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“Welcome to my
‘Because Your
Clients Are Worth
It’ presentation. I
would like to start
off my presentation
with some statistics
regarding the law
firm client

Title Slide:
“Because Clients
Are Worth It”
Same as the slide.

Title Slide: Same as

the slide.

Transition: Fly In

“In other words, the
law firms basically
suck with client
services, which is
really concerning.
Why is it so
important for law
firms to provide
excellent client
services? There are
many reasons, but I
Transition: Bounce
will highlight three

Dramatic Question:
“Why is it so
important for law
firms to provide
excellent client

Narration: “The first

reason is, believe it
or not, the number
one bar complaint
that clients have
filed against
attorneys are due
to lack of

Transition: Grow/Shrink

Narration: “We’ve
spent a lot of time,
money, and worked
so hard to earn our
law degree and our
license. It would be
silly to lose your
license because you
couldn’t simply
return a phone call,
reply back to an
email, and/or keep
your clients in the
loop. To avoid the
risk of getting Transition: Grow/Shrink
disbarred, it’s
important to polish
your client service

Same as the slide.

Title Slide: Same

as the slide.

Transition: Grow & Turn

“Family law,
personal injury,
tort law,
criminal law, and
even estate
planning all have
one thing in
common: They can
bring out the
worst in people.
Even mild-
professionals can
suddenly become
rabid shells of
their former selves
when they need a
Transition: Wheel
lawyer. You see
people at their
worst when they
are filled with
anxiety and fear
about the system,
getting on with
their life, and their
future. Remember
that you are also
human. You may
eventually need a
lawyer and you
certainly would
want a lawyer who
treats you well
and have excellent
client service

“The third reason
is to preserve the
law firm’s
reputation. It
takes years to
build a reputation
and a few minutes
to ruin it. An angry
customer will not
hesitate to leave a
bad review and
notify their
network not to use
your law firm. Transition: Shape
Other law firms
and lawyers will
eventually find
out. It doesn’t
matter how great
of a lawyer you
are if you don’t
have any clients. If
you want to
maintain the law
firm’s reputation,
you must focus on
client service.
Happy clients refer
your firm to
others, and it isn’t
that hard to make
sure this happens.
It’s just a matter of
providing your
clients with good
client services.”

“Thank you for
watching and
please watch my
next video for tips
and strategies to
improve your
client service skills.
Because your
clients are worth

Transition: Split

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