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Discuss the struggle between the Federalists and anti-Federalists in

America (1787-1800). What were their respective political and
economic ideas? (20)


After U.S gained independence, attempts were made to realize republican

ambitions. the first representative government was formed in 1789.
Between 1789 to 1789, the country was governed by a congress made up of
6 governors. It was at this time, that differences emerged in the country
over political ideology. This gave rise to two strong groups, federalists and
federalists: george washington, john jay
antifederalists: thomas jefferson, thomas lee
the striking differences between the two groups were:

Form of government:
Federalists believed that power should be in the hands of those who had
been used it earlier. They felt, common man was not capable of running the
government and so he should not e allowed to govern.

Antifederalists, on the other hand believed that common man should also be
given the right to govern and that they had all the capabilities needed to run
a government.

Economic differences:
Federalists held a view that wealth should remain in the hands of the
aristocrats and land should be controlled by the government. They were not
willing for equitable distribution of wealth. They also wanted protocol for the
elite. They also felt that there should be federal reserve bank and money
should remain in the centre.

Antifederalists differed from federalists and earnestly desired equal

distribution of wealth. they felt that security and protocol should also be
given equally to all, elite and common man alike. they held the view that
state should have more financial powers.

Political ideology:

Perhaps, the most striking difference between federalists and anti federalists
was the concept of federation and federating units. Federalists wanted a
strong centre and relatively weak states. But antifederalists propounded
contrary views i.e strong federating units and a weak centre. They felt that a
strong federation would be similar to the former British domination.

federalists felt that the representation in congress should be in accordance
to the population of a state. But anti federalists wanted equality. They
wanted that the all the states should have equal representation in congress.

Bill of rights: bill of rights was the first amendment to the u.s constitution.
Basically, it consisted of 12 amendments, out of which only 10 were
accepted. The clauses of bill of rights are
• Freedom of assembly, association, press and religion
• Right to possess weapon
• Not to quarter soldiers
• No illegal searches and seizures
• Speedy trials
• Right to jury if theft above 12 dollars
• No excessive bails and punishments
• Should not be tried under due laws
• Should have rights other than those mentioned in the bill
• Should have powers other than those mentioned in the constitution.

Federalists did not consider the bill of rights to be necessary whereas, anti
federalists were bent upon the acceptance of bill of rights.

Federalists wanted the newly approved constitution to be ratified. On the
contrary, anti federalists were not willing to ratify the constitution without
bill of rights.

Critical analysis:
Dual federalism is the name given to the type of government between 1789
to 1900. From 1900 to 1960 was a cooperative federalism. Under johnson’s
government there was a creative federalism between 1960 to 1968. Grant in
aids were increased. From 1968 till present, contemporary federalism has
been in trend.

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