Book2 Mistakes

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Hello ジョージ先生, hello JFZ staff,

While I was studying the JFZ #2 book, I encountered quite a lot of small mistakes. I
decided to let you know about them instead of ranting on amazon, so this book can
become even better than it already is. This did not discourage me, I already bought books
#3 and #4. My version of the JFZ #2 book is 5th edition, year 2015, ISBN
9780976998112, if there's a newer version of this book already out, then probably most
of these will be repaired by this time, but without further ado, let's start:

Lesson 1
1. Page 21, example sentences:
2. しちにに たべました。
should be:
2. しちじに たべました。

2. Page 28, special information:

"You also might hear いる used for inanamite objects..."
should be:

3. Page 40, workbook area, first paragraph:

"There is an key for this workbook area"
should be:
"there is a key"

4. Page 42, A1-5. Japanese translation

Those boxes are marked wrong, first box is marked with number 2. and second box
with number 1.

5. Page 45, A1-7. Reading comprehension

14. Sutereo もあります。
should be:
14. Sutere オもあります。
as we already know katakana オ

6. Page 46, A1-9. Bonus short dialogue, last sentence

Tom: じゃあ、 Jon とマックにいきます。
should be
Tom: じゃあ、 Jon と makku にいきます。
we don't know マック katakana yet.

7. Page 48, Answer key, Word practice - Here the numbers in the list are somehow
oddly placed.

Lesson 2
1. Page 56, Grammar ぶんぽう, Example conversation 3, last English sentence
B: It's in the car?
should be:
2. It's in the car.

2. Page 58, 2-6. Using ひだり and みぎ, Example sentences

Konbini のひだりうしろに ほんやが あります。
There is a convenience store on behind the bookstore on the left.

I think that the translation should be the other way around, like this:
There is a bookstore behind the convenience store on the left.

3. Page 75, Vocabulary builder, Group D: Words around the office

stapler hocchikisu
copy machine kopii き

should be:
stapler hocchi キ su
copy machine コ pii き

As we just learned -k group katakana

4. Page 76, Lesson 2: Answer Key, Word practice - Here the numbers in the list are
again somehow oddly placed.

Lesson 3
1. Page 99, Vocabulary builder, Group E: Food words
steak ス te ー ki
should be:
steak ス te ーキ

2. Page 100, Lesson 3: Answer Key, Word practice - Here the numbers in the list are
again all over the place

3. Page 101, Lesson 3: Answer Key, A3-5. English translation - those two
paragraphs should be swapped.

Lesson 4
1. Page 107, The difference between いる、ある and です
While です、ある and いる can all be used as for of the "to be" verbs (is, am
are, etc) です an NEVER mean "I have".

I think this sentence should go like this:

While です、ある and いる can all be used as a form of the "to be" verbs
(is, am are, etc) です can NEVER mean "I have".

2. Page 111, 4. Polite conversation between a new teacher and a student

Japanese answer A: く rasu になんいんいますか。
should be:
く ra ス になんにんいますか?
as we already know -s group katakana.

3. Page 122, A4-6. Reading Comprehension

8. はなこは いつも terebi のよこにいます。
should be:
8. はなこは いつも テ rebi のよこにいます。
11. なまえは、Pochi と Reo と Seera です。
Should be:
11. なまえは、Po チと Re オと セ-ra です。

4. Page 126, Lesson 4: Answer Key, A4-2. Picture Questions,

3. さんぴきです。
should be? I don't know, because it probably can be both...
3. さんびきです。
6. こどもはよんひき います。
should be
6. こどもは さんびき います。
(there are 3 small pigs on the picture, not four)

5. Page 127, Lesson 4: Answer Key, A4-4. English translation, last line of the first
B: グレーとしろのねこです。
should be:
B: グ re ーとしろのねこです。

and the next paragraph:

2. B: アメリカじんは?
should be:
2.B: ア meri カじんは?

6. Page 128, Lesson 4: Answer Key, A4-7. Reading comprehension questions

2. terebi の よこにいます。
should be
2. テ rebi の よこにいます。
5. 「re オ」と「seera」です。
should be:
「re オ」と「セー ra」です。

Lesson 5
1. Page 145, A5-3. Substitution drill
2. いっしょに デパートに いきませんか?
should be:
2. いっしょに デ paa トに いきませんか?

2. Page 148, A5-6. Reading comprehension

8. ひるごはんは いつも 12 じ 5 ふんに ma クド naru ドで たべます。
should be:
8. ひるごはんは いつも 12 じ 5 ふんに ma クドナ ru ドで たべます。

9. きょうは チーズバーガーと ポテトを たべました。
should be:
9. きょうは チーズバーガーと po テトを たべました。

3. Page 151, Vocabulary builder, Group H: At the airport

Economy class エコ nomii ク ra ス
should be:
Economy class エコノ mii ク ra ス

Lesson 7
1. Page 204, A7-9. New words and expressions in the dialogue
should be:
ro ンドン

should be:
イギ ri スじん

2. Page 205, Vocabulary builder, Group L: Technology words

internet インター ne ット
should be:
internet インターネット

we just learned n-group katakana

3. Page 207, Answer key, A7-2. Family drill

cousin  いとこ いとこ
should be:
cousin いとこ いとこさん

Lesson 8
1. Page 213, New Adjectives, 1) い adjectives. Table with examples
2. おもしろい テレビ
should be:
2. おもしろい テ re ビ

2. Page 214, New Adjectives, 1) の adjectives. Table with examples

2. くろの テレビ
should be:
2. くろの テ re ビ

3. Page 216, Q&A

2. ここから よん ma イ ru です。
should be:
2. くここから よんマイ ru です。

4. Page 234, A8-8. Reading comprehension

4. でも、サマnサさんは りょうに ともだちが おおいです。
should be:
4.でも、サマンサさんは りょうに ともだちが おおいです。

5. Page 235, A8-10. Short dialogue, line 9

いしゃ: レストランで たべましたか。
should be:
いしゃ: re スト ra ンで たべましたか。

6. Page 236, Group N: Money words, last word

cash register re ジ レジ
should be:
cash register re ジ re ジ

Lesson 9
1. Page 265, Lesson 9: Answer key, A9-2. Informal question translation
Last three rows are missing their numbering.

Lesson 10
1. Page 276, Mini conversation 1. Strange informal conversation between people
without much money
B: I also don't have any this month...

is translated to Japanese as:

B: わたしも せんげつ なかったから、。。。

せんげつ is last month, so something does not add up

Lesson 11
1. The entire lesson has in the top right corner a description saying "Lesson 12 -
inexact time references", which it apparently is not.
2. Page 300, Grammar 11-1. Conjugating する and です。
In the third table, "Polite forms" there's a mistake in the first column, last row.
べんきょう すます
should be:
べんきょう します
3. Page 301, 11-3. Using the object particle を with する. Example sentences,
shouldn't this be the other way around? English sentence first and then Japanese
sentence? The goal is to cover the Japanese sentence and to try to figure out the
を particle placement. But it is tricky to cover the Japanese sentence and to read
the English sentence, when the Japanese sentence goes first!

Lesson 12
1. Page 329, Mini conversation, conversation #2, first Japanese sentence
A: きょう ねぼうしたから、しごとに おくれたの。
の shouldn't be here, it's not a question:
A: きょう ねぼうしたから、しごとに おくれた。

2. Page 335, A12-6. Conversation creation

the first task is to use vocabulary builder group R (clothing), but I couldn't find
that word group in the book, it's not even in the Appendix A of the book.

3. Page 336, A12-6. Conversation creation

The description is wrong on the "3. Use vocabulary builder group R"
Correct should be "group S"

4. Page 339 and 340, Lesson 12: Answer key

The numbering is wrong :
A12-1. Grammar drill should be A12-2. Grammar drill
A12-2. Substitution drill should be A12-3. Substitution drill
A12-3. English translation should be A12-4. English translation
A12-4. Japanese translation should be A12-5. Japanese translation

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