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MGT4478 Mid-term Exam Study Guide 18T3

Know the difference between exporting and importing

Understand reasons why a city would want to host the Olympics

Understand the economy of the Netherlands

Know the meaning of international investment and foreign direct investment

Know likely consequences of the diminishing Arctic ice cap

Understand capital and currency

Know what a prime market is

Understand the US economy

Know about per capita income

Understand North America’s contribution to the world’s output

Understand the various types of law

Be aware of how civil law originated

Know about interest-bearing transactions

Know what culture means

Understand the terms social stratification, social mobility and group-focused society

Know what it means to be heterogeneous or homogeneous

Understand ethics and values

Be able to identify a conflict of interest

Understand low-context and high context cultures

Know what mercantilism is and understand its impact

Know what it means to be a protectionist

Know about Adam Smith

Understand the International Monetary System

Know the meaning of gold standard, sterling-based gold standard, exchange rate, fixed exchange rate,
par value and pegging

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