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Emma Robinson

Lacee Nisbett

English 102-326

24 March 2019

Research Argument

Just how much is Artificial Intelligence changing the future of marketing? To begin,

Artificial Intelligence refers to the development of technology that is smarter than a human and

is used in many different forms. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is starting to become more

commonly used in the marketing world. The technology uses information that it gathers about a

person’s online shopping, browsing, and personal interests to recommend certain relative

products to that consumer. AI technology is rapidly changing the future of marketing and is

likely to be used more often now than as in the past as it continues to develop faster ways of

marketing all kinds of items (Marla). In digital marketing, AI uses a patterned algorithm that

seeks to provide content that is relevant to the consumer. This essay will discuss the important

benefits of using AI technology in digital marketing and how AI is being used in making the job

recruiting process more efficient. The advantages of using AI in the digital marketplace are

limitless, and marketers now have this power at their fingertips. AI technology is impacting

digital marketing business for the better and is swiftly bringing in more and more customers.

AI is becoming more popular in use by companies who want the latest, greatest way to be

able to reach customers and get their products advertised. In modern marketing, AI technology is

changing the future and bringing a whole new meaning to the digital marketing age that we live

in. AI technology has developed a lot since it first was introduced with smart machines and is

much quicker at providing data and important information than older machines (Winters). Now,
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companies are able to conveniently use AI technology that will seek to create a more personal

customer experience for consumers on their site (Barker). This new form of AI uses an algorithm

that can curate content for the viewer based on what sites they visit and what their interests are

(Marla). AI is used in social media on smartphones and computers and will track the user’s

personal data and recommend items through digital marketing.

One major benefit of AI is its ability to bring in new consumers and help marketers gain

revenue more quickly than before (Barker). This new style of marketing with AI technology is

being used to revolutionize the future in how that marketers are able to sell their products online.

AI is maximizing digital marketer’s productivity through this new age of innovative AI

technology. For example, AI technology is able to predict what consumers want and personalizes

what the user is able to view (Martin). AI is the new, popular technology that makes digital

marketing more available for marketers to profit off of in today’s society. AI technology gathers

information of what the consumer will likely buy creates an advertisement based off of the

personal information from the consumer in order to attract their interest. AI is systematic in how

it markets items to the consumer through its patterned algorithms and smart technology.

Artificial Intelligence’s rapid technology is benefitting more than just digital marketing, it

is also being used in the workplace. In recruitment for jobs, AI is being used for both the job

application process and the background checking process. It is a much smoother submission

process for the applicant, which makes it easy to handle and less stressful in the work

environment. This simple process of application submission helps create a more positive job

applying process for both the employer and the employee (Koch). Adapting to this new way of

job recruitment has been difficult for many applicants to do, and as humans, we are not as

capable or as smart as AI is when it comes to getting the job done quickly. AI is used to evaluate
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whether or not the applicant would be able to do the job well and what their vulnerabilities are,

which is important for the employer to know when adding members to their team.

One disadvantage of AI being used in the job recruitment process is that technology is

stealing away potential jobs from people. For example, There are some ways that AI negatively

impacts not only the job recruitment process, but also marketing jobs. People who work in

marketing are now being faced with the challenge of trying to outsmart these automations that

are doing their jobs faster and more productively (Koch). With AI technology becoming more

commonly used within the digital marketing field, less real people jobs will be necessary in the

future because of the intensity of AI’s power and effectiveness. AI is surpassing the need for

humans in online marketing, causing for many current human jobs to instead become run by and

replaced with an automation.

These automations that are being introduced into the marketing and job field are

beneficial to both the growth of new and efficient technology and the hiring and promoting of

new employees. Artificial Intelligence has made quite an impact on our society and how we use

the internet to market items. Some benefits of AI include curated content for the consumer,

personalized user experience, and smarter and faster technology (Marla). The advertisements and

search results show how AI technology is able to provide quickly and effectively to the

consumer. Marketers now have the availability of smart technology at their disposal and can

create their own advertisements to more efficiently promote their business. Some AI technology

marketing collects important data from the user in order to create more effective advertisements

to reel in the customer so they will buy a product (Manthei). In social media, a consumer may

view digital marketing advertisements that are based on their data, which has been collected

through AI systems in their smartphones.

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Works Cited

Marla, Lasya. “5 Ways AI Is Impacting Modern Marketing.” MarTech Advisor,


Martin, Nicole. “How AI Is Revolutionizing Digital Marketing.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 13

Nov. 2018,


Barker, Shane. “How AI Is Changing The Future Of Digital Marketing – Hacker Noon.” Hacker

Noon, Hacker Noon, 13 Aug. 2018,

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Manthei, Lisa. “How Is Artificial Intelligence Impacting Marketing.” Emarsys, 3 Jan. 2019,

KOCH, ROD. “Will Artificial Intelligence Eliminate My Job?” Strategic Finance, Sept. 2017,

pp. 62–63. EBSCOhost,


Winters, Lewis C. “Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in Marketing.” Marketing

Research, vol. 3, no. 1, Mar. 1991, pp. 72–74. EBSCOhost,


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