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Novel Study Project

Challenge: Choose 2 projects to create to prove your analysis skills of your novel. Your products must be from 2
different categories.

Character Map
Character room: What would your character’s room look like?
Suitcase: Where would your character go if he/she could go on a trip? What would he/she pack?
Playlist: What songs would be on your character’s mixed tape/playlist?
Literary Report Card for Character Traits: If your character brought a report card home for character
traits, would he/she make an A in Patience? A D- in perseverance?
Life-Size Character: Students in the group trace around one person to create a life-size character shape
on bulletin board paper. After drawing in the character’s features and clothing, the group writes in character
traits around their person, adding details from the story to support their choice of each trait.

Conflict Map
Conflict/Plot Yarn: As you read the novel, identify all important events in the novel on squares of colorful
paper. Record all conflicts on one color paper. After you finish reading, unroll a long piece of yarn to map out the
plot line of your story. Tie a knot where you place the conflicts. If it is a small conflict, tie a small knot. Tie a big knot
for big conflicts.

Creative Writing:
Re-write your novel as if it were a diary of another character’s point of view. (You can choose to re-write
one event or multiple)

Big Themes, Mini-Book: Identify the important themes from the story and create pages for a booklet
explaining each of the story’s main themes.

Costume Design: Plan, draw, and describe costumes for the main character and other interesting
characters based on what they know about the characters themselves, the setting, and the time period.
Ss: Sketch out sets and write lists of props for important scenes from the story.
Diorama:ets and Prop Create a visual inside of a box of a scene from the text.

Powerful Quotes: Choose at least five powerful quotes/lines from the book and create a Canva infographic
featuring each quote and why you chose the quote, what the quote means, or your connection to the quote.
Book Jacket/Cover: Create a book jacket or covers that are different than the original
Poster: Create a movie trailer poster for your novel.
Letter: Write a letter to the author explaining why you liked the book or not and why.
Comic book: Create a comic book based off an either an event from the novel or the entire novel.
Board Game: Create a board game for your novel. (I LOVE THIS FOR


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