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Introduction Letter 

Kayla Purcell 
6610 Brownsmill Road 
Lithonia, GA 30038 

25th April 2019 

CEO, Company Name 
123 Address St  
Anytown, ST 12345 

Dear Reader, 

I would like to the time to introduce myself, my name is Kayla Purcell and I am 
interested in pursuing a career in the Audio and Visual Technology field. I will 
like to start off by explaining my goals that I plan to achieve in the future. 

When I’m in college, I will work to achieve a degree in Mass Media and plan to 
become a film producer. I plan to make videos for the demographics of teens 
and children, and to post them to the popular internet site known as Youtube. 

Knowing that this plan is a rather insecure career, I have an alternative plan to 
work for different film industries around the Atlanta area. Thank you for taking 
the time to review my portfolio! 


Kayla Purcell 

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