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Person 1

Alani Person

ENC 2135-073


17 April 2019

Genre Rationales

Genre NewsPaper Article:

For Genre 1, I created a newspaper article for the the local Tallahassee newspaper. In

addition to the pictures that I selected to help promote and emphasize the purpose of article, I

included a call to action to the “organization” that was represented in my other two genres. The

purpose of the newspaper article is to simulate emotions and persuade the audience to think

about the subject of gun control and to hopefully take some action. Newspaper readers tend to be

an older demographic, so would likely have experienced the history of war and have seen the

increase of gun violence in the U.S., and may even have been active in political and economic

issues in their youth. The audience would also likely have family that they would want to protect

and keep safe, and would be motivated to inform their friends and family about the invitation to

learn more and attend the event. The use of the image of girls crying is intended to show the

emotional impact of gun violence on the younger generation and how the audience can to help to

find solutions to lessen the pain. I present an option to be participate by informing them that

there is a new organization starting up with the purpose to make tangible changes to this ongoing

problem. While doing a newspaper article I was able to add pictures and have headlines which

allows me the creativity to reach my audience with emotion and still gives me the ability to

portray my message as I want to portray it. The only issues with a newspaper is that you have to
Person 2

be more formal both in the writing and presentation. The newspaper needed to follow the social

norms for news articles while still trying to make it seems appealing enough to an audience to

want to read it.

Genre 2 Poster:

For Genre 2, I created a poster that would be used as the face of my Anti-Gun Violence

Organization. This genres biggest pro is also its biggest con. The ability to have creative freedom

allows the poster to have potentially great pulling power; however the poster may not have the

intended impact because the choice of words or the imagery may not appeal to the audience and

may not engage and provoke emotions. The poster could be placed in strategic locations

throughout Florida State University and other local colleges inviting students, faculty and staff to

come and be part of the conversation and to participate in the organization. The purpose of the

poster is for people to see it, generate emotions, and persuade the audience to come and discuss

the issue and need for change. I included the time, date, and popular location of the meeting and

made it seem inviting to those who want to show up. The primary audience would be Florida

State students that would attend a meeting with mostly other students to talk about these issues.

The good part of using a poster is that because of its size is relatively not too wordy because you

do not want the message to stand out but be simple and compelling. The challenging part of a

poster is that you need to catch the audience’s attention and convince them to actually go out of

there way to attend. Overall a poster is a versatile and potentially effective genre developed in a

way that accounts for the audience of which the poster is seeking to engage.

Genre 3 Instagram Account & P osts:

Person 3

For Genre 3, I used an Instagram account that posted more information about the

organization. On this account I posted the purpose of the club, why and where we are meeting

and also re-posted the picture of our poster. The point of reposting the picture of the poster is to

reinforce the image they have been seeing around campus which can help the audience

remember and consider the event. The purpose of an Instagram account is to capture the

audience of younger students probably from Florida State and to join and share the information

with their friends. The audience should be able to search for and find the account and feel

connected. The account would include posts that will allow the audience to stay up-to-date on

all the activities, goals and progress of the club. I included a hashtag that read “enough is

enough.” The importance of a hashtag is that it can be used to reach larger crowds who are

interested in this topic of activism. The good thing about social media and Instagram is that it is

easy to post and that you can follow people and hopefully offer incentives for people to follow

you. The challenging thing about making Instagram as a genre is that you need to get followers

to follow it which could be an issue as a lot of students do not want their timelines filled with

potentially political arguments. Overall an Instagram account has limitless potential of sharing

capability and outreach if it reaches the masses who feel devoted to the goal of the organization,

however it is reliant on building and growing the initial following and getting their posts seen.

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