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Carotenoids in staple foods: Their potential to improve

human nutrition

Robin D. Graham and Julia M. Rosser

Abstract factured by all green plants in order to, among other

As part of the Consultative Group on International things, protect chlorophyll from photodestruction
Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Micronutrients Project, by solar radiation at wavelengths it cannot utilize.
we have investigated the content of carotenoids in staple The carotenoids absorb this green light and fluoresce
foods, particularly wheat. Wheat varies widely in carote- it again at longer wavelengths so that it can then
noid content, depending on the variety and type. Durum be absorbed by chlorophyll and converted to usable
(pasta) wheat is generally higher in carotenoid content, energy, namely, sugar. So fundamental is this photo-
because the market has continued to demand strong protective role that many herbicides act by inhibiting
pigment in pasta and noodle products, whereas in bread carotenoid synthesis [1]. Many non-photosynthetic
wheat the market demands flour as white as possible. tissues, notably storage tissues that constitute our
Consequently, twentieth-century wheat breeders have staple foods, also contain carotenoids. In storage
consciously selected wheat varieties low in carotenoid roots it is obvious that the pigments are not needed
content, although older, high-carotenoid bread wheats for harvesting light but may well perform a role as
are still available and the trait is not lost. The entire antioxidants, contributing to storage life.
carotenoid biosynthetic pathway exists in wheat grains, There are two major classes of carotenoid pigments
so varieties high in β-carotene and/or other carotenoids in plants: the carotenes, which are hydrocarbon chains
can be reintroduced if and when education in nutrition with no hydroxyl side chain, and the xanthophylls,
creates the demand. Numerous high-yielding maize which are similar in structure but have hydroxyl side
varieties high in β-carotene already exist and have been chains on their terminal rings. Figure 1 shows the
used to eliminate vitamin A deficiency in livestock. A structure of lycopene, α- and β-carotene, zeaxanthin
β-carotene–rich rice has been genetically engineered and lutein, and retinol (vitamin A). The relation
recently. Although the carotenoid content of beans has not of retinol to βcarotene is obvious: cleavage of the
yet been explored, high– β-carotene lines of cassava exist, β-carotene molecule exactly in the middle at the double
and the trait is easily handled in a breeding programme. bond yields two 20-carbon molecules of retinol.
Yellow types of most staples are known, for example, Because α-carotene is not symmetrical like
sorghum, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. The amounts β-carotene, only one molecule of retinol is produced
present are such that we can assert that vitamin A when it is cleaved in the middle, so α-carotene is only
deficiency could easily be eliminated globally by deliver- half as efficient as β-carotene in producing vitamin A
ing the required amounts via food staples. Moreover, in the human body. Because these carotenes are highly
there are strong signs that other benefits in eye health, reactive antioxidants, not all of the ingested carotene
enhanced absorption of iron from non-haem sources, will survive to be cleaved to produce vitamin A. It is
anticarcinogenic effects, enhanced aroma, and better generally considered that the human body can gener-
storage life may also result. ate one molecule of retinol from each six molecules
of β-carotene metabolized, and that conversion of
α-carotene to retinol is about half as efficient as that of
Introduction β-carotene. Lower conversion rates have been reported.
There are four other carotenes that can be converted to
The world is awash with carotenoid pigments manu- retinol, but at even lower efficiencies than α-carotene
and β-carotene.
The authors are affiliated with the Department of Plant The biosynthetic relationships among the caroten-
Science, University of Adelaide, in Glen Osmond, South oids are shown in figure 2. Lycopene is the red pigment
Australia. of tomatoes, and two separate pathways continue on

404 Food and Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 21, no. 4 © 2000, The United Nations University.
Carotenoids in staple foods 405

β-ring Retinol types are still common. Yellow cassava is known in
northern Brazil and preferred as a fresh vegetable to the
white types that are used for flour. Yellow maize, con-
β-carotene taining large amounts of β-carotene, is quite common
and was bred in the United States some 40 years ago to
cure hogs of vitamin A deficiency. However, like other
α-carotene staples, it is often not the choice for human consump-
tion, perhaps because it is identified with animal feed,
or because white flour is seen to be uncontaminated
by soil, faecal material, or cheaper diluents.
Recent reports [3–5], suggesting that a relatively
Zeaxanthin small supplement of vitamin A or β-carotene can
HO OH double the absorption of endogenous non-haem iron
from cereal meals, greatly increase the significance of
Lutein carotenoids in staples. Carotenoids may be important
HO not only in controlling vitamin A deficiency itself,
but also in controlling the more ubiquitous and insidi-
FIG. 1. Structures of important carotenoid pigments in
plants and of retinol, showing that a β-ring is characteristic ous iron-deficiency anaemia. Thus, a survey of the
of both retinol and α- and β-carotene. Retinol is produced carotenoid content of current cultivars and germplasm
from α-carotene and β-carotene in the mammalian liver and bank resources of the major staples is needed to assess
intestinal mucosa the potential to deliver health-related carotenoids to
resource-poor populations who are isolated either
geographically or socio-economically and heavily
from it, leading to most of the important carotenes dependent on staples for food. This paper addresses
and xanthophylls in plant chloroplasts. the situation in the cereals, with emphasis on wheat.
Millions of people in developing countries who rely
heavily on grain products to meet their energy and
protein requirements suffer from vitamin A deficiency, Nutrient interactions involving iron, zinc,
resulting in blindness, poor immune function, and and vitamin A
early death [2]. In the lowest socio-economic strata
of society, the relatively low cost of staples as a source The potential for synergistic interactions among three
of energy means that they constitute most of the nutrients is shown in figure 3. Each corner of the
diet. With some exceptions, this would appear to be triangle represents the main effect of one nutrient
because the major staples—wheat, rice, maize, cassava, of this particular group of three nutrients that are
potatoes, and sorghum—are white, starchy foods with of interest because they are among the most widely
few provitamin A carotenoids present. It appears that
this may not always have been the case. Yellow types of
all these staples are known, at least in the germplasm
banks of the world, and appear to be more the norm
for staples before the rise of modern plant-breeding
efforts in the twentieth century. In some cases, yellow
δ-carotene γ-carotene

A α-carotene β-carotene

α-cryptoxanthin β-cryptoxanthin

Lutein Zeaxanthin
Zinc Iron
FIG. 2. Both α- and β-carotene are derived from lycopene
via separate biosynthetic pathways. Through hydroxylation,
FIG. 3. Potential interactions in the absorption and metabo- the carotenes are converted to the oxygenated group of
lism of iron, zinc, and vitamin A in humans carotenoids known as xanthophylls
406 R. D. Graham and J. M. Rosser

deficient in human populations [2, 6–8] and their order to address iron-deficiency anaemia effectively.
density can be increased in staples by plant-breeding.
Each side of the triangle represents the first-order Vitamin A–iron interactions
interaction of a pair of nutrients, and there is the
potential for a second-order interaction among all Interest in this interaction has been kindled by the
three nutrients. An interaction is recognized when recent article by Garcia-Casal et al. [3], who showed
the response of an individual to one nutrient is not that just 500 IU of vitamin A or β-carotene added to a
constant but varies depending on the level of another 0.1-kg meal of cereal (wheat, rice, or maize) doubled
nutrient. In terms of nutrition and health, the essential the iron absorption from the gut of human subjects in
roles (main effects) of these three nutrients are well Venezuela. Earlier work [5, 15, 16] suggests that this
known and do not need to be repeated here. effect occurs in the presence of non-haem, phytate-
bound iron and may be due to reduction and/or chela-
Zinc–vitamin A interactions tion of iron by the carotenoid, enhancing transport
of iron from the lumen of the gut to the mucosal cell
Evidence of interactions between vitamin A and zinc membrane. It appears that in the presence of high
emerged in the late twentieth century (see reviews by levels of phytate and tannins in the diet, vitamin A
Christian and West [9], and Solomons and Russell or β-carotene will enhance the bioavailability of iron
[10]). In their summary figure, Christian and West in humans, but in the absence of these antinutrients,
[9] indicated a role of zinc in synthesis of retinol- no enhancement was found [Welch RM, House WA,
binding protein (RBP), increasing lymphatic absorp- Glahn R, Garvin D, personal communication, 11 Sep-
tion of retinol and its inter- and intracellular transport, tember 1999]. A further question arises as to whether
whereas vitamin A affects the synthesis of a zinc- the xanthophylls that are not precursors to vitamin A
dependent binding protein and thus the absorption might also function to give this synergistic response,
and lymphatic transport of zinc. The interaction of and perhaps function even better than β-carotene, if
delivering these two essential nutrients together to complex formation is the mechanism, as suggested by
patients deficient in both was shown by Udomkesmalee Garcia-Casal et al. [3].
et al. [11], in that they observed strong synergistic
effects of adding both nutrients together on eye param-
eters and RBP. They concluded that the dual treat- A putative second-order interaction
ment was so effective that supplementation with only
one dose containing twice the recommended daily Although the study may be technically difficult, a
allowance of each was sufficient to normalize the three-way interaction, in which the response to one
cohort. We argue that plant-breeding can also double nutrient depends on the levels of the other two nutri-
the normal daily dose of these nutrients delivered by ents, can be predicted. Given the synergies in all three
today’s staples. first-order interactions, a person with a deficiency
of all three nutrients can be expected to respond dra-
Iron–zinc interactions matically to relatively small supplements of the three
nutrients given together until normal homeostasis
Interactions of the mineral–mineral type among is reached. This is because the absorption efficiency
chemically relatively similar members of the transition is likely to be very high for each, and with more of
metal series in both plants and animals have been each available to catalyse the primary functions of
characterized much earlier than the zinc–vitamin A the other, symptoms will be quickly suppressed. Put
type just mentioned (see Hill and Matrone [12]). Both differently, the body has less tolerance to a deficiency
synergistic and antagonistic interactions occur, but when it occurs together with a deficiency of one or
the competition of Fe2+ with Zn2+ for the bond with more synergistic nutrients. This principle is consistent
plasma transferrin is an antagonistic interaction that with the finding of Udomkesmalee et al. [11], surpris-
is well documented [13]; however, this effect is less ing to them, that only a relatively small supplement
likely to be significant if the subject is deficient in these of both nutrients, zinc and vitamin A, was needed to
nutrients. Recently, evidence of synergy in absorption normalize the diagnostic indices.
generated by genetically different beans was identified
(see King et al. [14] in these proceedings). The amount
of iron absorbed by young women from two different Genetics
beans of similar iron density was greater for the beans
with the higher zinc density, and this could not be Little definitive information on the genetics of inherit-
explained alternatively by the levels of phytate or ance of carotenoid content is available, except for car-
tannins. Such a synergistic effect strongly indicates rots, in which three major genes controlling primary
breeding for staples dense in both iron and zinc in colour classes and other conditioning loci have been
Carotenoids in staple foods 407

described [17]. Three basic biosynthetic enzymes are The appearance of carotenoids in the wheat grain
involved [18]. Seven major biosynthetic steps, and during development and maturation was studied by
more than 20 genes, have been well characterized in the sequential harvest of grains from anthesis to full
the synthesis of carotenoids in tomatoes [19]. Hauge grain hardness. Figure 4 shows that total carotenoids
and Trost [20] described a major gene for carotene reach a maximum 12 to 15 days after anthesis, and
content in maize that is incompletely dominant and thereafter the concentrations decline. Both α-carotene
designated it the Y (yellow) locus. and β-carotene decline to low levels at maturity, while
lutein remained at measurable levels. This proves
that the whole biosynthetic pathway exists in the
Carotenoids of wheats endosperm of wheat and that recombination of genetic
loci involved in the expression of each of the enzymes
In order to breed wheat varieties with an enhanced should be able to enhance the levels shown by 10
carotene content, we need to understand the develop- to 100 times. If the hydroxylation enzymes were sup-
ment of carotenoids in the wheat grain and the genetic pressed, more carotenoid would be left as provitamin
variation in the biosynthetic process that could be A, and the daily requirement should be deliverable in
exploited. The use of bread wheat as a staple in many the normal daily intake of wheat products.
regions where vitamin A deficiency is prevalent indi- Bread and durum (pasta) wheats were analysed
cates that there is a need for identification and quanti- by HPLC; the range of concentrations found is rep-
fication of the carotenes present in wheat germplasm. resented in figure 5. These amounts are perhaps 20
The most accurate method of identification of times less than in a range of vegetables and fruits,* but
the many carotenoids that are present in biological the greater consumption of staples would make them
material is high-performance liquid chromatography more equal suppliers of carotenoids in the diet.
(HPLC). This accuracy is needed because each carotene The carotenoid-dense lines of durum wheats, if
has a different provitamin A activity, indicating its all carotenoid were present as β-carotene, would be
usefulness in the treatment of deficiencies. HPLC is enough to supply the daily requirement (1–2 mg/kg
especially valuable in the analysis of carotenes that are of wheat products.
light, heat, and oxygen sensitive. A method of extract-
ing carotenoids from wheat grain flour was established
by comparing a number of solvents and extraction Carotenoids of rice
procedures to find the most efficient method that was
also compatible with HPLC analysis. HPLC was used to Ye et al. [21] have produced yellow endosperm trans-
distinguish between xanthophylls and the provitamin genic rice grain containing β-carotene. Four genes
A carotenes. All procedures were conducted under
nitrogen gas to prevent oxidation of carotenes.
* Rosser JM, Khachik F, Graham RDG. Paper presented
at the 12th International Carotenoid Symposium, Cairns,
Australia, 18–23 July 1999.I moved this from the refs. (no.
21). Is there a published version?
Carotenoids (mg/kg)

8 Lutein
7 β-carotene 300
Total VA carotenoids
6 α-carotene

5 200

2 0
Wheat variety
0 10 20 30 40 50 FIG. 5. Carotenoid concentrations of five bread wheats (BW)
Days after anthesis and three durum wheats (DR), representing the range of
values found in collections from the germplasm banks in
FIG. 4. Time trend of synthesis and metabolism of various the Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo
carotenoids in the caryopsis of wheat (var. Krichauff) from (CIMMYT) and the International Center for Agricultural
anthesis to maturity Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
408 R. D. Graham and J. M. Rosser

in two constructs, two from daffodil and two from into breeding for this trait already [22]. Where yellow
the bacterium Erwina uredovora, were added to the maize is already accepted in the marketplace, further
rice line to complete the biosynthetic pathway to enhancement of its provitamin A content could have
β-carotene. The resulting transgenic rice line synthe- an immediate positive impact on dietary intakes [23].
sized enough β-carotene in the endosperm to meet
part of the vitamin A requirements of people depend-
ent on rice as a staple in South Asia. The insertion Conclusions
of these genes into rice to express β-carotene was
necessary because parts of the pathway had been lost, Carotenoids are abundant in the plant kingdom, not
while their own evidence suggests that downstream only in green tissues but in storage tissues as well,
parts of the pathway were still expressed. including most of the major staples. Both the provi-
Recently, “yellow” rice that may supply the missing tamin A carotenes and the non-provitamin A xantho-
genes naturally was discovered in the International phylls abound, and moreover it appears from current
Rice Research Institute (IRRI) germplasm bank. On research that both groups are essential to good vision
the advice of Prof. Lita del Mundo of the University and perhaps to anticarcinogenesis.
of the Philippines, Los Baños, a search was made for In the twentieth century, pure white varieties of the
amarillo (Spanish for yellow), and two entries were major cereals have been bred to meet market expecta-
found, one from the Philippines and one from Cuba. tions by selecting for poor expression of the enzymes
The HPLC analyses of the pigments is under way. of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway, but older
The endosperm is vitreous; one line appears to have varieties and landraces exist, so that breeders could, if
pigment through half and the other through 90% of required, “turn the clock back.”
the endosperm, the rest being white “belly” or starchy The germplasm resources are such that it should
endosperm. If so, further enhancement of expression be possible for breeders to produce, by conventional
should be possible by recombination between the two means, cereals with sufficient provitamin A and
lines, and incorporation into the new high-iron, high- other essential carotenoids to satisfy the daily require-
zinc, high-yielding variety should not take more than ments of resource-poor people whose diet is severely
a few years. restricted in other sources of these nutrients
Among the three micronutrients—iron, zinc, and
carotenoids (deficiencies of which are major global
Carotenoids of maize public health issues currently)—there are important
synergies in absorption, transport, and function that
White maize is frequently preferred for human con- strongly indicate substantial benefits to enhancing
sumption, and yellow types are preferred for animal all three nutrients together. The genetic resources to
feed. The stigma associated with this appears to be one meet this challenge are available and are not beyond
barrier to the adoption of yellow maize for human a moderately well-funded breeding programme for
consumption. Other colours are acceptable for human
consumption, notably the highly prized blue maize TABLE 1. Provitamin A content of corn (mg/kg) calculated
in Mexico. from the contents of β-carotene + β-zeacarotene + cryptox-
In maize, the total carotenoids varied by a factor anthin, presented as the means of six high- and six low-
of 2.5 between the means of six high-carotene and carotene inbreds, and of the means of nine single crosses
made within each group [22]
six low-carotene inbred lines, and their provitamin
A activity varied by a factor of 4.4; even wider vari- Parental carotene Single High–low
ation was found between means of single crosses concentration Selfeda crosses single cross
made within these groups (table 1). Yellow corns have
High 6.5 7.5 4.1
been recognized for decades as the main source of
Low 1.3 1.7
provitamin A for hogs and other farm animals relying
on winter feed rations, and some effort has been put a. Selfed refers to a variety crossed with itself.
Carotenoids in staple foods 409

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