Aggie TV Business Plan

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Aggie TV - Social Media Business Plan


Social Media Platform Number of Followers/Likes

Facebook 1,159 followers, 1,137 likes

Instagram 483 followers

YouTube 295 subscribers

Twitter 473 followers

Currently, the platforms in which Aggie TV is active on are

Facebook, Instagram. YouTube and Twitter. ATV currently does not
have a mission or vision statement and it would be beneficial
for them to establish both. By clearly verbalizing and keeping
track of their overall goals, working to achieve them can become
doable. It is also important that their audience persona is
defined to ensure that the Venn diagram of their viewers and
their social media followers become one circle. It is also
unclear as to which platform is most effective for engagement,
as ATV does not have a lot of follower engagement in the first
place. To aid in this effort, a short term goal is to determine
what time of day ATV’s viewers/followers are most active and
attempt to align that with the time in which they regularly


The client’s primary concern is their low follower count, hoping

to increase both follower count and engagement from followers.
Ways in which ATV wants to increase their following is by
creating content that caters to current as well as prospective
students. ATV also would like a social media plan that can
easily be kept up in the fall.

A few goals for ATV, by the numbers, are to increase their

Instagram and Twitter followings by 5% as well as increase their
average number of like on an Instagram post to 50 likes at
minimum. More general objectives for their social media are to
post often across all channels and present ATV as both a
professional news outlet while also showing the personality to
it. Some of their more business and networking related goals are
to connect with the social media managers of the College of
Humanities and Social Sciences’ social media and to reach out to
Connections students during the fall semester.




M - Introduce #StudentoftheWeek

T - #BroadcastTipTuesday

W - “Don’t Forget to Tune In/Preview” post

T - Broadcast/In-Studio content

F - #FunFactFriday, Promote show from day before/”Here's what

you missed”

February 2019

2nd - Groundhog Day

3rd - Super Bowl Sunday

10th - The Grammys

14th - Valentines Day

18th - President’s Day

24th - Oscars

March 2019
*Various SPJ nomination deadlines during the month*

8th - International Women’s Day

10th - Daylight Savings Day

14th - Pi Day

17th - St. Patrick’s Day

20th - First Day of Spring

31st - MLB Opening Day

April 2019

1st - April Fool’s Day

8th - NCAA Championship

*Field trips are occasionally taken throughout the semester, we

have not yet been provided with the dates*


1-3 Broadcast Alumni Profile

4-5 Instructor Profile

6 What is takes to produce a newscast

7 The roles on a newscast team

8 Equipment haul

9 How to survive: the broadcast major

10 Broadcast journalist stereotypes debunked (movies vs. real)

11 React video to broadcast journalist assumptions

12 What is takes to be a broadcast journalist


● Utah State University students

● Broadcast Journalism students
● USU Broadcast alumni
● Perspective USU JCOM students
● Potential employers of Broadcast students
● Incoming USU Freshman



● Student of the Week - highlight a team member, including a

few pictures of them and a short bio, in an effort to make
the entire news team more personable and showcase the
various students involved.
● Utilize “story” feature daily - broadcast technique/tip of
the day, behind the scenes photos/videos
● Utilize “highlight” feature - archive content, having a
highlight for tip of the day, one for weekly spotlight, one
for recap/previews/clips of segments (sports, student life,

● Have takeovers on field trip days by students on them


● Have diversity in tweets and their content (links, photos,

videos recaps or sneak peeks, gifs) as well as engage with
followers and the content of similar accounts
● Live tweet any field trips taken


● Ensure that content is being cross-promoted, either through

a repost or an organic post
● Revamp the appearance of the Facebook page to make it more
centered around the team

● Develop organized video playlists
● Share links from YouTube accounts-- cross promote YouTube
Channel on other platforms


● Post more than just entire episodes, include fun and easily
digestible content as well
● Consider rather than whole episodes, posting segments and
then making a playlist for that day


● #BroadcastTipTuesday

We will be utilizing the Instagram stories feature to

provide followers with a way to interact with the page, as
well as teach the followers something about broadcast
journalism. The stories will present a question and include
a poll for students to make their best guess as to what the
correct answer is. The following story post will display
the answer and an explanation. This is designed to make the
broadcast emphasis seem less foreign to those who might be
interested and to give curious followers a good idea of
what is being studied/taught in the emphasis.

● #FunFactFriday

On Fridays, we will utilize the Instagram and Twitter

accounts to post facts, trivia, and history about broadcast
journalism or things to do with the field as a whole. These
posts can, for example, with a holiday or ATV Event.
Basically, this is a way to ensure that we are posting
regularly with a format that our audience can come to
expect. It will contribute to the overall process of
building a solid brand for ATV News.

● #IntheField

On days during which the ATV team or broadcast classes

have a field trip, other professional engagement
opportunities, or are actively out working in the field,
we will take the chance to do an “In the Field” social
media takeover by one of the students who is participating
in said event. As such, followers will be able to see a day
in the life of professional broadcasters through a
broadcast student lens. We have no solid dates for these
activities as of yet but are in close contact with the
professors of the broadcast emphasis, who will be letting
us know when these opportunities arise.


● #BehindtheScenes

Post photos and videos from “behind the scenes,”

whether that be during a live broadcast, while
shooting in the field, or in the editing bay while
team members work on writing and editing segments.

● #AnchoroftheWeek, but transition to #StudentoftheWeek

Rather than showcasing whoever is anchoring that week,

which can result is team members being repeatedly
posted about, every week a different student will be
highlighted. Their highlight post will include a few
pictures of them or a video from their reel and a
short bio about themselves and why they chose to study
to why they like broadcast journalism.


How a conflict is resolved is dependent upon the situation and

the platform. Any major conflict or conflicts that have the
potential to progress will be discussed privately in an effort
to resolve and diffuse the situation. More low-stake conflicts,
such as a negative comment or post will be handled by being
responded to our comment on to ensure that concerns are being
heard and considered.
A-TV News. (n.d.). A-TV News. Retrieved January 27, 2019, from


AggieTV. (n.d.). Aggie TV News (@aggie_tv) • Instagram photos

and videos. Retrieved January 27, 2019, from

AggieTVNews. (n.d.). AggieTVNews. Retrieved January 27, 2019,


AggieTVNews. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2019, from

Garff, C., & Champagne, B. (2019, January 17). Initial Meeting

with ATV News Clients [Personal interview].

Awards - Society of Professional Journalists. (n.d.).

Retrieved January 27, 2019, from

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