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Statement of Professional Goals

The Ph.D. program is mentally and physically challenging with many late nights and

early mornings spent completing class readings and projects. Professors provide thought

provoking discussions which lead me to explore more about a topic of interest. In my original

goal statement, I addressed three areas of interest: language, literacy, and assistive technology.

Throughout my career in special education, I have embraced these areas of interest. Through

reflection, I can now understand that my past experiences have influenced the academic path that

I have chosen. I continue to be interested in the same areas: language, literacy, and assistive

technology, as I progress through coursework, continue research, and develop professionally.

Academic Goals

Through my classes in the doctorate program, I have learned new ways of thinking,

learning, writing, and reflecting. Being able to search databases and retrieve intended

information is exciting. I appreciate my developing ability to read journal articles and absorb the

new information. I love to ask the question, “Is that research based?” Although my academic

experiences have taught me the structure of journal articles and exposed me to content in

selected areas, I continue to address areas of needed growth. I have two academic goals: to

improve my reading and writing skills and to refine my ability to communicate.

During class, I am often passive and quiet. I should be a more active participant and

make a greater contribution to group discussions. I am working to overcome my hesitation and

communicate more with peers and colleagues. Currently, I am working on being able to support

my positions with logical reasoning as I prepare for class discussions.

Research Goals

Research is a new experience for me since beginning the Ph.D. program. I enjoy reading

and writing research articles. My goals within the area of research are to publish and explore

research and expand my knowledge within my areas of interest.

My first research project in the Ph.D. program was in EDSE 841: Intervention Research

in Special Education. While working on this project, I learned how to search through literature

databases to find current articles regarding intervention research. I had the opportunity to

synthesize the journal articles and complete a literature review. Dr. Linda Mason worked with

me to prepare the research for a poster session at the Council for Exceptional Children 2019

conference. We are now preparing the article for submission to a journal. My research goal is to

publish worthwhile articles, and this is my first attempt at publication.

EDSE 842: Application of Research Standards for Individuals with Disabilities exposed

me to various types of research methods and how to look at the quality indicators of research.

EDSE 842 provided my first learning experience about single-subject design (SSD). SSD

intrigues me because the causal effects of intervention can be seen through a visual inspection of

graphed data. Students with disabilities are a heterogeneous group. I like the idea that single-

subject design explores the intervention effects at the individual level. One of my research goals

is to learn more about single-subject design and complete a single-subject design research

project. I look forward to learning more about single-subject design in the fall of 2019 in EDRS

832: Advanced Research Methods in Single Subject/Case Design.

Another research goal I would like to address is the exploration of augmentative and

alternative communication (AAC). My research to this point has focused on reading

interventions as well as assistive technology. I would like to narrow my focus to explore the

language and literacy development of an AAC user. I hope to address AAC in my upcoming

research projects.

Professional Goals

I have several professional goals that I would like to address as I progress through the

Ph.D. program. The goals are in the areas of teaching, research, and collaboration with schools.

The doctorate program has helped me identify and begin pursuing these goals.

One professional goal is to be able to teach teachers. I look forward to having the

opportunity to teach at the university level. During my time at Mason, I have had the

opportunity to do many presentations on reading and assistive technology. The presentations

gave me a chance to hear teachers’ concerns and questions and begin problem solving together.

I also had the opportunity to be a guest lecturer in Dr. Kinas-Jerome’s severe disabilities class.

Being part of the class allowed me to work and interact with teachers. I enjoy sharing new

information and giving teachers ideas on how to increase student outcomes. I also love learning

about current issues that teachers are experiencing in their classrooms today. I am taking the

college teaching internship this summer with Dr. Mason. I am helping to teach classes online

and in person. I am currently enrolled in EDIT 710 for the summer. I hope this experience will

help me navigate to teaching an undergraduate class in the near future.

Another goal is to work in the area of research. I am currently working with Dr. Mason

and Dr. Graff to have journal articles published. As the editorial assistant for the Journal of

Inclusive Postsecondary Education, I have been learning and being part of the publishing

process. As articles are received after being peer reviewed, I am able to put them into an

accessible format before being uploaded to the web. Being the editorial assistant has given me

the opportunity to learn more about the publishing process.


I have a professional goal of being more involved with American Speech-Language and

Hearing Association (ASHA). I have been a member of ASHA for many years as a service

provider. I would like to become more active within ASHA and be able to share my research. I

am currently a member of two special interest groups: Language, Literacy, and Education; and

Augmentative and Alternative Communication. To work toward my goal of being more actively

involved, I sent a proposal to ASHA to share my literature review on morphology during a poster

session at the 2019 National Convention in November. I look forward to hearing from ASHA

regarding my proposal.

A final professional goal is to work with school districts to help implement literacy and

assistive technology programs. I was inspired by the researcher Larry Maheady. Maheady

(2018) wrote about his lessons learned while teaching and developing a research agenda. He

combined his experience as a new professor and research within the schools. He was able to

support schools through research and professional development, as well as, continue his own

research addressing the same topics that he was encountering in the schools. I hope to be able to

join together research and school support.

I continue to embrace Mason’s core value of “Pursue Lifelong Learning”. I will seek to

be a consumer of knowledge and work to be a producer of knowledge. I love my growing

experiences that George Mason University has given me.



Maheady, L. (2018). Developing and sustaining a research agenda in special education. Teacher

Education and Special Education, 41(1), 86-96. doi: 10.1177/088884064177225798

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