Lesson Plans WK 31-32

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Aline Olguin / Darcy Lopez 2do Grado…………Semana 31

marzo 25-29, 2019

lunes martes miércoles

8:54- 9:15 Bienvenida: Campañero, asistencia y anuncios

9:15-10:15 Matemáticas

Week A

Medidas Medidas PE/Music

2.MD.A.1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools (e.g. ruler, yard stick, measuting tape).
2.MD.A.2 Measure the length of an object twice, using different standard lengths for the two measurements.
2.MD.A.4 Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another, expressing the length difference in terms of a standard length unit.
10:15-10:55 Escritura

Week A

Dia lluvioso Mrs. Grunloh (counselor) Computers w/Mr. Roberts 9:48-10:30

*telarana/borrador 10:10-10:55 *editar/revisar

2.W.2 Write informative/explanatory tests in which they introduced a topic, use facts and definition to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section

2.W.4 With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose

10:55-11:25 ALMUERZO
11:25-11:45 Rutina de la tarde (Tues: 11:30-12:30 Gardening w/Ms. Alice)

11:45-1:15 Lecto-Escritura/Centros

WEEK A (martes 12:30-1:15)

Canciones y cuentos-Lección 19 Canciones y cuentos-Lección 19 Canciones y cuentos-Lección 19

Gina exploradora (ga, go, gu, ge, gi, j) Gina exploradora (ga, go, gu, ge, gi, j) Gina exploradora (ga, go, gu, ge, gi, j)

Sorteo de palabras Orden alfabetico/oraciones Conexiones

Centros Centros Centros

Grupito: La gigantesca torre de Sekkim Grupito: La gigantesca torre de Sekkim ****12:15-1:15 Library/Computer

2.RL.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.

2.RL.5 Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.

2.RF.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

2.RF.4b Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.

1:15-2:00 AELD (English time)

Week A

Scholastic News Scholastic News Scholastic News

The Day It Rained Fish The Day It Rained Fish The Day It Rained Fish

Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set:

What does it mean when people say it Where did the stories about raining animals What causes it to "rain fish" in a town in South

is raining cats and dogs? come from? Africa?

Lesson: Lesson: Lesson:

Build background by watching video We will learn about the history of the origin of We will learn about the causes of certain

"Wild Weather" the stories about raining animals. weather conditions in South Africa.

Guided Practice: Guided Practice: Guided Practice:

Watch video and preview vocab words Read Scholastic News "The Day It Rained Fish" Complete Read and Think worksheet.

via slideshow. Complete Word Work. and complete back page.

Check for Understanding/Closure: Check for Understanding/Closure: Check for Understanding/Closure:

Tell partner your favorite part of the video Review answers as a whole group. List 2 different countries to a buddy that have

and share two vocab words. experienced raining animals.

II-R-4:B-HI-7 Summarize the main idea and details from text, using complete sentences.

II-W-1:HI-7 Respond to a literary selection that identifies the characters, setting, and sequence of events, main idea, problem and solution

2.RL.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson or moral

2:00-2:20 Recreo/Bocadillo (no lunes)

2:20-2:55 Folklorico/Estudios Sociales/Ciencias

Week A

FOLKLORICO (2:00-2:55) Air & Weather

3:00-3:03 Clean-up, Stack Chairs, End of Day Reminders or Announcements

Aline Olguin / Darcy Lopez 2do Grado…………Semana 32

abril 1-5, 2019

lunes martes miércoles

8:54- 9:15 Bienvenida: Campañero, asistencia y anuncios

9:15-10:15 Matemáticas

Week B

Medidas Medidas PE/Musica

2.MD.A.1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools (e.g. ruler, yard stick, measuting tape).
2.MD.A.2 Measure the length of an object twice, using different standard lengths for the two measurements.
2.MD.A.4 Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another, expressing the length difference in terms of a standard length unit.
10:15-10:55 Escritura

Week B
Cómo sembrar una planta Cómo sembrar una planta Cómo sembrar una planta

*telarana *borrador *Editar/revisar

2.W.2 Write informative/explanatory tests in which they introduced a topic, use facts and definition to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section
2.W.4 With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose

10:55-11:25 ALMUERZO

11:25-11:45 Rutina de la tarde (Tues: 11:30-12:30 Gardening w/Ms. Alice)

11:45-1:15 Lecto-Escritura/Centros

WEEK B (martes 12:30-1:15)

Canciones y cuentos-Lección 20 Canciones y cuentos-Lección 20 Canciones y cuentos-Lección 20

Sigue Royendo (gue, gui, güe, güi) Sigue Royendo (gue, gui, güe, güi) Sigue Royendo (gue, gui, güe, güi)

*Escuchar/Cantar *Escuchar/Cantar *Escuchar/Cantar

Sorteo de palabras Orden alfabético/oraciones Conexiones

Centros Centros ****12:15-1:15 Library/Computer

Grupito: Chiguiros Grupito: Chiguiros

2.RL.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral.

2.RL.5 Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.

2.RF.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

2.RF.4b Read on-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.

1:15-2:00 AELD (English time)

Week B

Scholastic News Scholastic News Scholastic News

A Math Star A Math Star A Math Star

Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set:

What can math beused for outside What kind of challenges did Katherine Johnson How is math used by NASA?

of school? face?
Lesson: Lesson: Lesson:

Build background by watching We will learn about Katherine Johnson and We will learn about why NASA

video "Woman at Work." her career goals. needs mathematicians like Katherine.

Guided Practice: Guided Practice: Guided Practice:

Watch video and review vocan via Read Scholastic News "A Math Star" Complete the Read and Think worksheet

via slideshow. Complete and complete the back page. using the article.

word work page.

Check for Understanding/Closure: Check for Understanding/Closure: Check for Understanding/Closure:

Tell a buddy your favorite part of the Review worksheet answers as a Tell a buddy how Katherine Johnson

video and share two vocab words whole group helped an astronuat complete his mission.

II-R-4:B-HI-7 Summarize the main idea and details from text, using complete sentences.

II-W-1:HI-7 Respond to a literary selection that identifies the characters, setting, and sequence of events, main idea, problem and solution

2.RL.2 Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson or moral

2:00-2:20 Recreo/Bocadillo (no lunes)

2:20-2:55 Folklorico/Estudios Sociales/Ciencias

Week B

FOLKLORICO (2:00-2:55) Air & Weather

3:00-3:03 Clean-up, Stack Chairs, End of Day Reminders or Announcements

2do Grado…………Semana 31
marzo 25-29, 2019
miércoles jueves viernes

Medidas Medidas

terms of a standard length unit.

puters w/Mr. Roberts 9:48-10:30 Dia lluvioso Dia lluvioso

*final/ilustrar *final/ilustrar

statement or section

ciones y cuentos-Lección 19 Canciones y cuentos-Lección 19 Canciones y cuentos-Lección 19

exploradora (ga, go, gu, ge, gi, j) Gina exploradora (ga, go, gu, ge, gi, j) Gina exploradora (ga, go, gu, ge, gi, j)

Sorteo de silabas/reflexion Librito/resumen

Centros Centros
12:15-1:15 Library/Computer Grupito: La gigantesca torre de Sekkim Grupito: La gigantesca torre de Sekkim

Scholastic News Scholastic News

Day It Rained Fish The Day It Rained Fish The Day It Rained Fish

Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set:

t causes it to "rain fish" in a town in South What are waterspouts? Is this type of weather possible in AZ?

Lesson: Lesson:
will learn about the causes of certain We will learn about the difference between We will review what we have learned about

her conditions in South Africa. water spouts and tornados. about weather in different countries.

Guided Practice: Guided Practice:

plete Read and Think worksheet. Complete fast facts page Students will do skills assessment sheet

using Scholastic News article. individually as I read aloud the questions.

ck for Understanding/Closure: Check for Understanding/Closure: Review & Assessment:

2 different countries to a buddy that have Tell a buddy what waterspouts do. Correct sheet and review answers.

rienced raining animals.

Air & Weather viernes diveritdo

2do Grado…………Semana 32
abril 1-5, 2019
miércoles jueves viernes

Paseo - Tucson Village Farm Medidas

terms of a standard length unit.

o sembrar una planta Cómo sembrar una planta


statement or section
Fri: 12:00-Too Good To Throw Away

ciones y cuentos-Lección 20 Canciones y cuentos-Lección 20

e Royendo (gue, gui, güe, güi) Sigue Royendo (gue, gui, güe, güi)



12:15-1:15 Library/Computer Centros

Grupito: Chiguiros

Scholastic News Scholastic News

A Math Star

Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set:

is math used by NASA? What have we learned Katherine Johnson?

Lesson: Lesson:

will learn about why NASA Let's review what we have learned

s mathematicians like Katherine. about Katherine Johnson and her passion

for math.

Guided Practice: Guided Practice:

plete the Read and Think worksheet Students will do skills assessment

sheet individually as I read questions

ck for Understanding/Closure: Check for Understanding/Closure: Review & Assessment:

a buddy how Katherine Johnson Correct sheet and review answers

ed an astronuat complete his mission.

viernes divertido

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