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Breauna Crowther

Anth 1010

Chapter 4

Class and Inequality

All of my interviews defined themselves as Middle class since they don’t make a lot of
money but they have enough to have what they need and some wants.

Miss Tauni- Middle class is good she would want to change her class because the upper
class is thought to be arrogant. She grew up in the middle class so she knows the middle class
better than the others.
Miss Lindy- Would want to stay in the middle too, since the upper class is very arrogant “
better than you”, and money is nothing to them. Lower class struggles to get what they need and
it is hard to get by. No matter what class you are in you can still do good and when you have
more money it is easier to help someone financially. Her cousin lived in Bolivia for 2 years and
when he came back he looked and touched all the nice things his family had.
Hilarie- she said that she likes the middle class because she wouldn’t want some of the
things that come with the upper class and she would prefer not being in poverty in the lower

Miss Tauni- She agrees that she is treated equally because she is surrounded by good
people that respect her and she respects them.
Miss Lindy- She likes to think that she and others not only have the same equality but the
same opportunity. For example, a job everyone should have a chance as long as you have the
skills. In some other cultures, the family can’t eat until the father has eaten and finished his
dinner then the family can eat.
Hilarie- Agrees that she is treated equally in our society.

Miss Tauni-The preschool is more equally treated now then it has been in the past. The
only reason Miss Tauni went to preschool when she was a little girl, her mother was a preschool
teacher. In the past, it wasn’t as important to take your kid to preschool, but now times have
changed and preschool is very important.
Miss Lindy- Preschool is very equal because you can choose which preschool you want
your kid to go to.
Hilarie- With economics the preschool is equal in our society, she understands that the
preschool is outside of the lower class. There are programs to help with this, kids are able to go
to a school that the parents don’t have a lot.

Economy, Politics, and Power

Miss Tauni- She is a part-time preschool teacher, and she loves it! A lot of people think
it is hard and it is but those hard times helps her to grow and have a better connection with the
Miss Lindy- All of my life I have been a teacher and an Educator.
Hilarie- I am self-employed and my husband is the farmer on our farm. I run a preschool
on the farm called Little Farmers Preschool. I am also employed as a university professor.

Miss Tauni- The only person I can think of that is in our preschool that has another job is
Amy. Amy has two other jobs so three jobs in total.
Miss Lindy- Some teachers do have to take on two jobs because teaching doesn’t pay
well. She wasn’t didn’t need to get a second job because her husband was the Chaplin in the
Hilarie- Most of the teachers are supported by their husbands and their incomes. One of
our Directors named Amy works with the farm and the preschool.

Miss Tauni- The people do in some aspect when it goes to the nation you have less power
since mainly it comes down to the president to make the decisions. She brought up the Mitt
Romney and Brock Obama election, and how Utah voted for Mitt Romney but most of our
county choose Brock Obama.
Miss Lindy- The main people who have power are the leaders since it is a Democracy.
Everyone can be a leader no matter where you are so everyone has the power it just depends on
how they use it, they can use it for good or bad, it is their choice.
Hilarie- In America we have the freedom to decide what we think is valuable to us or
what isn’t. Me and my husband, Luke, have decided to focus on smaller/ simpler things and
service. We both have devoted our lives and careers to help the people who are in need and we
have opened our farm up to the larger community.

Miss Tauni- We all have the power we just need to stand up for what we think is right. In
the preschool, we are able to choose our own curriculum and we get to teach good values.
Miss Lindy- Our preschool does have power, we have the power to influence the lives of
the children. We teach them to respect and we teach them how to act in the world.
Hilarie- Little Farmers Preschool does have power for those that value the power of
learning about our roots, and the world that is surrounding us.

Miss Tauni- I am more on the Republican side I am not for change, even though change
is good sometimes but why change something that is working and not broken?
Miss Lindy- I am a Conservative Republican I am not too much into Liberation as the
Hilarie- I don’t completely identify with any of the political parties, I am more liberal in
some of my views, and I do want to help other people.

Miss Tauni- The preschool doesn’t represent politically the only thing that we do in
preschool that is similar to politics is what we teach. We teach them about presidents on
presidents day, and we have gotten grants from the government but that it.
Miss Lindy- More kids in this class are more liberal because they are doing things their
way or what they think is right and they are outgoing. Others are more on the quiet side and they
seem more on the Republican side.
Hilarie- The larger community that the preschool is in mainly votes Republican, and we
stay away from political topics.
Miss Tauni- Is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We believe
that God had a son which was Jesus Christ and there is Holy Ghost these three people are the
members in the Godhead. Joseph Smith restored the gospel that was taken away from the earth a
little after Christ's death. We have living prophets and apostles here on this earth with real
Miss Lindy- is also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and we
believe that we lived with God before we came to this earth. We know all the life questions why
are we here and where we are going.
Hilarie- belongs to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and she practices it in
her daily life.

Miss Tauni- answered that they don’t have any rituals.

Miss Lindy- we have blessings
Hilarie- She attends church every week and other religious services at least once a week.

Health and Illness

Miss Tauni- Likes the good kind of medical care and insurance from her husbands work.
Miss Lindy- She likes to be in charge of her own health which means eating good and
exercising. When she gets sick she first uses Natural remedies then she goes to medical unless it
is an emergency.
Hilarie- She goes to a naturopath who has medically training in western and eastern
medicines. She likes the preventative nature because it has more natural remedies. We want to
eat well and I feed my kids a large number of greens on the plant-based diet.

Miss Tauni- She has a sister who is really sick and has had multiple surgeries and doctor
appointments. They have done blessings ( Gods power is given to those with priesthood
authority ) to her, so when someone gets sick we give them a blessing.
Miss Lindy- blessings
Hilarie- first she does natural remedies with diets, supplements, etc. If it is still there then
she asks for a blessing from her husband or member of the church. Then she seeks medical
attention. If it is a member of the preschool we immediately call 911 if its bad enough, or/ and
their parents. She said,” I will not impose my beliefs on others who might not believe what I

Art and Media

Miss Tauni- She likes to listen to some modern songs, Christian, hip hop, good uplifting
music. The instruments she knows how to play is the piano, singing, she used to play the
clarinet, and she is really good playing the radio.
Miss Lindy- Likes to listen to is relaxing, not modern, no pop, love musicals, any from
her time like Roder Williams, and she plays the piano and she can sing.
Hilarie- Loves instrumental music that is religious, classical, and meditation music. Also,
she loves to dance and like most types of music and will listen to them every so often and dance

Miss Tauni- YES! Tauni loves to watch movies/ TV shows, and books even though she
doesn’t have a lot of time for it. She loves anything uplifting, with family values, romance,
action, and no horror.
Miss Lindy- LOVE MOVIES! Her favorites are any musicals, but the special ones are
Oklahoma, The Sound of Music, South Pacific, and anything on Hallmark.
Hilarie- She likes books and she reads at least 30 min every day. Movies and TV shows
are good but she only watches them 1-2 hours a week.

Miss Tauni- In the preschool we do have crafts, in creation station, in the busy bee room.
Every week we have one craft so the kids can express themselves and one science experiment.
Miss Lindy- Of Course, we sing songs in our preschool, we also do art projects, dancing (
wiggle songs ). They even get to dress up in the barn room and on our 100 days of school they
dressed up as if they were 100 years old, and they got to dress up what they wanted to be when
they grow up.
Hilarie- YES! She loves art and is really good at it, that she is going to teach at the
University of Utah. She says,” therapeutic and you can incorporate it into the study of so many
other fields.”

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