had to and could be a selected immigration.
Zionism was not a philanthropic enterprise, they really wanted here the best type of Jew to
develop the Jewish National Home, but they had to be given sufficient scope to bring over
people of whom the country was in need."(5)

The question which remains is who would decide who was "the best type of Jew"? As will
soon be seen, such a Jew was someone who was a secular Zionist!

It was a few years later at the 20th Zionist Congress held in Zurich in August 1937, that
Weizmann spelled out more specifically what was meant by "selective Aliyah."

"I told the members of the Royal [Peel] Commission that six million Jews want to go on
Aliyah. One of the members asked me ' Do you think you could bring all of them to Eretz
Yisrael?' On this I answered ... that two million young people... we want to save. The old
people will pass.



Born to a family called Steinschneider, Erik Jan Hanussen arrived in decadent Berlin, and
became the prophet of the Third Reich


Historians digging into the archives to reconstruct the chronicle of the twentieth century will
have to deal with this strange phenomenon of Hanussen, born Herschmann Steinschneider in
the humble home of a poor Jewish actor in Vienna. It will be their task to unravel a complex
maze of reality and legend, myth and romance, to reach the core of the true personality of
Steinschneider, alias Hanussen, and his influence on one of the most significant chapters of
European history, the ascent and reign of Adolf Hitler.
— Pierre van Paassen, Redbook, May 1942

The story of Erik Jan Hanussen, the Viennese-Jewish psychic who befriended Adolf Hitler and
became known as the “Prophet of the Third Reich,” is one of the most peculiar in modern
European history. Few twentieth-century historians have acknowledged Hanussen as a factor
in the dissolution of the Weimar Republic. That the Führer had engaged a wily Jewish
clairvoyant might seem the stuff of mocking political fantasy or occult make-believe — but
the story is true.

When Pierre van Paassen, the prominent Dutch author and foreign correspondent, wrote the
above passage in the American periodical Redbook, the amazing exploits of Erik Jan Hanussen
were still hot international copy. At least fourteen stories on Hitler’s Jewish astrologer and
clairvoyant had appeared in the American press alone beginning in 1937. Several exposés
were penned by Germany’s greatest journalists, then in exile — acclaimed writers such as
Bella Fromm, Egon Erwin Kisch, and Arthur Koestler.

But after September 1942, the name Erik Jan Hanussen disappeared from public discourse.
The strange tale of “Hitler’s Pal” (as Hanussen was tagged in American true crime periodicals)
was stricken from the record, only appearing in secret wartime Office of Strategic Services
memos related to the character analysis and psychopathology of the Führer. By the time the

American home front had geared up for total war, the very notion of European Jews as
anything less than the targets of Fascist genocide could be viewed in Washington as a form of
fifth columnism. The story of a Jewish mystic who helped usher in the era of the Third Reich
and then became one of its first victims was buried — and with it, one of the most bizarre
chapters in the history of the Second World War.


Zionists had a record of cooperation with the Nazis in the 1930's. They had a trade plan by
which German Jews could redeem their property in Nazi goods exported to Palestine. Adoph
Eichmann also helped them set up training camps in Europe and even visited Palestine as
their guest. In 1935 the steamer "Tel Aviv" made its maiden voyage from Nazi Germany to
Haifa with Hebrew letters on its bow and a Nazi flag fluttering from its mast. The Captain of
the Zionist-owned ship was a member of the Nazi Party. A passenger described the spectacle
as a "metaphysical absurdity."

Actually it made perfect sense.

The ship transported German Jews who had taken advantage of the "Haavara" program,
which allowed them to exchange their money for its value in Germany products in Palestine.
As a result, the fledgling Jewish colony received about 70,000 highly educated German Jews
and 140 million Reichmarks worth of German industrial equipment. This laid the foundation
of Israel's infrastructure.

Zionists, welcomed the Nazis' anti Semitic policies. Like the Nazis, they believed in race-based
national character and destiny. Like the Nazis, they believed Jews had no future in Germany.
The co-operation extended to political and economic spheres. Adolph Eichmann set up
agricultural training camps in Austria to prepare young Jews for Kibbutz life. He visited
Palestine and conferred with Zionist leaders who confessed their true expansionist goals
Think about it. Hitler could have just confiscated all the Jewish wealth. Instead he used the
"Haavara Program" to help establish the State of Israel.

On Nov. 25, 1940, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe, the "Patra," exploded
and sank off the coast of Palestine killing 252 people.

The Zionist "Haganah" claimed the passengers committed suicide to protest British refusal to
let them land. Years later, it admitted that rather than let the passengers go to Mauritius it
blew up the vessel.

"Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many," Moshe Sharett, a
former Israeli Prime Minister said at memorial service in 1958.


Jack Bernstein in his book 'An American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel' stated -

“The Ashkenazi Jews, who migrated to Israel from Germany, while sympathetic to
Communism and support it, tend to favor the practices of Nazi-style fascism. During World
War II in Germany these elite Zionist Ashkenazi Jews worked closely with Hitler’s Gestapo in
persecuting the lower class German Jews and delivering them to concentration camps. Now
living in Israel, these elite Zionist Jews, who were well trained in Nazi-style fascism and favor
it, have imposed many facets of fascism on Israel.




The term "Zionism" was first introduced in 1893 by Nathan Birmbaum, but Theodor Herzl, an
Austrian Jew born to a prosperous, emancipated Budapest family, is recognized as the
founder of the Zionist ideology when he published his book in 1896, "The Jewish State",
where he declared that the cure for Anti-Semitism was the establishment of a Jewish state.
As he saw it, the best place to establish this state was in Palestine.

While Herzl claimed that the establishment of a "Jewish" state would cure Anti-Semitism, he
also promoted Anti-Semitism to further his cause.

Herzl stated in his diary:

"It is essential that the sufferings of Jews.. . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of
our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth.
. . The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and
oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends". (From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)

Benny Morris (the Israeli Historian), described how Herzl foresaw how Anti-Semitism could
be "HARNESSED" for the realization of Zionism. He stated:

"Herzl regarded Zionism's triumph as inevitable, not only because life in Europe was ever
more untenable for Jews, but also because it was in Europe's interests to rid the Jews and
relieved of Anti-Semitism: The European political establishment would eventually be
persuaded to promote Zionism. Herzl recognized that Anti-Semitism would be HARNESSED to
his own--Zionist-purposes." (Righteous Victims, p. 21)

I said that I was going to show you a couple of my posts on this topic.

I already defused Mossad's trap to blame the Jews and Israel as scapegoats for
everything (the old divide and conquer trick) How did I do this? By disclosing that
Barry Chamish died suddenly on the very same day that Mossad learned how Barry

Chamish was exposing that Shimon Peres obtained nukes for Israel (by trading 4,500
Yemeni babies to the US to use as guinea pigs in experiments showing harm to humans
from radiation) Once people are aware that the Network of Global Corporate Control are
trying to divide and conquer people this way, it loses its power. Here is the video where
I told people that Barry Chamish had died a hero's death:

I am saying that the problems we are facing predate Judaism.

The Pharonic bloodline families are the real culprits, See Minute 6:50 of this clip of Major
General General Konstantin Petrov, Leader of Russia's Conceptual Party, and Head of
the Opposition Project 'Concept in the Civil Security'. Konstantin Petrov died on July
21, 2009. He supposedly died of natural causes, but his friends and colleagues still
believe that Petrov was poisoned: Source
The first Jews were Egyptians.
Study-on-Origins-of-Monotheism-2004 )

On March 15, 2014 when I was given a nasty concussion in a synagogue with a blow
under my chin, I then informed the Board of Executive Directors, some Israelis, and the
rest of the internet about this attack, following which Israeli embassies closed
(see attached)

I have informed my followers about Dennis Wise's 6.5 hour documentary called, "Adolf
Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told." Red Ice said that the interview "has taken the
internet by storm. It has been hailed as, 'The single most important media contribution
in the last 70 years.'
As Robert O'Bannon says, "The enemy hides behind authentic Judaism and, when
attacked, will deceptively claim anti-semitism and hate crimes at work. Members of the
enemy are not Jews in any way. They don't have a religious or humanitarian bone in
their bodies, only a lower order predator instinct.
Look at my consistent effort through the years

Don't you realize that divide and conquer is their game? Divide & conquer oldest game
in the book:

Did you know what I have said about Hitler? I tweeted Red Ice's interview of Dennis
Wise about his 6.5
hour documentary called, "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told." Red Ice said
that the interview "has taken the internet by storm. It has been hailed as, 'The single
most important media contribution in the last 70-years.'" Thirteen people called
attention to my Tweet by marking it as their "favorite" and 19 people retweeted it

Here is what I said about Fukushima:

Here is what I said about Auschwitz:
and Yemen:

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 7:10 AM
Subject: Israel
To: Traci

Dear Traci,

Matt Taibbi's story in Rolling Stone nails it

the-biggest-financial-scandal-yet-20130425 about the LIBOR rate-fixing shenanigans of the Banking Cartel
described in this article

On Israel's closures, here is the official story:

The closure may or may not be related to my email of March 17, 2014 to Israel's representative on the Board of
the World Bank, and forwarded to other interested persons:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 8:31 AM
Subject: For Background
To: Shlomo Sand <>,,, Neil Silberman
<>,, Edward Spencer

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 8:20 AM
Subject: Fwd: Sorry to know on the elbow attack.
Cc: eds01 <>,,,,,,,


Dear Mr. Saadon,

The world's gold, cloaked in secrecy, was deposited into the Global Debt Facility, administered
by the Board of Governors of the World Bank. This gold is to be allocated to its beneficiaries in
a Global Currency Reset. This issue needs to be discussed openly, and in the context of the
world's gold, cloaked in secrecy in the Global Debt Facility, that the Bretton Woods institutions
are given responsibility for under paragraph 6 of the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough
Successor Agreement.

Ibrahim Shihata, former General Counsel of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries,
hired me into the World Bank legal department in 1986, and I was reinstated in settlement of
my bondholder litigation in order to bring the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development into compliance, and to qualify for the US capital contribution to the World Bank
under § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74). available here:

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 7:30 AM
Subject: Moses
To: Congregation Beth El

When I was leaving Beth El after the Megillah reading yesterday evening, a 30ish man in front
of me hit my chin with his elbow so forcefully that I have a headache this morning, and the spot
he hit on my jaw is still sore. I have rarely, if ever, been hit so hard. The man whose elbow hit
my chin was not putting on his coat. His apology was not even perfunctory. I did not want to
prolong my interaction with that individual for fear of something much worse, so I did not try to
find out his name.

Families that are given difficult information to process need to stay together as families and
process the information. The man who struck me should not prevent that, but I am afraid to
come back to shul until I receive another apology.


On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 11:43 PM, Traci wrote:

Subject: Israeli Closures and LIBOR rate fraud investigation

Message Body:

What is your inside story of why Israel closed its consulates & embassies worldwide?
I am also following up my prior message asking for your resources on the LIBOR fraud 3-yr
investigation in London. I only found web news from various sources but am still searching for a
more comprehensive study which you may know about since this is a big financial scandal.

CC:;;; ocemail@montgomerycountym;;;;; jrwolfinge;;; albania.un@albania-; mission@algeria-;;;; argentina@un.i
nt;;; new-york-;;;; bangladesh@un.
int;;;;; belar;;;; beninewyork;;;;; bot;;;; ambabunewyork@ya;;;;; rep;;;
m;;;;; cont;;; cuba_onu;;; dpr.korea@verizo;;;;; domi;;;;; elsalvador;;;; missio;;; dsatsia@gabon-;;; info@new-york-;;;;; on

t;;;;;; indi; ptri@indonesiamission-;;;;;; a;; p-m-;;;; kuwai;;; mission.un-;;;; libya_mis;;;; repermad@veri;;;;; m; malta-;;;;
;;;;; un.newyork@mfa.; info@morocco-;;;;; naur;;;; nzmi;;;;; missi; emb@panama-;;;; nowyjork.onz.sekretariat;; qatar-;;;; romania@un.
org;;;;; sv;;;; saudi-;;;; sierrale;;;;;;;;; s;;; nyc.vertretung-;;;; thailand@un
.int;; timor-;;;;; tunis;;;; ug;;;;; usun;;;; venezuela@; ymiss-;;; zygmo;;; contac;;; johnmachaffie@gm;;
Subject: G-20 Meeting in Australia
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 12:11:20 -0500

From: Karen Hudes <>

Date: Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 11:05 AM
To: Members of the Senate and House of Representatives Appropriations
Subcommittees on State and Foreign Operations

KarenHudes • 5 hours ago

When Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then Managing Director of the International

Monetary Fund, asked about the gold in the Global Debt Facility allocated to
the citizens of the world, he was run out of town. The United States remains
a scofflaw and a deadbeat, failing to meet its shareholder commitment on
the World Bank's capital increase. This is because Jacob J. Lew, Secretary of
the Treasury, forgot to tell US Congressional Appropriations Committees
%20Posting.pdf whether the effects of retaliation against whistleblowers had
been eliminated, which is a condition for release of the funds allocated to the
capital increase under § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012
(Pub. L. 112-74):

The 188 Ministers of Finance on the Board of Governors of the World Bank
and IMF reinstated me as Acting General Counsel of the International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development to satisfy this condition, and to settle
my bondholder litigation to correct inaccurate financial information to World
Bank bondholders, of which I am one.

Failure to implement the decision of the Board of Governors to replace

fractional reserve fiat currency with sound currency, backed by the world's
gold, is lowering
the US credit rating, as well as the World Bank credit rating, and bringing
the world to the precipice of a new dark ages.
bretton-woods-institutions/ corrections in

FEBRUARY 22, 2014 AT 3:25 PM

The G-20 is trying to supplant the World Bank and IMF in distributing the
world’s wealth in the Global Debt Facility, cloaked in secrecy by the banking
cartel identified by Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano
Battiston: “The network of global corporate control“, ETH Zurich, published
September 2011

That cartel has been overthrown by a coalition working for the rule of law, as
predicted by the ‘power transition model’ cited in footnotes 7,8 and 10

Here is an excerpt from Jacek Kugler, Ron Tammen and Brian Efird: “The
War Presidency: Options Taken and Lost”, International Studies Association
Meetings, Montreal, Canada, published February 2004,
“Specifically, a gap between the United States and Germany, the leader of
Europe now and into the foreseeable future, generates frictions and
dissatisfaction within the Western alliance. This dissatisfaction in turn, raises
the potential of a challenge between the US and an emerging giant in Asia.
Contrast this structure with the alternative that was emerging after the war
in Afghanistan. A German – led EU was coordinating anti-terrorist efforts
with the US. Russia, France and Japan seemed to be participating in an
expanded NATO/EU/Atlantic Alliance. China was now neutral. Given this
structure the potential challenge from a dissatisfied Asian power could be
delayed until the end of this century.”

Here is an excerpt from Randolph M. Silverson, “The Contributions of

International Politics Research to Policy”, Political Science and Politics,
published March 2000,
Siverson.pdf See page 62

“[T]he forecasts produced by [the model] were shown to be both more

specific and more accurate than the results generated by the Directorate of
Intelligence…[A]nalysts…have a tendency to look to the future as a
projection of the past, while [the model], to the contrary, begins with the
assumption that policies are the product of changing political forces that are
estimable…[I]t may be noted that it generates forecasts about policy
outcomes using information on how stakeholders (i.e., those with both an
interest in an issue and an ability to affect its outcome) are positioned on an
issue, how important the issue is to them, and how much power each
stakeholder has. ..How does the model fare? Quite well, in fact. ..[T]he
model was used “to analyze scores of policy issues in over 30 countries”
(275). …[T]he model’s rate of accuracy was about 90%, and when the
forecasts of the model and CIA analysts differed, the model’s forecast was
correct in every case.

A member of the US’ Armed forces has this to say about what is really going
on in the military: “[A] concealed foreign enemy and its American minions
are on their last legs because…it has two fatal vulnerabilities: its needs for:
(i) public invisibility and, (ii) control of the U.S. military to enforce its
concealed global schemes…The enemy’s critically important control of the
U.S. military is rapidly evaporating. The American, Russian, and Chinese
militaries–in concert–have determined the wisdom of bringing to an end the
plans for fomenting a World War III and its New World Order pretensions
and its murderous existence. Closing with the enemy has already begun.

Here is the rest of the book:

And they waited for Maj. General Michael Carey to make sure that a nuclear
bomb detonated in the ocean instead of on Charleston on October 8, 2013
before firing him for what happened the previous

originally posted at

World Bank Questions
Karen Hudes Sat, Jan 7, 2017 3:39 PM

Dear Michael,

No, I cannot be your mentor. If you are confused, you need to get into a study group
that you set up yourself and slog through some of the information on the internet and
learn to be discerning. Yes, the Global Currency reset is for everyone. Country debt is
a big scam. Your taxes are all going to the Banking Cartel ; probably you work three months
of the year to earn money to pay the taxes. That is just for starters.

The World Bank is a big co-op sitting in the center of the World's financial system and
administering the world's wealth. The US is the biggest shareholder. The Board of
Governors consists of 189 Ministers of Finance and Development. Here are the votes:

I am voting the US' shares until the Constitution of 1789 goes back into effect. We are
going to have to organize ourselves from the grassroots up. I am in a holding pattern

and working as Overseer Mandate Trustee on behalf of the Governors on the Board of
Governors and on behalf of the people in their countries until they can get themselves
sorted out. This is obviously a position of trust.

The other Governors have been appointed by corporations. This is going to change
as the corruption in the international financial system is cleaned up. The Global
Currency Reset is for the 99%ers. When everything shakes out, the elites are going to
find themselves in a very different situation indeed. Hopefully, this is all going to
proceed very carefully, or we are going to be throwing the baby out with the

People need to get involved from grassroots levels to clean up the corruption and
make sure that we are working on behalf of humanity as a whole. I will answer to
everyone, as I am in the very center, and I will be as transparent as I know how.

Donald Trump is illegitimate and does not figure in. He is now bankrupt. The more
you listen to the media, the more confused you are going to get. The media is simply
propaganda and for the most part is untrue. You have been misled by disinfo about
me. That disinfo should only clue you into the fact that the Banking Cartel doesn't
want you to know what is really going on.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666
From: Michael
Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2017 2:18 PM
Subject: Hudes: World Bank Questions

Dear Ms. Karen Hudes,

I found your name and many (sometimes confusing) info-blogs on the Internet and I
had some questions, if you will please help me understand. I saw your IBRD

I have read your interviews where you said that the Secretariat of the World Bank is
being controlled by a 'Banking Cartel'. I read your blogs on 'Global Currency Reset',
but do not understand it well. Is all of this only for you Lawyers and Royal Families,
or us 'Common People' can gain some benefit also? I could very much use financial
help; I hope to benefit (ie profit) a little from your shared-knowledge and wisdom, if
you will please Mentor me a little on some subject.

You stated in your online interview that you "vote the 18% shares of the USA on the
Board of Governors". What does that mean for 'Voting Shares' and that you are in
Charge? Is this part of the Jesuit's Trust Fund? What type of Votes do you participate
in, and who are the other 82% of Voting Members? That means Board of Governors is
in competition to the Ministers of Finance & Development? Do those 188-
Ministers only control the Gold Supply?

How has the recent Presidential election of Donald Trump affect everything? Has he
become so powerful that he controls the TNC and world markets? Are the ISIS
activities being financed by these Gold & Funds? Does the known Country Debt
(Trillions of Dollars) really just the tip when compared to what you said was "USA
Federal Reserve owing quadrillions in compound interest on obligations issued
during the 1930s" ? How do Presidents like Trump, Obama, and Clinton plan to pay
that money back?

I also saw an attack-blogs against you at:

The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Dear People,

I told you in the DCTV Series on the Banking Cartel in the Segment on January 8th that the former representative
for the Netherlands spearheaded an effort to end the corruption at the World Bank.
Sent: Fri, Apr 23, 2010 1:01 pm
Subject: RE: The World Bank's Internal Controls April 25th 11:30 am Concorde Room Hay Adams
You are one brave lady! Other adjectives might be used by other persons.

The climate change hoax was created to prevent us from getting ready for the coming cooling
cycle. And the petrodollar was created to bring on a currency war. Fortunately, there is a
coalition stronger than the Black Nobility, responsible for these scams. Further discussion at

Karen Hudes ·
The article has not mentioned the state capture of the US or the fact that all of the
pensions in the world are on the verge of confiscation by the Network of Global
Corporate Control. But we are stronger. Who is we? A coalition consisting of the US
minus the Federal Reserve, the BRICS, Germany, Japan. Stay tuned

November 22, 2015

Hi David,

Thanks for your email below. You wrote below…

Maybe it is time to pressure congress to have NOAA-NWS relinquish many of the predictions that are
being duplicated by the private sector. NOAA should be a data collection agency closely monitored, and

the private sector should do the predictions. Overall the private sector does a much better job at it than
the government and universities.

This would be the logical path to take. Still, you should know who our enemy really is so we can protect
our backsides now and in the future. This being the 52nd anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s
assassination, I felt inspired enough to turn off the football games and bang out this letter. You see my
story involves JFK directly. JFK was battling the same two enemies back then as we are facing today.

I have just completed a lengthy investigation of a horrific case of technological sabotage by initially an
unknown enemy who had been greatly benefited from the murder of JFK on November 22, 1963. I have
to digress a little bit before we get directly into Kennedy’s assassination.

Between 1945 and 1953, in a secret government national laboratory at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Dr. Alvin
Weinberg and his government laboratory team had made an energy discovery of the millennia.
Weinberg’s Gray Eagles team had duplicated the chemical energy heating process taking place in the
interior of our planet for billions of years! Our earth’s core generates 20 million megawatts of
geothermal heat hourly to maintain the interior at 10,8320F (equivalent power output of 22,220 Maine
Yankee nuclear reactors operating round-the-clock at 100% efficiency.)

At a cost of $1 billion ($10 billion in present day dollars)

the Oak Ridge scientists had replicated this process in their
own laboratory at atmospheric pressure! During the week
of February 24, 1953, a 150 kW Geothermal Atmospheric
Liquefied Thorium (GALT) chemical reactor was successfully
run for 100 continuous hours (see picture to right) using
this process.

A powerful Congressman, Chester Holifield, ordered all

information associated with this startling breakthrough energy technology not to be released to the
American public. He cited the Cold War with the Soviet Union as an excuse to threaten arrest and
imprisonment of anyone attempting to share this incredible discovery with the outside world.

Over this same time of period, Dr. Weinberg, as a favor to the Navy, designed a small Pressurized Light
Water Uranium (PLWU) nuclear reactor for its submarine program. Dr. Weinberg repeatedly warned
the Navy and Congressman Holifield that the PLWU should only be used for small power plants in
submarines and military ships. These pressurized reactors become very dangerous if they exceed 100
megawatts in size. It was Weinberg’s Gray Eagles that coined the phrase, China syndrome. Such an

event would likely implode the young nuclear industry. The world would thereafter be forced to revert
back to fossil fuels once more.

Dr. Weinberg became President John F. Kennedy’s scientific advisor.

JFK, against the protests of Congressman Holifield, was a strong
supporter of the GALT technology. The President intended to officially
announce this discovery to the American public upon declaring he was
seeking a second term in office.

President Kennedy hinted about this breakthrough technology in a

number of speeches including one as late as September 26, 1963. At the
Hanford Nuclear station, he mentioned “thorium” and that "by the end of this century ... half of all
electric energy generated in the United States will come from nuclear sources. After 2000, virtually all
new electric power installations would be nuclear.”

Unfortunately, only a handful of people knew JFK was speaking about the GALT reactor technology,
not the dangerous PLWU technology Congress Holifield had been marketing to the American public. The
GALT chemical reactor would provide clean, inexpensive, green energy, and abundant energy for rest
of man’s duration on planet Earth. Lower energy costs would support JFK’s goal of a colony on the
moon and a manned trip to Mars (the Rover program) before the end of the 20th century. Thus the
GALT chemical reactor could end “The age of fossil fuels” while Weinberg continually warned, behind
closed doors, that he fears the PLWU nuclear technology could end the age of atomic energy.

Against Dr. Weinberg’s continued protests and disbelief, Congressman Holifield encouraged the
immediate commercialization of the PLWU reactors! Controlling Washington’s purse strings, Holifield
offered huge subsidies to any electric utility that would build
PLWU power plants. Holifield even bragged in his biography of
threatening some power companies with shutting down all
government subsidies if they did not get on board and build a
PLWU in their territory. At the same time Congressman Holifield
kept all information about GALT technology a secret from the U.S.
power industry.

After the murder of JFK, Congressman Holifield discovered he

could not stop the planned Phase II construction of GALT (see image to right). The 750 kW GALT reactor
proved highly successful, both economical (1/10th the cost of a PLWU to both build and operate) and in
its simplicity of operation. The Thorium fuel in molted salts was
yielding 200 times more energy compared to the pressurized light

water reactor technology. In the image to the right, the Gray Eagles celebrated 6,000 continuous hours
of operation sometime in the year 1969.

In 1970, Dr. Alvin Weinberg and H.G. MacPherson sought new funding for a full scale a 100 mega-
watt (100,000 kilowatt-hour) model (13 times larger than the 1965 model.) Phase II testing results
had been leaking out to segments the utility industry. There were a number of private companies
willing to build the 100 megawatt technology with private funding. The Atomic Energy Commission
(AEC) indicated they required approval from the Congressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
(JCAE) chaired by Congressman Chester Holifield. That is when America’s most dangerous enemies
struck stealthy and efficiently at America’s heartland.

In one of the greatest disappearing acts in the United States, by December 31st, 1974, thorium
chemical reactors had officially become an urban legend when the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC),
the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) vanished!

Thanks again to the Freedom of Information Act, we learned that:

1) In late 1972, Dr. Weinberg was fired for refusing to discontinue

voicing his warnings against a likely implosion of the nuclear industry.
2) In early 1973, in what might be described as a precision military
lightning strike, the chemical division of Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, which spearheaded the thorium research since 1945, was
suddenly struck down, uprooted and disbanded. All chemical division
Research & Development on thorium was suspended—then later
ordered trashed or destroyed.
3) Thousands of Oak Ridge associates were either dismissed or
redeployed to other projects by early 1974.
4) During this same time period, Congressman Holifield had successfully
stampeded the American power industry into building and operate
51 pressurized LWR nuclear plants.
5) To further safeguard against future attempts to develop thorium
technology, Congressman Holifield hastily passed legislation in 1974
restricting nuclear power development to the more complex,
dangerous and expensive technologies.
6) Holifield announced his retirement from Congress, to take effect December 31, 1974.

All the evidence confirms nuclear sabotage was successfully foisted on America. Unknown enemies
had purposely and intentionally denied America promising choices in nuclear technology. Enemies of
our country intentional sought to implode the young nuclear industry. Even more diabolical, our
enemies were made aware, from engineering studies held back from the public, that a likely China

syndrome meltdown near a city was projected to kill up to 40,000 Americans and result in financial
damages in excess of $250 billion.

To the disappointment of our enemies, we got lucky experiencing only a partial meltdown at Three-
Mile Island. Built in 1974, this event still imploded the nuclear industry in 1979 as feared by Dr. Alvin
Weinberg. Another 77 PLWU reactor plants, under construction prior to the accident were
completed. We learned by 1982 the committees Congressman oversaw had repeatedly granted
waivers allowing consulting firms to cut safety corners in a race to get these plants up an operating as
quickly as possible.

As I mentioned earlier, fifty-two years have passed since JFK’s assassination. It is now time to fully
expose the two major enemies of our American Republic. It was not Russia and China. As
unbelievable as it was for even me to comprehend, the two vilest enemy countries appear to be the
city-states of the “British CROWN” (the international bankers) and their largest client, “the Vatican!”

To add insult to injury, these two entities have own most of the fossil fuel reserves in the world since
the 1930s. By eliminating the GALT chemical reactor, they eliminated their most dangerous
competitor around 1970. Due to the elimination of this market threat, higher demands resulted on
fossil fuels. This directly led to the creation and rise of OPEC in the 1970s. Our two deadly enemies
doubled and then triple the price of oil. The bankers of the world extracted an additional $20 trillion
in profits from America, alone, over the last half century!

Fortunately, as mind blowing as all this might be, we

don’t even have to rely solely on my collected
evidence over the years. Once I typed into the
internet my conclusions, to seek any further
collaborating evidence, I found the website of
attorney/whistleblower, Karen Hudes at . She provides additional
evidence the CROWN bankers and the Vatican have
been the greatest enemies of America since our
foundation in 1776.

Please check out the following YouTube, “Exposing the Global Puppet Masters”, by Karen Hudes. See
d=20E40B08A18AD7F0FBE720E40B08A18AD7F0FBE7 .

It is “must see viewing.” You will learn that the City of London (CROWN) and the Vatican presently
control 40% of all public businesses and 60% of the revenue. It appears all the big U.S. Banks have only
one Board of Directors between them, and therefore we have a single giant bank.

We do not hear about these illegal activities because the international bankers purchased, and have
controlled most of the U.S. media, since the
1930s. The Bankers and Vatican also find global
warming profitable and therefore the media will
not support the Truth of climate change.
Fortunately, this might all change in the next few

There are a number of YouTube interviews with

Karen but this might be a good introduction to
this courageous World Bank whistle blower. Karen
Hudes has spent the last eight years exposing
criminal financial fraud perpetrated by global
puppet-masters she worked directly for between
1986 through 2007. Karen and her circle of
whistle-blowers, are actually exposing these two criminal cabals. With all our help, they hope to
relieve both entities of their vast money and power.

David, based on your YouTube presentation, “Is Climate Change Dangerous?” we are likely heading into
a major drop in global temperatures (see link:
qUE& ) within the next

At the same time, Karen Hudes fears the

Global banks are attempting to crash paper
money and hurl the world into another “Dark

What if the International Banks and the

Vatican are purposely coordinating these key
events to collide at the same time while having also successfully denied civilization the GALT chemical
reactors to respond to the next mini-ice age?

Are our enemies actively seeking the deaths of billions of Homo sapiens on our planet within a relatively
short period of time?

We need to work with Karen Hudes and her team to prevent the introduction of a “dark age” if at all
possible. During this time period we also need to give Russia, China and other countries of the world a
change to develop the GALT chemical and other technologies like it. An example might be the Black
Light Company “Hydrino” technology in New Jersey. I fear our Congress is too corrupt to ever throw out
the legislation Congressman Holifield put in place back in the 1970s. We will get no help from the main
media which is likely under the control of global banks as Karen Hudes claims. America will not be able
to re-enter the GALT chemical reactor race for likely another 20 years. That will be too late.

If you and I live another ten years possibly we might see how this story ends. We will then see how
much the revelations of this letter turn out to be fact…and how much turned out to be good science

God bless John F. Kennedy on the 52nd anniversary of his assassination for all he attempted to do in
behalf of America and the 3rd world countries. The battle continues for all mankind!


Mike Brakey

From: David

Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2015 11:58 AM

To: Mike Brakey
Subject: Re: Using earlier NASA data, globe is in fact cooling


When I submitted a couple articles to the notrickszone back in August and September, thought I might be
stepping on toes and over reacting about NOAA and the American Meteorological Society (AMS). But
now I am glad I did it to expose the university system, grants, NOAA and the AMS. They have pocketed
political big bushiness money and strayed from their mission. I am so disappointed in these

Maybe it is time to pressure congress to have NOAA-NWS relinquish many of the predictions that are
being duplicated by the private sector. NOAA should be a data collection agency closely monitored, and
the private sector should do the predictions. Overall the private sector does a much better job at it than
the government and universities.


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST


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