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Students name: Yessica Natalia Fierro Mora y Jessica Marlen Ramos

Martinez________________ ________________________
Date: _________________



1. Read and complete the chart.

Dear Mauricio
Welcome to the Friends Club. It’s for English learners and friends around the
Martina, Pepe, Kate, Dunya, Mary, Paul and Bernd are members of the Club:
Martina is from Italy. She’s twelve. Pepe is Spanish. He’s nine. Kate and Mary
are twins from Great Britain. They are thirteen years old. Dunya is from
Russia. She’s ten. Paul is French and he’s eleven. Bernd is from Germany and
he is eight years old. How old are you?
Enjoy the club!


Martina twelve12 Italy italian
Pepe nine9 spain spanish
Kate thirteen13 Great Britain
Dunya ten10 Russia russian
Mary thirteen13 Great Britain
Paul eleven11 france french
Bern eigth8 germany german
You sixteen16 Colombia colombiana

2. Write questions ordering the words. Then, answer the questions

according to the text in exercise 1. (Escriba preguntas organizando las
palabras. Después, responda las preguntas de acuerdo al texto del primer

a) Dunya from Russia is
- Is Dunya from Russia? Yes, she is.

b) Paul is German
- Is Paul German? No,he isnt.

c) The twins are France from

- The twins are from france ? - no, they are not.

d) Eight Bernd old is years

- Is bernd eight years old ? + Yes, he is.

e) Martina Italy from is

- Is martina from Italy ? + Yes, she is.

f) Kate is French
- Is kate french? - No, she isnt.

g) are from England your Friends

- Your friends are from England? + Yes, they are not.

h) You American are

- You are American? - No, I’m not .

i)From is Luisa Colombia

-Is Luisa from Colombia? - No, she isnt.

3. Circle the correct word.

a) Carlos is from Spain .

b) She is French.

c) I am Turkish.

d) These are my friends from Germany.

e) Sofia is Greek.

f) Gina is from Japan.

g) You are Cubanish.

h) Paulina and Jhon are American.

i) My friend Michael is Peruvian.

j) Ana is from Russia.

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