The Goldfield News., December 21, 1907

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IS The Goldfield News “AH That’s New and True of the Greatest Gold

Camp Ever Known”
,":1~ 1 "
!MHi.iir»l "
VOL. 4. No. 86.

Esmeralda County, Nevada* Saturday, December 2 *, 1007.
_Coldfield, Prior 10 Cents



Thsre U one property that haa worked right

along during the strike in Plana for the building of the big mill of th* Consolidated am well

Telegram to Governor Sparks States That There

the Goldfield district and which seems to be entirely Indifferent
tions that affect the rest of the camp, and that is the Elks
lease on the Yellow Tiger ground.
to condi-
The company is strong financially and
Is und. rwajr. the site for tb« plant having been definitely derided thla
and it will l>e only a abort time now till the excavation work will be

started. The mill will be located about two miles north of town, on the
has been able to pay in gold, and being on the outskirts of the
zone of
greatest activity, has not been disturbed by either one side or the other to No Necessity for Soldiers Here and That the west slope of Sandstorm ridge, and while It la soma little
the nroperttea of the company, the atte was selected aa the
distance from
bent from bn
the labor controversy.
economic standpoint, after n thorough Investigation of all matters
The Yellow Tiger company owns two groups of claims in
the Goldfield
district; one group in the extreme northern end, and one in tbs southern State Must Take Steps to Form taining thereto.
The mill will coat fully a half mlllon dollar* and will be

pt|e qt the
end. It la upon this southern group that the Elks Consolidated is
carrying moat complete and modern plants In the world.
on operations. This group of claims lies to the south of and
Wonder and Goldstone claims of the Goldfield Consolidated
adjoining the
company, which
Forces to do Police Work between 500 and $00 tons n day, and will add
It will have a rapacity of
tremendously to the^bhlllon
production of Nevada when It la In operation. Th* class of ore now being
claims wore acquired by the Consolidated through Its purchase of the Com- treated In the Combination mill averages about $40 to the
ton. Hitd on that
bination Mines company holdings. It lies east of the MtlltoWn Mining
Yesterday, Governor Sparks received a message from government of Nevada to take the steps necessary in this haste the new mill could turn out enough bullion In one month
to more
company and west of the Red Rock company's ground, and lies in the gen- than pav the entire cost of construction.
President Rooeevelt advising him that the troops would be matter.
eral sweep of the so-called horseshoe. A detailed description of the processes to he used In the reduction of
Some time ago a company was formed In Colorado to work a lease on withdrawn from Goldfield en December 30. The reasons “I stand ready to eee that the national government dots
the orea cun not be had at thla lime, hut In a
general way the method will
this property. The ground had been thoroughly prospected
by the best for the withdrawal of troops, as given by the president are its full constitutional duty In this matter of preserving he hy stamps, amalgamation,
cyanldlng and concentration, th# oompany
Colorado experts and upon their report there was no trouble in financing order, hut this readiness on the part of the national gov- putting In its own plant to treat the concentrates, thus avoiding the heavy
that there does not appear to be a state of insurrection in
the lease. Denver and I^adville capital combined and work was begun freight and smelter charges The Merrill continuous filler preaaea will
ernment does not excuse the state government for failure
without fuss or flurry. In fact the largest gallows frame In the district Goldfield, and in the absence of such conditions, the United be Installed, which will do away with all agitation—a source of
to perform its full duty in the first place. continual
was brought from Denver and erected upon the ground before even the States troops would only be doing police duty while on the annoyance In the ordinary mill. Theae preaaea have been uaed In the mills
newspapers became wise to the large operations planned by the Colo- ground. It was suggested in previous correspondence with “Federal aid should not be sought for by a state aa a at I,e«d City, Hnuth Dakota, and have proven very successful.
radoans. The frame was of steel, the first in the district, and the other the governor that an extra session of the legislature be con- method of relieving Itself from this duty, and the state To transfer th# ore from the mines lo th# mill, a
complete and fully
equipment was of the same high class character. Sinking was started at should not be permitted to substitute the United States for equipped broad-gauge railroad will be constructed, with spu.s running to
vened in order that legislation might be enacted creating a
once, and although only a few months have elapsed, the shaft has reached every producing shaft of the company's ground. The situation of the
a depth of 630 feet, and the leasers are still going down without thought of state militia. Governor Sparks, it is said, refused to con- government of the state in the ordinary duties of maintain- mill makes an easy down grade haul from the mines, and the cost
cessation until the 1,000-foot point is reached. The shaft is three-com- sider such a proposition, as the legislature had already, at ing order within the state. transportation will be a small Item.
partment, equipped with a 110-horse power hoist, two drums, each carry- its last session, disclosed its hostility to creating a militia, “For the reasons given in this and my former telegram Construction work on the mill will be started soon after the
Aral of
ing 1 ,200 feet of cable. I have accordingly directed the troops to return to their the year, and In the meantime the properties of the
r and the governor believed that a bill of such portend would company will be put
Although no prospecting has been done In the course of Sinking, the In shape for a heavy production. The Combination mine and mill
be voted down. The message was as follows: former station on Monday, December 30 next. are now
leasers are confident that they are In the neighborhood of the ore zone. running with a full force, about 100 men being employed, and arrange-
“THEODORE ROOSEVELT.” ments have been made to start work on the Mohawk next
They have already penetrated a mammoth ledge which reports give as “I have received no answer from you to my telegram of week, the com-
running 114 to the ton. This ledge was cut at the 600-foot point. If the pany having men enough In sight to operate with,
December 17, in which I said that unless there was forth- (linking of the shaft
report is confirmed it is of the greatest significance to Goldfield. In fact its FEDERATION TO THE PRESIDENT will be resumed and development on the GGO-foot level
pushed forward.
importance can hardly be comprehended, as it would Beem to prove up that coming further call shown to Justify keeping troops at Gold- O. N. Hilton, attorney for the Western Federation of Fifty non-union mlnera came In yesterday from California, and they are
vast area south of the Florence and Atlanta that has hardly been touched. field I should direct their return to their former stations. being quartered at the company boarding house at Jumbotown, till the
Miners, yesterday sent the following telegram to President Mohawk la ready to open up.
“I am informed by three representatives of the depart- Roosevelt:
ment of commerce and labor, who are in Goldfield by my •“Every effort made yesterday by us for conference and
order, that you have stated to them in writing that you will settlement refused by mine owners. Commission hearing
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO not convene the legislature to consider the call for troops,
nor take necessary steps to form safe military forces.
only enemies of organised labor as witnesses. Not square
deal. No disorder here and will be none. Willing to con-
LOOK INTO FREIGHT RATES “Their report further satisfies me that there is no dis-
turbance threatened which the government of Nevada ought
cede everything fair for honorable adjustment, and return
to work. Can you and will you help us? THE MINES OF TONOPAH
Several matters of Importance were was also brought to the attention of the not to be able to control if it starts to work with a serious (Signed) GOLDFIELD MINERS’ UNION,
Tonopah. Dec. 1».—The week that has It
brought up at the meeting of the direc- chamber, the merchants claiming that purpose to do so, but that no effort is being made by the By O. N. HILTON, Attorney. means. means that with Increased
tors of the chamber of commerce on the rate has been practically doubled in passed has been a history
making values, the big body will develop Into a
Thursday aftem&on, the hour of meet- many Instances In the past month. The epoch for thin camp, end Tonopah blda milling grade. In the event of which
ing having been changed from the even- municipal committee was Instructed to there le no doubt that the other mines
fair to start on a new lease of life, from

ing for the convenience of the member*. confer with the light company In the contlguoua wilt get ore below the daclt*
the developments which are rapidly be- Intrusion, and that they will be among
Complaint* have been made to the cham- matter, and will ask for a new schedule
ing made. Two most Important matters the richest properties In the world.
ber that the Southern Pacific was mak- of rates.
have come to pass. The first was the
ing overcharges on goods shipped into The matter of reducing the cost of The Midway, It now appears has a
announcement that the long talked of
camp by the merchants, and they were groceries and other supplies was gone


similar body to that of the Montgna
rail) for ths Tonopah Extension mine
compelled to pay excess before goods into to some extent, and the chamber Tonopah, Which la sixty feet In width.
was to be started, and that plana are al-
were released. The merchants claim will prepare a statement to the railroad The people of the Midway have been
ready on tha way for the entire plant.
the railroad company charges all the company asking a reduction In freight keeping quiet their dlacovery, and have
The second wee the discovery of ore un-
way from $40 to $200 a car more than rates on certain commodities, it being
Judge O. N. Hilton, general counsel for the Western Federation of Miners, arrived in Goldffeld Thursday and derneath the daclte intrusion in ths
already started a -wtnae, 800 feet north
their printed rate schedule call* for. and claimed that there is a great discrep- of the abaft. They confidently expect
immediately mailed the following letter to the Mine Operator:;' association: Mon la mi Tonopah mine.
tha chamber will *ake the matter ip ancy in the charges on differ > articles, to get the value*, and all the
Oolddeld, Dec. 19, 1907. The last disco vary hi eonatdsred tha indications
with the railroad, and If necessary, with the prices on some havflfg been increased"" are In their favor.
most Important happening in the camp
the Interstate commerce commission. rather than decreased, since the advent To the Oolddeld Mine Owners and to W. H. Bryant, its Attorney: In the Tonopah Extension, they are
of the railroad. since the discovery of ths Mlapah by
The prices charged for electric lights Gentlemen—On my arrival in Oolddeld
yesterday X was informed by President O. H. MacKinnon, of the local Jim Butler In 1*00. For more than a
far In on their croeaeut on the 1,080

union, that he had lately suggested to you the propriety of a conference where the present unhappy differences—which year and a half, the presence of the
level, and they, too, have found the In-
daclte Intrueion baa made Iteelf known dication*
IinT WEBER WXBS IUIT of an ore body. Rich string-
flUR OOVWTT 1U1T1T I believe have only for a moment forgotten the saner and better things—may be temporately and, I believe, happily ad-
OR VOIDER QUEER GROUP er* have been encountered, and what
In the principal mines In the district,
Hi mu ooKnmB justed. elae haa been discovered, the manage-
In the district court at Reno this and has operated to the disadvantage of
A. B Rich, of the engineering Arm of I earnestly hope, gentlemen, that such a meeting may be arranged, and that on the eve of the most delightful
week, Henry Weber was awarded posses- the camp as far as investment and ment Is not, at the present time, dis-
Olmstead & Rich, has returned from the sion of the Queen group of claims at season of all the year, both sides in this contention may approach it, determined to show to that Great Jury to whom, speculation are concerned. It affected closing They are not making a secret
>-f the matter, but they are fearful lest
northern end of the county, where he Wonder, the ownership of which has after all, we are compelled to go at length, that you, on the one side, are willing' and solicitous to be fair and magnan- the price of every stock from that of
the Jim Butler over to the Tonopah Ex- they
The raise false hopes. They expect to
since last winter.
has been engaged in running the divid- been ip dispute imous, and we, as an organisation, on the other, equally anxious to retain peace and good will as our most valuable assets.
property consists of 134 acres and was tension. It was a mystery, this fault encounter the ore body, at a point just
ing line between Esmeralda and Church- With highest regards, I remain, very respectfully yours, below where the fault occurred In the
one of the first locations of the district. in the mines, and It was a hard nut to
ill counties. About a month ago, Elmer O. N. HILTON, crack in the hands of the most expert upper level. That they will And the ore
The original locators of the property
Western Federation of Miners. there is no doubt; the only speculation
Chute, county surveyor, accompanied by first gave an option to the Gibraltar In- Attorney engineers.
Is the possibility of the fault having
vestment company of Denver, on the ex- There was plenty of ore in all the
Mr. Rich, met the county surveyor Of created a greater displacement than has
of which Weber secured the ASSOCIATION'S REPLY mines, in the upper levels, but the wise been
Churchill county at Schurz. and started piration figured upon. That Is, Instead of
line to same terms. The original owners then The following reply was sent Judge Hilton through tha mails by the Mine Operators’ association, indicating that men of the east figured that what was
a Joint survey of the boundary picking up the lost body where It dis-
fast got into a dispute and an injunction was little to a camp that did not have depth.
determine in which county the the employers will'heed no proposition involving a compromise: appeared, the vein have been
issued restraining all parties from dis- Most of the mines were down to the 600
growing camp of Rawhide was located. Goldfield, Nev., Dec. 19, 1907. shifted several hundred feet
of any part of the property until to
Work was begun at the northwest corner posing levels, and bad ore in sight carry on

12 miles title was settled. This injunction was Hon. O. N. Hilton, Attorney Western Federation of Miners, Goldfield, Nev.: their workings and pay dividends for With these discoveries Tonopah will
of Esmeralda county, about
north of Schurz, where the corner post disregarded
by Seymour, one of the lo- Dear Sir—Your communication received today. We are as desirous as you that peace and good will shall pre- years to come. But this did not seem have to be reckoned with as another
who sold his interest to the to cut any figure with the men who had Comstock. The early comers here who
of the Joint survey of 1883, of Lyons, cators, vail during this Christmas season, but we submit that the Great Jury to which you refer will consider that the only
counties was Gibraltar company, and was brought examined the mines. There was the were familiar with Virginia City, were
Churchill and Esmeralda
The final deci- kind'of peace and the only expression of good will which can be of any value as between the interests which we re-
located. The line was run due east Into contempt of court. depth lacking, and consequently there struck with the similarity of the ore to
from that point to the northeast corner
sion awards the property to Weber on spectively represent, must be such as are not only for the Christmas time, but are for all seasons. was no peripanency to the camp. that of the Comstock, and the similar-

of this county, a distance of sixty-one

the exercising of his option. It would be useless for us to meet you as attorney for the Western Federation of Miners. On December 7 last we This was the way that it was figured ity of geological conditions. When the
a communication to the public containing our views about that organlaxtion. Nothing has since occurred to from the eastern standpoint, and truth fault rame In and there was raised the
and one-fourth miles, and shows Raw- addressed
ATTOBEBT to confess the local men could not say cry of lack of depth, the Idea of* the
hide to be between three and four miles DEPUTY DISTRICT change our opinion. Any attempt at compromise or new agrocmcnt with that body can not lead to permanent peace.
of FIGURES IE SHOOTIEQ SCRAPE much, for there was ths apparent end Comstock was forgotten. Now. with
south of the dividing line, placing all
If, with these views upon our part, you wish to confer with us, we will be glad to meet with you at any time. of the ore, and the prices of the stocks greater depth there Is no way of deter-
the mineral bearing territory of that Martin O’Brien, recently appointed
Yours very truly,
The sur- deputy district attorney at Rawhide, went to smash, and following this there mining the richness of the camp, and
camp well within this county. there Is no Idea of the extent of the
GOLDFIELD MINE OPERATOR*’ ASSOCIATION, was a stoppage of dividends in the ma-
to be only 29 was the aggressor in a shooting scrape
vey also shows Rawhide
jority of the properties. The greatest depth. It was In the lower levels that
miles from the railroad in a direct line that took place In that camp last Tues- WM. H. EBB, Secretary.
town of smash in all of the stocks, it will be re- the richest bodies of ore were found In
Esmeralda also gets the day. O’Brien, while under the influence
Bessie Gard- Western Federation of mine owners, he contrives to have embodied in the report to membered, wap that of the Tonopah Ex- the Comstock. There have been rich
Eaglevllle, which appears on the map of liquor, quarreled with “No compromise with the
tension, which had soared to 614 and enough bodies discovered In the upper
the ner, a resident of the redlight district, the president for the benefit of bis clients.
as being located in Churchill county, Miners,” is the dictum of the Mine Owenrs’ association. 615 a share upon the showing: and from levels of the mines in this camp, and tf
survey showing it to be on this
side of and shot her In the thigh, inflicting a This was the answer sent by the mine owners to a letter The Mine Operators’ association did not spend much
that figure slumped to 12 a share. there would be a repetition of theae dis-
which it Is time upon the letter sent by Judge Hilton. Secretary Erb
the line. There are several mines at dangerous wound from received from Judge O. N. Hilton of Denver, now in Gold- The englneera of the mine after an In- coveries, that would be good enough.
this point, one of which has Just been doubtful if she will recover.
A waiter,
field as the general attorney for the Western Federation of telephoned the members of the association on the receipt of
was also the letter and was instructed by each member, individually, spection and thorough examination of The new discoveries make of Tonopah
taken over by California mining men, who tried to disarm O’Brien, Miners. the situation, decided that there was again, a speculative camp, as well as
was only a flesh from Denver head- to reply to the proposals that while the association wouid
who are to do extensive work. shot in the leg, but it
Judge Hilton had come to Nevada but one thing to do. and that was to one of Investment. If you take the map
wound and no serious trouble Is antici- a motion for a new not refuse to meet Judge Hilton and discuss the situation,
quarters of the Federation, to argue no other determination could be expected than that which get under the break in the ore. Before of Tonopah. you will observe numbers
ooLonxLS urn* fat $i *7,000 pated from it. trial in the cases of Preston and Smith, in the penitentiary doing this the diamond drill was brought of properties close In and far out.
O’Brien was immediately arrested and at Carson City, for the murder of Silva, the
restaurant had been embodied in the various public announcements of
taxes xv sura kovthb to Goldfield, as the feeling at After the case had the Mine Operators’ association, and that was, in effect, Into play. It is understood that by this which have only been worked In part,
brought keeper, in the labor war last spring. means the ore found, but there and then dropped In consequence of the
The report of James H. Nevin, state
him “No Compromise.’’
Rawhide was very strong against been submitted he was ordered to Goldfield
to see what he
the never was any report made of the find. dacite intrusion appearing In the hlg
bullion tax collector, Aiows that and it was feared he might
be sum-
could do toward extricating the local branch of
the Federa- The morning following the mailing of the letter to the
have The Extension want to work to sink, mines. Now, with the depths and per-
mines of the Goldfield district will marily dealt with. It is only a few
tion from the bad fix it had gotten into with the
Mins Mine Operators’ association, Judge Hilton appeared before
and is now prospecting on the 1,050 manency proven at depth, there Is go-
to pay the sum of $197,840.33 in the local branch of the Federation of Miners and explained
weeks since that Francis L. Burton
Operators’ association. what he had done. He was acting on behalf of the execu- level, which is far below the daclte in- ing to l>e new blood shot Into the camp
for the nine months of 1907 ending ordered out of the camp by the sturdy of the

the net Judge Hilton is one of the cleverest lawyers trusion. as soon an the financial stringency Is at
is to do away resourceful and tive officers of the Federation at Denver and asked for the
citizens who have combined Eocky Mountain region. He is eloquent,
30. The tax on
is at the Mine Owners, he of the local branch. From all reports this The experience of the Extension was an end. and capital Is more free for
receipts of ores shipped, and with lawlessness in that place. plausible. In the letter he sends to the
Three-fourths of of peace and makes a concurrence was given, speedily and vociferously. The almilar to that of the Montana Tonopah, investment. It Is expected that Tono-
rate of 4.7 per cent. assumes the role of the messenger
the state local organ iaztion was mighty glad of some proposition, the Midway, and in a more or less de- I pah will again see times equal to the
one per cent of the tax goes to fdoriecb aptbr which, knowing that it will not be acceptable to
T.TTTT.T proposal, be- even if humiliating to the officers and leaders of the local. gree, all the otiier mines oil the hill go<id old lays of the leasers.
and the balance to the county. the high grad the Mine Owners, puts his organiaztion in the position
Mr. Nevin states that the gross
fore the country of having been the
first to make over- Judge Hilton’s proposals were not set forth in his letter to The Montana Tonopah haa been pros- | The mill of the Tonopah Extension
of the Charles Rookard was arrested last the association, but he made no disguise to the newspapers pectlng on the 760 level, and a Tew days will he a valuable acquisition to the
of the gold and silver production the Mine Owners on the
of the Little tures and at the same time putting
Tuesday on complaint what it contemplated, and gave the following interview for since, encountered a body of ore thirty
state for the year will be In the neigh- of the It Is to he of forty stamps, and
as being responsible for the continuation
show- Florence management, and'stx
and one- defensive, feet In width. There are no values of will be located right here In Tonopah.
borhood of $25,000,000. a splendid ore was found stnitfglp* publication:
half tons of high grade “I cannot say at this time .just what the proposal in full consequence in the hodv. hut it was
ing considering the time lost by labor on Fifth Judge Hilton also appeared before the investigating
any Instead of being built at Millers twelve
ship- in his possession. His premises his organiaztion is will be if T succeed in bringing about a conference. The not to be expected that any would be miles av'ay It will be so arranged
troubles and suspension of smelter contain a complete commission and explained how pacific
settle- avenue were found to found at the first break. They are go- that It ran he Increased at pleasure to
ments owing to lack of prompt of ore, the opera- now and always had been
when disputes arose between em-
ments. $Je estimates that Goldfield
will plant for the reduction and the answer of the (Continued on Page Four.) ing down on the ore, and it la expected 100 stamps Its men will be employed
this year, tion of which was conducted
with nyuch ployer and employe. His proposition that the values will increase with depth In Tonopah. will live here, and will be
produce half of the $25,000,000 The Little Florence ore seized The find has been the talk of the camp,
as sdcrecy. paid off here; and It will mean, be-
and that next year it will produce and a charge
state for 1907. He is valued at about $4,000. and it has made a difference in the sides. a big Increase to the output of


much as the entire entered against
head of of grand larceny was feelings of those who know what it Tonopah.
looks for Nevada to be at the
Rookard in the justice’s court.
the gold producing states in 1908.


of the mine* of “We selecting these men with care,” said a member
Independent worker* for the operation
Goldfield have been arriving from outside points all week, of the Mice Operators’ association, “because we expect
them to become permanent employes. We could have im-
numbers. They have been met at the depot by
in scattering
association, and ported 2,000 men within a few hours at any time since it be-
representatives of the Mine Operators
by the association at came known that we were ready to open the mints, but of
«_a with taken at once to the quarters provided Thomas B. Rickey,
president of the j get that if some hold out the agreement
msuy of them would have been undesirable. What
_.. .<_

of the pany neiu in the heart of the mining district, surrounded course State Rank and Trust company, arrived ia not binding either upon
myself or
The contest over the ownership
and continued work, finally ap- we are after Is experienced mine workers of the best class, those who have signed.
has been the law There they were housed The alternative
Bulla and Bears ground, which
plying for patent,
which was adversed by the largest producing mines. from Carson City last Tuesday to look ]
is receivership
settled ou bunch and and we are having no trouble in securing such men.’’ proceedings, and thia
on for almost two years, was
by the relocators. On
condition that the and fed. Yesterday, 47 workmen arrived in one after the affairs of the local hank. He j
means a fraction of the deposits within
of court last Saturday, and what Pr°“*
withdrawn a settlement
crews are expected on Further discussing the situation, he said: “The opin-
states that the bank can open only after two or three years.
battle adverse be W6re taken to quarters, and other I want to assure
laed to be a long drawn out legal ion seems to exist that the operators of this district arc
reached, Bowen and associates getting every train. It is Intended that by
the time the troops are all the depositors have signed the agree- the people that there will be no pre-
Is now ended.
some part of
the ground and stock In the lighting organised labor. Nothing could be further from ment submitted to them. ferred creditors, and that they should
The ground In dispute embraces as well as some cash. withdrawn, the whole district will be supplied with miners •“The depositors of the banka other ail sign at once.
110 acres and was originally
owned ** oross company, the truth. We are perfectly willing that our employes form It is but fair, and I
The ground of the Norcroas
company from outside points. than that In Goldfield have signed up Will attend to the rest. But I can do
the Bulls and Bears corporation,
whlc Co- to work In an organisation, and will recognise and treat with them as
Nor- is well located, being Just east of The men who arrived yesterday will be put frery well," said Mr. Rickey. "So far an nothin* so long as there are
C. V. laggards.
passed to the control of Dr. mountain and north of the
organised body. But we do not recognise the Western la
the Mohawk, principally, as the Combination has already
lumbia as Goldfield concerned there Is a delay It Is my hope to open the bank on Janu-
who organised
cross, of Butte. Mont., No extensive work has
shaft Federation of Miners as a labor organisation. It is a social- that does no good. 1 am back of the In- ary 2. but I must have more
the Norcross Minin* company
on a part wanas
done on it. but it is understood ■»«ny as can be used to advantage. The experienced is inimical stitution with my fortune
Kvery de- before that time, otherwise there will lie
re- been which is being istic body given over to politics and power, and
of the property. The ground *•*
that the company,
which is composed will be put to wort in the main shaft, positor will get dollar for dollar, with Indefinite delay. It is
locate January 1. 1»0«. by J.
«• are pre- will fol- alike to the Interests of employe and employer. It will Interest, and maybe within less time up to the de-
Mc- largely of Butte capitalists, sunk from the 460-foot level. Other detachments positors. All I ask Is for them to stay
Morris Jones. A. H. Brown. Charle*

start work on a large acale. be distributed among the never, under any circumstances, be recognised again by the than Is specified In the contract. Rut I by the and T will
they claim pared to
mine on low right along, and the man will stay by them to tbs
Neill and R. T. Armstrong, be able to develop a
operators of this district.’’ ■eed the signatures You must not for- last ditch.”
worn and should mines and leases as fast as they arrive.
log that the annual assessment com- the property.
had not been done. Tbs Norcross

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