Unit Lesson Plan: TH TH

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Unit Lesson Plan

Subject: Science Dates: February 7th through March 8th

Unit Name: Constructive and Destructive Forces: Running Water, Glaciers, Waves, and Wind
Summary of Unit:
This unit covered how those four forces creates weathering, erosion, and deposition to keep our
planet constantly changing.
 8.ESS.3: A combination of constructive and destructive geologic processes formed
Earth’s surface.
To comprehend the different forces in our planet and how they shape our Earth, keeping it fresh
and constantly growing. This also allows us to explain why our world acts the way it is.
 Two containers for mixing
 Warm water
 While glue
 Borax
 PVC pipe
 Books
 Ruler
 Marker
 Stopwatch
 Sandpaper
 Vegetable Oil
 Water
 Protractor
 Water bottles with boiling water
 Water bottles with ice water
 Agents of Erosion chart
 Chromebook
 Textbook
 Wind Webquest
 T-Chart/Review and Reinforce Worksheet
 Graphic Organizer
 Wave Webquest

 Smart Notebook
 YouTube
 Worksheets

Lesson 1 Title: Running Water Erosion Introduction Time: 2 Days

Lesson 2 Title: Running Water Erosion and Deposition Features Time: 2 Days
Lesson 3 Title: Glacier Erosion Continental vs Valley Time: 1 Day
Lesson 4 Title: Glacier Erosion and Depositional Features Time: 2 Days
Lesson 5 Title: Moving a Valley Glacier Time: 2 Days
Lesson 6 Title: Wave Erosion Features Time: 2 Days
Lesson 7 Title: Wave Erosion Coastlines Time: 2 Days
Lesson 8 Title: Wind Erosion Time: 2 Days

Assignments and Activities:

The students had a combination of webquests to complete, worksheets to complete that helped
deepen their understanding of the material, creating coastlines, building models of glaciers, and
completing graphic organizers that allowed the information to be placed in easy to understand
I believe the unit went over decently, though I would need to gather more information on how
students still confuse erosion with deposition. The toughest part was remembering what all the
landforms were.

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