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Student Writing Reflection Sheet

Name: Steven Rivera Cortez Period: 3 Date: 4/3/2019

Class: Senior English Teacher: Ms.Figueroa

Assignment Title: Q3 End of unit Macbeth Society

Student Writing Goal: My goal is increase my writing skills to the point where it would be acceptable at a university.

1) Re-read the paper (and teacher feedback).
2) Revise the paper accordingly and highlight any changes.
3) Submit the revision Complete this reflection sheet.
4) and this reflection sheet.

What was the purpose of this writing assignment?

The purpose of this assignment was to make a connection to the themes seen in Macbeth and how the themes
or blind ambition is shown in the real world

How did you perform in relation to the expectations of the writing rubric?
My performance was good but not great. It fell short on the work worth but overall it was good enough for
lower standards.

What aspect of this piece did you do well? (give example/quotes to support claims)
“The creation of America was created on the blind ambition of European settlers in the hopes of escaping Britain
control” I believe was a great take back to the original theme.

Why have you/haven’t you chosen to revise this writing assignment?

I have not revised the assignment because new information can be added, as well as including deeper
evidence in the already placed information, but the information already present is more than enough to get my
point across. Any more information is going to be excessive.

What will you do better in your next writing assignment, and how will I do it?
Stick to more broad information so research is easier to find and use to further prove the idea

To what degree of success did you achieve your previously stated goal(s)?
I would say, I achieved my goal of a university worthy paper making it a good sign for any future writing
assignments. The 18 out of 20 was not my best.

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