Assignment of English : Submitted To: Madam Uzma. SUBMITTED BY: Hania Nasreen

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SUBMITTED BY: Hania Nasreen.
Launching a new product or service isn’t what is used to be. In the "good old
days," you could hire a PR agency to craft a press release and set up a press
tour. Before the big launch date, you would hit the road and meet with reporters
from all the important press outlets. Then on launch day, you could sit back and
watch the articles roll in. In those days, reporters might even spend a few days
fact-checking and talking to customers before filing their stories.

For good or bad, those days are gone. Today, the pace of news is limited only
by the speed of light. The new media landscape incorporates far fewer major
outlets; rather, it is made up of a smaller number of slimmed-down publications
and an inordinate number of specialist bloggers. Getting "ink" might be easier,
but paradoxically, getting attention has become extremely difficult. And the
attention you do get is forgotten within minutes as the unceasing flow of even
"newer news" pushes your announcement out of the collective mind share.
Launching a new product attracts consumers as well as corporate buyers, and
informs the public about your product and business. Your product launch needs
to be exciting and informative, but it is not always easy to accomplish these
goals. As you get ready to launch your new product, there are several things that
you can do to make sure that the launch is a success.

1. Conduct a research on the market: First of all conduct a research on

the needs and demands of the market as well as customers. You also
have to conduct a research on the similar products in the market you
are planning to launch.
2. Perform a SWOT analysis: Swot stands for strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. A SWOT analysis of your product can help
you take a closer look at your product and compare your product to a
similar product made by your competition.
3. Design an attractive packaging: You have to design an attractive
packaging of your product. A customer judge your product at first eye
by the packing of your product. Packaging is the first step to getting
your new product notice.
4. Create a perfect product slogan: Choose a phrase or motto that is
catchy, captures the essence of your product, and will speak to your
target customers. The slogan should consist of simple language and
could rhyme or contain words beginning with the same letter to make
it catchier.
5. Let people to test your product: Your customers are the best who can
judge your product because they are the ones to use your product.
Make it easy for people to learn about your product with free trials,
downloads, product videos, and demos.
6. Write up a product sheet: This document should recount the product’s
specific details and features. It should explain the specifics of a
product to consumers while still making it attractive and exciting.
7. Launch a product website: Ensure that this website provides customer
testimonials, appealing images of your new product, as well as
detailed information for consumers.
8. Purchase advertising: Multichannel marketing is often successful, so
place ads in many types of media simultaneously to announce the
pending launch of your product and reach the maximum number of
target customers.
9. Make your product available to cultural influencers: Consider doing so
weeks before the actual launch. Cultural influencers can include
community leaders, bloggers, local celebrities, and sports figures.
Give free samples and encourage these people to use your product.
10. Orchestrate a rolling launch: A rolling launch should begin six to
eight weeks before the final product unveiling. Make sure there are
plenty of strategic “leaks” regarding your product as the unveiling date
draws closer.
11. Hold an official launch: Invite reporters, bloggers, consumers,
celebrities, and members of industries related to your product. Give
out free samples and try to make the event memorable with respect to
catering, lighting, and even musical performance.
12. Put your focus on the people, not the product: you have to put your
focus on the people means on the needs and demands of the
13. Do something unusual during the release cycle: Some examples
include creating a funny video, doing a stunt centered around an
industry event, publishing a survey that supports the value of your
product, or creating an interesting infographic that describes the need
for your product. As an example, for a recent product launch, I created
a mock public service announcement (PSA) website that warned of the
‘dangers’ of using our new mobile product while walking. The irony
created an enormous buzz around the launch and even led to a huge
spike in free product downloads.
14. Get partners involved: Channel and marketing partners who have a
financial stake in the success of the launch are natural allies. The more
people that are talking about the release, the better chances it will get
15. Pricing: set the price of your product not very high and also not
very low.
16. Curiosity: Develop a curiosity in the public regarding your product.
17. Place; Choose the best place or area to launch your product. If you
are launching a product for middle class you should choose the area
that should have a population of middle class.
After following all these steps launch your product with the great spirit
and praying to god to make your launch into a sucsessful one.

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