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2. What are the sources of irrigation water in Pakistan? Explain different methods of irrigation to agricultural crops

3. Write a detailed note on prospects of Farm Mechanization in Pakistan

4. Explain the process of Biological Nitrogen fixation. Discuss the factors which affect this process

5. What is hybrid vigour? Explain the procedure of developing a hybrid corn

6. Expalin the process of protein synthesis in plant cell

7. What are major insects, pests and diseases of cotton crop in Pakistan? Suggest and explain an economical strategy to
adopted by the farmers to minimize the losses due to these menaces

8. Notes (Any Four)

 Land tenure system in Pakistan

 Status of Horticulture in Pakistan
 Water logging and salinity in Pakistan
 Role of Organic matter in soil
 Livestock as an important component of Agriculture in Pakistan
 Agro Forestry

1.Ratio of additive variance to phenotypic variance

Heritability (Broad sense) Heritability (Narrow sense) Co- Heritability Gene Action None of these

2.Inflourescece of wheat plant

Spike Panicle Arrow Cob None of these

3.Nullisomic individual
2n-1 2n+1 2n-2 2n+2 None of these

4.Ribosomes are site of

Fat Synthesis Protein Synthesis Photo Synthesis Anaerobic Respiration None of these

5.Type of sugar in DNA

Pentose Hexose Heptose Triose None of these

6.Maize has 10 pairs of chromosomes. How many linkages groups will be present in maize if all genes are mapped
10 (Not sure) 20 40 15 None of these

7.Ph of Urea
4 3.5 8 7 None of these

8.According to 1972 Land reforms, ceiling of land

1000 acres irrigated and 2000 acres Barani 500 acres irrigated and 1000 acres Barani 250 acres irrigated and 500
acres Barani 150 acres irrigated and 300 acres Barani None of these

9.Type of soils hold more water

Sandy (Not sure) Stony Clayey Silty None of these

10.Hydrosphere refers to
Zone of water Zone of earth crust Zone of atmosphere Zone of air None of these

11.Compound used for reclamation of saline sodic and sodic soils?

Apartite Calcite Dolomite Gypsum None of these

12.Carrot, raddish , Beet are

Annual Biennial Perenial Woody perennial None of these
13.Which is not fruit?
Tomato Potato Musk melon Water melon None of these

14.Body of sheep covered with

Hairs Fleece Wool Fuz None of these

15.Bovine is term used for

Cattle Buffalo Sheep Goat None of these

16.Act of giving birth to young ones is

Ovulation Fertilization Parturition Conception None of these

17.Type of mouth parts of grass hopper

Chewing Sucking Piercing and sucking Biting and sponging None of these

18.Bacteria reproduce asexually

Fragmentation Budding Binary fission Multiplication None of these

19.All goods and services produced in country in one year are called
GNP GDP NDP NNP None of these

20.Uniform removal of soil in thin layer from sloping land is called

Sheet erosion Rill erosion Gully erosion Stream channel erosion None of these

FORESTRY Paper CE-2014

Q. No. 2. Do you consider that Forests in Pakistan are below the average requires percentage? How
would you justify the commercial values of these forests? Discuss major issues of forests losses and how
can these be overcome at large.

Q. No. 3. Define curving and how would you classify curving. What are the methods of setting up the

Q. No. 4. Explain how the forests policies can enhance the contribution of the forestry sector to the
country's ecology and economy. Do you think that forestry and forest policies have multiple
dimensions? What are these and how the forest policies can be developed in their presence?

Q. No. 5. Discuss the significance of stem analysis. How can you establish hieght and age curves from
stem analysis? Does the stem analysis indicate any relationship to thickness of the bark?

Q. No. 6. There been has major change in the biodiversity in Pakistan. How can thiis be minimized in
order to protect the biodiversity?

Q. No. 7. Through logical frame works discuss the limiting factors in promoting agro-forestry in Punjab
with a possible solution. Do you think promoting agro-forestry could effect biodiversity?

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following:

(a) Ecophysiology of tree growth

(b) Role of silviculture in forest and wildland management

(c) Stand density determination

(d) Offences related to reserved forests

(e) Role of shelter belts and wind breaks

(f) Types of Theodolite

Agriculture Paper 2015 PART - II

Q. 2. Define IPM and IVM. In what different situations will you use both when you are very specific to a
cause? Discuss their limitations and success in our system.

Q. 3. Agriculture has shifted to value added concepts. What does it mean and how would you comment
on this if you are supporting better out puts from your fields.

Q. 4. What are nitrogen fixing organisms found in agriculture and natural systems? Discuss their role in
detail. Soil carbon storage is a vital ecosystem service, resulting from interactions of ecological
processes. Comment.

Q. 5. What is the application of genetic engineering in Agriculture? Discuss your answer in the light of
latest achievements covering plants and animals.

Q. 6. What are the future concerns of begomovirus in Pakistan? Where is it likely to hit and on what
crops? Give a management approach to this.

Q. 7. Explain farming system along with factors influencing the system. What are the types of farming
systems in Pakistan?

Q. 8. Writer notes on any FOUR of the following:

(a) Tunnel farming their concerns and prospects

(b) Drug-resistant “super-bugs”

(c) Vermicomposting

(d) Crop growth promotion through allelopathic water extracts

(e) Corporate farming

(f) Kitchen Gardening a production technology for winter

Forestry Paper 2015 PART II

Q. No. 2. What are the various Silvicultural Systems to obtain Forest Regeneration in Pakistan? Describe
each system in detail along with its merits and demerits by giving at least one example of the forest type
which is managed under any particular silvicultural system.

Q. No. 3. (a) Enlist forest resources of Pakistan. Describe ' Scrub Dry Tropical Thorn Forests' and also give
its distribution and tree composition.

(b) Why we have very low forest area in Pakistan? Mention the constraints and problems to develop
tree cover.

Q. No. 4. For efficient forest management, a forest must be maintained on sustained basis. How you
could ensure sustained yield of a forest? Explain principles of forest management.

Q. No. 5. (a) Recently developed modern wood technology has open new avenues of efficiently utilizing
small logs in a variety of ways. Give a brief account of few innovations.

(b) How trees are helpful in reclaiming waterlogged and saline soils?

Q. No. 6. (a) Most of the rangelands of Pakistan are degraded and have low productivity. Do you think
there is a need to develop a rangeland policy to improve the productivity of the rangelands and
rehabilitate the degraded ones?

(b) Name the grazing systems which are prevalent in the country. Describe Deferred Grazing System in

Q. No. 7. (a) Wildlife plays an important role in ecosystem and is also a source of income from tourists.
But wild life of Pakistan is decreasing alarmingly. Can you suggest some reasons for decline of wildlife in

(b) What are the factors which may have contributed to the decline of vulture population across South
Asia? Moreover, the extinction of vulture may be viewed as great loss to our environmental,
socioeconomic and cultural fabric. Give your comments on this statement.

Q. No. 8. Differentiate clearly and Four of the following

(i) Social Forestry vs Community Forestry

(ii) Agroforestry vs Farm Forestry

(iii) Agrisilviculture vs Agrosilviculture

(iv) Felling Block vs Felling Coupe

(v) Forest Working Plan vs Working Cycle

(vi) Wildlife Sanctuary vs Game Reserve

Agriculture and Forestry Paper 2017 PART - II


Q. No. 2. Energy is driving force for agricultural output. Fossil fuels have aggravated the problem of
pollution. What are alternate sources which can be manipulated to earn carbon credit and results in
comparable level of farm output with already available sources? Discuss in the light of scientific
advancement and economics.

Q. No. 3. It is well established fact that irrigation water is the most critical factor in crop production and
its efficient use is imperative in terms of water scarcity in semi-arid and arid zones of Pakistan. What
technological advancements and up-gradations Government Institutions/Organizations at national and
provincial levels have imparted in farm water management? Also elaborate environmental and
economical issues related with these techniques of farm water management.

Q. No. 4. What are prospects of bio-fuels crops in Pakistan? How much land and labor can be allotted for
these crops to compromise with cereal and vegetable crops, economically and socially, keeping in view
small holdings as some trading corporations have called for a worldwide ban 6 on bio-fuels production,
claiming that it contributes to food shortages?

Q. No. 5. Rural demography in Pakistan is in transition phase towards mini-urbanization. How can this
shift affect gender discrimination and parity in rural societies towards farm income, rural infrastructure
and rural livelihood? Can present educational investment in rural areas improve the human resource
involvement in the decision making and development? What are prospects of equitable and healthy
rural communities in Pakistan?


Q. No. 6. Implications for the Sustainable Forest Management and Livelihoods Security rest on non-
participatory roles of human population. How far present forest policies have prevented this role and
how can policies be amended to prioritize people involvement in raising forest and plantations? Also
elaborate preference of molecular biology over traditional forest breeding to commensurate purposes
of ethanobotany, eco-tourism and carbon sequestration

Q. No. 7. Discuss in detail constraints in new rangelands development in low and high altitudes in
Pakistan. What are reasons for degradation of old rangelands? Also explain vision for the formulation of
the range policy in the country.

Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any Four of the following: (5 marks each) (20)

(a) Silvopastoral planning

(b) Forest and climate change; preparedness and strategies in Pakistan

(c) Zero waste agriculture

(d) Economic and social impacts of land reforms on rural societies in Pakistan
(e) Improvement in animal husbandry practices

(I) Biosafety regulations in Pakistan

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