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Romeo × Juliet is a 24-episode anime television series, loosely based on William

Shakespeare's classical play, Romeo and Juliet a 16th-century tragedy , along with
numerous references and characters from other Shakespearean plays. The English
playwright himself makes a cameo appearance in the series as a minor character.

Romeo x Juliet probably makes surprising changes to the source material;

Shakespeare's original play opens with a street brawl between warring families, but
this TV anime adaptation begins with one family completely overwhelming the other,
a botched assassination and a flight to safety on a winged horse.

In Romeo x Juliet's world, the clan Montague reigns over the city of Neo Verona,
which floats high in the sky, suspended by some arcane technology, and appears to
be constructed from at least three separate Renaissance-era cities stacked atop one
another. The rival Capulets, almost wiped out by the Montagues' power grab 14
years earlier, have been driven underground. The remnants of the clan hides in a
theater run by a skilled but laconic playwright named William. (Yeah, THAT William)

We know from the outset that the noble and handsome Romeo will cross paths with
the fiery and stunning Juliet, but the series creators dump Romeo into an unhappy
family situation, where he's forced to spend his days doing politics and courting Lady
Hermione, for whom he has no particular affection.

Juliet doesn't even start off the story as Juliet; she works in Shakespeare's opera
house disguised as a boy named Odin. Her old family handlers have kept her ignorant
of her bloody past, but even so Juliet has a strong sense of justice that is constantly
challenged by the actions of the Montague guards. To combat this, she puts on a
mask and takes up the sword, defending the city's commoners against the
oppressive rulers, under the name of the Red Whirlwind.

Romeo's confidant Mercutio is present, as is Juliet's bellicose cousin Tybalt. Escalus,

who ruled over the city of Verona in the original story, is represented here by the
Tree of Escalus, the source of power that allows Neo Verona to float high above the
earth. The ballroom scene in which Romeo and Juliet meet is present, but with the
twist that Juliet has infiltrated it in disguise.

The contex of the balcony scene is completely different.

-the remaning members of the Capulet clan who were hiding are attacked by
surprise by the Montagues, the fight starts and Juliet is escorted by Tybalt to safety
through the underground waterway tunnels.

- devastated and feeling guilty about what happened, she walks through the rain and
then faints. She is found by someone who brings her to a convent, and that someone
turns out to be Romeo’s mother. Even though she is divorced, she thinks that what
Montague did was extremly cruel, and apologises with all her heart. Romeo receives
word from his mom and comes imediately.

-the balcony scene takes place when Romeo leaves in the morning, but as he
descended the stairs Juliet calls out to him, and they start talking.

In a final attempt to save Juliet, Romeo uses the last of his strength to cry out her
name and she wakes up. Romeo is fatally stabbed by Ophelia, whom Romeo kills.
Juliet sees Romeo dying on the ground and decides to follow her destiny, sacrificing
herself to save everyone in Neo Verona. Romeo is wrapped in Juliet's arms as she
becomes Escalus so she doesn't break their vow.

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