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Inferential Statistics, T Test,

ANOVA & Proportionate Test

Assoc. Prof . Dr Azmi Mohd Tamil

Dept of Community Health
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

Inferential Statistics

Basic Hypothesis Testing

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Inferential Statistic

 When we conduct a study, we want to

make an inference from the data
collected. For example;

“drug A is better than drug B in treating

disease D"

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Drug A Better Than Drug B?

 Drug A has a higher rate of cure than

drug B. (Cured/Not Cured)
 If for controlling BP, the mean of BP
drop for drug A is larger than drug B.
(continuous data –mm Hg )

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Null Hypothesis

 Null Hyphotesis;

“no difference of effectiveness between

drug A and drug B in treating disease D"

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Null Hypothesis

 H0is assumed TRUE unless data indicate

• The experiment is trying to reject the null
• Can reject, but cannot prove, a hypothesis
– e.g. “all swans are white”
» One black swan suffices to reject
» H0 “Not all swans are white”
» No number of white swans can prove the hypothesis –
since the next swan could still be black.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Can reindeer fly?
You believe reindeer can fly
Null hypothesis: “reindeer cannot fly”
Experimental design: to throw reindeer off the roof
Implementation: they all go splat on the ground
Evaluation: null hypothesis not rejected
• This does not prove reindeer cannot fly: what you have shown
is that
– “from this roof, on this day, under these weather conditions,
these particular reindeer either could not, or chose not to, fly”

Itis possible, in principle, to reject the null

• By exhibiting a flying reindeer!

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Inferential statistics determine whether a significant
difference of effectiveness exist between drug A and
drug B.
If there is a significant difference (p<0.05), then the
null hypothesis would be rejected.
Otherwise, if no significant difference (p>0.05), then
the null hypothesis would not be rejected.
The usual level of significance utilised to reject or
not reject the null hypothesis are either 0.05 or 0.01.
In the above example, it was set at 0.05.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Confidence interval

Confidence interval = 1 - level of

If the level of significance is 0.05, then
the confidence interval is 95%.
CI = 1 – 0.05 = 0.95 = 95%
If CI = 99%, then level of
significance is 0.01.
What is level of hat is level of
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Chance?significance? Chance?

Reject H0 Reject H0

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
.025 .025

-2.0639-1.960 2.06391.96 t
Fisher’s Use of p-Values
R.A. Fisher referred to the probability to declare
significance as “p-value”.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
“It is a common practice to judge a result significant, if it
is of such magnitude that it would be produced by
chance not more frequently than once in 20 trials.”
1/20=0.05. If p-value less than 0.05, then the
probability of the effect detected were due to chance
is less than 5%.
We would be 95% confident that the effect detected is
due to real effect, not due to chance.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

 Although we have determined the level

of significance and confidence interval,
there is still a chance of error.
 There are 2 types;
• Type I Error
• Type II Error

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Treatments are Treatments are
DECISION not different different

Conclude Correct Decision Type II error

treatments are β error
not different
(Cell a) (Cell b)

Conclude Type I error Correct Decision

treatments are α error
different ©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
(Cell c) (Cell d)
Incorrect Null
Test of Correct Null Hypothesis Hypothesis
Significance (Ho not rejected) (Ho rejected)
Null Hypothesis
Not Rejected Correct Conclusion Type II Error
Null Hypothesis
Rejected Type I Error Correct Conclusion

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Type I Error
• Type I Error – rejecting the null hypothesis
although the null hypothesis is correct e.g.
• when we compare the mean/proportion of
the 2 groups, the difference is small but the
difference is found to be significant.
Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
• It may occur due to inappropriate choice of
alpha (level of significance).

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Type II Error

• Type II Error –not rejecting the null

hypothesis although the null hypothesis is
• e.g. when we compare the mean/proportion
of the 2 groups, the difference is big but the
difference is not significant. Therefore the
null hypothesis is not rejected.
• It may occur when the sample size is
too small.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Example of Type II Error
Data of a clinical trial on 30 patients on comparison of pain control between
two modes of treatment.
Type of treatment * Pain (2 hrs post-op) Crosstabulation

Pain (2 hrs post-op)

No pain In pain Total
Type of treatment Pethidine Count 8 7 15
% within Type
53.3 % 46.7 % 100.0 %
of treatment
Cocktail Count 4 11 15
% within Type
26.7 % 73.3 % 100.0 %
of treatment
Total Count 12 18 30
% within Type
40.0 % 60.0 % 100.0 %
of treatment

Chi-square =2.222, p=0.136

p = 0.136. p bigger than 0.05. No significant diffe rence and thenull hypothesis was not

There was a large difference between the rates but were not
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
significant. Type II Error?
Not significant since power of
the study is less than 80%.

Power is only

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Check for the errors

You can check for type II errors of your

own data analysis by checking for the
power of the respective analysis
This can easily be done by utilising
software such as Power & Sample Size
(PS2) from the website of the Vanderbilt

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Determining the
appropriate statistical test

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Data Analysis

 Descriptive –summarising data

 Test of Association
 Multivariate –controlling for confounders

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Test of Association

 To study the relationship between one

or more risk variable(s) (independent)
with outcome variable (dependent)
 For example; does ethnicity affects the
suicidal/para-suicidal tendencies of
psychiatric patients.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Problem Flow Chart

Independent Variables

Ethnicity Marital Status

Suicidal Tendencies

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Dependent Variable

Studies the association between multiple

causative factors/variables (independent
variables) with the outcome
For example; risk factors such as
parental care, practise of religion,
education level of parents & disciplinary
problems of their child (outcome).

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Hypothesis Testing
 Distinguish parametric & non-parametric
 Test two or more populations using
parametric & non-parametric procedures
• Means
• Medians
• Variances

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Parametric Test
Involve population parameters
• Example: Population mean

Require interval scale or ratio scale
• Whole numbers or fractions
• Example: Height in inches: 72, 60.5,
Have stringent assumptions

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
• Example: Normal distribution
Examples: Z test, t test

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Nonparametric Test
 Statistic does not depend on population
 Data may be nominally or ordinally
• Example: Male-female
 May involve population parameters such
as median
 Example: Wilcoxonrank sum test
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Parametric Analysis –

Qualitative Quantitative Normally distributed data Student's t Test

Qualitative Quantitative Normally distributed data ANOVA
Quantitative Quantitative Repeated measurement of the Paired t Test
same individual & item (e.g.
Hb level before & after
treatment). Normally
distributed data
Quantitative - Quantitative - Normally distributed data Pearson Correlation
continous continous & Linear

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
non-parametric tests
Variable 1 Variable 2 Criteria Type of Test
Qualitative Qualitative Sample size < 20 or (< 40 but Fisher Test
Dichotomus Dichotomus with at least one expected
value < 5)
Qualitative QuantitativeData not normally distributed Wilcoxon Rank Sum
Dichotomus Test or U Mann-
Whitney Test
Qualitative QuantitativeData not normally distributedKruskal-Wa llis One
Polinomial Way ANOVA Test
Quantitative QuantitativeRepeated measurement ofWilcoxonthe Rank Sign
same individual & item Test
Quantitative - QuantitativeData
- not normally distributed Spearman/Kendall
continous continous Rank Correlation

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Statistical Tests - Qualitative

Variable 1 Variable 2 Criteria Type of Test

Qualitative Qualitative Sample size > 20 dan no Chi Square Test (X2)
expected value < 5
Qualitative Qualitative Sample size > 30 Proportionate Test
Dichotomus Dichotomus
Qualitative Qualitative Sample size > 40 but with at X2 Test with Yates
Dichotomus Dichotomus least one expected value < 5 Correction
Qualitative Quantitative
Qualitative Normallysize
Sample distributed
< 20 or data Student's
(< 40 but Fisher t Test
Dichotomus Dichotomus with at least one expected
value < 5)

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Data Analysis

Using SPSS;
Using Excel;

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

T Test, ANOVA &

Proportionate Test

Assoc. Prof . Dr Azmi Mohd Tamil

Dept of Community Health
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
T - Test

Independent T-Test
Student’s T-Test

Paired T-Test


©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Student’s T-test

William Sealy Gosset @

“Student”, 1908. The Probable
Error of Mean. Biometrika.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Student’s T-Test
To compare the means of two independent
groups. For example; comparing the mean
Hb between cases and controls. 2 variables
are involved here, one quantitative (i.e. Hb)
and the other a dichotomous qualitative
variable (i.e. case/control).

 t=

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Examples: Student’s ttest
Comparing the level of blood cholestrol
(mg/dL) between the hypertensive and
Comparing the HAMD score of two
groups of psychiatric patients treated
with two different types of drugs (i.e.
Fluoxetine & Sertraline

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Group Statistics

DRUG N Mean Std. Deviation

DHAMAWK6 F 35 4.2571 3.12808
S 32 3.8125 4.39529

Independent Samples Test

t-test for Equality of Means

Sig. Mean
t df (2-tailed) Difference
DHAMAWK6 Equal variances
.48 65 .633 .4446

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Assumptions of T test

 Observations are normally distributed in

each population. (Explore)
 The population variances are equal.
( Levene’s Test)

The 2 groups are independent of each

other. (Design of study)

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Manual Calculation

 Sample size > 30  Small sample size,

equal variance
X1 − X 2
X1 − X 2
1 1
s0 +
2 2 n1 n2
s s
+ 1 2

n1 n2 ( n1 −1)s +−
2 2
( n2 1)s
s =
2 1 2

( n1 −+−
1)( n2 1)
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Example – compare
cholesterol level
Hypertensive : Normal :
Mean : 214.92 Mean : 182.19
s.d. : 39.22 s.d. : 37.26 n : 64 n :
• Comparing the cholesterol level between
hypertensive and normal patients.
• The difference is (214.92 – 182.19) = 32.73 mg%.
• H0 : There is no difference of cholesterol level
between hypertensive and normal patients.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
• n > 30, (64+36=100), therefore use the first formula.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
X1 − X 2
t= 2 2
s s
+ 2

n1 n2
t = (214.92-182.19)________
 t =4.137
 df= n 1+n2-2 = 64+36-2 = 98
 Refer to t table; with t = 4.137, p < 0.001
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
If df>100, can refer Table A1.
We don’t have 4.137 so we
use 3.99 instead. If t = 3.99,
then p=0.00003x2=0.00006
Therefore if t=4.137,
Or can refer to Table A3.
We don’t have df=98,
so we use df=60 instead.
t = 4.137 > 3.46 (p=0.001)

Therefore if t=4.137, p<0.001.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
• Therefore p < 0.05, null hypothesis rejected.
• There is a significant difference of
cholesterol level between hypertensive and
normal patients.
• Hypertensive patients have a significantly
higher cholesterol level compared to
normotensive patients.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
T-Test In SPSS

 For this exercise, we will

be using the data from
the CD, under Chapter
7, sga-bab7.sav
 This data came from a
case-control study on
factors affecting SGA in
 Open the data & select -
>Compare Means
Test… ©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
T-Test in SPSS

 We want to see whether

there is any association
between the mothers’weight
and SGA. So select the risk
factor (weight2) into ‘Test
Variable’& the outcome
(SGA) into ‘Grouping
 Now click on the ‘Define
Groups’button. Enter
• 0 (Control) for Group 1 and
• 1 (Case) for Group 2.
 Click the ‘Continue’button &
then click the ‘OK’button.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
T-Test Results
Group Statistics

Std. Error
SGA N Mean Std. Deviation Mean
Weight at first ANC Normal 108 58.666 11.2302 1.0806
SGA 109 51.037 9.3574 .8963

 Compare the mean+sdof both gr oups.

• Normal 58.7+11.2 kg
• SGA 51.0+ 9.4 kg
 Apparently there is a difference of
weight between the two groups.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Results & Homogeneity of
Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
Weight at first ANC Equal variances
1.862 .174 5.439 215 .000 7.629 1.4028 4.8641 10.3940
Equal variances
5.434 207.543 .000 7.629 1.4039 4.8612 10.3969
not assumed

 Look at the p value of Levene’sTest. If p is not

significant then equal variances is assumed (use top
 If it is significant then equal variances is not assumed
(use bottom row).
 So the t value here is 5.439 and p < 0.0005. The
difference is significant. Therefore there is an
association between the mothers weight and SGA.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
How to present the

Group N Mean test p

Normal 108 58.7+11.2 kg

T test
t = 5.439
SGA 109 51.0+ 9.4
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Paired t-test

“Repeated measurement on the

same individual”

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Paired T-Test

 “Repeated measurement on the same

 t=

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

d −0

(∑ d)

∑d −
sd = n
n −1

df =−
np 1 ©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Examples of paired t-test

Comparing the HAMD score between

week 0 and week 6 of treatment with
Sertraline for a group of psychiatric
Comparing the haemoglobin level
amongst anaemic pregnant women after
6 weeks of treatment with haematinics.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation

Pair DHAMAWK0 13.9688 32 6.48315
1 DHAMAWK6 3.8125 32 4.39529

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
Std. Sig.
Mean Deviation t df (2-tailed)
10.1563 6.75903 8.500 31 .000

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
M a n u a lC a lc u la t io n

D The measurement of the systolic and diastolic

blood pressures was done two consecutive
times with an interval of 10 minutes. You want
to determine whether there was any

difference between those two measurements.

 H0:There is no difference of the systolic blood
pressure during the first (time 0) and second
measurement (time 10 minutes).

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

 Calculatethe difference between first &

second measurement and square it.
Total up the difference and the square.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

∑ d = 112 ∑ d2 = 1842 n = 36
 Mean d = 112/36 = 3.11
 sd= ((1842-112 2/36)/35)0.5 d −0
sd= 6.53 n
 t = 3.11/(6.53/6)
t = 2.858 (∑ d)

∑d −

 df= n p –1 = 36 –1 = 35. sd =
n −1
 Refer to t table;

df =−np 1
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Refer to Table A3.
We don’t have df=35,
so we use df=30 instead.
t = 2.858, larger than 2.75
(p=0.01) but smaller than 3.03
(p=0.005). 3.03>t>2.75
Therefore if t=2.858,
with t = 2.858, 0.005<p<0.01
Therefore p < 0.01.
Therefore p < 0.05, null hypothesis
Conclusion: There is a significant
difference of the systolic blood pressure
between the first and second
measurement. The mean average of first
reading is significantly higher compared
to the second reading.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Paired T-Test In SPSS

 For this exercise, we will

be using the data from
the CD, under Chapter
7, sgapair.sav
 This data came from a
controlled trial on
haematinic effect on Hb.
 Open the data & select -
>Compare Means
>Paired-Samples T

Test… ©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

Paired T-Test In SPSS

 We want to see whether

there is any association
between the prescription
on haematinic to
anaemic pregnant
mothers and Hb.
 We are comparing the
Hbbefore & after
treatment. So pair the
two measurements (Hb2
& Hb3) together.
 Click the ‘OK’button.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Paired T-Test Results
Paired Samples Statistics

Std. Error
Mean N Std. Deviation Mean
Pair HB2 10.247 70 .3566 .0426
1 HB3 10.594 70 .9706 .1160

 Thisshows the mean & standard

deviation of the two groups.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Paired T-Test Results
Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Error Difference
Mean Std. Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Pair 1 HB2 - HB3 -.347 .9623 .1150 -.577 -.118 -3.018 69 .004

 This shows the mean difference of Hb

before & after treatment is only 0.347
 Yet the t=3.018 & p=0.004 show the
difference is statistically significant.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
How to present the
Mean D
Group N Test p

Paired T-
(HB2) vs
70 0.35 + 0.96 test 0.004
t = 3.018
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Analysis of Variance

 Extension of independent-samples t test

 Comparesthe means of groups of
independent observations
• Don’t be fooled by the name. ANOVA does
not compare variances.
 Can compare more than two groups
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
 Tests the equality of 2 or more population means
 Variables
• One nominal scaled independent variable
– 2 or more treatment levels or classifications
(i.e. Race; Malay, Chinese, Indian & Others)
• One interval or ratio scaled dependent variable
(i.e. weight, height, age)
 Used to analysecompletely randomized
experimental designs

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

 Comparing the blood cholesterol levels

between the bus drivers, bus conductors
and taxi drivers.
 Comparing the mean systolic pressure
between Malays, Chinese, Indian &

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
F-Test Assumptions
 Randomness & independence of errors
• Independent random samples are dr awn
 Normality
• Populations are normally distributed
 Homogeneity of variance
• Populations have equal variances

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Manual Calculation


©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Manual Calculation

 Notexpected to be calculated manually

by medical students.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Time To Complete

45 samples were
analysed using 3
different blood analyser
(Mach1, Mach2 &

15 samples were placed

into each analyser.
Time To Complete
Time in seconds was
measured for each
sample analysis.
The overall mean of the
entire sample was 22.71

This is called the “grand”

mean, and is often
denoted by .X
Time To Complete
If H0 were true then we’d
expect the group means
to be close to the grand
The ANOVA test is
based on the combined

distances from .X

If the combined
distances are large,
Time To Complete
that indicates we
should reject H0.
The Anova Statistic
To combine the differences from the grand mean we
• Square the differences
• Multiply by the numbers of observations in the groups
• Sum over the groups

SSB = 15 XMach1 −X ) +15(X
2 Mach2 ) +15(X
−X 2 Mach3 )
−X 2

where the are the group means.X*

“SSB” = Sum of Squares Between groups

The Anova Statistic
To combine the differences from the grand mean we
• Square the differences
• Multiply by the numbers of observations in the groups
• Sum over the groups

SSB = 15 XMach1 −X ) +15(X
2 Mach2 ) +15(X
−X 2 Mach3 )
−X 2

where the are the group means.X*

“SSB” = Sum of Squares Between groups

Note: This looks a bit like a variance.

Sum of Squares Between

SSB = 15 XMach1 −X ) +15(X
2 Mach2 −X )2

+15(X −X)
Mach3 2

Grand Mean = 22.71

Mean Mach1 = 24.93; (24.93-22.71)2=4.9284

Mean Mach2 = 22.61; (22.61-22.71)2=0.01

Mean Mach3 = 20.59; (20.59-22.71)2=4.4944
SSB = (15*4.9284)+(15*0.01)+(15*4.4944)
SSB = 141.492

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
How big is big?

For the Time to Complete, SSB = 141.492

Is that big enough to reject H0?

As with the t test, we compare the statistic to

the variability of the individual observations.

InANOVA the variability is estimated by the

Mean Square Error, or MSE

Mean Square E rror

The Mean Square Error

is a measure of the
variability after the
group effects have
been taken into

∑∑ (x −X j )

N −K
j i

where xij is the ith

observation in the jth

Mean Square E rror

The Mean Square Error

is a measure of the
variability after the
group effects have
been taken into

∑∑ (x −X j )

N −K
j i

where xij is the ith

observation in the jth

Mean Square E rror

The Mean Square Error

is a measure of the
variability after the
group effects have
been taken into

∑∑ (x −X j )

N −K
j i
∑∑ (x ij − X j )

N −K j i

 Note that the variation of the means

(141.492) seems quite large (more likely
to be significant???) compared to the
variance of observations within groups
 MSE = 33.3802/(45-3) = 0.7948

Notes on MSE

If there are only two groups, the MSE is equal

to the pooled estimate of variance used in the
equal-variance t test.
ANOVA assumes that all the group variances
are equal.
Other options should be considered if group
variances differ by a factor of 2 or more.
(12.8380 ~ 9.4160 ~ 11.1262)

The ANOVA F test is based on the F statistic

SSB (K−1)
where K is the number of groups.

Under H0 the F statistic has an “F” distribution,
with K-1 and N-K degrees of freedom (N is the
total number of observations)
Time to Analyse:
F test p-value
To get a p-value we
compare our F statistic to
an F(2, 42) distribution.
Time to Analyse:
F test p-value
To get a p-value we
compare our F statistic to
an F(2, 42) distribution.

In our example

F= = 89.015
We cannot draw the line
since the F value is so
large, therefore the p value
is so small!!!!!!
Refer to F Dist. Table (α=0.01).
We don’t have df=2;42,
so we use df=2;40 instead.
F = 89.015, larger than 5.18
Therefore if F=89.015, p<0.01.

Why use df=2;42?

We have 3 groups
so K-1 = 2
We have 45
samples therefore
N-K = 42. ©drtamil@gmail.com2012
Time to Analyse:
F test p-value
To get a p-value we
compare our F statistic to
an F(2, 42) distribution.

In our example

F= = 89.015

The p-value is really

P(F(2,42) > 89.015)= 0.00000000000008

Results are often displayed using an ANOVA Table
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Groups 141.492 2 40.746 89.015 .0000000

Within Groups 33.380 42 .795

Total 174.872 44
Results are often displayed using an ANOVA Table
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Groups 141.492 2 40.746 89.015 .0000000

Within Groups 33.380 42 .795

Total 174.872 44
Pop Quiz!: Where are the following quantities presented in this
Results are often displayed using an ANOVA Table

Sum of Squares Mean Square F Statistic p value

Between (SSB) Error (MSE)
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
141.492 2 40.746 89.015 .0000000
Within Groups 33.380 42 .795

Total 174.872 44

Results are often displayed using an ANOVA Table

Sum of Squares Mean Square F Statistic p value

Between (SSB) Error (MSE)
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
141.492 2 40.746 89.015 .0000000
Within Groups 33.380 42 .795

Total 174.872 44

Results are often displayed using an ANOVA Table

Sum of Squares Mean Square F Statistic p value

Between (SSB) Error (MSE)
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
141.492 2 40.746 89.015 .0000000
Within Groups 33.380 42 .795

Total 174.872 44

Results are often displayed using an ANOVA Table

Sum of Squares Mean Square F Statistic p value

Between (SSB) Error (MSE)
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
141.492 2 40.746 89.015 .0000000
Within Groups 33.380 42 .795

Total 174.872 44

Sum of Squares Mean Square F Statistic p value

Between (SSB) Error (MSE)

 For this exercise, we will

be using the data from
the CD, under Chapter
7, sga-bab7.sav
 This data came from a
case-control study on
factors affecting SGA in
 Open the data & select -
>Compare Means
ANOVA… ©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

 We want to see whether

there is any association
between the babies’weight
and mothers’type of work.
So select the risk factor
(typework) into ‘Factor’& the
outcome (birthwgt) into
 Now click on the ‘Post Hoc’
button. Select Bonferonni.
 Click the ‘Continue’button &
then click the ‘OK’button.
 Then click on the ‘Options’
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

 Select ‘Descriptive’,
variance test’and
‘Means plot’.
 Click ‘Continue’and
then ‘OK’.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Results & Homogeneity of
Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Birth weight
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.757 2 215 .470

 Look at the p value of Levene’sT est. If p

is not significant then equal variances is

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
ANOVA Results

Birth weight
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups .153 2 .077 .263 .769
Within Groups 62.550 215 .291
Total 62.703 217

 Sothe F value here is 0.263 and p =0.769.

The difference is not significant. Therefore
there is no association between the
babies’weight and mothers’type of work.

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
How to present the

Type of Work Mean+sd Test p

Office 2.76 + 0.60

Housewife 2.78 + 0.53 0.769
F = 0.263

Farmer 2.84 + 0.55

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Proportionate Test

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Proportionate Test

 Qualitativedata utilises rates, i.e. rate of

anaemia among males & females
 To compare such rates, statistical tests
such as Z-Test and Chi-square can be

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
p1 − p2
• where p1 is the rate for
event 1 = a1/n1
00 + • p2 is the rate for event 2
n1 n2 = a2/n2
• a1 and a2 are frequencies
of event 1 and 2

11 + pn
 We refer to the normal
p0 = 22
distribution table to
n1 + n2 decide whether to reject
or not the null
q0 =−
1 p0
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

■The sampling method is simple random

■Each sample point can result in just two
possible outcomes. We call one of these
outcomes a success and the other, a failure.
■The sample includes at least 10 successes
and 10 failures.
■The population size is at least 10 times as
big as the sample size.
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

Comparison of worm infestation rate

between male and female medical
students in Year 2.

Rate for males ; p1= 29/96 = 0.302

Rate for females;p2 =24/104 = 0.231
H0: There is no difference of worm
infestation rate between male and
female medical students in Year 2
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

 p0 = (29/96*96)+(24/104*104) = 0.265

 q0 = 1 – 0.265 = 0.735

©drtamil@gmail.com 2012

z = 0.302 -0.231 = 1.1367

((0.735*0.265) (1/96 + 1/104))0.5

 From the normal distribution table (A1), z value

is significant at p=0.05 if it is above 1.96. Since
the value is less than 1.96, then there is no
difference of rate for worm infestatation
between the male and female students. ©drtamil@gmail.com 2012
Refer to Table A1.
We don’t have 1.1367 so we
use 1.14 instead. If z = 1.14,
then p=0.1271x2=0.2542
Therefore if z=1.14,
p=0.2542. H0 not rejected

 P1 = 0.214, p2 = 0.5, p0 = 0.289, q0 = 0.711

 N1 = 196, n2 = 70, Z = 20.470.5 = 4.52
 p < 0.00006

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