Enc 3250 Four Oaks Pavillion Case Study

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AML Communication Department

835 S Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27601

Telephone: (984) 822-1770 Fax: (984) 345-9877

February 9, 2018

Hartville City Council

818 Four Oaks Avenue, Hartville, NC 27657

Dear Members of Hartville City Council,

In this document, you will find a detailed analysis based on the concerns of the new Four Oaks
Pavilion in Hartville City. Enclosed in this report you will find an assessment of the issues
presented, recommendations to address local citizens concerns, and advice on how to fix public
relation problems that this scenario has created. By following through with this report, trust and
confidence within Hartville should be restored to the citizens of Hartville, the Hartville City
Council, and Kramer Associates.
Knowledge based on the report sent and thorough research has led AML Communications
Department to form the most effective, cost efficient way to handle the noise crisis from the new
amphitheater. Discussion and recommendations on the traffic crisis caused by Four Oaks
Pavilion will also be presented. Last, suggestions on how to mend the trust and regain respect
from the Four Oaks community will be featured in the document.
Overall, the goal of this report is to provide reasonable advice on the Four Oaks Pavilion crisis in
a way that will both benefit the citizens, as well as, the officials of Hartville City. If any
questions or further assistance is needed following reading this report, contact Alexa Lefferts at
AML Communications Department at A.lefferts@aml.com.

Alexa Lefferts, Technical Consultant
Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018

AML Communication Department

Four Oaks Pavilion Report

2018 Control and Analysis

Prepared by Alexa Lefferts

Technical Communicator

Report Distributed February 9, 2018

Prepared for
Hartville City Council

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018

Table of Contents

Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................3


Background of Venue......................................................................................................................4

History of Concern...........................................................................................................................4


Situation Analysis..........................................................................................................................6

Noise Problems...............................................................................................................................6

Traffic/Crowds/Parking Complaints................................................................................................7

Public Relation Tension...................................................................................................................7




Public Relations...............................................................................................................................9

Final Recommendation................................................................................................................10


Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018

Executive Summary

After the construction and completion of the Four Oaks Pavilion amphitheater, the city council

of Hartville, North Carolina is receiving many complaints. This report examines, discusses, and

analyzes the current issues related to this new amphitheater. The purpose of this report is to not

only study the complications, but provide realistic solutions to address the problems. The report

is divided into three main sections, following with a final recommendation summary. These three

main points include an introduction that will summarize the case at hand, a situation analysis on

all current complaints, and recommendations to improve the conditions. Three subpoints I will

address in both the situation analysis and recommendations is noise, traffic/crowds/parking, and

public relation issues.

Background information for this report was based from data provided to me by the City Council

members of Hartsville, the chief engineer of SMZ Engineering, and the Manager of the Four

Oaks Pavilion. Also, research was conducted through additional sources, including local

contractors and acoustical engineers.

This report has concluded that the best course of action to take for noise problems is to make a

rule of max volume at 105 decibels (db.) and to build stronger sound barriers around surrounding

neighborhoods. Parking problems can simply be corrected by building a parking garage or at

least, a parking field. Strict tow away zones and more security can help alleviate all parking,

traffic, and pedestrian problems. Positive public relation can be restored through solid

communication and voting (in some cases) on all further action in Hartsville, North Carolina.

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018


To ensure proper recommendations, I have analyzed the background of the venue, history of

concern, and the stakeholders.

Background of Venue:

In Hartsville, North Carolina, a new amphitheater named Four Oaks Pavilion was constructed to

provide entertainment, create jobs, and encourage tourism for the surrounding area. Before

construction, initial studies, including an environmental impact study, was conducted. These

studies determined that the amphitheater would not impact the local community in any

unfavorable ways. Unfortunately, after the amphitheater was complete, the townspeople began

communicating problems with excessive noise, traffic, and crowds.

Both Dale Crompton, the manager of Four Oaks Pavilion and Bill Stewart, the Project Director

of an acoustic engineering company, have been working hard on finding a logical reason behind

the complaints. Crompton hired Stewart’s acoustic engineers to test sound levels and help create

a solution for reducing the noise. The engineers found that the amphitheater was above the

standard number of decibels (105 db.).

History of Concern:

The Four Oaks Pavilion has created multiple problems for the City Council of Hartville to

address. Dr. Guenzel has contracted me as an outside consultant to analyze the case study and

develop reasonable solutions for the Hartsville community. After research and analysis on the

situation, I have divided the major issues into three categories that include sound, traffic, and

public relations.

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018


Stakeholders include the amphitheater management (Kramer Associates and Dale Crompton),

The City Council of Hartville, residents living near Four Oaks Pavilion, and future concertgoers.

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018

Situation Analysis

Noise Problems:

To begin, noise was a major concern of the people of Hartsville. The residents’ complaints

consisted of the noise of the amphitheater being so loud that it would interrupt their sleep, create

distractions, and wake young children in the night. To prevent noise complaints, pine trees were

planted on the berm around the amphitheater. These trees are too thin to act as an effective sound

barrier for that amount of noise.

Four Oaks Pavilion has reported sound levels in the amphitheaters often reaching higher than

105 decibels, which is higher than the average level of sound at most entertainment facilities. To

further note, the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reported,

“Long or repeated exposure to sound at or above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss” (2011).

Sounds even higher than 105 decibels should be a concern to frequent concertgoer’s health.

Simple Sound Decibel Chart

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018

Traffic/Crowds/Parking Complaints:

Traffic, crowds, and parking is another high concern for local residents surrounding the Four

Oaks Pavilion. The new amphitheater has created a large amount of congested traffic through the

community streets. Concertgoers also lack a sufficient parking system. This creates problems

with concertgoers parking on local resident’s personal land and driveways. Property damage to

resident lawns has increased because of this and crowds walking on foot. Disturbance complaints

have also been reported about rowdy crowds leaving late night concerts.

Public Relation Tension:

Negative relations between citizens and the city council are growing as time with no change to

the poor situation persists. People of Hartsville are losing trust in their council members who are

supposed to represent their needs. Some even believe nothing will ever be done to fix this

ongoing problem. The community was promised an amphitheater that would bring jobs and

entertainment, not extremely loud noise and destruction to their neighborhood.

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018



Based off research and the information provided I will make reasonable suggestions to correct

the noise concerns. My first recommendation is to keep the rule of the volume no higher than

105 decibels (db.). It is unnecessary to allow noise levels above the national average, especially

being that over 85 decibels is entering a noise level where hearing loss may encounter. Next,

stronger sound barriers need to be built to block and absorb noise from the surrounding

neighborhoods. A smart solution would be thick sound barrier walls. They are cost efficient and

effective. They have proven effectiveness along multiple highways, blocking loud traffic from

neighborhoods just on the other side. It should be recommended to builders to lightly decorate

these walls with designs, so they do not lower the visual appeal of the neighborhood. Also, sound

proofing trees should be placed inside and outside these walls to add landscaping and absorb

more of the sound.

Example of decorated Sound Barrier Wall


I also have reasonable suggestions based off research on the traffic, crowds, and parking

concerns. I strongly recommend enforcing strict tow away zones in place inside the

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018

neighborhoods. The city must provide a place for influx of traffic to park for the concerts.

Parking garages or at least parking fields need to be built immediately. While the parking field

would solve the lack of parking problems and be more cost efficient, a parking garage also

serves the ability to block more noise from the Four Oaks Pavilion. However, either of these

recommendations would improve current conditions. Furthermore, there needs to be security and

police directing traffic and people the night of events. Strict no entry rules to neighborhoods need

to be in effect to avoid random people walking over the yards of the locals. More security will

also lower the risks of unfortunate events, such as terrorist attacks or shootings, which large

venues should always be prepared for. A possible curfew for the city, through voting, may help

with this situation as well.

Multiple Parking Garage Layouts Example of Simple Parking Field

Public Relations:

I have reasonable suggestions based off research on the public relation concerns. These

recommendations are to help regain a more positive public relationship with the community. In

order to achieve this goal, the city and amphitheater must be in full communication with the

people. They need to discuss what is being done to help, in an honest way, to build a new sense

of trust. Steps of action must be made immediately after discussing. Having the community vote

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018

on certain issues will also give them a sense of involvement. Voting can be done in person at

town meeting were important issues are discussed, by having a call center on voting days in the

city council, or simply through an online portal. People like to feel involved in their

communities’ important decisions.

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018

Final Recommendation

In this report, I have listed suggestions to correct the multiple issues the new Four Oaks Pavilion

amphitheater has created within the Hartsville community. I have dissected the complaints of the

people of Hartsville, North Carolina into three sections to properly analyze them. These sections

included noise, traffic/crowds/parking, and public relations. Through research and the

information provided by the city council, I have recommended the most effective and cost-

efficient solutions.

The solutions I have recommended begin with lowering the noise levels the amphitheater is

producing. It is important to keep noise levels at the recommended 105 decibels. To further

control noise from directly effecting surrounding neighborhoods, sound wall barriers should be

built to absorb and block excess noise from concerts. Parking issues can easily be addressed by

enforcing strict tow away policies in surrounding neighborhoods. Parking garages or fields

(depending on the city’s budget) must be built to provide enough parking for the average amount

of concertgoers. A larger amount of police and security should be present on event nights to

direct traffic smoothly and control rowdy crowds.

By following the recommended suggestions, communicating efficiently with the community, and

following up quickly with further concerns, positive public relations between the people of

Hartsville and the city council should be restored. I am confident in this report and believe in the

city council to make the most beneficial choices based off of my findings and recommendations.

Four Oaks Pavilion Report- 2018


Fink, Daniel J. What Is a Safe Noise Level for the Public?, American Journal of Public Health,

American Public Health Association, Jan. 2017,


Intertia, Polar. Parking Garage Layouts. Parking garages, Polar Interia, 2004,


Carltin, Rick. What Is the Decibel Level of a Jet Plane?, Sciencing, Leaf Group Ltd, 24 Apr.

2017, sciencing.com/decibel-level-jet-plane-5375252.html.


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