Essay 2 Annotated Bibliography

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Harden 1

Del’Reonna Harden

Professor Nordquist

English Comp II

21 February 2019

Annotated Bibliography: Coca Cola Obesity Ad Fake with Original Coke Ad

Paglinawan, Dexter. “Coca Cola Obesity Ad Fake Ad with Original Coke Ad.” YouTube, YouTube, 1

Oct. 2013,

This research discusses how food industry is being held responsible do to obesity and

health epidemic. Dexter Paglinawan presented that Coca Cola beverages that we offer still pose

serious health risks even with low calories or no calories per serving. This research is discovered by

one author. Paglinawan is from high up Philippines, City of Pines, Warrior Plus top five percent

Affiliate and Vendor and he also written marketing pieces promoting wellness and beauty product,

guitar manuals, business opportunities. This research was discovered five years ago in 2013. This

research seems objective and strictly lays out information about how Coca Cola without any personal

bias. Even though, the facts are closely related to diabetes than other diseases caused by the intake of

sugar and limited by measuring sugary beverages only. This information has proven to be very

reliable, but it can still be provided with more interpret information to study and the fact of the sugary

beverages on obese and diabetic make it hard for people to quit. I feel that this research would be great

to write about with the information that is provided about how much sugar we consume and how it

effects our health.

Senthilingam, Meera. “Why a 'Western' Diet Could Be Bad for You.” CNN, Cable News Network, 7

July 2015,

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Meera Senthilingam writes in her article about ‘Western’ diet is high in sugars, saturated

fats, and animal protein yet in low fiber. She also provided information that potentially disastrous

consequences on health and an increased risk of disease. Meera Senthilingam is a global journalist and

a public health researcher. Meera holds a master’s degree in science communication from Imperial

College Condon and in the control of infections disease from the London School of Hygiene and

Tropical Medicine. She is now a London-based editor for the CNN health and wellness unit.

According to CNN, the world is rapid urbanization developing with more than half of population now

living in cities expected to reach 70% by 2050. Even though this article is 4 years old, the information

that is provided has a very harmful outcome to the world. This work is biased because she presents

more information about the health epidemic. The information presented in this article is featured as a

useful source, this help me answer where the disease come form when we our food that intake in our


Khazan, Olga. “The Surprising Weight-Loss Benefits of Fiber.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media

Company, 18 Jan. 2018,


This article “Just Eat More Fiber” Americans choose fast food over going to the grocery

store to buy food because fast food tends to have less fiber than the food we would otherwise eat at

home. This article features facts about fiber and how much we eat it from 2007 researchers viewed 41

restaurant showing that fruits and vegetables are too expensive featured potentially “61 percent said

profits drive menu selections”. Olga Khazan presented by Justin Sonnenburg “we’re beginning to

realize that people who eat more dietary fiber are actually feeding their gut microbiome”. The Atlantic

Media Company has well known source in health industry. This article was published recently, in the
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mid-January 2018. I don’t believe this would benefit to fit a 3-4 essay, but it does have reliable and

appropriate facts.

Daniels, Mitch. “Avoiding GMOs Isn't Just Anti-Science. It's Immoral.” The Washington Post, WP

Company, 27 Dec. 2017,



This news article discusses how a high percentage of American and Europeans to avoid

GMO products. This is written by Mitch Daniels, 49th Governor of Indiana, he also studies public and

international affairs at Princeton University after his term as a governor he was selected to be a

president of Purdue University. Washington Post is a very reliable website with articles that has news

that was over some years ago and now. This article is unbiased; although it provides facts about

GMOs, but it also has a sticky statistics that involves with our health. This source would benefit my

paper with all the statistic that is provided about the government being involve with healthcare.

Ronald, Pamela. “The Case for Engineering Our Food.” Ted, Ted,

This online video is preferable in our healthcare due to the genes that make plants

resistant to disease and tolerant of stress. Pamela Ronald is an American plant pathologist and

geneticist, she’s also a professor in Genome center and the department of plant pathology. Pamela

talks about engineering gene into our conventional rice variety that would help them grow due to

getting flooded by too much water. This was posted in 2015, it could be dated. It was posted on TED,

with the reliable source giving the information about the genetics that is getting put in our food. While

this is some reliable source, I don’t believe it has enough information to benefit mt paper to back up

my thoughts and opinion.

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NewsHour, PBS. “'Top Chef' Tom Colicchio on America's Staggering Waste of Food.” PBS, Public

Broadcasting Service, 27 May 2016,


This online video comments on our government and our healthcare. The commenters

bring the issue to the highest level of government with “Food Policy Action” group. The commenters

Lisa Desjardins, an American Political Journalist working with CNN, PBS, and Associated Press, and

Tom Colicchio a American Celebrity Chef. This video was posted on PBS Newshour, it is a reliable

news program sponsored by PBS. Been posted mid-May 2016 with good resource. I believe this is a

reliable source with the giving facts that will benefit my paper providing my opinion and quotes to

back up my thoughts.

Bratspies, Rebecca M. “Food, Technology and Hunger.” Law, Culture and the Humanities, vol. 10, no.

2, Nov. 2012, pp. 212–224., doi:10.1177/1743872112456990.

This article discusses how GM crops could have us unfold with its latest technological

advance increasing food production to make it more possible to feed the starving masses. Rebecca M.

Bratspies “The Human Right to a Healthy Environment” is from CUNY school of law. This article

was posted by “Law, Culture and the Humanities”, were they give reliable source about food,

technology, and hunger about GM crops increasing food for those currently suffering from food

security. Because the international institutional framework, it is a non-biased and valid source.

Although the information that is giving on GM crops, I don’t believe it would benefit my paper as

much it may distract my points.

Downey, Morgan. “Obesity and Health-Care Reform: Public vs. Private Responsibility.” The

Washington Post, WP Company, 21 Sept. 2010,

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Morgan Downey provides a significant amount of information on how much of America

is obesity due to what they intake in their food, and how public policy can encourage weight loss and

more. Downey also presents about the thoughts of these corporates wellness programs. Downey was a

director of governmental and legal affairs for the American speech-language-hearing association, and

the professional society for speech-language pathologists and audiologists from 1977 to 1988. The

Washington Post focuses on what obesity and healthcare public vs. private and how it all starts. The

information that is given is accurate even though this tends to have important facts about our

healthcare and our government. This article is eight years old and Downey presents that the

community pass the laws designed to help residents keep their weight in a healthy range. This author

takes this situation very serious because on March 23, 2010 with Sunday’s vote in the House of

Representatives was a long-awaited to healthcare reform legislation to become law. I feel that this

source is very reliable, because he talks about my opinion and my thoughts about obesity and

healthcare in America.
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Works Cited

Downey, Morgan. “Obesity and Health-Care Reform: Public vs. Private Responsibility.” The

Washington Post, WP Company, 21 Sept. 2010,


NewsHour, PBS. “'Top Chef' Tom Colicchio on America's Staggering Waste of Food.” PBS, Public

Broadcasting Service, 27 May 2016,


Paglinawan, Dexter. “Coca Cola Obesity Ad Fake Ad with Original Coke Ad.” YouTube, YouTube, 1

Oct. 2013,

Senthilingam, Meera. “Why a 'Western' Diet Could Be Bad for You.” CNN, Cable News Network, 7

July 2015,

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