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Welcome to Performing a T24 Upgrade learning unit of the T24 Administration Course.

In this learning unit, you will learn about upgrading from one release of T24 to another.

ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12 1

After completing this learning unit, you will be able to:

1. Identify the pre-requisite to perform a upgrade.

2. State the need to perform pre-upgrade checks.
3. Explain T24 upgrade procedure.
4. Analyze T24 environment by performing post upgrade check.

ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12 2

1. When a T24 bank needs to migrate from the existing release of T24 to a new
release of T24 they perform a upgrade on the existing T24 environment.

2. You need to have these pre-requites mentioned below to perform a upgrade:

2.1 An upgrade tape from Temenos.

2.2 Extract the contents from the Tape to the existing Application server or a
replicated server.
2.3 Setup the initial configuration settings to perform a upgrade.
2.4 You will now be able to perform upgrade after the initial setup.
2.5 Once the upgrade is done, you will have to perform post upgrade checks.

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There are few pre-upgrade checks to be carried out before you perform an upgrade:

1. The bankers are supposed to input all the transaction, if there are any pending
transaction those also have to be input before upgrade.
1.1 This is done, since there will be file layout changes taking place during upgrade.

2. None of the transaction should be in un-authorized state.

3. You being a system administrator should also ensure to clear all the message
queues and shut down phantoms.
3.1 If the message queues are not cleared, there is likely chance of loosing information
/ advices.

4. Ensure that no users are be logged in.

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1. Take a back-up of complete T24 environment before performing an upgrade.
2. You will have to backup old temp.release directory, if it exist.
3. You will have to change the cache size to maximum (9999).
3.1 Which eventually will reduce the time required for upgrade.
4. You will also have to have enough space allocated in the database for the upgrade
4.1 This is done, since the database size would increase after upgrade.

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ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12 6
1. T24 clients will receive temp.release file in tar.Z format.
2. You should login as a root and restore the file to a required destination directory.
3. Uncompress and untar the file which you received.
4. Once the file is uncompressed and untar, you will get a directory called
temp.release in the required destination.
5. You will have to grant full permission to temp.release directory.

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Having extracted the temp.release into a required destination directory. Let us now
understand the need for T24 to know where temp.release exist.

1. You will have to configure T24 in order for T24 to know, where temp.release is
located. This is very much vital for a upgrade process.
2. You will create a non-hashed file called SYSTEM.
2.1 This directory could be under jBASE or T24 home
3. When you performing an upgrade in windows, create it has a hashed file.

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1. Set the environmental variable JEDIFILENAME_SYSTEM to locate temp.release
2. This variable will point to the file SYSTEM, which in turn will be able to point to the
path of temp.release.

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1. You will use JED to create a record TEMP.RELEASE under SYSTEM file. This
record will hold the path to temp.release directory.

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ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12 11
1. To perform a upgrade ensure that all T24 users are logged off.
2. You will execute a program T24.BUILD.LIBRARIES from the t24bin under the
temp.release directory. If the operating system is WINDOWS/NT then the drive
should also be specified while executing T24.BUILD.LIBRARIES
3. This replace the existing t24bin and t24lib of HOME directory.
4. This program will now copy the new t24bin and t24lib under HOME directory. After
executing the program, a logoff and login is required. This is very important as the
executable directories have been replaced and any programs stored in memory
need to be released.
5. Log off from the existing session.

In the screen shot, you are seeing the task performed by the program
T24.BUILD.LIBRARIES. It deletes the existing t24bin, t24lib and copies new t24bin
and t24lib from the temp.release directory.

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1. There are few files associated with browser which might not be part of release
prior to R04.
2. You will be unable to login to T24 since files like OS.TOKEN, OS.TOKEN.USE
and OS.TOKEN.XML.CACHE will be missing.
3. In order to prevent few error messages being generated just after the upgrade,
You should run a program T24.PRE.RELEASE, which is available in
temp.release/t24bin/eb_upgrade folder.
4. This program has a list of hard coded files that need to exist for a user to login to
T24 and work.
5. This program will be trying to open those files. When it fails to open those file, it
will call EBS.CREATE.FILES to create those files.

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Run T24.PRE.RELEASE from the jshell prompt
This program prompts for user input according to any new features in the latest
release which require actions to be performed prior the start of any upgrade.
One of the prompts that will appear is to provide a valid user profile for new services
being installed.
After T24.PRE.RELEASE, run UpdateMD. UpdateMD will update all VOC entries.

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1 The upgrade process is performed by a service in T24 called T24.UPGRADE.
This service can be configured to start by modifying the respective record in
TSA.SERVICE application.

2 The services are managed by the T24 Service Manager. Hence, the TSM record
of TSA.SERVICE , which is the T24 service manager is configured to be started.

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Now that we have setup the records in TSA.SERVICE.

1. You will start TSM in interactive mode(using –DEBUG option). Consequently the
respective number of agents are required to be started in individual sessions.

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ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12 17
1. Upgrading to GA release takes an installation to the base of that particular GA
release. Upgrading to the quarterly release ensures that the upgrade not only
installs the GA release but also all the updates available till that point. Thus the
upgrade takes the Client to a new GA release plus all the available updates till that
2. This temp.release from the Distribution team of Temenos comes pre-packaged
with set of latest Updates prepared for GA release (since the GA.). The client just
needs to run the T24 Service XXX/T24.UDPATES on successful Upgrade to
complete the Updates installation. The co-responding Batch record
XXX/T24.UPDATES should have “T24.UPDATES” entered in the DATA field.

3. Post this service, updates will get installed (based on the products installed) and
SPF will be updated with the list of updates that have been installed.

ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12

The Conversion service refers to records in an application called
CONVERSION.DETAILS that contains information about how the structure of an
application has changed. Details about how many fields have been added and how
many fields have been deleted are mentioned here. Using these details, the service
can re-arrange an applications data at database level.

1. There are various conversion programs that are released as part of a new T24
release. One record for every major release is released to CONVERSION.PGMS,
with an id of the release number, e.g. R10. All the unauthorised records of
CONVERSION.PGMS are to be authorised before starting the conversion

2. How do you run the conversion programs?

This task is made easier. T24 has a built-in multi threaded service named
3. You will set the service status to start and execute TSM to run the conversion
service, which in turn will run all the conversion programs specific to this release.

ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12

1. The batch record for this service is BNK/RUN.CONVERSION
2. The jobs executed by this service are PRE.RUN.CONVERSION and
3. The table that contains the errors raised during conversion process is

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1. You will modify the record BNK/RUN.CONVERSION in TSA.SERVICE and set the
service control status to START.
2. Check the number of agents assigned by verifying the associated record in

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Now that we have setup the records in TSA.SERVICE.

1. You will start TSM in interactive mode(using –DEBUG option). Consequently the
respective number of agents are required to be started in individual sessions.

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ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12 23
1. Once the upgrade is complete. Check the list of unauthorized files. In order to get
the list of files you can run a enquiry in T24 which is EXECEPTION.
You can use an application EBS.AUTO.FUNTION (EAF) to authorize all the

2. Reset the cache size in SPF to previous value.

3. Check the impact of local programs, if there are any.

3.1 You will have to recompile repgens.
3.2 You will have to recompile local development routines.
3.3 You will have to recompile IDESCs

4. You will run COB to bring the system back online.

ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12 24

After you perform an upgrade you may have huge number of records in INAU status.
How do you authorise these records in T24? In order to avoid consumption of time T24
provides you a utility called EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION.

1. The EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION utility is used to process large number of records that

are input in T24

2. Post-Upgrade when you have large number of records to be authorised


3. Records can also be amended using EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION utility

ADM2.Performing A T24 Upgrade-R12 25

You will now be introduced to the fields of EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION. Id to this application is always of the
format <APPLICATION NAME >.<NUMERIC VALUE>. For example here the id is specified as

Which records are you going to process? Are the records in INAU status or IHLD status or LIVE status?
Assume that you are going to authorise customer records, therefore the records are in INAU status. You
may now select the records by using the SELECTION field.

SELECTION – here you may specify the selection criteria to select those customer records with the status
as INAU. Therefore the condition will be ‘WITH RECORD.STATUS EQ INAU’. You may specify more than
one condition as the field SELECTION is a multi-value field. If you do not specify any condition then it
selects all the INAU records of the file.

Now that you have selected the records to be processed, we have to determine what function should be
used on these records for processing?
FUNCTION – The field FUNCTION can contain any of the following functions A ,D , H , I P , R and V

Records selected by EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION are processed in groups, the size of each group (or sample)
being determined by the field SAMPLE.SIZE. After processing each group of records the program returns
the control to the EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION screen .
SAMPLE.SIZE – In this field you specify the number of records to be processed.

If you have hundreds of records to be processed how do you fetch each record from the group? The
records can be fetched based on the ID.
INPUT.BUFFER – To fetch the next record based on ID specify the keyword ID in this field.

KEYSTORKES – To process the records the sequence of automated actions can be specified in the
KEYSTROKES field. F5 is used to commit or authorise a record. F3 is used to scroll forward to the next

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page when the record comprises of multiple pages.

Commit the record in EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION.

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1. In order to process the records in INAU status verify the record in

2. After all the records are processed the program returns the control back to the

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Using the EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION utility you can also process the records in LIVE
FILE.SUFFIX - When the field is set to NULL , all the INAU records will be selected. If
the field is set to NO then all the LIVE records of the file gets selected.

VERSION – Your record may comprise of multiple pages and to authorise such a
record you have to see all the pages before you authorise it. If you want to process
such records using the EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION utility you can make use of the
KEYSTROKES field where you may specify the action F3 to move forward to the next
page. But that seems to be a painful task when there are multiple pages, therefore you
may use versions to authorise such records. Lets say that you have a set of FT
records to be authorised and there are multiple pages to view in each record. So how
are we going to authorise these FT records?
A simple solution is to create a version for the FUNDS.TRANSFER application with
the required fields.
VERSION – After you create the version attach the version to this field in
EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION. The format is ,VERSION TYPE(Comma followed by the
version type)

Note : The version name is FUNDS.TRANSFER, EBS.AUTH where EBS.AUTH is the

version type. Always include the OVERRIDE field as part of the version, when the
version is used to authorise the records. Otherwise you cannot authorise records using
versions in T24.

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After you commit the record in EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION the next step is to verify the
record using the V function.

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The moment you verify the record in EBS.AUTO.FUNCTION , the FT records will be
automatically authorised using the utility as shown.

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As each record gets authorised, you can also see the delivery advices getting
generated for the transaction.

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After processing all the FT records , the control returns back to the utility screen as
shown here.

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