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Science (Form 1)

Bangladesh lady using sari cloth to filter river water. A simple method of using readily
available sari cloth to filter pond and river water successfully reduced the certain disease by
nearly half in a study conducted in Bangladesh.

You are required to discuss how sari cloth can be used to filter contamination water. You can collect the
information from the internet, magazines, newspapers, books or any other relevant sources. Present your
finding in the form of folio. Your folio must be written according the format given below.
(a) Cover o Think of title for this project
o Name
o Class
o Date
(b) Acknowledgment -
(c) Table of Content -
(d) Discussion A) Objectives
o State clearly aim/ goal of this project

B) Introduction
o What is filtration?
o What is sari cloth? (explanation with photo of sari cloth)

C) Discussion
Your discussion must contain the following:
i. Describe how sari cloth can be used to filter dirty water.
ii. Why sari cloth is suitable in filtering dirty water?
iii. Is the method used is an expensive or cost-effective appropriate
technology for reducing the contamination of drinking water?
Justify your answer.
iv. Discuss type of disease that has been reduced in Bangladesh by
using this method.
v. Discuss how clean water importance to human health.
vi. Suggest two ways on how to keep the water clean.
(e) References Record in detail – the books, the websites…which you have referred to.
useful website 1.
3. Science Text Book, Form 1 (page 12-15)

Reminder: WRITE what you have learnt and truly understood! TYPING is not allowed!
Evaluation Criteria


DESIGN Plan the project in detail with:
(20%) o Clear title 5
o Clear objective 5
o Creativity 5
o Method to complete the given task 5
PROCESS i. Collecting information that is 10
(20%) complete, accurate and in accordance
with assignments based on reference
ii. Providing a rough scope of writing/ 10
proposal/ students ask for advice or
consult teacher about project
APPLICATION Students apply following science process
(20%) skills in the project:
a) Observing
b) Classifying
c) Making inferences
d) Predicting
e) Communicating
f) Interpreting data
o Use more than 5 science process skills 20
o Use at least any 4 science process skills
o Use at least any 3 science process skills 16
o Use at least any 2 science process skills 12
o Use at least any 1 science process skills 8
PRESENTATI Students are able to communicate effectively
ON about the main idea of the project:
(20%) o content
o creativity 10
o group work 5
KNOWLEDGE Students demonstrate an understanding of
(20%) ideas through inquiry, research, analysis or
experience and able to answers:
o All questions (6 questions) in the 20
discussion part correctly
o Any 5 questions 16
o Any 4 questions 12
o Any 3 questions 9
o Any 2 questions 6
o Any 1 question 3

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