Social Engagement QB

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No Question
What is the percent of companies that ignore all customer feedback on Twitter and
Which of the following is not the sources for Microsoft Social Listening?

Which of the following statements apply to the availability of Microsoft Social

3 Engagement on mobile devices?
4 Languages used for data gathering and sentiment analysis are the same.

5 Where are user licenses assigned from for Microsoft Social Engagement?

6 Which of the following statements apply to quota?

7 A user must be assigned a ____________ role to manage social profiles

Which of the following statements apply to blocking content returned in

8 searches?

Which of the following social accounts can not be connected to a Microsoft

9 Social Engagement instance?

10 Microsoft Social Engagement can't be used for which of the following?

11 Microsoft Social Engagement can not be used directly to determine

When monitoring market rumors, which of the following about your competitors
12 might not be discoverable through Microsoft Social Engagement?

13 Which of the following is not a components of search topics?

Which of the following search rules that is not available in Microsoft Social
14 Engagement?
15 Which of the following sources can not be used in a Keywords rule?
16 A search topic can consist of __________ search queries
17 Facebook page rules provide a way to capture information from

Which of the following statements can't be apply to alerts in Microsoft

18 Social Engagement?

19 Which of the following actions cannot be done to posts?

20 Which of the following actions for responding to posts is not available?

21 Sentiment can not be listed as?

22 Which is not the type of Navigation Control in Application main area?

Which of the following apply to machine learning in Microsoft Social

23 Engagement?
Microsoft Social Engagement doesn't support which of the following analytics
24 pages

25 Can cases be created based on tweets?

26 Is Microsoft Social Engagement data visible to all CRM licensed Users?

27 What kind of posts can be filtered?

What happens to the Microsoft Social Engagement data when it is unlinked from
28 CRM?

You have B Dynamics CRM organization that uses Microsoft Social Engagement
You need to analyze the sales pipeline and the Social sentiment to watch for
social trends that affect sales.
What should you do?
30 Which is the right user role in Social engagement for Dynamics CRM ?
In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, Which is not the option under
31 configuration Role?
In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, Which is not the option under
32 Interaction Role?
In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, Which is not the option under
33 configuration Role?
In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, Which is not the option under
34 Interaction Role?
In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, How many calendars are available
35 under default preferences of Global setting ?

In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, which is not the right option avilable
36 under default preferences of Global setting for default time frame ?
In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, How many (max) languages can be
37 setup under search setup default preferences of Global setting?

In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, If sentiments analysis has become

inaccurate due to manually edited sentiment values, How many times times you
38 can reset entire learning process?

In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, While defining the automation rules,
39 how many options are available by deefault in Entity to configure the actions?
In Social Engagement for Dynamics CRM, which is not the right option for default
40 theme under personal settings?
Choice A Choice B Choice C
21 35 55

Facebook Reddit Tumblr

Not supported for

Mobile App available Supported for Safari on iOS Chrome on Android

Languages are same Languages are not same Any language can be use

MSE CRM Office 365

Posts meeting search

criteria in multiple
Every post that is ingested searches are counted
Quota can be resets any time. counts toward quota. for each time.

Social contributor Configuration Social Analyst

Deletion of posts can be

Immediately stops data undone. Posts that were
acquisition and display. previously acquired are

Facebook Twitter

Identify which
Find potential influencers to influencers your
engage with your brand. competitors are
Lead generation. monitoring.

Campaign Lead Case

Impending mergers and

Product launches Financial troubles

Keywords Inclusions

Keywords rule
Facebook pages rule Twitter rule
c. Facebook
Blogs Twitter

Multiple Only 1 Unique

Public pages Private pages Both type of pages

Delivered through the Can be delivered through e- Can be delivered

application UI and are only mail to Licensed MSE users. through e-mail to Non-
available to MSE users. Licensed MSE users.

Assign posts to
Microsoft Social
Engagement users
Apply filters Remove the post

Turn posts into leads

Respond via private message Retweet

Undecided Positive

Search Setup Time Frame Analytics

Actions of all users’

influence machine
Only actions of the administrator learning.
influence machine learning. Machine learning can not be

Overview Campaign Conversations

Yes, but you must create case Yes, but you have to create a
creation rules. workflow that creates the
case. No.

Yes, if the user has a

Marketing Security Role.
Yes. No.

You cannot filter posts that are

neither linked or not linked to
You can filter only posts that are CRM. You can only filter posts
not linked to CRM. that are linked to CRM.
All related data be deleted from All related data be deleted All related data be
Microsoft Social Engagement but from CRM but will not deleted deleted from both from
will not deleted from CRM. from Microsoft Social Microsoft Social
Engagement. Engagement and CRM.

Configure a link to CRM in Build a dashboard that has a

Microsoft Social Engagement, chart for the pipeline and a Build a multi-stream
and then build an interactive widget from Microsoft Social dashboard that has a
dashboard. Engagement. global filter.

Configuration Role Social Listener Social Contributor

Administrator Power Analyst Analyst

Power Analyst Reader Manager

Newly Invited Power Analyst Analyst

Reader Manager responder

1 2 3

Last Week Today Next Week

1 2 3

1 2 3

1 2 3

Default (Light) Light Medium

Choice D


Not Supported for Internet

Explorer on Windows

It is language independent

Individual licenses are not

assigned to use Microsoft Social

Unused quota rolls over from

month to month

All the above

Available only to Power Analysts

and Administrators.


Early warning for service issues


Legal proceedings


Inclusions rule
none of the above
none of the above

Can be configured as either a

Trend or Post Alert.

Ignore the post

Turn posts into accounts

Social Center

Machine learning cannot be

turned off.


Yes, but you will need a plugin that

creates the case.

Yes, but the user must have social


You can filter posts that are either

linked or not linked to CRM.
Nothing will be deleted from
Microsoft Social Engagement or

Configure a link to CRM in

Microsoft Social Engagement, and
then build a personal view.

Super User





Last Month



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