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Harden 1

Del’Reonna Harden

Professor Diana Watkins

Comp 1 M, W, F 9:30

9 September 2018

Learning from my Aunt Mikki

When I was 15 my aunt Mikki had passed away because was born with sickle cells this

incident I learned from taught me a valuable lesson. When she died it was very difficult for me to

focus on important things that was going on in my life like school, keeping up with homework

from class, helping with my younger siblings. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or even get out of my room

because I would be crying causing numb in my heart because she was gone. I would always cry

myself to sleep just to let some of the pain off my chest. I missed the things we did as a family

when she was here with us. We would be laughing, making joking, watching tv, and making our

favorite food for family night. I would have these dreams of her telling how much she missed me

and telling me that everything would be ok and that I would see her again. When she died this

taught me to always keep your family close at all times, and to spend time with them as much as

you can no matter what they did to you or say that makes you feel like bad about yourself and to

never treat them any different from other people because everybody is not promised another day.

I used to and still do blame myself every time I think about my aunt for not seeing her, calling,

checking on her, and to see how she been doing.

But, whenever I wanted to see her I couldn’t because there was nobody that would take

me to her or bring her to see me my mom makes it seem like she always wants something from

her or making her “feel bad” because the way she treats her at least that’s what she says. It has
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been a year since I seen her before she died I never got the chance to tell her that I love her and

that I’m sorry for not being there when she needed her family. On my 16th birthday I wasn’t able

to see my aunt 2 months later she had died when I heard that it broke me down into pieces to

where I wasn’t able to think straight. I would get so angry at my family because we could’ve

done something with her before she died, and I would also get mad at my friends because they

would ask me what was wrong with me when I all wanted to do was to be left alone but they

were trying to be here for me. But before she passed away she will always be in and out of the

hospital because she would get very sick or she’ll accidentally overdose on her medicine because

she would still be in pain; since she was so used to taking more then she needed to take. One day

she was in Saint Francis hospital because she had been throwing up all her food and not eating

enough to help her body get enough nutrients to support her body that she had to stay in the

hospital for 3 weeks. Whenever I was trying to see she didn’t want me to because she thought I

would be mad at her or I wouldn’t forgive for what she did and that hurt me the most hearing that

from her saying that she doesn’t want to see.

Therefore, I really haven’t got the chance to see her since I was a little girl as I got older I

would get to see her as much as I could, but it would only when she was sick, and my mom was

helping her out with my cousins and taking her to places she needed to go. I would be so excited

to see them because I would remember the old days we had together as family when we will be

playing board games, making music videos, and going outside. I hated that she spent the holidays

with her ex-husband and his family because they would treat her like a mischievous person when

she wasn’t she was way more than that, they would always tell her lies about us just to use her

for stuff like her medicine, and her money. They would make it seem like her sisters my mom

and aunts didn’t want her around since she would always be doing things she shouldn’t be doing,
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or she need money to buy something she don’t need because she was ill. My mom and aunts

think my aunt Mikki ex-husband family gave her some other pills to take because she would ask

for them knowing she don’t need to be taking them to get rid of the pain she was in. They were

no good for her to be around because they would give her the wrong things, give her the wrong

advice, and wouldn’t even help her when she needs something, but they’ll use her for stuff.

Furthermore, my aunt Mikki ex-husband would beat her because she would get on his

nerves but that’s what he said I think because he didn’t like my cousin Mikel that’s my age but a

couple of months older than me. When my aunt was 15 she got molested by her uncle she had

twins both boys Mikel and Michael, but Michael had died when he was just 2 months old

because he wasn’t breathing properly. That caused her to be stressing, being depressed, and to

shut everybody out of her life after that she had two girls that was 7 years apart Ciara and

Shalow. Ciara would cause my aunt to stress, crying worrying about because she would never be

home, or she’ll just leave without asking. I think my aunt too much medicine that it caused her to

overdose because nobody was around to help her out when she needs it now that she’s gone

everybody blames their selves for not being there I even blame myself because the situation

could’ve turnout different from what happened.

To sum it all up, when my aunt passed away it taught me a valuable lesson. Knowing I

want to see her really tears me apart because she my better half I need. On the day she died was I

was getting out of school I had got a phone call from my dad, but I missed then my grandma

called me asking me I have talk to my mom and I said I asked her what’s wrong she said my aunt

Mikki had died. When I heard that I felt like my life ended in so many ways I couldn’t stop

crying I felt like I was suffocating. It was so much to tell her that I didn’t get the chance to tell

her like I loved her, and that I’m sorry I wasn’t able to see you. Such as that I’m sorry that we
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couldn’t spend the holidays together as a family with you, and that I couldn’t see you on my

birthday. After that I told myself not to leave any my family behind and make every moment

together memorable, so I want be hurting like I did when I lost her.

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