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Presented to the Department of Electrical Engineering

California State University, Long Beach

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Committee Members:

Hassan Mohamed-Nour, Ph.D (Chair)

Mohammad Talebi, Ph.D.
Hen-Geul (Henry) Yeh, Ph.D., P.E.

College Designee:

James Ary, Ph.D.

By Jaime Anthony Ybarra

B.S., 1999, California State University, Long Beach

December 2011
UMI Number: 150766

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The Transformer 5
Short Circuit 6
Per Unit Quantities 10
One Line Diagram 11
Relay and Control Symbols 14
Elementary Diagrams 15


Volt/Hertz relay (24) 18

Synchronizing Check Relay (25) 20
Under Voltage Relay (27) 20
Directional Reverse Power Relay (32) 21
Loss of Excitation (Field) Relay (40) 21
Negative Sequence or Unbalance Relay (46) 23
Stator Temperature Relay (49) 24
Inadvertent Energization Protection Relay (50) 25
Voltage Controlled Over Current Relay (51V) 25
Over Voltage Relay (59) 26
Voltage Balance Relay (60) 26
Sudden Pressure Relay (63) 27
Field Ground Relay (64F) 27
Oil Level Relay (71) 27
Out Of Step Relay (78) 28
Frequency Relays (81) 29
Lock Out Relay (86) 31


Differential Relay (87) 31


Preliminary Calculations 34

Typical Relay Settings Calculations and Verification with Experiment. 3 5





Sample Generator Parameters 33

Sample Unit Transformer Parameters 34

Relay Volt/Hertz Experimental Test Result 37

Under Voltage Test Result 38

Reverse Power Test Result 39

Zone 2 Test Result 41

Loss of Excitation Zone 1 Reach Test Result 41

Current Unbalance Pickups for A, B and C Phases 42

Voltage Controlled Over Current Test Results 43

Over Voltage Relay Test Result 44

Relay Reverse and Forward Reach Z Test Results 46

Relay Right Blinder Reach Z Test Result 46

Left Blinder Reach Z Test Result 47

Equipment Summary Table 48

Relay Settings Summary Table 49



Graphical representation of 3 phase power generation 4

Basic structure of a cylindrical rotor 4

Brushless excitation system 5

Wye connected windings 5

3 Phase fault with DC component offset 8

Short circuit waveform showing the three transient periods 9

Typical electrical symbols 12

Waveform output with polarities in phase 13

Waveform output with polarities reversed 14

Unit connected generator protection with typical relays 16

Basic elementary diagram 17

Various volts/hertz limit curves 19

Generator, transformer and relay plot for volts/hertz relay plot 20

2 zone protection diagram 22

Typical negative sequence relay curve 24

Out of step protection zone 29

Representation of differential protection 31


18. Experimental setup 36

19. RMS TIME vs VOLTS of volt/hertz relay (24) operation 37

20. Under voltage (27) relay operation graph 38

21. 3 phase vector diagram of reverse power relay (32) 39

22. Zone reach impedance and phase angle relationship 40

23. Loss of excitation zone 2 reach test 40

24. Loss of excitation zone 1 reach test 41

25. Unbalance A, B and C phases 42

26. Voltage control relay (51C) results 43

27. Voltage controlled relay (51C) RMS trip graph 44

28. Over voltage relay (59) result plot 44

29. Loss of Synchronization protection boundaries 45

30. Forward reach results 45

31. Reverse blinder result 46

32. Right blinder result 46

33. Left blinder result 46

34. Sample system one line 50



A generator system is designed to provide electric power to customers reliably.

Failure of any electric component such as the generator, unit-transformer or auxiliary

transformers can lead to catastrophic damage. If any of these components are damaged

beyond repair then they must be repaired or replaced. However, due to age and

customized engineered system components exact replacements may not be available or

the time for new components to be manufactured may not be economically viable. The

generator owner or user may have to purchase readably available equipment with

capabilities as close as possible to original components. If this is the case new protective

device settings must be calculated to properly protect the generation. In the event of the

replacement of any of the components the following basic steps are recommended:

1. Calculate the new capabilities of the generation system.

2. Calculate protective device settings based on new system.

3. Develop or update electric system single line diagrams (one-lines) to describe the

basic layout of the electrical system as well as basic information of the major


4. Verify that the relays will operate as programed or set with simulation of fault

conditions inherent to that protective device.

The engineer in charge must produce a system that will provide reliable, economical

power to the customer as well as maintain a safe system for generator operation and

maintenance personal.

This thesis is focused on recalculation of protective relay settings of a generator

protection system with replacement components that do not have the same ratings or

capabilities as the original and will require new protective relay settings calculations.

Chapter 2 will discuss generating system component and electrical fundamentals as well

as the symbols used to describe an electrical system. Chapter 3 will describe protective

relay types and functions. Chapter 4 covers the calculation of the new protective relay

settings and fault simulation testing of the protective functions with a 3 phase power




An electric generator is a device, which converts mechanical energy into electrical

energy (see Figure 1). The prime mover provides the rotational mechanical power into the

AC generator. This mechanical power may be derived from fossil fuels, nuclear or

movement of water. The mechanical rotational motion is transferred via a shaft to the

rotating portion of the generator, which is referred to as the rotor. The rotor will contain

conductors of either copper or aluminum that will have a DC voltage applied and provides

a current path that will set up a controlled magnetic flux these conductors are referred to as

the field windings. The moving magnetic flux will induce voltage in the stationary portion

of the generator referred to as the stator (see Figure 2) where the amount of flux being

produced by the rotor is controlled by a device called the "Exciter" which controls the

amount of current in the in the field windings. The DC current may be derived externally

and then transferred to the field windings on the rotor via brushes or the DC may be

generated on the rotor itself by the addition a small permanent magnet AC generator and

electronic circuits that will rectify the AC into DC for use for the field current

(see Figure 3).

In a 3 phase wye connected generator (see Figure 3) the 3 windings offset by 120

electrical degrees apart and share a common point referred to as the neutral.

The neutral may be solidly connected to the ground or connected through an

impedance to ground that will limit the amount of current during a line to ground fault

The voltage developed between windings is referred to as line to line voltage and voltage

referenced to the grounded common connection is referred to as line to neutral voltage.

Shaft 3-Phase

Prime Mover
DC Field
Variable Source

FIGURE 1. Graphical representation of 3 phase power generation.

Stator windings



FIGURE 2. Basic structure of a cylindrical rotor.


FIGURE 3. Brushless excitation system [1].

Volts line to
A phase

Volts line to line

FIGURE 4. Wye connected windings.

The Transformer

A transformer allows the conversion of one voltage level to another voltage level.

A higher voltage level allows for lower losses due to lower current levels for a given

amount of power. Lower voltage levels in turn allow for higher currents to loads for the

same given amount of power. A transformer consists of coils of copper or aluminum

wrapped around a common core that readily conducts magnetic lines of force. The

magnetic lines intersect each other within this core. Mathematically the relationship is

expressed by the following equation.


Where Np is the turns of conductor on the primary side

Ns is the number of turns of conductor on the secondary side

Vs is the voltage of the secondary side

and Vp is the voltage on the primary side.

Like a generator the transformer windings can be configured as a delta where

there is no intention grounding of the conductors or in wye configuration that is

configured such that each phase windings end point are connected together at a common

point (see Figure 4). This common point can be solidly connected to the ground or

connected through impedance to ground to limit ground fault current. The advantage of a

delta connected system is that if there were to be an inadvertent grounding of one of the

phases only a small amount of current will flow and allow the system to stay online until

it can be safely de-energized and repaired. However, the voltages on the other phases

will increase thereby stressing the insulation of the cables and equipment. With a wye

connected system the common point is referred to as the neutral.

Short Circuit

A power system is designed to be free of faults as much as possible through

system design, equipment selection, installation and maintenance. However, even with

these practices faults do occur. Some of these causes can be from insulation failure,

moisture or inadvertent contact with conductive material. Regardless of the cause a

significant amount of current flows to the point of the fault. At the fault location arcing

and burning will occur as well as mechanical stress to the equipment. The system voltage

levels will drop proportionally with the magnitude and distance to the point of the fault.

The "available" short circuit current is the maximum possible value of current that can

occur at the location of the fault. The contribution to this maximum current comes from

generators, synchronous and induction motors. The basic short-circuit equation is shown


j _ "rms
he ~~ ^

Where Isc is the short circuit current

Vrms is the rms voltage

and Zsystem ( or X ) is the equivalent system impedance (or reactance).

The system impedance is taken from the point of the fault back to and including

the source or sources of the fault current for the power system. During a 3 phase fault the

current waveform will be offset by a DC component that shifts the sinusoidal waveform

away from the horizontal axis (see Figure 5). The amount of DC offset depends on the

X/R ratio which is the impedance divided by the resistance of the system. A generator

will have 3 short circuit constants inherent by design (see figure 6) that are used to set

various protection elements.

These constants are derived by experiment or by analytical methods by the

manufacture. These constants are defined as follows

Phase C
DC Component

FIGURE 5. 3 Phase fault with DC component offset [12].

A"' d Subtransicnt reactance: Is the reactance of a generator at the initiation of a

fault and is used in calculations of the initial asymmetrical fault current (see Figure 6).

The current continuously decreases lasting approximately 0.05 s after an applied fault [1].

vY"d Transient reactance: Is the reactance of a generator between the subtransienl

and synchronous states (see Figure 6.). This reactance is used for the calculation of the

fault current during the period between the subtransient and steady state period (see

Figure 6). The current decreases continuously during this period but are assumed to be

steady at this value for approximately 0.25s [1].

X& Direct axis: The steady-state reactance of a generator during fault conditions

used to calculate the steady state fault current after the Subtransient and Transient

components have decayed away (see Figure 6).

[ Subtransient
f\ ^*~ Penod

FIGURE 6. Short circuit waveform showing the three transient periods [12].

Per Unit Quantities

A power system can be made up of various voltage levels there by making system

calculations difficult. Therefore, to simplify calculations a common set of base values

are selected and the remaining quantities are then scaled to these base values. The two

common base values chosen are voltage and power. The other base values are then

calculated from these two base values by the following equations:

r __ MV ABase_3 phase
'Base V3 x kV,BaseJLL

7 ^BaseLL
Base MVA
m v ^Base_3 phase

Where ZBase is the base impedance in ohms,

MVABase_3 phase is the chosen apparent power base

and kVease_LL is the base line to line voltage

For per phase quantities are required use line to neutral kV. Once the base values

have been established then the per-unit quantity of a value can be calculated with the

following equation:

actual value
Per Unit value =
base value

Electrical components in a power system may have different per unit values based

on its own ratings that differ from the chosen base. If this is the case they can be

converted into the chosen base per unit values. The following equation will transform an

old per unit impedance value into a new per unit impedance value:

~ .... j n -J. • _i ,kVBase aw kVABasenew

Per unit impedancenew = Per unit impedanceoid (— =—) L x —— =—
KvBasejiew ^^Base_old

Whatever the value for the base voltage and MVA are chosen to be they will be

designated as 1 per unit or 1 p. u. .

Since it is obvious that electro mechanical and electronic relays cannot directly

operate at high voltages and current magnitudes they must be reduced to a magnitude that a

relay can safely operate. The devices used to reduce the voltage and currents are referred

to as potential transformers (PT) and current transformers (CT). This is accomplished by

taking the primary quantities and scaling it down by a known ratio.

One Line Diagrams

A one-line diagram graphically illustrates an electrical power system by

representing a 3 phase system with single symbol components. It is assumed unless

indicated otherwise in the drawing that each device will have 3 units if they are single

phase devices or 1 unit having 3 phase capabilities. For example there will be one CT

(current transformer) for each phase for a total of 3, but a circuit breaker will have 3 phase

capabilities per each unit (See Table 1). A three-line diagram assists in the actual

construction of power equipment. Each component is now displayed as a three phase

device. This will enable the builders of the system to interconnect the protection and other


© uuuuuu

3 phase generator Two winding transformer

Medium voltage draw out circuit

3 phase disconnect switch with fuse Distribution bus Impedance ground with CT and
resistor for ground fault detection

• (
r 0


Relay symbol where the " # " is

CT and PT with polarity marks in phase CT and PT symbols with reverse polarity replaced with the relay number

Delta connection and Wye connection Open Delta and grounded Wye connections Control path points to control device

© 0
Circuit breaker shunt trip coil
Circuit breaker charging motor
Circuit breaker close coil

1 a±b
-Q- T k
Indicating light Normally open and normally closed contacts

FIGURE 7. Typical electrical symbols.

The symbols for current transformer (CT) and potential transformer (PT) also are

referred to as Voltage Transformers (VT). Both CT and PT have polarities. A polarity

mark as indicated by the dots in a one line diagram. Physically on a CT or PT the

primary will be indicated by HI and H2 and XI and X2 for the secondary where HI and

XI correspond to the dots in the one-line diagram. The polarity of an instrument

transformer indicates the phase relationship between the input and the output. On a CT

the current flowing into the polarity mark or HI will result in current flowing out of the

secondary polarity mark or XI with little or no phase shift. Likewise for the PT (see

Figure 7). A 180-degree phase shift will occur if the CT or PT secondary's are connected

or installed in reverse. If this is by design the dots will be reversed in the one line

diagram (see Figure 8).

If the CT and PT are connected with their polarities reversed they would be

indicated with the dots in the opposite side.

15 ,
I Pnmay current/voltage

—« — Seconday current/voltage

FIGURE 8. Waveform output with polarities in phase.

Pnmay current/voltage

— — Set >nday c jrrer t/voltage



I °




I "

FIGURE 9. Waveform output with polarities reversed.

Instrument transformers like power transformers may be connected in multiple

ways depending on the application. If ungrounded they may be connected as a delta or wye

or if grounded they may be connected as an open delta or grounded wye. Note that open

delta PT only 2 PTs are used with the secondary center phase grounded.

Relay and Control Symbols

On a one line diagram a relay will be represented as a circle with the IEEE relay

type number in the center (see Figure 7). The device that is activated when a relay operates

that is, closes its alarm or trip contact a dashed line with arrows is often used to show the

device that is activated. Placing these symbols on a one line and interconnecting the single

line elements allows for the representation of any type of electrical system and is the

standard method for the design of electrical systems.

Elementary Diagrams

In addition to a one line a control logic schematic must also be developed. This

diagram is also referred to as an "Elementary Drawing ". The Elementary Drawing shows

the actual devices that are being activated. That is, a DC bus will provide the power to

either close a circuit breaker or trip it open and power the motor that will compress a

spring. The contacts from the various relays are also shown on Table 1. A circuit breaker

opens and closes using stored energy in a compressed (charged) spring. When the circuit

breaker is inserted secondary contacts in the switchgear make contact with power and

control terminal in the cubicle and a motor in the circuit breaker charges the spring. When

a signal to close is given a close coil (solenoid) is energized and closes the circuit breaker

the same holds for the trip coil. Half the spring energy is used to close the circuit breaker

and the other half is used to trip the circuit breaker. The motor will recharge the springs

after the trip operation. These solenoids are referred to as close coils (CC) or trip coils

(TC). The motor is designated by the capital letter "M." Indicating lights on the

switchgear panels are used to indicate the status of the circuit breaker. A red light is used

to indicate the circuit breaker is closed and a green light indicates that the circuit breaker is

open. Two parallel lines represent contacts. Note that these are contact not capacitors. A

normally open contact or "a" has empty space between the lines and a normally closed

contact or "b" contact has a line through it. The state as shown on elementary diagrams

is when the circuit breaker is open. When the circuit breaker closes the state of the

contact reverses.


* (f
<i—4>-—(0~» <HQ) <JU~4)

<s> !
Generator prime
mover and field
shut down

9 controls.


FIGURE 10. Unit connected generator protection with typical relays.

+ Fuse
A Custoner X CS
~~ C
_L cs

CB close CBtrip
~pLS jI controls functions
DC Control

0 A

^ w

M - Spring Charging Motor C - Close T-Tnp

LS - Limit Switch, contact C C - Close Coil

will open and shut motor when spring charged
ST - Shunt Tnp Coil
CS - CB Control Switch
FIGURE 11. Basic elementary diagram.


A wide variety of relays are required to protect a generator system. Each type of

relay will protect the system from a particular type of abnormality. If electro-mechanical

relays are used it may require up to 3 relays of a single type to protect each phase of a 3

phase system. However, with the advent of microprocessor based relays many fiinctions if

not all are incorporated into one unit. This many relays are required due to the large capital

investment of not only the generator and transformer, but the stability of the system.

The following sections will describe the typical types of relays used in generator

protection. Not all relays are used in every instance, but a thorough review is necessary to

allow the protection engineer to decide if the application warrants the inclusion of a certain

protective function.

Volt/Hertz Relay (24)

An internal magnetic field is required by generators and transformers in order to

operate. They are designed in such a way as provide the necessary flux for their rated

load. Over excitation occurs when abnormally high flux saturates the core steal and the

excess flux flows into the portions of the stator that were not designed to handle this flux.

This flux in the unintended areas will create high circulating eddy currents which will in

turn generate large amounts of heat. This excess heat will degrade lamination and

winding insulation leading to equipment failure. An example of when over excitation

may occur is when a generator is started and has not come up to full speed and due to a

voltage regulator malfunction or human error the field is applied. Since the voltage is a

function of flux times speed the voltage regulator may attempt to increase the field

current an attempt to maintain rated output voltage. Generator voltage regulators may

also monitor and protect against over excitation and the 24 relay in this case would act as

a backup or alarm relay.

To develop 24 relay settings the generator manufacture over excitation limit

curves should be obtained. A sample of limit curves are shown in Figure 11 below



£ 130- •

£ 120-•

o no--

100- •
H 1 1 1 1 I j 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 10 10 100 1000 0 01 0 1 10 10 100 1000 0 01 0 1 10 10 100 1000
f » V l — P R O H I B I T E D REGION

Figure 12. Various volts/hertz limit curves [1].

A transformer is also susceptible to volts/hertz problems. A similar transformer

curve can be obtained and the relay set to protect both (see Figure 12).


t 120-




FIGURE 13. Generator, transformer and relay plot for volts/hertz relay plot [1].

Synchronizing Check Relay (25)

A 25 sync check relay is used to check whether or not two separate portions of a

system are of similar phasor quantities such as phase, frequency and magnitude and are

within predetermined thresholds. If and when the electrical differences between the two

systems satisfy the threshold conditions an action may be taken. This action in a generation

system is the closing of a circuit breaker thereby bringing the generator into parallel with

the electrical system. If two electrical systems were brought together and if they are

significantly different, large currents will flow through the systems which can exceed those

experienced during sudden short circuits. The intense currents and torques produced may

cause server damages to the generator stator which may require it to be rewound.

Synchronizing limits that the two systems must be with specified limits in order to safely

parallel. Typical limits are circuit breaker closing angle of ±10°, generator side voltage

relative to system 0% to +5% and frequency differences of ±0. 067 Hz.

Under Voltage Relay (27)

The under voltage relay operates when the voltage applied drops below a

predetermined value. Under voltage relays may have inverse time characteristics so that

the system may have time to stabilize before any trips or alarms are initiated or they may

have definite level thresholds. For paralleling a generator and distribution bus the 27 under

voltage functions is incorporated into the 25 relay.

Directional Reverse power Relay (32)

If a generator loses its prime mover it will go into a condition called "Motoring"

which as the word implies the generator will now be powered by the external system and

the generator will act as a synchronous motor. This will drive the prime mover and

possibly damaging its shaft, couplings, compressors.. .etcetera. The manufacture provides

the magnitude of reverse power that the generator system can withstand before damage

occurs. A 32 relay will also contain an adjustable time delay to allow short duration power

variations to stabilize. The manufacture will often provide the reverse power threshold in

primary watts and the amount of time the generator can "motor" before it is damaged.

Loss of Excitation (Field) Relay (40)

Loss of excitation on a synchronous generator will cause the rotor to accelerate and

operate as an induction generator. As a result it will draw reactive power from the system

instead of providing it to the system. Heavy currents will also be induced into the rotor

teeth and wedges which will cause thermal damage to the generator if allowed to operate in

this condition. Common causes of excitation loss can be operator error, excitation system

failure, accidental tripping of the field breakers or flashover of the exciter commutator. A

type of 40 relay is called an offset MHO relay. The following information will be required

from the manufacture to set the protection level: the generator direct axis reactance Xd,

Transient reactance X'd, line to line voltage, and rated phase current, all in secondary

values. The protection characteristics are plot on the R-X plane. Where R is the resistance

and X is the reactance of the system (see Figure 30). The inner circle referred to as Zone 1

will trip the system offline and the outer circle referred to as Zone 2 will alarm before

tripping the system offline.


-R R
" 2

. -j I v^j \

» 1 Opu


-1 -X 1 2

FIGURE 14. 2 zone protection diagram [1].

The following equations are used to calculate the diameters and offsets. Note that

values must be secondary ohms for use in the relay. Time delays are of .1 seconds for

Zone 1 and .5 seconds for Zone 2 are suggested. Zone 1 (inner circle) is commonly set to

1. 0 pu of impedance Z.

The offset of the inner and outer circle X is the negative quantity of the half the

transient reactance. The diameter of the outer circle is equal to the direct access transient

with the offset being equal to that of the Zone 1 offset. Note that these values are in

primary quantities and must be converted into relay base for used with the protection


Negative Sequence or Unbalance Relay (46)

Negative sequence stator currents, caused by unbalanced faults such as phase-to-

phase, phase-to-ground, double-line-to-ground or load unbalance, induce double frequency

currents into the rotor that may eventually overheat elements not designed to be subjected

to such currents as a result of the 11 losses. The most serious series unbalance for example

is an open phase, due to a failed circuit breaker pole. Two limits are used for 46 relay

protection settings the Continues Negative-Sequence current capability limit and the Short

Time Unbalance current limit. IEEE standards dictate that all generators meet a negative

sequence withstand capabilities [5]. For generators continues negative-sequence limits

range from 5 and 10% of rated current. The short time limit is expressed in terms of K,

where K= I2t and varies from 5 to 40. The actual values will be provided by the generator

manufacture. These limits will be used to set the relay pickup values. The relay will have

a time delay function to allow downstream circuit breakers to clear the portion of the

system that is causing negative sequence currents. Typical curves (see Figure 15) provide

the protection engineer relay pickup and delay characteristics to coordinate trip functions of

protection down the line.


FIGURE 15. Typical negative sequence relay curve [1].

Stator Temperature Relay (49)

Temperature Relay supplies a constant current to a remotely located resistive

temperature detector usually installed in the windings, and senses the temperature of the

detector by measuring the voltage across the resistive element. These detectors called

"RTD" can be made of platinum, copper or nickel. Two pickup settings are commonly

programmed into a temperature relay, a lower threshold will alarm without shutting down

the system to allow corrective action. The second higher threshold will trip the system in

order to prevent thermal damage to the generator.

Inadvertent Energization Protection Relay (50)

Inadvertent energization of a generator can result from a circuit breaker flashover or

a breaker that has closed onto an energized system while the generator is at standstill or

rotating at slow speeds. The energized generator will act as an induction motor and rapidly

accelerate which can cause extensive damage if the generator is not de-energized

immediately. For inadvertent energization protection 3 types of relays and a timing device

are used in tandem. A 27 under-voltage relay, a 81U under-frequency relay and a 50

instantaneous over-current relay. When the generator is de-energized the 27 under-voltage

and 81 under frequency relays contacts will be closed thereby enabling the 50

instantaneous to operate if current is detected. A timing device is also used with this

scheme. It will inhibit the operation of the 50 for a period of time so that it will not operate

if there are short term instabilities in voltage or frequency levels and arm the 50 relay when

the generator is taken out of service.

Voltage Controlled Over Current Relay (51V)

Voltage Controlled Over-Current relay is used to provide protection against a

prolonged fault contribution by the generator. The basic operation of the relay is such that

the pickup of the over-current unit is not activated until there is a voltage drop due to a

short circuit out in the system. The further the fault is from the generator the lower the

magnitude of the voltage drop.

The relay received its input from potential transformers and works in conjunction

with the 60 relay. If a 60 relay detects a blown fuse it will block the operation of the 51V

relay due to voltage input being lost due to the blown fuse. Typical settings for the

overcurrent unit is 50% of the full load current if the activation voltage level is 75% of the

rated voltage.

Over Voltage Relay (59)

The over voltage relay is used to senses above normal voltage magnitude. Another

important use of an over voltage relay is for ground fault protection in impedance grounded

generators. An impedance which may be a resistor or a step down transformer with the

primary of the transformer in series with the neutral and the resistor across the secondary so

that a flowing current through the resistor will develop a voltage which will be detected by

the 59 relay.

Voltage Balance Relay (60)

A voltage balance relay protects the power system from miss operation or false

tripping in the event that a fuse blows in the voltage sensing circuit. Two sets of PT are

used to implement this relay. Under normal conditions all three phase PT output

magnitudes are equal. If a fuse is blown the relay compares the two inputs and if only one

of the inputs has lost potential then other protective or control functions can be blocked or

disabled. As an example, if one or more PT fuses providing signal to the voltage regulator

fails and the 60 relay detects that the 2nd set of PT remain energized it can disable the

voltage regulator. If the voltage regulator sensed no voltage it may boost the field current

in an attempt to maintain voltage thereby creating an over excitation condition. An alarm is

used after the 60 relay has operated to inform generator operators of a blown fuse.

Sudden Pressure Relay (63)

A sudden pressure relay is a high speed device that detects a sudden increase in

pressure within a transformer. The relay is designed such that slow changes in pressure do

to normal loading and oil expansion are not detected. The 63 is set to immediately remove

power from the transformer by tripping the main circuit breaker and de-energizing the


Field Ground Relay (64F)

The field circuit is normally ungrounded. A single ground generally will not affect

the generator operation nor may there be any immediate damage. However, there is a

greater chance of a second ground fault occurring after the first. If that were to occur that

portion of the field winding will be short circuited. The consequence of this is unbalanced

air gap fluxes in the machine the unbalanced magnetic forces produced by the unbalanced

fluxed can result in severe vibration leading to machine damage. The unbalance currents

also produce heating in the rotor iron resulting in unbalanced temperatures that may also

lead to damaging vibrations. The relay operates by placing a dc voltage source in series

with an over-voltage relay connected between the negative side of the field winding and

ground. A ground in the field will cause the relay to operate. A time delay is employed in

order to prevent unintentional operation due to short duration field transients.

Oil Level Relay (71)

The 71 oil level relay used a floatation device inside the transformer to detect the

amount of oil inside the tank. As the oil level gets lower an alarm threshold may be set to

alert plant personal. If that level is exceeded then the main circuit breaker may be tripped

and the generator taken offline.

Out Of Step Relay (78)

In the event that fault or other disturbances causes a generator to loose synchronism

with the power system it is imperative that if the generator does lose synchronism it be

immediately separated from the system.

If the generator is not separated prior to exceeding the manufactures tolerances the

generator may be severely damaged resulting from high peak currents and off-frequency

operation. These high currents and of-frequency operation lead to winding stress,

pulsating torques and mechanical resonances are damaging to the generator. The relay

operates from voltage and current derived from voltage and current transformers. The

information need to calculate settings are the generator transient reactance in secondary

ohms, the step up transformer impedance in secondary ohms and the impedance of the

lines beyond the generator set-up transformer. All impedances must be in the generator

base KV. If a system stability study is not available then conservative values for the

settings should be used.

In this case set 5 = 120 .

+ X
d = P* ™ + X>y"™\ x tan(90 - £)

Where d is the blinder distance (see Figure 33).

The diameter of the MHO unit is calculated.

diameter D = (2xX'd+ 1.5x XTG)


FIGURE 16. Out of step protection zone.

The diameter above does not contain Xsystem since in our sample system since we assume

no system data or stability data exists. The relay will trip when the relay detects the

impedance between the blinders and inside the circle.

Frequency Relays (81)

The two main considerations with the operation of synchronous generators outside

standard frequency ranges are: (1) rapid aging of the mechanical components during both

under frequency and over frequency operation and (2) thermal considerations, which will

mostly be significant when an under frequency condition exists.

Under Frequency Relay (81U)

At lower frequencies than 60 Hz the generator and its prime mover will begin to

slow down as they attempt to carry the excess load. The reduced rotation also leads to

reduced ventilation thereby a reduction in power output. The lower frequency can also lead

to over excitation since the flux is inversely proportional to the frequency.

Over Frequency Relay (810)

Is commonly the result of a sudden reduction in load. During over frequency

operation there is an improvement in ventilation and the flux density needed for a given

terminal voltage is less and therefore does not produce the same heating as does an under

frequency condition. However, generator turbines are designed to operate near 60 Hz

outside the designed limit may produce destructive resonance in the rotating mechanical


The relays will have thresholds at which they can alarm for a set level and trip if a

second threshold is exceeded. A time delay is also included at to give the system to

stabilize before the generator is separated from the system.

Lock Out Relay (86)

A 86 relay is not a protective device in its self but an auxiliary relay when it's

desired that a number of operations be performed simultaneously from the operation of a

single relay. In other words, the 86 lock out relay internally contains multiple contacts

what can be either normally open or normally closed and will change state when a

protective device activates the 86. When a protective relay activates the 86 lock out relay

the changes contact states can be used to trip main circuit breakers, field circuit breakers,

activate alarms systems, etcetera. The protection engineer can specify the function of the

86 relay when the protection scheme is developed. The external portion of the 86 relay

consists of a handle which when tripped will rotate indicating a trip has occurred.

While the relay is in the trip position the system will be "locked out" meaning that

the circuit breakers cannot be closed until the relay is reset.

Differential Relay (87)

Internal generator faults are considered serious since they cause severe costly

damage to insulation windings, core as well as producing severe mechanical torsional

stress to shafts and couplings. Under normal load conditions, current flows through the

protected equipment. The output currents from the current transformers are connected such

that they are offset by 180 degrees and cancel each other out so that the net resultant current

is nearly 0. If a fault should occur outside the protection zone the relay will not operate. If

the fault occurs inside the zone that is between the two CTs the relay will operate and

quickly trip the generator circuit breaker and field circuit breaker and deenergize the


FIGURE 17. Representation of differential protection.

Transformer differential relays operate on the same principle, except settings

"taps" are included to compensate for transformer ratio differences between the primary

and secondary and harmonic restrain to allow for inrush currents during energization. On

transformers that are delta to wye or wye delta there is an inherent 30 degree phase shift.

To offset this the CT are configured in the opposite of the winding they are protecting. That

is a wye winding will have delta wired CTs and a delta winding will have wye connected

CTs. In setting the taps the delta wired CTs secondary currents muct be multiplied by 1.73

to allow for the delta line currents. The slope of the relay will be the sum of the errors

induced by the CT ratio mismatch, CT errors and voltage level differences. The errors will

allow you to select the proper slope of the relay. The difference in current in verses current

out must exceed a set percentage difference in order to operate. Another use of differential

protection is in Unit Protection configuration. In this setup the generator step up

transformer and service station transformer are included in the protection zone. Unit

protection is implemented using microprocessor relays.



The following example will calculate the protection settings for 25MVA

connected to a 30MVA replacement transformer in a Unit Generator configuration. The

generator and associated equipment parameters are listed on Table 2.

TABLE 1. Sample Generator Parameters

Output 25 MVA
Power factor 0.85 Pf
Voltage 14.4 KV
Full Load Current (FLA) 1002 A
Direct axis synchronous reactance: Xd= 1.15 pu
Direct axis transient reactance: X'd= 0.196 pu
Direct axis subtransient reactance: X"d= 0.136 pu
Negative sequence reactance: X2= 0.129 pu
Potential Transformers (PT) Primary 14400 V
Secondary 120 V
PT Ratio = 120
Current Transformers (CT) Primary 1200 A
Secondary 5 A
CT Ratio = 240

The Unit connected transformer parameters for our sample system are show in Table 2

TABLE 2. Sample Unit Transformer Parameters

Unit Transformer

Power 30 MVA
Windings 2
Primary Voltage 13.80 kV
Secondary Voltage 36 kV
Leakage Reactance or impedance in pu 0.08 pu
Nameplate Impedance on 30 MVA Base 8 %
FLA (Primary) 1,255 A
FLA (Secondary) 481 A
Primary side CT Primary 1500 A
Secondary 5 A
Ratio 300
Secondary side CT Primary 600 A
Secondary 5 A

Preliminary Calculations

The relay setting calculations can be simplified if the generator and transformer

parameters are first changed to a common base and converted to secondary PT and CT

values what will be used. The voltage and power of the generator will be used as the

base quantities.

VBase_LL_G = 14,400K or 14AkV


Using the values from Table 2 the transformer impedance is converted into the

generator base.

30 MVA 13.8kV?

Where XBasejrc is the transformer on the generator MVA and Voltage base.

Calculate the generator base impedance ZBase_primary_G

7 _14.4fcl/ L 2 LBa5e _
*Base_Primary_G - 2 5 MVAcjase ~ * * "

Since relay settings are based on the secondary magnitudes of the CT and PTs

convert the Voltages, currents and impedances into the relay base

_ 14,4007 _
^BaseJLL relay — 7 ^ — 1207

1 14,4007 _
^BaseJLNrelay — ~J=X T^Tjj — 69. 2 8 7

_ 1002.4 _ -
Base relay "" 2 40 ~~

^Base relay ~~ A * JCA "~" ^

Typical Relay Settings Calculations and Verification with Experiment.

The following are the calculations for relays settings. Those that do not require

calculations will reference a figure for the corresponding setting. The experimental

verification setup (Figure 17) consists of a waveform and RMS capture device Dranetz

Power Xploer PX-5, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories SEL-700G protective

generator relay and 3-phase power system simulator Megger MPRT Relay Tester. The

simulator software Megger AVTS 4. 0 will be used to control the 3-phase simulator as

well as vary the phase angles and record the results.

The Dranetz Inc9 DRAN-VIEW 6 Software is used to record wave forms and phase angle


FIGURE 18. Experimental setup.

1. Over excitation Relay (24): The generator and transformer manufacture

provided curves are used to set this relay. In our sample the over excitation trip point

105% will be tested by holding the frequency constantan and increasing the voltage.

Figure 34 shows the RMS values of the voltage as the relay trips the system offline.

The theoretical voltage level is calculated by multiplying the line to neutral voltage

by the percentage above the nominal voltage. That is 69. 28V x L 05 = 72. 74V.

Table 4 shows the tabulated results.


24 Relay trip at 72.7 Volts


FIGURE 19. RMS TIME vs VOLTS of volts/hertz relay (24) operation.

TABLE 3. Relay Volt/Hertz Experimental Test Result

Pickup ExpectedPU Error MinRange MaxRange Pass/Fail

(Volts) (Volts) (%) (Volts) (Volts)
72.72 72.75 -0.03 72.02 73.47 Pass

2. Under Voltage Relay (27): Use definite time function. Set the trip level at

90% of the line to neutral voltage. The calculation is as follows; .9 x 69.28 V =

62.35V or approximately 62.4V (see Figure 34) and the numerical results in Table 4.

Vertical edge
indicates relay has

FIGURE 20. Under voltage relay (27) operation graph.

TABLE 4. Under Voltage Test Result

Pickup Expected PU Error Min Range Max Range Pass/Fail

(Volts) (Volts) (%) (Volts) (Volts)
62.20 62.40 -0.32 59.18 65.62 Pass

3. Reverse Power Relay (32): The prime movers manufacture provided the

motoring power of 2% and can withstand for 50 seconds. Calculate the value in MW of

the allowable reverse power.

0.02 x 25 MVA x 0.85 pf = 0.4250 MW

For relaying purposes the pickup up value must be in secondary quantities and the

equivalent MVA value. The calculation is as follows:

Primary_reverse_power = 17.04 A
V3 14.4kV

To convert the primary value into secondary quantities divide the base current value the

CT ratio.

Secondary_reverse_power "" JA() =.071A

Since our relay detects the total power, multiply the result by 3. The current

required will be .21 A. The currents are rotated 180 degrees (Figure 20) to simulate

current flow into the generator. The results shown on Table 5.

c« » * *.
,<\ * * j *',>
i „•


tatf-M iiLmmmt
* * "AT 0 ***** ***<<
« * V

BV ^ MilP'
A B €
V C :\y t*0*
A 1H« il 2te*
** %?r , *^« 110*

FIGURE 21. 3 phase vector diagram of a reverse power relay (32).

TABLE 5. Reverse Power Test Result

Pickup ExpectedPU Error MinRange MaxRang Pass/Fail

20.851 21.0 -0.71 20.580 21.420 Pass

4. Loss of Field Relay (40): Calculate the protective zones. Values must be scaled

to CT and PT secondary values.

Zone 1: Set the Mho circle at 1 pu. Where 1 pu is equal to Zease_reiay

Zone 1 diameter = 1 pu = -16. 59 Q negative since it is a negative offset MHO relay.

Zone 1 offset Xd = 0.196 0.098 pu


The offset needs to be converted into the relay base by multiplying it by Zfiasejeiay

and changing the sign since the relay is a negative offset MHO relay.

Zone 1 offset (relay) = - 0. 098 x 16. 59 = - 1. 62 Q

Zone 1 diameter Zeasejeiay = 16.59 O

Zone 2 diameter (relay) = | - 1. 15 x 16. 59 | = 19. 07 O or 19. 1

Zone 2 offset (relay) = Zone 1 offset (relay) = - 1 . 62 O

The experimental results are calculated as follows. The reach is calculated by

adding the offset and the zone diameter to get the zone reach. The zone reach test values

are calculated by holding the voltage constant and vary the current magnitude at the

phase angles indicated in Figure 21. With the voltage held constant at 69.28V the

impedance Z if calculated as follows I = V/Z.

For Zone 2 Reach I = (69. 28V/| 16. 59 + 1. 62|) = 3. 8A

For Zone 1 Reach I = (69. 28/1 19. 10 + 1. 62|) = 3. 34A

z* "„ ^JzJL

FIGURE 22, Zone reach impedance and phase angle relationship.

The experimental results are below.

Voltage A | VottageB j Voltage C J Current A 1 Current B 1 Current C I

f 89,282 V f mmv [ 69.215 V f 3,816 A F" 3.816 A P 3.816 A

f 0.0 * I 120.0 * | """ 240.6 * [ 270.0 f 30.0 * J* 150.0°

| SuioHz j 60,000 Hz | 60.000 Hz [' 60.000 Hi [ SOSOHZ f 60.000 HE

FIGURE 23. Loss of excitation zone 2 reach test.

TABLE 6. Zone 2 Test Result
Impedance CalcZ Error MinRange MaxRange Pass/Fail
(Ohms) (Ohms) (%) (Ohms) (Ohms)
20. 705 20.70 0.02 19.66 21,73 Pass

Voltage A j Voltage B J Voltage C J Current A J Current B I I Current C

p___ j_™^__ p——^ j _ _ ^ _ | , __ p__p

!____ p___ ^^—^ ^——— j p _ _ _ ^___

FIGURE 24. Loss of excitation zone 1 reach test.

TABLE 7. Loss of Excitation Zone 1 Reach Test Result

Impedance CalcZ Error MinRange MaxRange Pass/Fail TestVolts

(Ohms) (Ohms) (%) (Ohms) (Ohms) (Volts)
18.250 18.20 0.27 17.29 19. 11 Pass 69.28

5. Unbalance relay (46): The manufacture will design the generator in accordance

with IEEE standards. For our example the manufacture has provided us with the

following information:

Pickup: 7% Time dial (K): = 9 with a linear reset of 4 minutes.

The expected results are calculated by taking 7% or the full load amps which is 4.2A so

that I = ,07 x 4.2A = . 94A but since we are testing 1 phase at a time while the other 2

phases are held at zero we must multiply by 3. Therefore the expected test current is .294

x 3 = .882A. The results are shown graphically in Figure 25, Note that figure 25 has all

three phases superimposed on same graph. The first plot A-phase the current was held

constant then raised above the threshold before trip. Phases B and C the current is

ramped up to trip,

Note 1 phase
lower than 2
other phases

FIGURE 25. Unbalance A9 B and C phases.

TABLE 8. Relay Current Unbalance Pickups for A9 B and C Phases

PickupCurrent CalcPickup MinRange MaxRange Error Pass/Fail

(Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (%)
0.90 0.88 0.84 0.93 2.46 Pass
PickupCurrent CalcPickup MinRange MaxRange Error
(Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (%)
0.91 0 88 0.84 0.93 3.54 Pass
PickupCurrent CalcPickup MinRange MaxRange Error
(Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (Amps) (%)
0.91 0.88 0 84 0 93 3.60 Pass

6. Voltage controlled relay (51C): Set relay to pickup up the voltage control unit at

75% of rated voltage and the overcurrent pickup at 50% of the generator full-load


51C OC pickup = 4. 18 x . 50 - 2. 09A

51C undervoltage element pickup = 69. 28 * . 75 = 52V

Time Vs Current

Multiples of Ptctajp

FIGURE 26. Voltage control relay (51C) results.

TABLE 9. Voltage Controlled Over Current Test Results

Multiplier Applied Time ExpectedJTime Error MinRange MaxRange Pass/Fail
(X Pickup) (Amps) (Seconds) (Seconds) (%) (Seconds) (Seconds)
3. 0000 6.00 3.7539 3.7197 0.91 3.55 3.89 Pass
5. 0000 10.00 1.3598 1.3573 0. 19 1.28 1.44 Pass
7. 0000 14.00 0. 7620 0, 7666 -0.61 0.71 0.82 Pass

Note that OC unit

does not occur
until voltage drops,

FIGURE 27, Voltage controlled relay (51C) RMS trip graph,

7. Over Voltage Relay (59): For our experiment set the over voltage threshold to

110% of the nominal line to neutral voltage. 1.10 x 69. 28= 1. 10 x 69. 28 = 76. 2V

Figure 28. Over voltage relay (59) result plot.

TABLE 10. Over Voltage Relay Test Result

Pickup ExpectedPU Error MinRange IVfaxRange Pass/Fail
(Volts) (Volts) (Volts) (Volts)
76.70 76.21 0.64 72.40 80.02 Pass

8. Loss of synchronization relay (78). For our example the Xsystem = 00 with

p = 90 and 8 = 120 with the assumption that no stability studies are available and there

is no information on the system.

d (blinder distance) = (3. 25 + 1. 02 + 0)/2 x tan(30) = 1. 23 fl or 1. 2fortests.

MHO unit diameter = (2 x 3. 25 + 1. 5 x 1. 02) = 8. 03 Q with impedance angle of 90 .

and a time delay of 50 ms>

Theforwardreach (lower circle portion) is2x3 s 25 :=:: 6 s 5 and the reverse reach is

L 5 x 1. 02 = 1. 53 for our experiment use 1. 5

Again using the fact that I = Volts/Z we calculate thefollowingvalues,

a, Forward reach current I = 69. 28/6. 5 = 10, 65A

b. Reverse reach current I = 69, 28/1. 5 = 46, 19A note that this is exceeds

typical 3 phase test equipment. Since we are interested in the current and the

impedance is fixed we can use a lower voltage to calculate a suitable I. Use 20V

and calculate I. 20V/1. 5 = 13. 3A

c. Right Blinder the current phases are rotated as to allow the impedance

vector approach from right to left as in b above 20V/1.2 = 16. 67A

d. Left Blinder the current phases are rotated to allow the impedance to

approach from left to right I is 20V/1.2=16. 67A

The protection zone are bound by these values (see Figure 29),


Reverse Right
_JV ...,_
reach "^< ***** Blinder
11 0 9.0 7,0 s.o f6 i .0 7§ 9.0 110


Relay will trip

Forward inside circle and
reach inside left and
~ — —J right Blinder lines,


FIGURE 29, Loss of Synchronization protection boundaries,

Reverse and forward reach experimental results.

Voltage A j Voltage B j Voltage c j Cur rent A j Current B | Current C I

[ 20.000V* | 13J?? A f nJffK

f ™ blF* f"""" 240.0 r
[ mor

FIGURE 30. Forward reach results.

Voltage A 1 J Voltage e l Voltage C J Current A Current B Current € [

[ "™5S5So'v | p ™ l o ^ v " f -
1337? A" j *""* 13.377 A j 13.37? A
f" o.o* i [ H^oX 0
[~"T£o 210,0 * ["~5bo.or
P'OSOOOHZ"* [ lo~OQOHz" 6 0 . W Hz

FIGURE 31. Re¥erse reach results,

TABLE 11. Relay Reverse and Forward Reach Z Test Results

Volts Current Angle ZJREV Ideal Z REV %error

(Volts) (Amps) (Degrees) (Ohms) (Ohms)
20.00 13.38 90.00 1.50 1.50 -0.33
Volts Current Angle Z^FWD IdealJZJWD
(Volts) (Amps) (Degrees) (Ohms) (Ohms)
20.00 10.69 270. 00 6.483 6.500 -0.26

VoltageAj Voltage B j Votlage C J Current A Current B Current C 1

16.712 A I 16.712A
240.0 0.0«

j 60.000 Hz 60.000 Hz Hz pgo^SflMHT

FIGURE 32, Relay right blinder result.

TABLE 12, Relay Right Blinder Reach Z Test Result

Volts Current Angle ZJ78R1 IdeaLZ %error

(Volts) (Amps) (Degrees) (Ohms) (Ohms)
20.00 16.71 0.00 1.20 1.20 -0.27

Voltage A 1 VoftageBJ Voltage C I Current A Current 8 I Current C

| 20.000 V r 20.000 V j 20.000 V f 10,012 A | 16.612 A f ISJUA

| 0.6 * [ 300.0 * [ 00.0 *
| 60.000 Hz r'^oooHir I 1*0.000 Hz j 00.000 Hz psbSoo HT | 60,000 Hz
m m tsar

FIGURE 33. Left blinder result.

TABLE 13. Left Blinder Reach Z Test Result

Volts Current Angle Z_78R2 ldeal_Z %error

(Volts) (Amps) (Degrees) (Ohms) (Ohms)
20.00 16.61 180. 00 1.20 1.20 0.33

The settings results can then be summarized on a table which can be provided to

the personnel programing and setting the relays. Note that all CT ratios are based on 5A

secondary and PT are based on 120V secondary. Only settings that required calculations

are on Table 14. Settings that require curve selection and not included.

TABLE 14. Equipment Summary Table

Generator Data
MVA 25
Xd 1.15
X'd .196
X"d .136
X2 .129
Voltage ( k V ) 14.40
Power Factor (pf) .85
PT Ratio 120:1
PT Configuration D/Y Y
CT Ratio Generator Differential 240:1
CT Ratio Unit Differential Generator 240:1
Grounding transformer ratio 60:1
Grounding transformer resistor 25Q

Unit Step up Transformer Data

MVA 30.0
Primary Voltage ( kV ) (adjust tap for +4%) 13.8
Secondary Voltage ( kV ) 36.0
Transformer nameplate impedance 8%
Primary Full Load Amps 1255
Secondary Full Load Amps 481
CT Ratio Phase Primary 300:1
CT Ratio Phase Secondary 120:1
Grounding method Solid

Auxiliary Transformer Data

Primary Voltage (kV ) 14.4
Secondary Voltage (kV ) .480
Nameplate impedance 5%
CT Ratio Primary 25:1
CT Ration Secondary 800:1
Grounding method Solid

TABLE 15. Relay Settings Summary Table

Relay Function Pickup Delay

25 Over Excitation 105%
27 Under Voltage Trip 62.4V 2 seconds
32 Reverse Power .21A@120V 50 seconds
40 Loss of Field (Negative offset MHO)
Zone 1 Diameter 16.59ft
Zone 1 Offset -1.62ft
Zone 2 Diameter 19.07 ft
Zone 2 Offset -1.62ft
46 Current Unbalance Relay 7%, K=9 4 minute linear reset
51V Voltage controlled Over Current Relay 2.09A @ 52V Inverse time curve
59 Over Voltage Trip 76.2V 10 seconds
78 Loss of Synch Relay
Left and right binders 1.2ft
MHO diameter 8.03ft 50 milliseconds
Forward reach 6.5 ft
Reverse reach 1.5 ft

36KV. 600A

) * j ' ' I* 13.8KV-480V


FIGURE 34. Sample system one-line.



A procedure for protective relay settings for a 25MVA generator has been presented.

An AC generator system that has experienced catastrophic failure may have one or more

major components repaired or replaced. Due to either obsolescence or long delivery time

exact replacements may not be available therefore recalculations and verification of new

relay settings are necessary. The following conclusions are drawn from the presented


1. Basic knowledge of generators, transformer, characteristic of short circuits and

the variables that are used to express how the magnitudes will manifest during a fault are

important for the engineer to understand prior to integrating replacement electrical

components into the repaired system.

2. In order to develop settings for relays that will be protecting replacement

components that may not have the same electrical characteristics, thorough familiarity

with the protective relays, magnitude sensing devices and there unique functions are


3. In order to achieve the highest reliability the new system should be based on

available standards and the consequences of omitting a protective relay must be carefully


4. Once replacement components have been obtained and installed, develop or

update one-line diagrams which will represent the generator, transformers and circuit

breaker system.

5. In order to reduce the chance of settings errors all electrical information needs to

be gathered and documented prior to placing the generation system back online.

6. Once electrical and control diagrams have been developed calculations to convert

primary quantities into secondary quantities are performed to set all relays.

7. Prior to a generator system being place back into service. A 3 phase power

systems simulator is used to verity the proper operation of the protective relays and all

results documented.

8. This procedure may be applied to a unit configured AC generator.



[I] IEEE Power & Energy Society. "IEEE guide for AC generator protection."
IEEE Std. C37.102-2006 (Revision of IEEE Std. C37.102-1995), 2006.

[2] IEEE Power & Energy Society. " IEEE guide for generator ground protection."
IEEE Std. C37.101-2006, 2007.

[3] IEEE Power & Energy Society. "IEEE standard for electrical power system device
function numbers, acronyms, and contact designations." IEEE Std. C37.2- 2008,

[4] IEEE Power & Energy Society. "IEEE guide for abnormal frequency protection for
power generating plants." IEEE Std. C37.106-2003, 2004.

[5] IEEE Power & Energy Society. "IEEE standard for cylindrical-rotor 50 Hz and 60
Hz synchronous generators rated 10 MVA and above.",IEEE Std. C50. 13-2005,

[6] IEEE Power & Energy Society. "IEEE recommended practice for electric power
distribution for industrial plants." IEEE Std. 141-1993, 1994.

[7] IEEE Power & Energy Society. "IEEE recommended practice for protection and
coordination of industrial and commercial power systems." IEEE Std. 242-2001
(Revision of IEEE Std. 242-1986) [IEEE Buff Book], 2001.

[8] IEEE Power & Energy Society. "IEEE recommended practice for grounding of
industrial and commercial power systems." IEEE Std. 142-2007 (Revision of
IEEE Std. 142-1991), 2001.

[9] Donald Reimert. Protective Relaying for Power Generation Systems.

Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2006.

[10] ABB Power T&D Company Inc. Electrical Transmission and Distribution
Reference Book. Raleigh, NC: ABB Power T&D Company Inc, 1997.

[II] IEEE Power & Energy Society. "IEEE Standards Dictionary: Glossary of Terms &
Definitions." New York, NY: IEEE, 2009.

[12] IEEE Power & Energy Society. IEEE Tutorial on the Protection ofSynchronous
Generators (Publication 95 TP 102). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 1995

[13] Megger Inc. Instructional Manual for MPRT Protective Relay Test System, 710000.
Dallas, TX: Megger Inc., 2010

[ 14] Megger Inc. Instructional Manual for A VTS 4.0 Advanced Visual Test Software.
Dallas, TX: Megger Inc., 2010

[15] Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories. Instruction Manual for SEL-700G Generator

Protection Relay, 20110324. Pullman, WA: Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories,


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