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“Relationship with God in the context of the Family”

Year 7: I am God‘s Beloved

Year 8: I am Chosen by God
Year 9: I am Blessed by God
Year 10: I Am Broken To Be Shared
Year 11: God has Called Me by Name
Year 12: Living as God‘s Beloved, Chosen, Blessed,
Broken and Shared (Mission)

Arrival and Registration
Welcome and Orientation to Sophie‘s Farm
Retreat Orientation / Expectation Check
Opening Prayer
Individual Reflection
Prayer Partner
Talk: Life of the Beloved
Activity: “My Image of Being God’s Beloved / Reflection / Sharing (dyads/groups)
Dinner (optional Evening Dinner ritual)
Reflection… Love Letters / Messages to Family, Friends, Classmates,
Teachers / Making of Spiritual Gift to Prayer-Partner
Prepare for Bed
Sleep / Good night

Morning Prayer
Activity: “My Personal Vision”
Activity: “One Word” / How have you been?
Talk: “Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Eucharist”
Break… (Start of Confession)…
(Eucharistic Celebration)
Revelation of Prayer Partner / Sharing of Spiritual Gift
Clean-up / Restoration / Home Sweet Home

Adapted by Sr. Lydia M. Collado, RSCJ from Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen
for the Saint Anthony Academy of Mondragon Year 10 Retreat


1. Opening Song: You are Mine

2. Psalm 8
O LORD, our Sovereign, how majestic
is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
Out of the mouths of babes and infants
you have founded a bulwark because of your foes,
to silence the enemy and the avenger.
When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you have established;
what are human beings that you are mindful of them,
mortals that you care for them?
Yet you have made them a little lower than God,
and crowned them with glory and honor.
You have given them dominion over the works of your hands;
you have put all things under their feet,
all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field,
the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea,
whatever passes along the paths of the seas.
O LORD, our Sovereign,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

3. Reflection:
 First reading: We will read the Gospel together.... As you read it, be aware of a word...
a sentence ... a phrase that strikes you...
 Second reading: You read the passage once again in silence... make a mark on the
passage with a pen
 Third reading: Reflect on the message of the reading to you

4. Scripture Reading: John 15:1-17

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinegrower. He removes every branch in me that
bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit. You have
already been cleansed by the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me as I abide in you.
Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless

you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them
bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing. Whoever does not abide in me is
thrown away like a branch and withers; such branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and
burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will
be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my
disciples. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love. If you keep my
commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and
abide in his love. I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your
joy may be complete. "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved
you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my
friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants any longer, because the
servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have
made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. You did not choose me but
I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will
give you whatever you ask him in my name. I am giving you these commands so that you
may love one another.

5. What word / sentence /phrase struck you in Psalm 8 or in the Gospel of Saint John? You
can read the words out loud. You can repeat what others have already read.

Silent Reflection / Get two heart-shaped papers…

a. In silence, tell Jesus what you want to happen in this retreat. What are the desires of
your heart which you would like to entrust to Jesus?
b. On one heart-shaped paper, write to Jesus...
c. Hang your ―desires‖ on the ―tree of life‖
d. Say a silent prayer when you hang your ―desires of your heart‖ for the retreat.
e. Say a prayer while you are hanging your ―heart‖ on the tree of life.

Prayer Partner

f. Write your name on the other heart-shaped paper, fold it and drop it the basket
given… pass the basket around until everyone has their names on the basket…
g. After everyone has dropped their heart-shaped papers with their names in the basket…
pass the basket around and pick a heart-shaped paper from the basket… make sure that
it is not your name that you pick… this will be your prayer partner…
h. Pray for that person silently…

6. Closing Prayer: Psalm 96

Choir 1: O sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.
Sing to the LORD, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples.
Choir 2: For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;
he is to be revered above all gods.
For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but the LORD made the heavens.
Honor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.

Choir 1: Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. ()O
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his
courts. Worship the LORD in holy splendor; tremble before him, all the earth.
Choir 2: Say among the nations, "The LORD is king!
The world is firmly established; it shall never be moved.
He will judge the peoples with equity."
Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar,
and all that fills it;
Choir 1: Let the field exult, and everything in it.
Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy
before the LORD; for he is coming, for he is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with his truth.

7. Closing Song: Everyday God



Source: Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen

Do you believe that you are God‘s beloved sons and daughters? Just like Jesus Christ is? Look to your
left and right. Do you believe that he/she is beloved by God?

We are already God‘s beloved, but we still have ―to become‖ the beloved. It is a great spiritual journey
that we take in life. Becoming the Beloved means letting the truth of our Belovedness enfleshed in
everything we think, say or do.

“My soul is restless until it rests in you” St. Augustine


Today, we start with the third movement: BROKEN and SHARED…

Source: Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen


John 19:26-37 26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing
near by, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," 27 and to the disciple, "Here is your
mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. 28 Later, knowing that all was now
completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty." 29 A jar of wine
vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and
lifted it to Jesus' lips. 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he
bowed his head and gave up his spirit. 31 Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to
be a special Sabbath. Because the Jews did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath,
they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down. 32 The soldiers therefore came
and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other. 33
But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. 34
Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and
water. 35 The man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true. He knows that he tells
the truth, and he testifies so that you also may believe. 36 These things happened so that the scripture
would be fulfilled: "Not one of his bones will be broken," 37 and, as another scripture says, "They will
look on the one they have pierced."

All of us has an experience of brokenness.
I am broken. You are broken. They are so
tangible and concretely seen in our lives.

Our brokenness is ours. We know what

they are. No one else can take
responsibility of them. We have been
pained and suffered because of them.
However, our brokenness touch our
uniqueness and our most intimate
individuality. Our brokenness is as unique
as our chosenness and blessedness.


a) Face it squarely and befriend it. The natural reaction to pain and suffering is to
avoid it, to keep it away, circumvent or deny it. We have to find the courage to face
and embrace our brokenness. Our suffering need not e a hindrance to our spiritual
life, they can even be a catalyst to facilitate growth within and outside among people
who were a part of the woundedness.

b) Put our brokenness under the blessing. Putting our brokenness under the
blessing is a pre-condition to befriending it. Befriending our brokenness and putting

it under blessing do make things lea painful or easy. It also does not mean that it will
go away. But embracing it and bringing it into the light. The One who calls us the
Beloved can make our brokenness shine like a diamond.

c) ―Our sufferings and pains are not simply bothersome interruptions of our lives‖ (71)

d) ―Again and again, I see the immense pain of broken relationships between husbands
and wives, parents and children, lovers, friends and colleagues. In the Western
world, the suffering that seems to be the most painful is that of feeling rejected,
ignored, despised and left alone.‖ (72)

e) ―…in the society in which you and I live, it is generally an experience of inner
brokenness—a brokenness of the heart.‖ (72)

f) ―It is where we are most needy and vulnerable that we most experience our
brokenness‖ (74)

g) ―It is almost always experienced as an unwelcome intrusion into our lives, something
that should not be there‖ (75)

h) ―When we lose a family member or friend through death, when we become jobless,
when we fail an examination, when we live through a separation or divorce, when a
war breaks out, an earthquake destroys our home or touches us, the question ‗Why?‘
spontaneously emerges.‖ (78)

We are blessed and broken so as to be given. Our chosen, blessed and broken have their
fulfillment in being given. In giving what whatever we received, it becomes clear that we
are chosen, blessed and broken not simply for our own sakes, but so that all we live finds
significance in its being lived for others.


a) Our life is the greatest gift we can give. Oftentimes, we think about our being
given to each other, what comes immediately to mind are our unique talents: those
abilities to do special things especially well. We tend to forget though that our
greatest gift is who we are and what we can do.

b) We are called to offer ourselves not only in life, but in life as well. As God‘s
Beloved Children, we are called to make our death the greatest gift. We have
affirmed that we have been taken, blessed, broken so as to be given, then our final
brokenness, death, is to make our death the means to our final gift of self.




Materials: Crayons, Bond Papers

When the Heart of Jesus was pierced, ―blood and water flowed out‖, symbolizing love and life. From
the pierced side of Jesus came out ―LOVE and LIFE‖ instead of ―anger and death‖… has your heart
been ―pierced‖? How do you respond to people who ―pierce‖ your heart? Do you feel the call to be the
―love and life‖ of the Pierced side of Christ? Are there people you need to forgive or ask forgiveness


1. Get some crayons and bond papers

2. With you crayons, draw your personal image of Being God’s Beloved or draw your family as
God‘s beloved. It can be a scene or a portrait that you see or imagine… reflect on the message of
being broken … being shared to others…

3. At this point of your life, are there people whom you would like to seek reconciliation with? How do
they share their life with you?… how do you share your life with them?… what do you think the
purpose of your life? Who is your life for? Who is your model or example?

4. Describe your relationship to the members of your family…

5. After you draw… take some time to reflect on what you drew…

6. Find a partner and share your work with them…

7. Volunteer to share with the whole group…

8. Post your work along the walls for everyone to view it. Look at the work of others. Reflect on how
you feel. What touched you.

Closing Song: YOU RAISE ME UP


Materials: Bread (any kind) and Vegetables (any kind).

Opening Song: I OFFER MY LIFE


1. In front of you is bread for you and for everybody to eat. Look at the bread, contemplate on the
bread, offered to us freely. Like your life, given freely to you by God. The bread is for you to take,

and for you to share with others. But to be able to share the bread, you have to break it. You cannot
take the bread nor be able to share if it remains whole, and nice to look at. Like the bread, we are
called to be shared with others. But before we can do that, we need to ―die to our own selfishness‖
that does not like to sacrifice or give so that others may share life.

2. In silence.... break the bread, get a piece and share with others...


1. Silently, choose a vegetable (any kind), look at the vegetable, contemplate on it, and recognize the
potential fullness in that vegetable. It was planted from seed, transformed into a plant, grow and
bear fruits. But unless its seed was planted and bear the pains of being broken, shedding off its shell,
being cracked, and die to its original form, it will not become what God intended it for.

2. In silence... symbolically, consider yourself as a vegetable or plant, full of vigor and purpose.
Imagine yourself as its seed. You have to die to yourself so that transformation or change may
happen, for you to grow more and give life to others...

Bless , O Lord, the seeds which you have given to us to plant.

Like the seeds, give us the courage to die from our selfishness.
Teach us how to sacrifice , to have less so that others may have more.
Let these seeds grow, bear fruit , so that others may have food to eat and to share.

Closing Song: I BELIEVE


Materials: Pens, Bond Papers, Envelopes, Heart-shaped papers
Instrumental Song

There are countless people to thank and ask forgiveness from yet seldom are we given a chance to do it.
Now is the time. The time to write our messages to our loved ones. The time to let them know our most
hidden feelings about them. It can be a simple thanksgiving, a prayer, a poem, a song… allow your
creativity to shine through your work. Let the receiver feel that you did your best with your work… make
it special…

1. You will be given a bundle of heart-shaped paper, go around the room/hall to your classmates. Find
a partner to exchange your bundle with and sit down with your partner. With your
classmate‘s bundle, write down your message for him/her. In return, your classmate should also
write something to you.

2. In bond papers, write you message to your parents… write to your mother, your father, your
siblings… likewise, write something to your teachers…

3. If the person (it can be your parents or siblings) you wrote to is not present, place your letters inside
envelopes… they will be delivered by someone to that person…

4. Give a sign of peace, a hug or kiss on the cheek, after you‘ve exchanged messages…

For the first time, allow me to thank you for all the love you have given me especially when I was a child,
sickly and difficult. I remember you coming from your factory work, dead tired, but you still managed to
go to the market, cooked and cared for me. I always saw you because I was just there playing with my
friends. I saw you coming home with vegetables and fish which when cooked, I ate with sour face
because I wanted something more delicious.

I don‘t remember a day without a single complaint about the life that we lived. But I also do not
remember any word of gratitude from me for all that you have been doing for us. My brothers and
sisters tried their best to help you. They sold things and engaged themselves even in contractual jobs to
help you survive the family. It was hard not having a father around. I could still remember the day he
left us for another woman. You were trying to be brave, you talked to each one of us with the appeal to
make things work out and do our best to keep the rest of us together. The family was incomplete
without Tatay, but you tried to serve as our mother and father. You made a family among us. You were
never bitter, you were never hard on us. But you were hard on yourself in terms of having even a little
luxury of buying a new blouse for you. You always bought things for us first. And there I was still
complaining because I wanted more expensive things for my use. And yet, you did not express any hurt
feelings even if I knew that deep inside you were crying. You encouraged me to go to school, like my
other brothers and sisters who were working students. I refused vehemently, I just wanted to hang
around and have an easy life. I was lazy. Probably, I did not know what goodness was because I did not
know how to be grateful. I wanted a better life but did not like to work for it.

A month ago, you came home chilling with fever from a forced overtime work. I attended to you for a
while but went back across the street where I was playing basketball with my friends. I hardly looked at
you when you were there lying in one corner of the house. After four days of sickness, you got up and
prepared for work. I didn‘t even ask you if you were already well. I did not even help you carry the pail
of water for your bath. You went back to work just to come back home in the evening pale and almost
without life. You did not like to go to the doctor. You said that the money that we had was for next
semester, in case I want to enroll for school. You said that you will be alright.

The next day, you did not get up. My older sister cooked breakfast. Afterwards, she asked me to see if
you were already awake. As I approached you, there was a strange feeling. You were sleeping quietly,
very quiet. I looked at you and you were in bed calmly and peacefully. As I got near you I felt a strong
pounding on my chest. For the first time, I prayed for you, that God will open your eyes and say your
usual morning greetings to me with the loving reminder that I should eat breakfast on time. On bended
knees I touched you, called you, but you did not seem to hear. I embraced you, but you did not seem to
feel. I whispered to you that I wanted to take care of you but no response at all. Deep within me, I knew
why you can no longer hear, speak or feel me anymore. All I saw was a body, with a face that was calm
but still could not hide the pains and struggles of a woman who tried her best to give us a family in spite
of her limitations.

And now… as I touch your cold body before we bring you to final rest, I would like to tell you, for the
first time, how grateful I am to you for being our mother, giving us a taste of a family. Thank you for all
the love that you have given to us all. For the first time and last time. I want tell you I LOVE YOU and

The sad thing is that it does not matter anymore whether it is the first or the last time to say those
words to you…Wish you could hear me say those words, wish I was able to say them to you a long time

Story written for SUHAY



1. Opening Song: Be not Afraid

2. Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:1-7

And now, thus says Yahweh, he who created you, Jacob, who formed you, Israel: Do not be
afraid, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name, you are mine. Should you
pass through the waters, I shall be with you; or through rivers, they will not swallow you up.
Should you walk through fire, you will not suffer, and the flame will not burn you. For I am
Yahweh, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour. I have given Egypt for your ransom,
Cush and Seba in exchange for you. Since I regard you as precious, since you are honoured
and I love you, I therefore give people in exchange for you, and nations in return for your life.
Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I shall bring your offspring from the east, and gather you
from the west. To the north I shall say, 'Give them up!' and to the south, 'Do not hold them
back!' Bring back my sons from far away, and my daughters from the remotest part of the
earth, everyone who bears my name, whom I have created for my glory, whom I have formed,
whom I have made.


Materials: Clay in different colors

a. There are different colors of clay before you. Pray and reflect on the image that you have
of yourself at the moment. What symbol can you make out of the pieces of clay that you
have in your hands? Form them in the image that you think God wants you to
become at this point of your life.

b. In silence, shape or form… transform, mold the clay into a symbol that you think God
has for you.

c. Find a person with whom you can share your symbol, 3 minutes each… then find another
sharing-partner…and another sharing-partner….share with as many as you can…

3. Closing Song: ABBA FATHER


1. Think of how you‘ve been since yesterday. Think of one word that will describe it.

2. With the whole group, share your word and explain what made you think of this word.

All of the sacraments were instituted by Christ Himself, and each is an outward sign of an
inward grace. ... The first three sacraments—Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist (Holy
Communion)—are known as the sacraments of initiation, because the rest of our life as a
Christian depends on them. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the binding tie to all these

(From ReconciliatioetPaenitentia [RP] On Reconciliation
and Penance in the Mission of the Church Today.
Apostolic Exhortation of John Paul II following the Synod
on Penance, 1984)

What follows is a summary of Church teaching

on the sacrament of penance and its current
practice. In a series of quotes arranged topically
in the general outline the sacrament is
presented. Frequently asked questions about people (see Hebrews 2:17), the Church, having
the celebration of the sacrament are included at sinners in its midst, is at the same time holy and
the end. in need of cleansing, and so is unceasingly
intent on repentance and reform.‖
Sacramental confession is a privileged moment
of intimacy between the individual Christian Penance In The Church’s Life And
and God. Since these quotes derive from various Liturgy
Church documents they were written as
instructive since they pertain to the life of the The people of God accomplish and perfect this
Church they are also regulatory and juridical in continual repentance in many different ways.
nature. What is to be remembered however, in They share in the sufferings of Christ by
the gentle reminder which closes the church‘s enduring their own difficulties, carry out works
Code of Canon Law and describes its purpose: of mercy and charity, and adopt ever more fully
the salvation of souls is always the supreme law the outlook of the Gospel message. Thus the
of the Church. people of God become in the world a sign of
conversion to God. All this the Church expresses
The Church Is Both Holy And Always In in its life and celebrates in its liturgy when the
Need Of Purification faithful confess that they are sinners and ask
pardon of God and of their brothers and sisters.
Christ ―loved the Church and gave Himself up This happens in penitential services, in the
for it to make it holy‖ (Ephesians 5:25-26). He proclamation of the word of God, in prayer, and
united the Church to Himself as a bride. He in the penitential parts of the Eucharistic
filled it with His divine gifts, because it is His celebration (Introduction to the Rite of
Body and His fullness, through the Church He Penance).
spreads truth and grace upon all.
What is Sin?
The members of the Church, however, are
exposed to temptation and often fall into the Sin is before all else an offense against God, a
wretchedness of sin. As a result, ―whereas rupture of communion with Him. At the same
Christ, ‗holy, harmless, undefiled‘ (Hebrews time it damages communion with the Church.
7:26), knew no sin (see 2 Corinthians 5:21) but For this reason conversion entails both God‘s
came solely to seek pardon for the sins of His
forgiveness and reconciliation with the Church, For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must be
which are expressed and accomplished together met: a sin whose object is grave matter,
liturgically by the sacrament of Penance and is committed with full knowledge and deliberate
Reconciliation (Catechism of the Catholic consent. Grave matter is specified by the Ten
Church 1440). Commandments.

Sin is the root of division and alienation within Full knowledge presupposes knowledge of the
the human family. sinful character of the act. It also implies a
Our shattered world owes its state to the consent sufficiently deliberate to be a personal
presence of sin: choice (Catechism 1857-1859). ―Mortal sin, by
attacking the vital principle within us — that is,
• the trampling upon the basic rights charity — necessitates a new initiative of God‘s
of the human person mercy and a conversion of heart which is
• hidden attacks and pressures against normally accomplished within the setting of the
the freedom of individuals sacrament of reconciliation‖ (Catechism 1856).
• the various forms of discrimination:
racial, cultural, religious, etc. ―One commits venial sin when, in a less serious
• violence and terrorism matter, he does not observe the standard
• the stockpiling of conventional or prescribed by the moral law, or when he
atomic weapons disobeys the moral law in a grave manner, but
• the arms race with the spending on without full knowledge or without complete
military purposes of sums consent. Venial sin weakens charity; it manifest
• which could be used to alleviate the a disordered affection for created goods; it
undeserved misery of peoples that impedes the soul‘s progress in the exercise of
are socially and economically the virtues and the practice of the moral good; it
depressed merits temporal punishment. Deliberate and
• an unfair distribution of the world‘s unrepented venial sin disposes us little by little
resources and of the assets of to commit mortal sin. However venial sin does
civilization. not set us in direct opposition to the will and
friendship of God; it does not break the
Mortal Sin and Venial Sin covenant with God. With God‘s grace it is
humanly reparable‖ (Catechism 1862-1863).
Tracing its origin to scripture and reaching into
the earliest centuries of the Church, tradition While the Church teaches that sacrament of
and Church teaching have distinguished two penance is not strictly necessary for the
kinds of sin: mortal and venial. Mortal (grave or forgiveness of venial sin — these are forgiven
serious) sin is ―the act by which man freely and through reception of the Eucharist (Catechism
consciously rejects God, His law, the covenant 1394), acts of sorrow, works of charity, prayer,
of love that God offers, preferring to turn in on and penitential rites (RP) – the Church strongly
himself or to some created and finite reality, recommends confession of everyday faults
something contrary to the divine will ( (venial sins) (Catechism 1458).
conversio ad creaturam). This can occur in a
direct and formal way in the sins of idolatry,
apostasy and atheism; or in an equivalent way Social Sin
as in every act of disobedience to God‘s
commandments in a grave matter‖ (RP). By There are three meanings of this term. Each
such a ―conscious and free act of his will he can individual‘s sin in some way affects others and
change course and go in a direction opposed to therefore ―there is no sin, not even the most
God‘s will, separating himself from God (aversio intimate and secret one, the most strictly
a Deo), rejecting loving communion with Him, individual one, that exclusively concerns the
detaching himself from the life principle which person committing it. With greater or lesser
God is and consequently choosing death‖ (RP). violence, with greater or lesser harm, every sin
has repercussions on the entire ecclesial body
and the whole human family. According to the

first meaning of the term, every sin can Frequently Asked Questions aboutthe
undoubtedly be considered as social sin‖ (Rite Sacrament of Penance
of Penance).
What is the name of this sacrament?
Secondly, social sins are understood to be those It is most often called the Sacrament of
which constitute a direct attack against one‘s Penance, sometimes also the Sacrament of
brother or sister. This sense of social sin ―can be Penance and Reconciliation. The liturgical rite
applied to sins of commission or omission — on is called the ―rite of penance‖ and its different
the part of political, economic, or trade union forms are known as ―rites of reconciliation‖. The
leaders, who though in a position to do so, do names really describe two aspects of the same
not work diligently and wisely for the sacramental reality; its process and effects.
improvement and transformation of society Through penance, the process of sorrow,
according to the requirements and potential of forgiveness, absolution, and expiation for sins
the given historic moment; as also on the part of forgiven, we are reconciled with God and each
workers who through absenteeism or non- other.
cooperation fail to ensure that their industries
can continue to advance the well-being of the How often must I receive the Sacrament
workers themselves, of their families and of the of Penance?
whole society‖ (Rite of Penance). A frequent reception of the Sacrament of
Penance is recommended for all. After reaching
The third meaning of social sin refers to the the age of discretion (commonly accepted to be
relationships between the various human seven years of age), the faithful are to confess
communities. The class struggle as well as serious sins at least once a year (Code of Canon
obstinate confrontation between blocs of Law, canon 989).
nations, between one nation and another, What sins must I confess?
between different groups within the same Serious sins must be confessed in number and
nation are examples of social evil. Social sin kind. It is recommended that venial sins also be
does not, however, take away accountability for confessed (Code of Canon Law, canon 988).
individual sin. Social sin is the result of many
personal sins. ―It is a case of the very personal Do I use the confessional or may I
sins of those who cause or support evil or who confess face to face with the priest?
exploit it; of those who are in a position to The penitent always has the option to use a
avoid, eliminate or at least limit certain social confessional. A confessional may be a
evils but who fail to do so out of laziness, fear or reconciliation chapel or room, which allows the
the conspiracy of silence, through secret option for the penitent‘s kneeling at a fixed grill.
complicity or indifference; of those who take Confessions may be heard outside a
refuge in the supposed impossibility of confessional for a just cause (Code of Canon
changing the world and also of those who Law, Canon 964, NCCB, decree, BCL Newsletter
sidestep the effort and sacrifice required, 10 (1974) 450).
producing specious reasons of higher order. The
real responsibility, then, lies with individuals‖ What about the “Act of Contrition”?
(Rite of Penance). After the penitent confesses his or her sins, the
priest asks the penitent to express sorrow. This
may be done in one of the traditional forms or
in the penitent‘s own words similar to the
traditional forms, or in other forms (Rite of
Penance). Other forms include these prayers
from scripture or tradition: Psalm 51:4-5 - Wash
me from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. I
acknowledge my offense; my sin is before me
always. Luke 15:21 - Father, I have sinned
against you and am no longer worthy to be
called your son. Be merciful to me, a sinner. The

―Jesus Prayer‖ - Lord Jesus, Son of God have
mercy on me, a sinner. THE SACRAMENT OF
I haven’t been to confession in a long
time, how will I know what to do?
The rites are outlined above, but let the What is the Eucharist?
confessor be your guide. His ministry is that of  The Eucharist or mass is one of the three
Christ. His task is reconciliation. He is most sacraments of initiation.
concerned with helping you experience the
graces of the sacrament, not how well you What is the meaning of the word
remember the rite. In a communal celebration institution?
there are always programs to help the assembly.
In addition, the presider will give instructions at  The actual event in which Jesus gave us the
various points during the service. Eucharist.
 This event formed the mass or Eucharist.
Why is it that communal celebrations of
the sacrament of penance seem to differ When do we Catholics remember the
from parish to parish?
institution of the mass?
―It is for priests, and especially parish priests
(pastors):  Catholics remember the institution of the
mass on Holy Thursday.
 in celebrating reconciliation with
individuals or with a community, to adapt What are the different names for the
the rite to the concrete circumstances of the Eucharist?
penitents. They must preserve the essential  A. The Lord‘s supper.
structure and the entire form of absolution,
but if necessary they may omit some parts of  B. Breaking of the bread.
the rite for pastoral reasons or enlarge upon  C. Synaxis
them, may select the texts of readings or  D. Memorial
prayers, and may choose a place more  E. Holy Sacrifice
suitable for the celebration according to the
regulations of the conference of bishops, so  F. Divine Liturgy
that the entire celebration may be enriching  G. Most Blessed Sacrament.
and effective;  H. Holy Communion
 I. Holy Mass
 to celebrate and prepare occasional
penitential services during the year What is the meaning of the word
especially in Lent. In order that the texts
chosen and the order of celebration may be
adapted to the conditions and  Eucharist means ―to give thanks‖
circumstances of the community or group  Comes from the greek works: eucharistein
(for example, children, sick persons, etc.), and eulogin, which means recall the Jewish
priests may be assisted by others, including blessings that proclaims Gods works, 1.
the laity.‖
creation, 2. redemption and 3.

Lord’s supper
 A connection with the supper w/c Jesus
took with his disciples on the eve of his
passion .
 It anticipates the wedding feast of the lamb
in the heavenly Jerusalem.

Breaking of Bread.  B. The readings
 Because Jesus use this right when, as master  C. The Homily
of the table, He blessed, distributed the  D. The intercessions
bread at the last supper.  E. Nicene Creed

Eucharistic Assembly (Synaxis) What are the Elements of the liturgy of

 It is celebrated amid the assembly of the the Eucharist?
faithful, the visible expression of the church.  A. The bread
 B. The wine
Memorial  C. Offertory (bringing the gifts to the altar)
 It commemorates the Lord‘s Passion and  D. Collection
 E. Eucharistic prayer
 Holy Sacrifice
 F. Consecration
 It makes present the one sacrifice of Christ
 G. The Lord‘s prayer
the Savior and includes the Church‘s
 H. The sign of peace
 I. Lamb of God
 Holy sacrifice of the mass, sacrifice of
 J. Breaking of the bread.
praise, spiritual sacrifice, pure and holy
 K. Communion
 L. Announcements
 Used, since it completes and surpasses all
the sacrifice of the old covenants.  M. Final prayer and blessing.

Divine Liturgy What is the main Catholic belief about

 The church‘s whole liturgy finds its center
and most intense expression in the  The belief in the ―Real presence‖
celebration of this sacrament.
What is the Real presence?
Holy Communion  The real presence refers to the miracle of
 We unite ourselves to Christ , who makes Christ‘s presence under the species of bread
the sharer in His Body and Blood to form a and wine.
single body.  The bread and the wine becomes the body
and blood of Christ in a real way.
Holy mass
 Sending forth (mission) of the faithful, so Why Catholics called the Eucharist Holy
that they may fulfil God‘s will in their daily Communion?
lives.  Because we become members of the one
body of Christ when we eat of the one bread
How is the mass divided? and wine.
 The mass or Eucharist is divided in two  In the Eucharist we all become one in
parts: Christ.
 A. Liturgy of the word.
What are the effects of Holy Communion
 B. Liturgy of the Eucharist.
and Christ’s real presence?
What are the elements of the Liturgy of  A. We become one with Christ
the Word?  B. We become one with other Christians
 A. Gathering rites  C. Forgiveness for venial sins

 D. Spiritual strength to fight sin
 E. Strength to overcome the pain and Who presides in the Eucharist?
burden of every day life  The main presider of every Eucharist is the
 F. Grace (Holiness) Bishop.
 G. Power to love and to live like Christ  In the absence of the bishop the priests of
 H. The promise of eternal life. the diocese.


Source: Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Formation Module
on the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Year of the Eucharist and the Family 2016, “On Bended Knees”

Going to Confession to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our

Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died
The penitent and the priest begin with the sign for us. In His Name, O Lord, have mercy.
of the Cross, saying: In the Name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy After this the priest will absolve the penitent in
Spirit. the following words:
God, the Father of mercies, through the
The priest urges the penitent to have confidence death and resurrection of his Son has
in God with these or similar words: May the reconciled the world to himself and sent
Lord be in your heart and help you to the Holy Spirit among us for the
confess your sins with true sorrow. forgiveness of sins; through the ministry
of the Church may God give you pardon
The priest may read or say a passage from and peace, and I absolve you from your
Sacred Scripture after which the penitent then sins in the name of the Father, and of the
states: Forgive me, Father, for I have Son and of the Holy Spirit.
sinned. It has been (however many days,
weeks, months or years) since my last The penitent makes the sign of the Cross and
confession. answers: Amen.

The penitent then states his or her sins. For the The priest will then dismiss the penitent with a
confession to be valid, the penitent must short prayer and encouragement. The penitent
confess all of the mortal sins he or she is aware should then immediately try to fulfill the
of having committed since the last confession, penance imposed if it is something that can be
be sorry for them, and have a firm purpose of done quickly.
amendment to try not to commit the same sins
in the future. Preparing for the Sacrament of Penance

After this, the priest will generally give some Ask God for the Holy Spirit‘s help to examine
advice to the penitent and impose a penance. your conscience well by prayerfully reviewing
Then he will ask the penitent to make an act of your conduct in light of the commandments and
contrition. The penitent may do so in his or her the example of Christ. The questions below
own words, or may say one of many memorized should assist you in making a thorough review.
acts of contrition like the following:
Tell the priest the specific kind of sins you have
Act of Contrition committed and, to the best of your ability, how
many times you have committed them since
O My God, I am sorry for my sins with all your last good confession. Avoid generalizations
my heart. In choosing to do wrong and and inform the priest of any relevant
failing to do good, I have sinned against circumstances in which your sins were
you, whom I should love above all things. committed.
I firmly intend, with the help of your
grace, to do penance, to sin no more and

You are obliged to confess only mortal sins, If you are in doubt about whether a sin is mortal
since you can obtain forgiveness for your venial or venial, mention your doubt to the priest. For
sins by sacrifices, acts of charity, prayer and a sin to be mortal, three conditions must
other pious actions. Confession of venial sins, together be met: ―Mortal sin is sin whose object
however, is very helpful for avoiding sin and is grave matter and which is also committed
advancing in holiness toward Heaven. with full knowledge and deliberate consent.‖
(CCC 1857)

EXAMEN OF CONSCIENCE (Personal/Individual)

Source: Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Formation Module
on the Year of the Poor 2015, “Look at Jesus”

Can be used for Daily (Morning, Afternoon, Evening) Prayers

This prayer can be done formally or wherever you are, when you wake up, while on travel, before you go
to sleep. As long as you make a conscious effort to focus your being on the presence of God. The reality
of our lives is that we are so busy. But if we get used to the simple sequence of prayer below, it can be a
habit which we can use anytime, anywhere and at any circumstance. Adapted from Consciousness
Examen by Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

1. Prayer for Enlightenment

Loving God, send me your spirit, make me become more aware of your presence in my life.
Enlighten my mind and heart, let me set aside any thought, concern or imagination that will
hinder me from focusing on you. Lord Jesus, be present with me. Give me the courage to ―Look
at You‖, I know that you are gazing at me with your love, mercy and compassion… (spend
moments of silence)… I feel your presence and love embracing me

2. Reflective Thanksgiving
Lord, I really have nothing I can call my own, I am poor. But I know that I am also very rich
because you have given me everything…my life, my good heart, intelligence, my will... all that I
have. Everything in my life is a gift.

Lord I thank you for… (what are blessings in your life that you want to thank God for?)

3. Practical Survey of Actions

Lord, what has been happening in me? Help me to see you working in my life. With your love
and mercy, help me to see the people, events, thoughts and feelings through which you speak to
me. Help me to see you present and leading my life, through the…

People… Events… Thoughts… Feelings… Others…

4. Contrition and Sorrow

Lord, allow me to see in the circumstances of my life (above) where I failed to see you and
displeased you. I know that you are loving and merciful. My heart feels the sorrow for… (I am
sorry for…)

5. Hopeful Resolution for Future

Lord, I have seen you in the events of my life. I have counted my blessings. I have asked for your
forgiveness for not being able to respond to your love and presence accordingly.

Now, I am ready to face the future, with resolutions and hope that I can be a better person of
love and faith. I want to live in your Spirit, I want to see you at every moment of my daily life, I
want to do your will… I resolve to… (I promise to…)

6. Intentions…
Lord, I would like to pray for…
(People, intentions, situation… people you have promised to pray for…)

7. Church Prayers…
Our Father, Hail Mary… (other devotions)

8. Thanksgiving prayers… (Thank God for the moments when you were able to pray – reflect…)

Jesus Praying by Thudipara

St. Madeleine Sophie Barat (1779-1865)
Madeleine-Sophie Barat was born in France in 1779 in the little
Burgundian town of Joigny. She went to Paris in 1795, at the
height of the French Revolution, and initially considered
becoming a Carmelite. However, her experience of
Revolutionary violence in Joigny and Paris led her on another
path. In 1800 she founded the Society of the Sacred Heart whose
purpose was to make known the love of God revealed in the
Heart of Christ, and take part in the restoration of Christian life
in France through the education of young women of the rich and
the poor classes.

The Society of the Sacred Heart quickly expanded within Europe

and beyond. At the same time Sophie Barat also grew,
transformed by her experience as leader and friend to so many
women who joined her. She learned to face the impact of
Jansenism in herself, in her family, in the Church and to
understand that its true counter-balance was the experience the
love of God revealed in the Heart of Christ. Sophie Barat had a
natural capacity for friendship and she enjoyed a wide network
of relationships, with her family, with members of the Society,
with the clergy, and with students and friends in all walks of life. On another level, Sophie Barat was
awake to the social, political, economic and religious currents operating in Europe and in the wider
world of her time. By her awareness of their impact on the world of education Sophie Barat ensured the
Society‘s contribution to the education and the promotion of women in her time and into the future.

In exercising her role as founder and superior general Sophie Barat gradually created her own style of
leadership. This tended towards moderation, seeking the middle ground, accepting the possible, more
realistic option, rather than the impossible ideal; and she tended by instinct to consult rather than
decree. This style of leadership was tested several times within and without the Society, especially from
1806-1815 and 1839-1851. Nevertheless, Sophie Barat remained superior general of the Society of the
Sacred Heart from 1806 until her death in 1865.

Sophie Barat‘s spiritual leadership of the Society was centred on the love of God revealed in the Heart of
Christ. She was committed to a deep life of prayer and reflection, and she continually invited the
members of the Society to see this as the basis for their inner lives and for whatever tasks they
undertook. The importance of such qualities was stressed in the original Constitutions of the Society of
the Sacred Heart of 1815 and reaffirmed in the revised Constitutions of 1982. They are also found
consistently in the collection of Sophie Barat‘s 14,000 original letters and remain a vital legacy to the
Society and to the wider Christian community.

By the time of her death in 1865 Sophie Barat guided an international community of 3,359 women,
inspired by a deeply held spiritual ideal and offering a service of education to women in Europe, North
Africa, North and South America.

No authentic portrait of Sophie Barat exists from her lifetime. She specifically refused to sit for a
portrait, or to have her photograph taken.

Madeleine Sophie Barat was canonized a saint of the Roman Catholic Church on May 25, 1925.


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