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By Theo and Adriana


1. Biomolecules:Basic statements about every biomolecules and

their relations
2. Proteins: They are an important building block of
bones,muscles,cartilage,skin,and blood
3. Carbohydrates: They are fuel for the nervous system for the
4. Lipids: They are organic compounds including fats and oils
5. Nucleic Acids: They are things like DNA and RNA `

● Biomolecules are any of countless substances that are made by

cells and living organisms.
● These biomolecules have many structures and and perform
many functions.
● There are 4 different types biomolecules Proteins,
Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic Acids
1. Proteins are the main thing that your hair and your nails are
made out of
2. Proteins are also used to strengthen tissue that's on your body
and repair damaged tissue
3. It’s an important building material in creating bones cartilage
skin blood
4. Proteins is considered a macronutrient which means that the
body needs large amounts of it to function correctly
● Carbohydrates are macronutrients, which means its the three
main ways the body obtains energy. It's our body's main energy
● Carbohydrates are sugars starches that are mostly found in
foods like fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products
● Carbohydrates are formed by green plants from carbon
dioxideand water during the process of photosynthesis.
1. A lipid is any group in your body that uses natural compounds
such as Fats,oils,hormones.
2. One type of lipid is triglycerides which is hidden away as fat in
adipose cells
3. Triglycerides serve as the place energy for an organism is stored
4. Lipids are considered hydrophobic which means they are unable
and they are afraid of the water in the human body
Nucleic Acids

1. Nucleic acids are the main information-carrying molecules of

the cell, Since nucleic acids carry information around the body it
determines the characters of every living thing.
2. there are two main types of nucleic acids, RNA and DNA
3. DNA is the master blueprint for life and the genetic material in
all living organisms.
4. RNA is genetics material found in viruses, but it also plays an
important role when making proteins.

Biomolecules are consisted of Protein Carbohydrates lipids and nucleic acids

they all influence the way a living organism in different ways that help the
body survive to.I meant this in the sense of proteins helps your body by
strengthening and repairing tissue, carbohydrates are the starches that are a
main source of nutrients for the body,Lipids that are used in your body as a
main thing in your body that creates energy, Nucleic acids which are the basic
genetic makeup of the body with DNA and RNA. THis makes it so and shows
the fact that without biomolecules the human body would not be able to
function a
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