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9 —~ HARTFORD Where the future is present ‘ese Tores Rodrigues, BAD. ames Canon Jr jpenntendent Executive Director of Internal Investigations and Security March 5, 2019 wii Dear Ms. Frazer: Recently, our office concluded an investigation in which you were involved alleging your involvement Seca enaee ory : re After a thorough investigation, a pre-disciplinary meeting was held on February 27, 2019 in the presence of Principal Edward Jacobsen, Janet Serrano, Jay Gutierrez and yourself. During the course of the ‘meeting, you affirmed the accuracy of your statements made through the investigatory process. Furthermore, you were provided an opportunity to provide any additional details andior relevant information for Administration to consider before any disciplinary decisions were made. Specifically addressed were the facts and circumstances of the events of October 11, 2018 involving a student and his mother. You indicated thatthe student had been late for school and upon arrival, he handed you a small bag with birthday cake in it that he wished to share with his classmates. As the bag, ‘was so small, you stated that you checked it and identified that it was a “pile of cake” in a small take out container. As a result of the cake not being in the original, unopened packaging, you had concerns regarding potential allergies. You then spoke with administration who shared your concems and you planned not to serve the cake. You then advised the student that you could celebrate his birthday on ‘Monday, but that the cake could not be served. That afternoon the student was dismissed early and his mom arrived to pick him up. He let the classroom and shortly thereafter you heard a commotion in the lobby. Upon going out there, you saw the student handing out pieces of his eake to other students. You then approached him, retrieving the cake, and disposing of other pieces that students had. You returned the cake to your elassroom and put it in the refrigerator in the small closet. You indicated that while you had never met the student's mother, you were aware of a previous incident earlier in the school year where she had been aggressive with other stafT members, While teaching in your classroom, you stated that you tuned around and saw a woman who had appeared in the classroom doorway. You indicated ind yelling at you. You stated that she had told you her son hated you and that the mother was very angry a that she was swearing at you. She was angry that you hadn't served the cake and you thought the ‘administration had called her to advise her of this issue. You indicated that you were able to get into the hallway very briefly and no one came to assist you. You said that the mother then left and you went back later, you indicated that she had re-appeared and had already stepped into to teaching. About ten minutes .d that she was swearing at you and calling you names in front of the class so you tuned to retrieve it from the adjacent the classroom. You indicate icated that she wanted the remainder of the cake, oom. You indicated that much to your surprise, when you turned around after having retrieved ‘mother had followed you into the room. You indicated that you asked and that she was now standing in the doorway, preventing your ‘had swatted at the bag, knocking it from your hand to the stora the cake from the refrigerator, the her not to continue to talk like that, departure. You then indicated that the mother: rdschools org Hartford CT O6103 + wow hart 1960 Main Stre po HARTFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS ‘Where the future is present ‘Toor and also unlocking the clasp of your bracelet causing itt fll off; You then stated that you began to call for the teacher in the adjoining room, to no avail, You stated that you were fearful of potential bodily hharm and then the mother pushed you. A student popped into the classroom and asked if you were ok, at ‘which point you wife able to instruct him to get security. Once security arrived, you indicated that you ‘were able to leave tie om. At this point, security brought you to the Office and the mother was also separated. Hartford Police were then contacted and you were able to file a police report. You further indicated that you subsequently had gone to the docior to have your shoulder looked at and it was bruised. ‘You further indicated that you were aware the mother had been arrested later by the Hartford Police related to this incident and that there was a hearing on this matter at court today ‘Mr. Gutierrez then indicated that the mother had previously threatened a teacher carlier in the school year ‘and that the parent had a history of being difficult. He then stated that you have been a teacher for 22 ‘years and you have great familiarity with students past and present. He further reiterated your account ‘hat you were not physical with the parent and that you never used vulgarity. Furthermore, he indicated that you showed great restraint in the face of what you were dealing with and had done the best you could under the circumstances. It should also be noted that DCF did not substantiate the allegations with respect to you being physical \with the mother and in fact found the mother to be the aggressor in the event. Please consider this letter as documentation of the pre-disciplinary meeting. Furthermore, the investigation has shown no just cause for disciplinary action to be taken, While there was a verbal and ultimately a physical confrontation with a student's parent, it was that parent who was found to be the ‘aggressor throughout. While this incident resulted in no diseipline being taken, you are reminded that such situations ean become volatile when we engage verbally with a parent, such as demonstrated, and it incumbent upon staff to make attempts to de-escalate the situation. While this situation presented ly and failed to provide you that option, staff should be cognizant of options in dealing with a difficult parent. incerely, fmes Canon z Executive Director Internal Investigations and Security ce: Principal Edward Jacobsen, Natasha Banks, Tyrone Richardson, Janet Serrano, Investigation File Ty Connecticut Department of Children and Families NOTIFICATION OF INVESTIGATION RESULTS ae mei) nia Page tot To (Name) ag 2 Teter Susan Frazer oS 42/27/2018 J ‘Address: : 4 J UNK # 91583 Re: Investigation Dated: oe 10/12/2018 Th Depron of Chien and Fans (OCF) any vealed repo leptons) lou ued org a ch chien Te puesta ets an yu te esnan nas eoatng Pa mga ae GF has concluded the folowing: (WOTE: Fr every chil, and select the cispesition for oxchalgaton = ‘his Nae Alpgaon Tapas | DemoiSpence Physical Neglect. Unsubstantiated I eo (Select One) (Select One) | z __[(Setect One) (Select One) Le (Select One) (Select One) [ae (Select One) (Select One) | = (Select One) (Select One) © coce tds tat you do not pote ask othe heat, eft or wooing of hiken, DCF finds that you pose a risk to the health, safety or wellbeing of children and is recommending that you be placed on the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry Persons whom DCF finds pose a risk tothe health, safety or wel-being of children are recommended for placement onthe Cental Registry. Names remain on this list indefinitely. The Central Registry may be checked by current or prospective employers whose ‘work involves contac with children and by federal, state and local licensing authorities that regulate actives that involve children. Placement on the Central Registry may therefore affect your abil to workin jobs, obtain licenses or engage in activities that involve Contact with children, it you have been recommended fr placement onthe Central Regsy your name wil be placed on the Central Regist unless you tvercue you igh to appeal ins fling, Whe the appeal pending your nome wil nl be disclosed to aryone excoptaspormiled byw 1 disagree with he finding that you abused or neglected chi, you may apped the nding by sgrng and malig the enciosed See zaI0m Requestor Appeal ol Substantaton Finangs” to OCF at headdress provided on he frm, This il began eppeal pacbete tel may esuk nthe OCP's feng being changed. Please beaded that you may ale request, nwt 0 have your erecetelerred pening tre dsposton of sry cial cout proceeding ating fom he above sate alegatns of abuse one a ee ee rciino your heanrg be deterred, you uel nobly DCF win ve years fo request tbe Fnsaled. ou Jeter cet retettement wit two years, mn subsiantaton and Cental Regist fring, spplcabe, wil be automaticaly upheld) Please note thal your request must be received within thity (30) days ofthe date ofthis notice in order for your appeal to be ocular ease, You be noted n Pa ee et be caplet itn By (0) Gye of Des eco of your oases, onside A teal eve ond ol fate appeal acne avai yu fo ot a eatfor Ye. Pies ‘Social Worker/investigations Lisa Butler (860) 418-8193 ‘Telephone. Emait

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