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1.The members of the EU are elected by citizens every five years.

2. The European Parliament is the voice of the citizens. It represents the citizens of the EU
countries and its members are directly elected by those citizens every 5 years.

3. The European Council institution of the European Union, consisting of the heads of state or
government from the member states together with the President of the European Commission, for
the purpose of planning Union policy.

The Council of Europe is an international organisation in Strasbourg which comprises 47 countries

of Europe. It was set up to promote democracy and protect human rights and the rule of law in

4.Decision making are-The European Council

-The Council of European Union

-The European comission

5. When a group or a decision is unanimous, it means that everyone is in total agreement. Just
imagine if you let third graders vote on what to serve at lunch: Pizza and candy would be
the unanimous choice or citizenship (the granting of new rights to EU citizens).

6.Simple majority-used for non-legislative votes,a simple majority is 15 out of 28 member states

Qualified majority-needs 55% of member states,representing at least 65% of the EU popualtion.

I think Double majority is similar to Qualified

7. The European Commission proposes new laws and programmes in the general interest of the EU.
Before making a proposal, the Commission seeks the opinions of national parliaments, governments,
interest groups and experts, as well as the general public, who are invited to make their comments

8. If a national court is in doubt about the interpretation of an EU law, it can ask the Court of
Justice for clarification.Also, it ensures that EU legislation is interpreted and applied in the
same way in each EU country.

9.For instance, European Central Bank

European Court of Auditors

European External Action Service

European Economic and Social Committee

European Committee of the Regions

10.First of all,EU is peaceful and prosperous,unlike countries outside the EU.Furthermore,it offers a
variety of possibilities for people,esepecially young people who are willing to work and offer their
knowledge on the market.

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