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By: Jalaluddin Rumi, Emily

Tham, and Sharif Elsedy
What’s on the surface

In this political cartoon it shows an elephant and a donkey. The elephant has a red shirt
on and the donkey has a blue shirt and both of the shirts are pointing to each other and
say “Blame Him.” Both characters have an upset facial expression.
The deeper meaning behind this cartoon is

Deeper Meaning that the republicans and the democrats

keep blaming each other for problems
Behind the currently happening in the government or
trying to expose the other sides
Cartoon wrongdoings. They do this by wearing a
shirt calling the other side out for a
problem the government/U.S. is facing.
The elephant in red represents republicans
while the donkey in blue represents
democrats. The cartoon also shows how
both sides are not taking responsibility for
their actions and instead avoid it by
blaming the other side by having the words
“blame him” on their shirts while they are
just standing there.
Is there political bias?

There isn’t any bias in this political cartoon. There doesn’t seem to be one side favored
over the other because both of the characters are doing the same thing. Both characters
are portrayed equally.

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