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Does being an out-of-state student

change your experience at ASU?

How Old Are You?

❖ 89 respondents

❖ Majority 18-22

❖ Ages were majority

undergraduate students
What Year Are You In?

❖ Maximum was freshman

❖ Minimum was senior

❖ Assume most students due

to so many freshman that

this is their first year away

from home
What College Are You
Enrolled In?

❖ 17 colleges altogether

❖ 6 colleges did not have any

respondents apart of

❖ First was teachers college,

college of liberal arts and

Are You an In-state
Student Or an Out of State

According to the survey, of the 89 students, 28%

identified themselves as out-of-state, while 72% were in-state.

Approximately 25 students being out-of-state, and 64 being

What Is Your Current

❖ Mean GPA wether in-state or

out-of-state was 3.35
❖ Highest = 4.25
❖ Lowest 1.38

Surprisingly, most out of state

students are maintaining a B
average, with only 2 having a
GPA lower than 2.9
Is Debt/Tuition a big
Most respondents rated
their stress about cost of tuition
at 3.
Of the approximately 25
students that were out of state,
8 of them stated that they felt
stressed about tuition by
responding with a stress level of
7 or higher.
Do You Ever Miss your
❖ On a scale of one to ten

❖ Majority of participants were in the middle

❖ Most students have a healthy relationship and balance

between independence and dependence on their


❖ Sixteen people do not miss their families at all

❖ Mostly in-state who did not miss their families at all *Average 5.5
Do You Feel Supported in
Your College Experiences?

❖ Out of the 89 people surveyed, 87% said that

they felt supported at ASU.

❖ 13% of surveyors said they did not feel


❖ Only 1 out of state student did not feel


❖ Being in/out of state does not really relate to

feeling supported.
Do You Think Being an In
or out of State Student
affect GPA?
❖ only 1 in-state student said yes

❖ 0 students said only if you are in state

❖ It was a mix

➢ Majority of the people out of state said yes/only

if out of state

❖ being in or out of state is not the sole factor that

contributes to a GPA
In Conclusion
❖ Most students who have a 2.9 or lower GPA are in state students

❖ Those who did not miss their families at all were a majority of in state

❖ Being in or out doesn’t affect if you feel supported

❖ People believe that being out of state doesn’t affect GPA

Work Cited
❖ Fig. 1 Sutton, Abby. “ASU West Fountain.” 2019. JPEG file.

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