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Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning

Instruction to the Students in Answering Assignments:

1. Assignments are compulsory for all the students. The assignments carry 30 marks in
each course.

2. Write legibly. Keep word limit wherever it is indicated. Leave margin of 2 inches on left
side of the page.

3. Your answers must be precise with sufficient course content. Send each course
assignment separately tagged (All four in one bundle) in one cover since they are
corrected by different evaluators.

4. Write your Name, Enrolment Number, Course Code and Course Title on top FIRST
PAGE of each answer script of each course. Please mention the programme title like
PGDPM etc., on top of envelop that contain assignment answers.

5. Assignments submitted without proper Enrolment number and name will be rejected.

6. Assignments (hand written) for each course to be enclosed. Incomplete answers and
assignments received after due date will be rejected. Xerox copy is also not acceptable.

7. Candidates who have not submitted the assignment answers as per the stipulated due
date and prescribed norms are not eligible to sit in Term-End Examinations. Late
assignments will not be entertained.

8. In case you cannot submit assignment answer personally at the Centre for Distance and
Virtual Learning, you may send them by Registered post so as to reach be the due date.
The University will not be responsible for any postal delay. However, you may keep the
postal receipt and a Xerox copy of your assignments.They may help in postal delay/loss.

9. Send your assignment answers to the Section Officer, Centre for Distance and Virtual
Learning, University of Hyderabad, Golden Threshold, Nampally station Road, Abids,
Hyderabad-500 001on or before :14th September, 2018.

Section Officer
Last Date for Submission: 14th September,2018

Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning

Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM) 2018

I – Term,ASSIGNMENT – 2018,

DPM – 411: Managerial Economics and Planning

Max Marks: 120

(Will be scale down to 30 marks)

A. Answer the following questions, all questions carry equal marks (20 marks)
B. Write the assignments with forethought.
C. Your Assignments must reflect both your knowledge and convictions on the issue that is
being discussed
D. Answers must not merely be copied but must be packed with practicability and your
own intellect.

1. “Economic environment has profound impact on the success or failure of a project.”

Discuss the basic concepts of managerial economics.

2. “Understanding demand and product costs is a pre-condition to successful planning”


3. “Competition affects Profits”. Discuss the various models of competition and explain
how firms adopt competitive strategies. Also explain the dynamics of barriers to entry
and collusive behaviour in the context

4. Firms decide on prices of the product to earn profit. Explain the various pricing
strategies that firms adopt for pricing.

5. Explain how market participants behave in the face of uncertainty. What are the
problems of such opportunistic behaviour?

6. A) Write a note on vertical integration

B) Explain the managerial theories of the firm.

Last Date for Submission: 14th September,2018

Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning

Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM) 2018

I – Term, ASSIGNMENT – 2018,

DPM – 412: Principles of Management

Max Marks: 120

(Will be scale down to 30 marks)

A. Answer the following questions, all questions carry equal marks (15marks)
B. Write the assignments with forethought. Your Assignments must reflect both your
knowledge and convictions on the issue that is being discussed
C. Answers must not merely be copied but must be packed with practicability and your
own intellect.
1. How do you define management? Bring out the various perspectives on and approaches
to Management.

2. ‘While authority is given to a manager, power lies with a leader’. Bring out the concepts
of power, authority, delegation, centralisation and decentralisation.

3. Discuss the importance of motivation for management and the theories surrounding

4. Explain the significance of leadership qualities for good management and encapsulate
the various theories of leadership.

5. Discuss the contemporary issues in management including the global theory of


6. Why do you think organisation should be viewed as a social system? How do you think
having knowledge about organisational behaviour (OB) would make you a better project

7. ‘Individuals with different personalities join in an organisation to work invariably in

groups’. Explain how and what in the foundation of individual behaviour and group
dynamics should be understood and managed to achieve effective managerial
8. A) Define job stress and discuss its causes, consequences and the coping mechanisms
for stress management.
B) ‘Conflict is inevitable, negotiation is the only way to resolve conflicts’. Explain.

Last Date for Submission: 14th September,2018

Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning

Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM) 2018

I – Term, ASSIGNMENT – 2018,

DPM – 413: Accounting & Financial Management

Max Marks: 120

(Will be scale down to 30 marks)

A. Answer the following questions, all questions carry equal marks (15marks)
B. Write the assignments with forethought.
C. Your Assignments must reflect both your knowledge and convictions on the issue that is
being discussed
D. Answers must not merely be copied but must be packed with practicability and your
own intellect.
1. Define Accounting. “Accounting begins with journalising transactions and ends with preparation
of financial statements.” Explain the different stages in the process of accounting and explain
the concepts and conventions of accounting. Identify who will use accounting information and
explain for which purposes they use such information.

2. “Analysis of financial statements not only helps diagnosis of the financial health but also helps in
planning for the future.” Explain the different techniques of financial statement analyses, their
utility, advantages and limitations.

3. Write a comprehensive note on budgeting.

4. What do you understand by financial management? Explain the objectives of financial

management, and discuss the superiority of wealth maximisation to profit maximisation.
Explain how the financial manager tries to achieve wealth maximisation in each of the decisions,
such as capital budgeting etc. that he takes.

5. Why are capital budgeting decisions important? Discuss the various capital budgeting
techniques, their advantages, disadvantages and also discuss their suitability.

6. “The Capital structure decision is a combination of making a choice of sources of finance,

deciding their composition, avoiding risk while taking advantage of leverage, all to maximise the
wealth of the shareholder”. Discuss the statement and thereafter briefly explain the theories of
capital structure.

7. Write a note on the need for dividend decision, the related theories and the practical
considerations of dividend decision.

8. “Working capital management involves formulating working capital policy, estimation of

working capital needs, and managing individual components of working capital.” Elaborate.
Last Date for Submission: 14th September,2018

Centre for Distance and Virtual Learning

Post Graduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM) 2018

I – Term, ASSIGNMENT – 2018,

DPM – 414: Principles of Marketing Management

Max Marks: 90
(Will be scale down to 30 marks)

A. Answer the following questions, all questions carry equal marks (15marks).
B. Write the assignments with forethought. Your Assignments must reflect both your
knowledge and convictions on the issue that is being discussed.
C. Answers must not merely be copied but must be packed with practicability and your
own intellect.


1. What is marketing? How does it differ from selling? Bring out the various philosophies and
concepts of marketing and discuss.

2. How do you define a product? Explain the different components and categories of products.
Explain the concept of PLC and discuss the stages of new product development.

3. Write a comprehensive note on pricing methods and policies. Explain with examples, various
pricing practices.

4. Discuss the concept, objectives and types of sales promotion. Discuss advertising in detail.

5. Discuss the significance of distribution, its objectives, elements and channels of distribution.
What are the challenges of distribution in India.

6. Discuss the contemporary trends in marketing such as CRM, E-Marketing, Green Marketing’s,
Consumerism etc.


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