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Instituto Técnico Industrial Zipaquirá

Cristian Ricardo Mancera Mora 1103

Moorlands Conservation

Callejas Nataly (2015) Manejo Ambiental Sostenible para el Ecosistema de Páramo,

accessed March 21st from,

“While mining has offered alternatives for economic growth in the regions, limited
government control and bad practices for the mineral have been serious injuries to
ecosystems situation where intervention is needed from all people”. The care of the
moorland is a fundamental attribute for the economic growth of the regions and that offer
important resources for the progress of humans and their life on the planet, however it is
an aspect neglected to the point that at these present ecosystems are at risk due to the
mismanagement given by those who surround and benefit indiscriminately from these. The
exploitation of minerals in the moorland has caused complaints and resistance social on
the part of the community. Important water fountain such as the alteration of the ecosystem
due to the bad practices used by of mining.

Sanabria Inés, Gutierrez Gloria (2014) EL PÁRAMO Y SU CONSERVACIÓN, accessed

March 21st from file:///C:/Users/lenovo/Downloads/1605%20(1).pdf , “ it is relevant
Highlight that Colombia is the country with the highest number of bird species at the world,
but it is always one of the countries that possess very high numbers of threatened species,
a cause of man's actions”. The approach taking consider that generating a guided strategy
towards the conservation of moorland requires a change of mentality at the social level. It
is based on teaching about each type of bird that lives in the region of the moorlands and
have the ability to analyze each bird with its different characteristics to take consider what
is their food and habitat and protect them. Consequently each person reflects on the subject
and find the connection between man-bird and thus not destroy nature. The ideal is to
conserve and protect the overwhelming variety of bird species of our country and involve
Instituto Técnico Industrial Zipaquirá
Cristian Ricardo Mancera Mora 1103

other generations to continue defending them, without forgetting that you are like other
animal and plant species.

Garavito Laura (2015) The moorlands in Colombia, an ecosystem at risk, accessed March
21st from LosParamosEnColombiaUnEcosistemaEnRiesgo-5662382.pdf

“The moorlands ecosystems, located in regions in the high mountains, have an intensive
degradation in the recent years, as a result of a partial or total loss of vegetation cover,
generating alterations in the water regulation. This is a consequence of processes like
climate change, agriculture, livestock and mining”. One of the main problems that the
moorlands use is the mining locomotive based on the exploitation of gold, coal, which
generates damages to the ecosystems. The negative effects of this activity include the
contamination of surface and groundwater, atmospheric pollution, the loss of biodiversity
and the generation of risks of torrential floods with contaminating elements, as well as the
destruction of the landscape. Despite the existence of regulatory and control organisms for
the protection of the ecosystems of the moorlands, they are not being applied. At the
moment the policies of territorial ordering and of mining exploitation prohibited this
economic activity in zones of moorlands. The need to consolidate real political mechanisms
for the conservation of the environment and the moorlands as an essential element of water
as a fundamental resource. However, this is a necessity for the prioritization of economic
activity and mining.

Lozano Patricio, Machado Verónica , Armas Aracely , Estrategias para la conservación del
ecosistema páramo, accessed March 21st from 114-Texto%20del%20artículo-294-2-10-

“Studying the relationships between nature and society involves analyzing the relationship
in two ways, that is, how human affects the integrity of ecosystems and how they affect
humans”. Every time the human begins to destroy the wasteland in some way, it affects
itself since, for example, the water sources are the water that many people drink daily and
if it is contaminated it can affect the health, then it is a great problem for society because
Instituto Técnico Industrial Zipaquirá
Cristian Ricardo Mancera Mora 1103

some profit by destroying the moors and society is affected. In conclusion, the state must
impose financial sanctions and imprison anyone who destroys or degrades the moorlands.

Hofstede, Robert et. al. (2014). Los Páramos Andinos ¿Qué sabemos? Estado de
conocimiento sobre el impacto del cambio climático en el ecosistema páramo

“The accelerated climate change, caused by the effect of a rapid increase in greenhouse
gases originating from the use of fossil fuels, deforestation and agriculture, is an undeniable
reality” . Global warming is a failure of humans where the moorlands are very affected by
the change in temperature that modifies and alters the habitats of many species and, in the
worst case, may disappear due to the increase in temperature. In Colombia, the
phenomenon of the child is causing more forest fires that are being used to establish crops
that increase the deforested area and cause greater consequences for the climate. We must
start planting trees to minimize our carbon footprint and thus help the environment. One of
the ways to counteract the effects of climate change are the social, political and economic
processes that protect and conserve the environmental conditions of the ecosystem such as
the quality of life of the communities that live in the area.



“the preparation of these lands for agricultural activities are removing all the
vegetation,which generates that the soil surface dry and release all your nutrients”, When
wanting to have agriculture in the paramos, you need to have a large space and therefore
you start to deforest and this leads to many problems as it displaces many species of their
habitat, after planting, the land loses its composition and becomes arida.

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